Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 765 Sneak Attack

Chapter 765 Sneak Attack
In the Deshan camp, flames suddenly burst out everywhere, and with the help of the sea breeze, it suddenly spread like a prairie fire, spreading rapidly, and the flames soared into the sky.

Many of the Japanese people who worked hard for a day woke up after being burned by the fire. They were all alone, struggling to survive, but soon fell down and couldn't move.

In just a short while, the camp was in chaos.There are fleeing Japanese people everywhere, and they can't tell who is from whom, and it is common for them to stab each other head-on.

The soldiers of the Ming army standing guard at high places were also raided at the beginning, and several of them were shot directly by bows and arrows.The remaining soldiers of the Ming army did not think about resisting, but immediately threw out their torches, jumped into the darkness, and retreated to the seaside.

The warships docked on the coast quickly untied the cables and left the shore when there was movement and movement.I don't know if it was a coincidence or what, but there were several ships on the opposite side of the ship. When there was a movement, the soldiers of the Ming army quickly entered their posts. go out.

On the shore, Hauge led his white-armored soldiers and elite Japanese men, regardless of the camp, and rushed to the coast immediately.Looking at the tents pitched by the shore, before seeing how many people came out, he grinned and said, "Kill me!"

Some Jianlu people immediately lit rockets and shot at the Ming army's tent; while most of the Jianlu people and the Japanese warriors rushed towards them with roars, ready to chop down the Ming army soldiers who escaped from the tent with a single blow.

But Bao Chengxian was beside Hauge and shouted anxiously: "Master, grab the warship first, then divide your troops to grab the warship..."

However, before he could finish his sentence, he saw something flashing in the flames.

Immediately afterwards, he heard continuous voices: "Boom boom boom..."

"Bang bang bang..." Iron bullets hit the shore one after another, plowing ditches. No matter the tents, the bodies of Jianlu or Japanese people, they could not stop the iron bullets from being castrated.

Haug was so frightened that he quickly jumped off the city wall and hid behind the city wall. He cursed bitterly: "Damn it, why are these Ming soldiers moving so fast? Are they sleeping on the powder barrel?"

After cursing, he ordered his subordinates to say, "Hurry up, assign some people to attack the warship for me, and if they can't grab it, burn it to me!"

As he was talking, Bao Chengxian, who was also hiding beside him, was taken aback after hearing his words: The counterattack on the Ming army's warship seemed too fast, right?

Thinking of this, he looked over.

I saw that many people on their side had entered the tent area where the Ming army camped.With the help of the flames, Bao Chengxian did not see Mingjun jumping out of the tent.More than one tent, many tents have been set ablaze by people from their side, but still no soldiers of the Ming army appeared.

On the contrary, the warships of the Ming army on the beach could be seen to have left the shore and were still retreating towards the sea.At the same time, more and more warships began shelling.

"Boom, boom, boom..." As the firelight shone, you could see deep ditches being plowed out on the shore from time to time, and many warriors here were smashed to pieces.

"No, I've been tricked!" Seeing this, Bao Chengxian broke out in a cold sweat, and this thought flashed through his mind.

But then, he couldn't figure it out. The plan was foolproof, and he didn't find any abnormality when he was lurking all the way. Logically speaking, it was impossible for the Ming army to detect it first. How could he fall into the trap?
I remembered that before the war started, I had carefully checked the news coming out from within. Everything was business as usual, and there was nothing strange at all!
Thinking of this, Bao Chengxian couldn't help but feel a little puzzled when he heard the roar of the Ming army's artillery on the sea: Could it be that the Ming army has been so cautious and always on guard against being attacked?

This... this is impossible!

He was stupid here. At this moment, Hauge had already noticed something was wrong, and shouted angrily: "What's the matter, why are the Ming soldiers on the boat, and the camp is full of empty tents, what's the matter?"

"Master, the Ming army seems to be on guard!" A white-armored soldier beside Hauge replied with a gloomy expression.

Hauge himself was used to fighting, so he already knew the answer.Turning around to look at the Deshan camp behind him, he saw fleeing Japanese people everywhere, the flames were soaring, and the houses that had been built were also burning.

If this is an ambush by the Ming army, it doesn't look like it.If you really want to know in advance, will it be burned like this?Then there is only one answer, the Ming army is very cautious and always on guard.

Seeing the warships on the sea getting farther and farther away from the coast, the subordinates who had already rushed to the seaside could shoot a few rockets on the ship, but at this time, they were beyond the range of the firing range and could not be shot at all.On the contrary, the artillery on the warships of the Ming army continued to roar.It may be because of the night, it is not easy to load, and the speed of the bombardment has also slowed down.

Seeing this, Hauge slapped his palm on the city wall very angrily, making a "snap" sound: "It took a lot of hard work to destroy the Ming army here, but the Ming army was so cautious that it fell short.Just burning the camp, how valuable is it?
"Master, beware of the Ming army's counterattack after dawn!" Bao Chengxian thought of making up for his mistakes, and quickly reminded Hauge.

After hearing this, Hauge didn't respond to him, but just widened his bull's eyes and looked at the Ming army warships on the sea with a face of reluctance: I'm really mad!
As he watched, Hauge's very angry face suddenly turned into surprise. He pointed in the distance and said, "What's going on? The Ming army has withdrawn?"

At this time, the sky in the east had already revealed a slight light of dawn, and the line of sight became a little clearer.

Bao Cheng looked first, and sure enough, he saw that the warships of the Ming army were getting farther and farther away from the coast, and were about to disappear into the sky.

"..." The Ming army didn't even try to take back Deshan, just ran away like this?

For a moment, Bao Chengxian couldn't figure it out.

At this moment, Haoge's subordinates all gathered towards him, and one of the white armored soldiers reported a little depressedly: "Master, only fifteen Minggou were killed in total, 56 of our brothers were killed and 25 were injured. They were all wounded by the artillery of the Ming army."

Calculated in this way, if the Deshan camp of the Ming army is not destroyed, it will be a loss.

Originally, he thought that this magical surprise attack, which he had never thought of beforehand, would definitely catch the Ming army by surprise. If it could seriously injure the Ming army, it would greatly relieve his pressure.

Thinking of this, Hauge was so angry that he wanted to vomit blood.

Seeing him like this, Bao Chengxian comforted him and said: "Master, maybe the Ming army going down to the pass is not so vigilant, and being able to wipe out the [-] Ming army over there is also a big blow to the Ming army! "

After hearing this, Hauge squinted at him, obviously not believing it.

Bao Cheng was bored first, so he had no choice but to go up to the top of the wall and start looking around.

Everything that can be burned has almost been burned, and there is smoke everywhere, and there are still embers burning.The corpses of Japanese people can be seen everywhere, and the smell of meat can still be smelled in the sea breeze.

In addition, many Japanese escaped with their lives, and they were all driven together, shivering and huddled together.

The Deshan Mountain built by the Ming army was completely destroyed just by looking at it.

He was watching, when he suddenly heard Hauge shouting in his ear: "What should we do next?"

Bao Chengxian quickly turned to look at Hauge, for a moment, he didn't know what to do.

In the previous plan, it was felt that this sneak attack would definitely succeed.Therefore, they never thought that this situation would appear.

So, what's next?
Bao Chengxian was in a daze, or he was racking his brains.Hauge was a little impatient, and asked again: "You son of a bitch, you were the one who came up with the idea of ​​sneak attacking the Ming army, what should we do now, are you talking?"

Being urged again, Bao Chengxian had no choice but to reply: "Master, let's consider the Ming army's counterattack first? Although they left by boat, they probably didn't know our reality, so they went to rescue the soldiers. Wait." In the future, when the Ming army reappears, it must be the main force to attack, and we have to guard against this!"

Hearing this, Hauge also turned his head and glanced at Deshan in the ashes, and said very unhappy: "Fuck you, if you don't get any benefits, then withdraw."

Is it crazy to let him fight the main force of the Ming army?He wouldn't do that!
Now that he had made a decision, Bao Chengxian naturally didn't dare to go against it, so he turned around and shouted to one of his subordinates: "Light up the fire and cook, and then take away the rest of the food!"

A white-armored soldier who had just rushed over just heard his words and couldn't help but immediately took over the topic and said, "Where did the grain come from? The granaries on the shore of the Ming army are all empty!"

"..." Hearing this, not only Bao Chengxian, but also Hauge and the others couldn't help being dumbfounded.

They came to attack the Ming army, of course they were lightly packed, how could they bring a lot of food.It was originally planned. After capturing Deshan and destroying the Ming army, their food would naturally fall into their hands.

But never expected that the Ming army was so cautious, not only sleeping on the boat, but even food on the boat!
Who knows that this is not over yet, the white armored soldier who came just now was holding a wooden sign in his hand, handed it to Hauge and said, "Master, I found this in the granary, I don't know what is written on it?"

After hearing this, Hauge took a look at it casually, and suddenly, his expression became very bad.He spoke tremblingly, handed the wooden sign to Bao Chengxian and asked, "Look... look at it... what's written on it?"

At this time, he hoped that his three-legged cat's Chinese character ability was because he had misrecognized the above characters, so he asked Bao Cheng to confirm it first.

When the white armored soldier handed it to Hauge just now, Bao Chengxian vaguely saw some of the words on it. Seeing Hauge's expression at this moment, his heart sank suddenly, and the hand that stretched out to catch the wooden sign was a little bit trembling.After finally picking it up, he immediately took a closer look.

 Thank you for the reward of 1100 starting coins for the wind blowing flowers and coolness, thank you for my right and wrong reward!

(End of this chapter)

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