Chapter 768
Along the way, Hauge's men hurried on in fear.Worried about encountering an ambush by the Ming army on the road, and worried about the big defeat in the capital, it can be said that I don't know how to live this day.

Thanks to Hauge, he came up with a weird trick. He asked Bao Cheng to dress up like a deputy general of the Ming Dynasty, and then used fists and kicks when he was in a bad mood, which relieved his suffocating mood.

But in this case, Bao Chengxian was unlucky.While walking, I was suddenly scolded by Hauge; while I was sleeping, I was suddenly beaten by Hauge; while I was eating, I was suddenly beaten by Hauge...

To be honest, seeing that Hauge finally had something to vent, the other Jianlu also wanted to beat him up to relieve their depression.It's just that Bao Chengxian, an old bastard, has never been beaten, and he has to be careful when he is vented by Hauge alone, for fear that he will be beaten to death if he is not careful.

On this day, in the midst of suffering, Hauge's troops finally arrived at Kyoto. Looking at the ruined capital, Hauge wanted to cry but had no tears.Unexpectedly, he went to attack the Ming army, and lost his old lair as a result.

Thinking of the Ming army's Deshan, it was still under construction, while Kyoto was its own complete capital. Just such an exchange was such a huge loss!
However, what made him fortunate was that after the Ming army retreated, Jianlu came back to check the situation, so he contacted Hauge and the others.I learned that most of the people escaped and are now in Nagoya.

But at the same time, there is also bad news.The Tokugawa shogunate learned about what was going on in Kyoto and took the opportunity to increase the intensity of their attack.On the other side of Nagoya, Hauge took away the elite again, so they retreated steadily. Several daimyos who originally followed Hauge have already defected.Now it can no longer withstand the attack of the Tokugawa shogunate, and it is retreating steadily.

When Hauge heard this, he was furious: Damn, I can't beat the Ming army, and you Japanese people dare to take advantage of it, go to hell!

So, he immediately began planning an attack on the Tokugawa shogunate.

At this time, Turge, who attacked Xiaguan, also came back.Like Hauge in Deshan, they got nothing and lost a hundred people.

Although this result had been expected, Hauge was depressed after knowing it.So, Bao Chengxian couldn't avoid being beaten and scolded again.

Turge looked at it strangely, thinking that he used to beat the Ming army every day, but now he was beaten by the Ming army every day, and he was thinking, in his position, could he also beat him with his hands to relieve his depressed mood?

Subsequently, Hauge resumed war with the Tokugawa Shogunate.Although Hauge's troops, led by Bai Jiabing and Jianlu, were brave and good at fighting, no matter what, this time he led the elite to sneak attack the Ming army every time, not only causing the elite to run back and forth, but also starving in the end. After all, elites are human beings too, and it takes time to recover.

But these are actually trivial matters. The most fatal thing for Hauge's troops was that the Ming army attacked Kyoto, causing him to lose half of the grain and grass supplies in Kyoto.If it wasn't for the fact that Jingdu Jianlu took away a lot when he fled for his life, there would be no need to fight in the future.

But even so, the lack of food and supplies made Hauge's troops unable to withstand the offensive of the Tokugawa Shogunate. They retreated steadily, retreating from Nagoya to the ruins of Kyoto.

In this regard, Tokugawa Iemitsu, who had won many victories, finally breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had some smiles on his face.As long as Aixinjueluo, the power that established the captives, is wiped out, other daimyos will not be so difficult to deal with, and there is hope for the reunification of the Wa Kingdom.

Even if the power of Jianlu cannot be wiped out, it is okay to drive them all the way south, to the sphere of influence of the Ming army.In short, it is better to destroy the power of Jianlu!
Whether it was Itakura Shigemune or Hoshina Masaoyuki, they were always reminded that Hauge's subordinates must be wiped out by this rare opportunity.As for the emperor, it would be best if he could get it back. If he couldn't get it back, he would be killed. From then on, there will be no so-called emperor in Japan.

In this way, the Honshu Island of the Japanese country became shit again.The Ming army's one-day trip to Kyoto also let the Japanese people know that there is still a powerful Ming army over there, and no one dares to provoke it, which means that there is no war in the south.

Needless to say, after knowing this situation, the Japanese people began to flee to the south, avoiding the chaos of war, just to survive.

As a result, Sun Chuanting had more manpower to build the city.Moreover, under the pressure of competition, the Japanese showed unimaginable endurance. As long as they had a bite to eat, they were willing to go up mountains of swords and seas of fire.

Seeing that Xiaguan is about to be repaired, and Deshan is about to be completed, Sun Chuanting is a little restless.While starting to reorganize the young and strong among the Japanese, I began to think about what to do next!
On this day, Zheng Zhilong came to see Sun Chuanting in a hurry and reported to him: "My lord, according to the news from the Japanese who fled to the south, it is said that Emperor Goguang of the Japanese country fled in chaos and was captured by the Tokugawa shogunate, so they announced that Emperor Zhengtian had abdicated." , and now the orthodox emperor is Emperor Gokomei."

"Dog bites dog, as you like!" Sun Chuanting commented expressionlessly after hearing this.

After Zheng Zhilong heard this, he added: "The emperor of the Wa Kingdom has existed for thousands of years, and has a great influence in the Wa Kingdom. If the general's expectations are not bad, after the Tokugawa shogunate has the Emperor Houguang in their hands, the situation It will be more beneficial, and Jianlu will be wiped out by them."

In the past, the Japanese who could not escape had already brought back some news about the war in the north. Knowing that the Tokugawa shogunate was pressing every step of the way, Jianlu's power was getting smaller and smaller, and life was very sad.Now that there is one more emperor, this day will definitely be even more sad.

"Oh?" This time, hearing that Jianlu might be wiped out by the Tokugawa shogunate, Sun Chuanting finally responded, "Send Yebushuo to investigate and see how they are fighting?"

Even without the permission of Emperor Chongzhen, as far as Sun Chuanting himself is concerned, he would definitely not want the Tokugawa shogunate to dominate.

To put it bluntly, it was good, but this Jianlu insisted on provoking him, so that his strength was greatly damaged, and the Tokugawa shogunate took advantage of it. Does this deserve it?
Zheng Zhilong went to do it immediately according to Sun Chuanting's wishes.They sent warships to the north, and when they almost docked, they sent out Ye Fushou, who could speak Japanese, to investigate the war between Jianlu and the Tokugawa shogunate.

But before Yebu took back the news, the imperial decree of Emperor Chongzhen arrived.

This time the imperial edict was not a serious edict, but an edict conveyed through flying pigeons.

It is now August of the 21st year of Chongzhen, and the carrier pigeon channel has almost been established. It is convenient to send messages from the capital, but it is impossible to send serious orders.

Sun Chuanting translated the content by himself, and just looking at it, a hint of excitement appeared on his face.In his decree, Emperor Chongzhen made micro-manipulations on the war in the Wa Kingdom and set the latest policy.

Therefore, he immediately summoned Zheng Zhilong and others, held a military meeting, and said to them: "In order to completely defeat the remnants of Jianlu, the Tokugawa shogunate has reached an agreement with several big names in the north, and then mobilized all forces to attack the remnants of Jianlu. Now the remnants of Jianlu are almost unable to resist, the situation is very bad..."

Zheng Zhilong was very surprised when he heard this. Sun Chuanting clearly didn't know the situation in the north before, and he still asked himself to send people around the clock to inquire about the situation. How could he know so much and such detailed military information in the north now?

To be honest, he immediately thought of Emperor Chongzhen, but considering that Emperor Chongzhen was far away in the capital, it seemed impossible, so he was a little confused.

Afterwards, Zheng Zhilong immediately remembered the letter home sent to him by his son Zheng Chenggong. The letter mentioned that during the battle in Nanyang, the emperor once sent some mysterious wood carvings to the people below, saying that as long as he spoke to those wood carvings, Even though he is thousands of miles away, the emperor can know it immediately.Later facts proved that the mysterious wood carving did have this ability and could let the emperor know it immediately.

It is a pity that after the war, those mysterious wooden sculptures were taken back by the emperor.Otherwise, such a good thing could become a family heirloom.

Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong suspected that there should be some secret agents of Jinyiwei on the side of the Wa Kingdom, who had obtained the mysterious woodcarving bestowed by the emperor.

In fact, he guessed almost as well.Hauge and Turge had the so-called mysterious woodcarving function, which allowed Emperor Chongzhen to know the situation on the side of the Wa Kingdom as far away as the capital, and immediately issued an order.

What other people don't know is that the flying pigeons are actually affected by many factors, such as weather, birds of prey, etc., and it is easy to lose letters. As a result, there will be cases where the message is sent, but the recipient cannot receive it, which will lead to bad things. .

But for Emperor Chongzhen, this kind of influence is not very big.

He also has a Grade A eavesdropping seed on Sun Chuanting, so he knows whether Sun Chuanting has received it.Counting the time, if Sun Chuanting did not receive it, he would reissue Fei Ge's letter until Sun Chuanting could receive it.

No matter what kind of problems this Flying Pigeon Passing Letter has, it is ultimately faster than other ways of passing messages.Because of this, Emperor Chongzhen has now ordered the deployment of flying pigeons across the country, mainly for news transmission in the southeast and northwest.

It's not that he didn't think about the radios of later generations, but this thing has a lot of pre-requisites. At least at the current stage, it can't be made, so he can only rely on Daming's wealth to build a few important Flying Pigeons first. Let's talk about the communication channels.

At this time, after Sun Chuanting finished introducing the situation, he gave Zheng Zhilong a military order to execute immediately.

As a result, the Ming Dynasty's navy and army immediately dispatched and set off to sea again.

Compared with the sneak attack on Kyoto in the previous few months, this time because more Ming troops arrived in the country of Wa, the scale of the troops going out was larger.

Just like that, Daming saw that the other side was getting stronger in this chess game of the Wa Kingdom, so he reached out and fiddled with it, manipulating the chess game of the Wa Kingdom.

In this regard, the various forces in the Wa Kingdom, who are pawns, still know nothing about it.

(End of this chapter)

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