Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 750 Isn't it very arrogant?

Chapter 750 Isn't it very arrogant?
When Diego heard it, he was taken aback immediately: Didn't it mean that Anthony, the governor of Batavia, would arrive earlier than the Ming army?Why did the Ming army come to fight, but he still hasn't been seen? Could it be that he wants to take advantage of his own side and the Ming army after losing both sides?
When he came back to his senses, he couldn't care less, and immediately ran out, jumped on his horse, and galloped all the way to the wall in the direction of the port to see the situation.

In Manila, there are panicked crowds everywhere.There were Spaniards, and there were also natives. Many people ran around like headless chickens, and some even blocked Diego's way.

After a long period of fuss, Diego finally rushed to the top of the city, and immediately looked intently, and saw a huge fleet on the sea surface of Manila Bay, approaching the port of Manila City.

On the port side, the fleet belonging to Spain has already launched a defensive formation.However, he had placed high hopes on the Dutch fleet, which was very arrogant before, but was still in a hurry. Many crew members didn't even have proper clothes, and they were scurrying around on the deck to prepare for battle.

Apparently, this was because their leader, the dragging West, wasn't there.Taking away three hundred people is also one of the reasons.

Thinking of this, Diego couldn't help but curse in his heart.These Dutch people are so unreliable that they fall behind at critical moments!The Ming army came over, but their governor didn't arrive, and even that West didn't know where he died?

Of course he didn't know that West really died there and couldn't come back!
At this time, Diego didn't bother to blame the Dutch too much, and immediately picked up the binoculars and began to carefully observe the Ming fleet.

Looking through the telescope, you can see it more clearly.But it was precisely because of this that it surprised him.

Diego saw about fifteen Portuguese-flagged sailing warships among the huge Ming army warships.A total of about three hundred large and small warships were lined up on the sea, and the scene was very grand.

In European naval battles, if one side deploys hundreds of warships, it is already a big battle.Unexpectedly, when the Ming army attacked Manila, there were about [-] ships, including many large lucky ships.This gap in national strength is really not comparable to that of ordinary European countries.

But think about it, many countries in Europe are actually only as big as a province in this Far Eastern Empire.The gap in national power is obvious here!At this time, Diego felt like an adult came to bully a child.

However, he didn't know that in the original history, no matter how big the Eastern Empire was, what was the use of it, if it was not being ridden on the neck by these small European palm-sized countries.It can be seen from this that the most important thing is that the country must be strong!

At this time, facing the huge fleet of Ming Ming, Diego felt a lot of pressure.

Before, he believed what West said, thinking that the Ming army would not come so soon, so he assigned the battleship to Filot and asked him to find where the Ming army was hoarding food and supplies.There are only fifteen Spanish warships left in the port of Manila today, three of which are still transport ships, temporarily armed with a few guns.

Even if the ten Dutch warships are included, there are only 25 warships.At least in terms of the number of battleships, it is impossible to fight the Ming army.

But if it is changed to the past, in fact, no matter how many warships there are in the Far East, Diago is not afraid.As long as they face the battle on the open sea, the western-style sailing warship, with its fast speed and good guns, can completely defeat the Ming fleet through mobile warfare.

However, there are still twenty or five young Europeans in the Ming fleet.With the Portuguese in check, it may not be possible to fight a sports war.

However, even so, Diego had no choice but to immediately order the fleet to attack, so that the Ming army could not block the port.

On the top of the city, he also started shouting, asking his men, the natives, and some Japanese to quickly defend themselves.

Since the Tokugawa shogunate of the Japanese country began to close the country, a large number of Japanese wandered to Nanyang and were hired by these Western barbarians, including the Spanish and Dutch, as their thugs.On Luzon Island, the executioners who slaughtered the Ming people were also indispensable to the Japanese.

At this time, in the city of Manila, the Spaniards were limited by the number of people, and they all arranged to manipulate muskets and artillery, while the Japanese were archers and the main force in close combat.In any case, at any rate, the city defense of Manila was armed.

To defend Manila, the most critical thing is whether the naval battle can be won.

Therefore, watching the fleet go out to fight, Diego shouted loudly from the top of the city, cheering them up: "Governor Batavia will arrive soon, you have to deal with the Ming fleet, persevere, victory will be guaranteed!" belongs to us!"

After panicking for a while, they had already completed their battle preparations and were on board the Dutch warship preparing to follow behind the Spanish warship. When the Dutchmen heard this, they all yelled "Aww".Obviously, while they were cheering themselves up, they seemed to be responding to Diego: That's right, our Governor General will be here soon, and we still have to rely on us Dutch to decide the outcome!

After such an episode, facing an enemy with an absolute advantage in numbers, the Dutch were not afraid even if there were Portuguese warships helping the enemy.After leaving the port, it quickly surpassed the Spanish warship.

As they passed each other, the Dutch whistled at the Spaniards, their arrogance palpable.Just in terms of momentum, he immediately outshone the Spaniards. He was worthy of being called a sea outlaw, known as a sea coachman.

But at this time, they are fighting side by side.The arrogance of the Dutch also imperceptibly boosted the morale of the veteran maritime power.I saw those Spaniards shouting one by one, chasing the Dutch warship, and greeted the huge enemy fleet.

The fleets on both sides are getting closer and closer, so close that they can clearly see the people on the opposite side with a telescope.

At this moment, a Western-style sailing warship in the Ming Army fleet accelerated, surpassing the appearance of other warships by a hull, which made this warship particularly eye-catching, and the Dutch and Spaniards couldn't help but think of it. Focus on the ship.

It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, after looking at it, the faces of all the Dutch people suddenly turned pale.

I saw that the Ming army warship, along the ship's edge, was full of people tied up.You don't need to look closely, just from the appearance, you can tell that those are all Europeans.

The most important thing is that at the most conspicuous position on the bow, the man who was tied up was known to all the Dutch people, and it was Anthony, the governor of Batavia whom they had been looking forward to for a long time.

They may have thought about many possibilities, imagining when His Excellency the Governor will come to reinforce Manila and fight the Ming army with them.But they never expected that their Governor, His Excellency, was tied to the bow of the ship by the Ming army and came to Manila.

After recognizing His Excellency the Governor, it is natural that other people also recognize it, and they are all Dutch.

Immediately, the Dutchmen on the ten Dutch fleets were all shocked and stopped their work, and just stared at the Ming warship in a daze.

The Spaniards didn't know it at first, but the morale they were boosted allowed them to quickly catch up with the Dutch.Then, based on the former glory of the empire, they were unwilling to lose face in front of these Spanish traitors, and they all whistled back to the Dutch.

However, they soon discovered that something was wrong with the Dutch!No matter how you look at it, it looks like you have lost your soul.

At the same time, they also discovered that the most prominent warships of the Ming army were all Europeans.Suddenly, they were a little confused, what's going on?Who are those people?

With this idea, some people speculate that the changes in the Dutch may have something to do with the Europeans who were tied up.I was a little impatient, so I asked the Dutchman directly and loudly.

"What?" The Spaniard quickly turned pale with shock, "Those are you Dutch, and even your governor of Batavia was tied to the bow by the Ming army?"

Amidst the noise of the Spaniards, the Dutch came back to their senses, and all of them were at a loss.

His Excellency the Governor is on the opposite ship, which means that the Governor is defeated, and it is impossible to have reinforcements.What to do next?
Before, they fought based on the fearlessness of the "Sea Coachman", but at this time, they found that His Excellency the Governor was defeated and captured, and most importantly, their leader West was not there.Faced with this situation, the status quo where the dragons have no leader will no longer have the courage they had before.

"Boom boom boom..."

Ming warships and Portuguese warships began bombardment.

Subway bullets were fired one after another and landed on the sea near the Dutch and Spanish warships, causing splashes of water.

Although this first round of bombardment did not hit the Dutch warships, it also brought them back to their senses.I saw these Dutch warships, some hurriedly retreated to the port of Anila, and some turned around with full sails, trying to bypass the Ming army fleet and escape to the open sea.

Their reaction made the Spaniards immediately feel helpless.More importantly, the important news that the Dutch Governor of Batavia was captured by the Ming army also dealt a heavy blow to their morale.At this time, they did not dare to confront the huge Ming fleet and withdrew to the Manila port.

As soon as they retreated, the Ming army naturally attacked more smoothly.He bit the tail of the retreating Dutch and Spanish fleets and killed them.

"Boom boom boom..."

The artillery bombardment was like driving sheep.

Diego on top of the city of Manila looked dumbfounded.How to go to the battle well? This is not yet a battle. It was just the first round of shelling by the Ming army. First, the Dutch fleet collapsed and fled, and then my own fleet followed suit. What is going on?

Without the resistance of the fleet, the pressure on Manila City suddenly increased.Diego was sweating profusely, and quickly redeployed Manila's city defenses, concentrating the defense on the port side, and at the same time scolding the Dutch, isn't it very arrogant?What is it that runs faster than a rabbit!

 Thank you Wei for the reward of 61500 starting coins!
(End of this chapter)

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