Chapter 755

In just one day, the governor of Batavia left Batavia with the rest of the Dutch and his servants.

Among his servants, the Japanese all went with him, which is also impossible.

From a distance, the Japanese were not welcomed by the Ming people, and Ming and Wa were still at war; more recently, they offended Su Shigui, and I don’t know if Su Shigui would retaliate against them, and they dared not stay.Therefore, the Japanese can only follow the Dutch and continue to work for the Dutch.

Among the native soldiers, only a small number followed.As for the others, they either went to the feet of Ming people like Su Shigui, or scattered in the mountains and forests and returned to their own tribes.

On the port pier, seeing his subordinates getting on the boat listlessly, Anthony sighed inwardly, then stood up, turned his head to look at Su Shigui behind him, opened his mouth to speak, but didn't know what to say.In the end, he let out a long sigh and said, "You are so lucky to have a powerful country!"

"Who says it's not!" Su Shigui said to Anthony with pride and irony, "If you don't have a strong country of your own, you'll kill us all!"

After hearing this, Anthony also laughed at himself, stopped talking, turned around and walked to the boat in a little silence.

Su Shigui watched them get on the boat, or it could be said that he supervised them all getting on the boat.From then on, the masters of Batavia were them, and they belonged to the Ming Dynasty.

Behind him, a young man suddenly approached him and said in a low voice: "Uncle, we have weapons in our hands now, why don't we leave them all behind?"

After hearing this, Su Shigui turned his head and glanced at him, then looked at the direction where the family was placed in the distance, and finally retracted his gaze, shook his head and said, "Forget it, we are not sure of winning, if we hurt the family, If there are heavy casualties, it will fail the emperor's wishes."

Although they have weapons in their hands, and although their number is larger than that of the Dutch remnants, the Dutch also have weapons in their hands, and the Japanese warriors will help them. When the time comes to fight, they may not be able to beat them.

After finishing speaking, Su Shigui's spirit suddenly cheered up, and he told the people around him: "Our focus now is to welcome the arrival of the royal master of the imperial court. Everything must be handed over to the imperial court. Don't be careless. !"

If it's just them, they won't be able to keep Batavia, and they will definitely be eaten by the natives.Besides, it was the imperial court that saved them from the Dutch, and it was the imperial court that forced the Dutch away. Anyway, this Batavia should belong to the imperial court.

When the others heard this, they all showed excitement and nodded quickly.It can be seen that they all have a look of can't wait on their faces.

At noon the next day, the Ming people who were waiting at the mouth of the river suddenly saw a fleet of ships approaching in the distance, and the flag of Ming was flying in the wind.The people on board were probably all on the deck, a piece of red.

"Guan Jun, it's the Guan Jun that's coming, come!" The people who saw it first shouted wildly, and the excitement was like a welcoming team.

Before this, they never imagined that they would be so excited and impatient when they saw the imperial army coming.

The smoke of the war is rising, and the imperial court army has arrived at the city of Batavia, which is five miles away!

Soon, the news spread here in Batavia City, causing a sensation in the whole city.No matter men, women, old or young, all flocked to the direction of the port. Everyone put their feet on their feet anxiously, stretched their necks and looked towards the direction of the river, thinking that they would be able to subdue the most powerful Xiyi and kill them immediately. What do the court officials and soldiers who bow their heads and ears look like?

Wait and wait, they have never felt it, why is this time so long?This waiting is really too worrying!

Finally, the Ming warship came in along the river, and the Ming people here in Batavia port could see it, and everyone became excited, and many people started to walk out along the river spontaneously to meet the imperial court. officer army.

In everyone's hands, there are gifts that they have carefully prepared over the past two days, including food and drinks...

Eating the pot of milk and welcoming Master Wang, this scene would never have happened in the original history, but it happened on this plane.

The imperial court took over Batavia, renamed it Mingzao City, and established Mingzao County, which was under the jurisdiction of Nanyang Prefecture.The government of Nanyang Prefecture is located in the future Singapore.

Undoubtedly, the purpose of this setting is to control the two important passages of the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean in Daming's hands.Among them, the Strait of Malacca is the most important.By the way, the Strait of Malacca was also renamed as the Zheng He Strait to commemorate the passing of Zheng He's fleet.

Daming's approach also caused a little episode.

The Portuguese wanted to reoccupy the Zheng He Strait on the grounds that the Dutch had taken it from them.Now that the Dutch have been beaten away, it should be returned to Portugal.

Regarding this point, Daming directly refused.It is said that it was taken by Daming from the Dutch, and of course it belongs to Daming.

The Portuguese still wanted to argue with reason, and Daming directly stated the chariots and horses. This is the most important waterway that affects Daming, and it is absolutely impossible for others to occupy it. You Portugal must either turn against Daming, or you can only obey.

As soon as this reason came out, the Portuguese was immediately speechless.Although they had prepared a lot of reasons before, however, being blocked by such a strong reason from Daming, they could only admit it.

Seeing that the Portuguese were subdued, Lu Xiangsheng gave them another reason for consolation: Even if the Strait of Malacca was given to you, Portugal, you would not be able to gain a foothold here. Don’t forget, when you Portuguese occupied this place before, you The war with the Kingdom of Johor has been going on and on, so the Dutch were given a chance to drive you away.

Only when this place belongs to Daming can the Siyi surrender, and no one dares to say anything!
The Portuguese certainly realized the strength of Ming Dynasty at this time, and understood that Ming Dynasty was in Nanyang, and it had come from the suzerain country since ancient times, and it had a great influence.

Daming has now sent troops to drive away the Dutch and Spaniards, and set the place they occupied as the territory directly under the jurisdiction of the Ming Dynasty. The surrounding aborigines dare not even fart at all, and they all rushed to visit and go to the capital of the Ming Dynasty. Tribute.

Thinking about occupying this side again, I have fought with the natives here, and I have never been safe at all.

This gap is indeed too big!

Thinking of gaining the greatest trade benefits from Ming, Nanyang is within the sphere of influence of Ming, so there is no objection to Portugal's travel to and from Europe, at least on Nanyang.

Things in Nanyang are basically settled down.Once the Ming Dynasty sent troops, it took Spain and the Dutch away, and also occupied Luzon and the two most important straits.

Of course, there is still a little bit left untreated.

For example, Anthony, the former governor of Batavia in the Netherlands, has not arrested him after the promised time.It is said that he fled to the Strait of Hormuz in the Middle East. I don’t know if he fled back to the Netherlands in the end.

Mentioning the Strait of Hormuz is another sad history for the Portuguese.In the fifth year of the apocalypse, the Dutch and the British took the Strait of Hormuz from the Portuguese.

In addition, the two warships headed by Spain's Filot escaped the battle of Manila by chance. After knowing that Luzon was occupied by the Ming army, they immediately fled from Taiwan.When passing through Taiwan, he also went ashore to rob and kill people, replenish supplies, and then fled to the direction of Japan, probably to cross the Pacific Ocean and flee to the Americas.

These two things were finally reported to Emperor Chongzhen who had moved to Guangzhou.For this reason, Emperor Chongzhen issued two imperial edicts in succession.

The first imperial decree was aimed at the fugitive Antony of the Netherlands.An order was issued to Yan Yingyuan, the governor of Dongwu, to choose a port on the Indian Ocean coast of Dongwu to build a shipyard and prepare to form a new naval base for the Ming Dynasty.

The second imperial edict was to hunt down Spanish Filot.Emperor Chongzhen once said that the murderer of the people of Ming Dynasty would be pursued to the end of the world.Therefore, the decision to capture Japan was officially issued.

On the one hand, the Wa Kingdom has long coveted Daming's heart, and it cannot stay, and wants to be destroyed; on the other hand, Da Ming wants to use the islands of the Wa Kingdom as a basis, cross the Pacific Ocean, and continue to hunt down the Spaniards.

These two decrees can be said to be the supplement and follow-up to the decree of Emperor Chongzhen before he launched the Lu Song War, so that everyone can know that what Emperor Chong Zhen said at the time was by no means a joke: The local aborigines massacred the people of Daming four times, regardless of men, women, old or young. Such evil deeds, the people and gods are indignant! Repaying grievances with kindness, how can we repay virtue? Don’t treat me as mud, if you dare to attack my Ming people, I will retaliate with a tooth for a tooth, Lu Song is an example! Even though the world is far and wide, I will never let you go! My oath, the world can learn from it!"

Words must be followed, and the label of Emperor Chongzhen has been emphasized again, so that everyone can understand that the words of Emperor Chongzhen must be taken seriously.In this regard, it will naturally help to enhance the prestige of Emperor Chongzhen in the country and in the country of Yi.

Not to mention what the common people think about this, Emperor Chongzhen did not pay attention at this time, and his attention was shifted to domestic construction.

The Portuguese fleet that had just returned with a full load of goods from Ming Dynasty, when it came all the way from Europe, naturally brought what Ming needed: books, talents;

At this time, Europe was at the end of the Thirty Years War, a long-lasting war that killed nearly half of Europe's population.It can be said that under such a long period of war, if there is a place to escape, if you don't want to fight, of course you want to escape.

Therefore, the Portuguese recruited for Daming, and there should not be too many people who signed up. After being personally selected by the King of Portugal, the remaining people are now standing in front of Emperor Chongzhen.

 Thanks to the book friend 20180603234233714 for the reward of 500 starting coins, and thank you for selling the little girl De Match for the reward of 400 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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