Chapter 762
The voice was too noisy, and Hauge was worried that he couldn't hear the specific situation of the Ming army, so he didn't order the man to go up to the top of the city, but ran down the top of the city in a hurry, so that he could understand the situation of the Ming army as soon as possible.

For him, although the Japanese side was playing lively, he didn't have much to worry about.However, the news of the Ming army has always been a big stone in his heart.Worried all the time, don't know when it will fall?

He quickly arrived at the bottom of the city. As he strode closer to the subordinate, he asked sharply: "Where did the Ming army attack? How far away are they from us?"

Turg and the others who followed him also looked nervous. They were right behind Hauge, their eyes fixed on the man, and their ears were erected to listen a little uneasily.

The Jianlu who came to report the letter took advantage of the time to breathe steadily, and quickly reported to Hauge: "Master, the Ming army did not come here, but after they landed on Honshu Island, they were in Xiaguan and Deshan. The construction of the city in the two places seems to be based on these two places, and then go north to attack. As for the number of Ming troops, it is about [-] in Xiaguan, and [-] in Deshan, but most of these Ming troops belong to the It belonged to the Navy of the Ming Dynasty."

After listening to the detailed report, Hauge couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It was still far away from Kyoto and there was no sign of attacking north, which was good.

However, judging by the movement of the Ming army, it was finally going to fight north.Even if Hauge breathed a sigh of relief, his expression was not very good-looking, and as for smiling, he couldn't even smile.

After he glanced back, he waved and shouted: "Go, go back and discuss this matter!"

For the Ming army, it was really a serious problem, and he repeatedly told himself that he must pay attention to it.

He was no longer interested in the carnival in Nagoya. He immediately took the people around him and galloped back to the Chinese army camp outside the city, and then immediately ordered a military meeting with his close men.

For this military discussion, he didn't call any Japanese subordinates, but people from his own clan, including some people including Ming traitor Bao Chengxian, to discuss.

After explaining the situation, Hauge glanced at the people below with a sullen face, and asked them: "Obviously the Ming army will not let us go, what should we do next?"

Turg was already thinking about this on the way here.At this time, when he heard Hauge's question, he turned to look at the others, including the traitor Bao Chengxian. None of them spoke immediately, so he reported to Hauge: "Master, judging from this situation, the Ming army should not attack northward in the short term." Signs. Since this is the case, we might as well speed up and wipe out the Tokugawa shogunate, and then call the daimyo from all over the world to form an alliance to deal with the Ming army!"

The Tokugawa shogunate was the original ruler of the Wa country. If this is not eliminated, the new replacement will not be able to coerce the Wa country.

Turge's meaning is very clear, that is, to end the war in the Wa country as soon as possible, and after killing the Tokugawa shogunate, appropriately give up part of the interests, win over other daimyos, and form an alliance against the Ming army.

Hearing his idea, many Jianlu leaders nodded and agreed with his proposal.

However, Hauge has learned his lesson. Seeing that most of the people below agree with this idea, he frowned, and suddenly said: "Then if what the Ming army shows is just an illusion, maybe they will take advantage of us If you don't pay attention, what should you do if you suddenly attack us? Don't forget, we have suffered such losses many times!"

The so-called fear of well ropes once bitten by snakes for ten years, Hauge personally experienced the loss of Liaodong, and watched the Japanese army being beaten to pieces by the Ming army. The Ming army is often not like this!The more they are afraid of something, the more the Ming army will do it!
Now his subordinates think that the Ming army should not attack north immediately, so Hauge’s conclusion is that the Ming army will definitely attack north immediately; what they are most worried about now is that the Ming army will attack them, so the Ming army will definitely attack them. will attack them.

At this time, after listening to Hauge's reminder, the Jianlu in the Chinese army's tent were speechless for a while.According to previous experience, especially if the emperor of the Ming Dynasty personally led the army, it was definitely like this.

However, we are in the Japanese country now, and the Emperor of Ming Dynasty is not leading the army. It is impossible for this to happen again, right?Besides, if the Ming army was so powerful, how did they defeat the Ming army in the past?
Thinking of this, some Jianlu felt a little disapproving.However, they didn't dare to go against Hauge's intention, so they had no choice but to remain silent.

Hauge stared at what they were looking at, seeing their expressions, how could he not know what they were thinking.Immediately, he was unhappy.What do you mean, that you feel like a coward because of being frightened by the Ming army?Be careful, there is no big mistake, if you lose, where can you escape next?Now there is no way out!
He was thinking like this, and when he was about to get mad, he suddenly saw Bao Cheng, who had been lowering his head, raised his head first, and went out to play to Hauge: "This slave thinks that the master is wise, and the Ming army is likely to confuse us. Brightly repair the plank road and secretly hide Chencang!"

Having said that, he turned to look at the others, and then reminded in a deep voice: "Everyone, don't forget that the Ming army has naval divisions, and it doesn't have to go north by land! This is the country of Wa, the navy of the Ming country. The effect is great, they can even land at close range and directly attack Kyoto!"

Hearing this, everyone was shocked, even Hauge himself was quite surprised.

Although these Jianlu came to the Wa country by boat, in their bones, they still didn't take the navy seriously, and what they always thought about was the war on land.

Of course, it can also be said that Hauge's headquarters has never had its own navy and has been fighting on land, forgetting that Japan is an island country and how important the navy is.

It is absolutely possible for the Ming army to attack from the sea and land directly on the seaside closest to Kyoto!

When they were all shocked, Bao Chengxian said again: "We can't afford to be defeated. As long as we lose in one battle and the loss is too great, even if the Ming army didn't destroy us, the Tokugawa shogunate will definitely take the opportunity to destroy us! "

Hearing this, Hauge immediately stared at him and asked, "Then what shall we do?"

Turge was also in a hurry, and then asked: "Then what should we do? The Ming army has a navy, and we are hard to defend against this broken island! Or..."

After hesitating for a while, he added to Hauge: "If the master orders that no one is allowed within a hundred miles from the sea, and all of them move inland, even if the Ming army wants to attack us, they will have to travel a long distance by land. OK?"

When Hauge heard this, he frowned and immediately started thinking.

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that this method was impossible.So, he raised his head and was about to nod his head in agreement, but just happened to see something wrong with Bao Chengxian's expression, and couldn't help but move in his heart. Could it be that this smart dog has always been resourceful and has a countermeasure?
One thing, he had to admit, those who were born in Minggou usually had their brains manipulated by them.

Thinking of this, Hauge asked Bao Chengxian, "What do you think, let me hear it?"

Needless to say, Bao Chengxian did have ideas.Hearing Hauge's question, he stroked his thin white goat beard and said, "Master, this servant thinks that we must catch the Ming army by surprise."

Hearing his words, it seemed that he already had a good plan to deal with the Ming army. Hauge couldn't help but feel happy, and quickly asked: "How can you use a surprise?"

If he didn't expect it, then it was probably a surprise.Being able to defeat the Ming army was what he had always dreamed about.

However, Turge next to him was a little unconvinced, and immediately followed Hauge and said, "How to deal with the Ming army? They have navy divisions, but we don't. Should we lie in ambush and catch them by surprise when they land? But, when and where they will land, who knows, come and tell me how to do it unexpectedly?"

Bao Chengxian listened, but smiled slightly and said: "Naturally, we have no way of knowing where the Ming army will land or when they will land! But, there is one thing that is very certain, namely Xiaguan and Deshan! "

Speaking of this, he turned his head to look at Hauge, and said in a very confident tone: "Master, the Ming army probably never expected that we would attack Xiaguan and Deshan. This is a surprise. In addition, the reason why we attacked this There is another advantage in the two places, that is, if the Ming army is severely defeated, even if their navy has a plan to land and attack us, they will have to run aground. As long as we deal enough blows to the Ming army in Wa, the Ming army will If we want to transfer troops from the pass, it will not be possible in a short time. Maybe, because of the excessive loss of troops, we have given up the idea of ​​continuing to attack the Wa country."

Hearing his words, all the Jianlu couldn't help being stunned.Indeed, they were all terrified of being beaten by the Ming army, and they really never thought about taking the initiative to attack the Ming army.Their original thinking was that the Ming army did not come to attack them, and that was already thankful.

When Hauge thought about it with this kind of thinking, he was immediately overjoyed.

Bao Chengxian's proposal was not only unexpected, but if it was successful, there would be considerable benefits.This can be regarded as an offense instead of defense, a very good move.

So, without waiting for other Jianlu to express their opinions, Hauge immediately asked impatiently: "Then how do we attack the Ming army in Xiaguan and Deshan? How can we severely damage the Ming army?"

When the other Jianlu listened, they all held their breath and listened with their ears upright.For them, they really wanted to defeat the Ming army.

Bao Cheng listened first, smiled slightly, and said confidently: "Master doesn't ask, the slave has to say it. Just now, the slave has thought carefully about the completely feasible strategy. I dare not say that I will definitely defeat the Ming army, but basically it is It’s certain…”

As he said that, he articulated his thoughts in detail, so that Hauge and the others had bright eyes.

 There is another chapter to make up for last night.

(End of this chapter)

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