Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 760 Hauge's Prestige

Chapter 760 Hauge's Prestige
During the 20 years of Chongzhen, Hauge got his wish under the suggestion of Ming traitor Bao Chengxian, raided Kyoto, and completed the plan of "taking the emperor to order the princes".

Of course, the Tokugawa shogunate knew the importance of controlling the emperor. Therefore, after Itakura Shigemune fled back, the Tokugawa shogunate mobilized the Hoshino Masayuki Department of the Aizu Domain, gave up deterring other daimyos, and focused on attacking Kyoto.

However, how could Hauge give up the fat in his hand? In this year, he fought more than 20 battles with the Tokugawa shogunate. In the end, the Tokugawa shogunate worried that the loss of strength would be too great, and others would sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and eat him. The shogunate had to retreat to Edo.Therefore, Hauge has firmly settled on the side of Kyoto.

Later, Bao Chengxian, who was still a traitor, suggested to Hauge to forcefully marry the previous emperor, that is, Emperor Meisho.

The reason why it is said to be a forced marriage is because this Emperor Mingzheng, her grandfather was Tokugawa Hidetada, the second general of Edo.It was also because of this relationship that she accepted her father's abdication at the age of seven and succeeded her as the Empress.However, at the age of 20, he gave up the throne to his half-brother, who is now Emperor Guangming.

As for Emperor Meisho herself, she was of course willing to continue to maintain a good relationship with the Tokugawa Shogunate, rather than watch the emperor be controlled by Aisin Gioro who appeared out of nowhere.

However, Hauge controlled the capital, as long as it was beneficial to him, how could he care about anything.Anyway, Emperor Meisho is only 23 years old and unmarried, and he, Hauge, is also a person who has no Fujin now.

Besides, as long as it is beneficial to him, even if Emperor Mingzheng is an old woman at this time, or has a husband, he can marry her.

Therefore, on the last day of the 20th year of Chongzhen, it was also the day when Hauge married Emperor Mingzheng.

The so-called one of the three great joys in life, the wedding night, is what Hauge is experiencing at this time.

But at this time, although it was time for him to enter the bridal chamber, he was not in his new house, but in the side room, conspiring with his people.

I saw Hauge asking his men: "Now that I have married this woman, when will I let that bullshit Emperor give me the Zen throne?"

That's right, forcibly marrying Emperor Mingzheng is the first step, and the second step is to regain the emperor's position and let her Fujin become the emperor again.In this way, he is the emperor's husband, and his ability to control is even stronger!

Not only that, but there is a third step, which is to turn back to the Emperor Mingzheng and then take the throne, and the target is Hauge himself, so as to complete his ultimate goal of Hauge as the Emperor of the Wa Kingdom.

At this moment, upon hearing Hauge's question, Bao Chengxian replied respectfully: "Master, you still have to be a little patient, at least wait a month and see again, if the eating looks too ugly, I'm afraid it will attract strong opposition from the Japanese, which is not good."

Turge didn't care too much, and suggested to Hauge: "With the ability of the master, I can tidy up this Japanese woman and do whatever she asks. Then the master has the final say on when the Zen position will be!"

Hearing this, all the men in the room laughed heartily and obscenely.

Hauge even patted his chest and said loudly: "Just that little girl, don't think about it these days."

After finishing speaking, he immediately frowned and said again: "But the Ming army has been eyeing it all the time, I'm afraid the situation will change if we delay, so how about hurrying up this concession?"

Bao Cheng listened first, and after thinking about it for a while, he played again: "Master, if Fujin can fully support, the two moves before and after are really easy to go. Although the time must be a little faster, as long as the master becomes the emperor Afterwards, I'm willing to give you a reward, I believe the Japanese will not have too many complaints."

Speaking of this, he was afraid that Hauge would not understand, so he added: "The Japanese people referred to by the slaves are not the daimyos from all over the place, but the warriors. As long as the master rewards them and bribes them, it is useless even if the daimyos object."

Relatively speaking, no matter what Hauge did, those big names would definitely oppose it.As for ordinary people, they are cattle and sheep waiting to be slaughtered, and they don't need to care about them. The most important thing is the warrior class, which is the main group that affects the situation in our country.

Hauge has been in Wa country for several years, so of course he knows about these situations, and he nodded immediately when he heard what he said.

So, after several people conspired for a while, they came up with a further plan.

In the end, it was Bao Chengxian who raised the wine glass first and said: "So, the night is already dark, and the servant will not disturb the master to show off his glory!"

Turge also laughed when he heard this, toasted, and told Hauge not to underestimate the name of the Jurchen.

Hauge didn't say anything, he picked up his own wine glass and drank it in one gulp, without wiping off the wine from his beard, he laughed and strode out to the bridal chamber.


Fifteen days later, that is, the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in the 21st year of Chongzhen, Hauge supported Emperor Mingzheng and appeared in the court hall, followed by a group of convicts, pointing to Emperor Houguang in public and saying: "The position of the emperor belongs to Fujin. You have been sitting for so long, you should come back!"

The Japanese are no strangers to Hauge's rudeness.Before forcibly marrying Emperor Mingzheng, it was directly leading the army to break into the palace.But they didn't expect that Hauge would be so arrogant and wanted to grab the emperor's position in public.

So, an old Japanese man finally couldn't bear it anymore, stood up, pointed at Hauge angrily, and said tremblingly: " are so courageous, dare...dare to hold..."

However, before he could finish his words, Turge strode forward, drew his sword out of its sheath, and slashed it out fiercely. In the blink of an eye, a human head rolled to the ground with eyes wide open and a look of horror on his face. Finally stopped.

It can be seen that he never thought until his death that these murderers would kill people so recklessly.

Emperor Houguangming on the throne is only 15 years old.Although countless people died, he was protected in the palace, which was unprecedented.At this time, I suddenly saw an old minister who was talking and was chopped by his brother-in-law's sword. Blood spurted out from his neck and his head rolled.He had seen such a scene before, and he screamed in fright, jumped up quickly, and hid behind the palace maid next to him.

Emperor Mingzheng was also shocked. He opened his mouth to speak, but was slapped by Hauge so that he lowered his head and dared not raise his head again.

When the other Japanese saw this scene, no one dared to speak anymore, and even many people's legs were trembling.

Turge pointed at Emperor Houguang with a bloody knife, and shouted sharply, "Abdicate?"

In this case, as long as you don't want to die, you can only do things according to Hauge's will.At this time, swords and guns are the last word, and everything else is of no use.

In this way, Emperor Mingzheng became the emperor of Japan again.

Under the deliberation of Haug and others, this matter spread to all over the country in the first time.

When Tokugawa Ieko heard about it, he was so angry that he vomited blood.

Hauge did this, even if others didn't know that he wanted to be the emperor himself in the end, his approach made everyone feel his ambition.

All of a sudden, many big names condemned Hauge.However, the fact that Emperor Mingzheng became the emperor again instead of being the emperor, after all, it cannot be changed by their condemnation.

What surprised them even more was that one month later, in mid-February of the 21st year of Chongzhen, it was revealed that the Emperor was seriously ill, and all the emperor's affairs were entrusted to Hauge as the actual regent.

After Hauge changed hands, he proclaimed it to the world and greatly improved the treatment of the warrior class.Although the samurai under the other daimyo only had better-sounding names, at least the samurai who took refuge with him all received substantial rewards.

For his blatant and arrogant behavior, many big names rose up to resist.Among them, one of the daimyos closest to him was the first to lead the army to attack Kyoto, and his name was Qing Junfang.

However, when the two armies faced each other, the samurai under the daimyo suddenly turned against each other, and they suffered a complete defeat.

It can be said that during this period of time, Hauge was in high spirits and extremely arrogant.The head of this daimyo was hanging on the top of the city of Kyoto, and the daimyo who originally wanted to attack Kyoto together retreated immediately in fright.

For this, Hauge was overjoyed, and rewarded the traitor Bao Chengxian heavily.Because it was Bao Chengxian who came up with the strategy, he bought the daimyo's samurai in advance, and promised to make a lot of money, so this scene happened.

After this battle, Hauge officially began to declare whoever was rebellious in the name of the emperor (currently the regent) and started a crusade, turning defense into offense.However, the traitor Bao Chengxian was there, so he didn't just make waves all the time, but used a strategy of long distance and close attack.

For example, the Aizu feudal clan was originally guarded to deter the daimyos in the northern part of Honshu Island. Hauge adopted the method of alliance, which was to increase the rewards, and even changed the fiefdoms of other people to them, so that they all had An excuse to take advantage of this troubled world to expand its power.

All of a sudden, the flames of the Wa country once again spread all over the country.There are wars everywhere, and they are even more chaotic than the Warring States period before the Wa Kingdom.

Under the chaos of war, how many people will go to production, and the barrenness of the land is a trivial matter. With the death of more people, the plague began to spread.Not only Hauge's subordinates, but almost all daimyos, every time they attack a place, they plunder the locality, and then engulf the population to attack the next place; , It began to repeat itself in the country of Wa.

On March 21, the 28st year of Chongzhen, Sun Chuanting, who was anxiously waiting in Tsushima Island, finally received the order of Emperor Chongzhen to send troops to occupy Kyushu Island.

Although the imperial decree only occupied Kyushu Island, an island with a small population, it still made Sun Chuanting very excited and immediately ordered to send troops.

If he really had to wait any longer, Sun Chuanting would really be anxious to death.Not only did Lu Xiangsheng make military exploits in Nanyang, but Hong Chengchou was also transferred to the northwest grasslands to reorganize the army.

Sun Chuanting, hurry up!Now that I got the will, I acted immediately.

Of course, he grasped what the emperor meant, and he knew exactly what to do.

(End of this chapter)

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