Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 741 An Unexpected Joy (Update 1 update yesterday)

Chapter 741 An Unexpected Joy (Update Yesterday)
Sure enough, at the foot of the mountain behind them, there was a group of about a dozen indigenous soldiers coming towards them with knives and guns.Judging by their facial expressions, it seems that they are chasing something.

Seeing this, Brother Liu ordered in a low voice: "Don't move around without my military order."

When the other soldiers heard this, they immediately lowered their bodies a little lower to avoid being discovered by the native soldiers.

Suddenly, there was movement from the direction of the forest, which seemed to be the sound of a fight, and then a scream was heard.

After this scream, a man with disheveled hair suddenly jumped out of the mountain forest and rushed towards the coast, as if he wanted to jump into the sea.

And behind him, a person jumped out, a native. After seeing the group of native soldiers, he immediately pointed the blade of his hand at the man running in front and started to chirp loudly.

As soon as the leader of the dozen or so indigenous soldiers heard this, he immediately took out his bow and arrow and shot an arrow. I don't know if it was powerful or a coincidence, but it just hit the foot of the fleeing man with disheveled hair.

With a sound of "Ah", the man fell to the ground. When he saw the arrow on his foot, he couldn't help but said bitterly, "Damn it!"

The place where he fell was actually not far from the place where the soldiers of the Ming army were hiding.At first, they thought it was an internal matter among the natives, but they were all relieved when they saw that the man was shot down and would not come over to them.

But when he heard the man's words at this moment, all the soldiers of the Ming army looked at each other in blank dismay.Because they discovered that the person who was shot down spoke Hokkien and was from their hometown.

Just at this moment, those natives had already chased over and surrounded the fallen man.A group of people, armed with knives and guns, kicked the man on the ground while chattering.It can be guessed from their expressions that they are scolding the person on the ground.

To be honest, many soldiers of the Ming army couldn't stand the villagers being bullied so much by these natives.However, Brother Liu didn't give an order, so they all stayed still.

After a while, an aborigine dragged out a corpse from the forest and said something.It is estimated that the native was killed in the fight in the forest just now.

When the natives saw this, they became even more vicious, beating and stomping on the limbs of the man on the ground. The native archer grabbed the man's hair with one hand and held a knife in the other hand, muttering ferociously, as if he was asking something.

The man on the ground couldn't move, and he didn't give in after being beaten and threatened like this. With a "bah", a mouthful of bloody spittle hit the face of the aborigine who was pulling his hair, and at the same time he yelled sharply in the most familiar Hokkien dialect: "I want to kill you!" Just kill, want me to lead the way to kill my compatriots, but it's just a dream!"

Hearing this, Brother Liu's face clearly showed approval, and he immediately turned his head, seeing that his subordinates were all looking at him, so he nodded.

The native leader wiped off his spittle, and his face became more fierce.He raised the knife in his hand and wanted to cut the Ming man's throat.

But at this moment, an arrow flew from nowhere, nailed to his neck, and shot directly at the kind that pierced through, leaving only the arrow feathers that did not pass through.

Not only that, almost at the same time, other natives also fell to the ground with arrows.With just a little effort, only two natives were still standing.

The two natives screamed in fright, turned their heads to look, and immediately found someone not far away, and pointed their bows and arrows at this side again.

This time, they didn't care about their fallen companions at all, they turned around and wanted to escape.

However, no matter how fast their speed was, they were not as fast as bows and arrows. I saw that they were hit by several arrows in the back, fell to the ground at once, struggled a few times, and went to see King Yama faster than his companions. up!
The man who thought he was going to die looked at everything around him in amazement, and then sat up, only to find a group of young and middle-aged men in ordinary clothes holding bows and arrows, knives and guns, and axes on their backs. walk towards him.

Needless to say, these people must have killed these natives.

This sudden scene made the man stunned and speechless.

After seeing these people approaching, they ignored him, and just immediately went to make up the knife, and sent all the natives who were lying on the ground screaming to see King Yama.Then he dragged the corpses to the forest, apparently to hide them.

It wasn't until this moment that the man came back to his senses, and asked a little hesitantly, "You... who are you?"

"It's a fellow villager!" One of them answered with a smile in Hokkien.

As soon as he heard the authentic Hokkien dialect, this man became excited immediately, grabbed Brother Liu who just walked up to him and asked, "Which Zhuangzi do you belong to, how many people escaped, and do you have anything to eat..."

Obviously, he regarded this Ming army team as Ming people who escaped the Spanish massacre just like him.

After hearing this, Brother Liu shook his head with a smile and said, "We are the imperial army and belong to the navy. We are all from southern Hokkien!"

Upon hearing this, the man was stunned and stammered: "The imperial court... the imperial court... the official army... the imperial court... the official army?"

"Nonsense, is it possible that who do you think it is?" The Ming soldier who happened to be dragging an aborigine's corpse passed by listened, and said to him with a smile, "Brother Liu is still our general banner!"

Those who can be arranged to come here in Manila Bay must be the elite of the elite navy, brother Liu, named Liu Genfu, and a general banner officer.The other soldiers are all selected by him, and they are the most capable subordinates under his banner.They are brothers who live and die together, and have been together since they were pirates, so they are called brothers.

Liu Genfu smiled when he heard this, patted the man on the shoulder and said, "He's a man, he will never betray his compatriots until he dies, it's worth my risk to save you."

After finishing speaking, he looked at the man's leg injury, pulled out a dagger and said, "I'll treat the wound for you, it hurts a bit, bear with it!"

This man felt a little confused and was still shocked by the news he just heard.

It's not his fault. Over the years, when did you hear that Manila, no, the entire Luzon had imperial court troops?This sudden encounter, or when he met the imperial court army at the most critical time, it would be strange if he didn't get confused!

It wasn't until he felt severe pain in his leg that he came back to his senses with an "ah". Regardless of the pain in his leg, he looked at Liu Genfu who was bandaging his wound and asked, "My lord, what are you doing?" Will be here, could it be... Could it be that the imperial court sent us to save us?"

After he finished speaking, he felt a little impossible again.

You know, when Lu Song massacred the Ming people three times before, the imperial court did not control them.Although he has never experienced it, he has heard it from the old man.

Liu Fugen listened, nodded with a smile and said: "That's right, the emperor heard that the Western barbarians from Lu Song dared to slaughter our Ming people, Longyan was furious, and ordered to avenge you. The two previous times when the army went to sea, it was because of the storm. It was too big and turned back. However, the emperor did not give up, and even rushed to Annan from the capital in person. We came here by order to prepare for the arrival of the army."

Hearing this, the man was stunned again, feeling as if he was in a dream, it was so unreal!
The emperor personally rushed from the capital to Annan, wanting to avenge them and attack the Spaniards?
In his mind, the words once said by the elders of the tribe soon rang out again: "In the eyes of the emperor, we are all inferior bitches. It is not appropriate to engage in business, and it is even more inappropriate to come overseas. No. To put it bluntly, they probably want us to die outside. Otherwise, would these Westerners bully us like this? Isn’t it just because we are being bullied and no one can make decisions for us!"

Thinking of this, he became a little dizzy, looked at Liu Fugen and said: "But...but such a thing has never happened before, we were massacred by the Spaniards more than once!"

After hearing this, Liu Fugen said seriously: "I don't know anything else, but the current emperor is a good emperor. The people of the Ming Dynasty live and work in peace and contentment thanks to the emperor's wisdom, prowess, and love for the people! The fact that we were sent here is enough to prove everything! "

After he finished speaking, he thought of something, so he pulled off his coat with his hands, revealing the armor he was wearing inside, to prove his identity and further prove that he was not lying.

Seeing this, the man no longer had any doubts. He was so excited that he immediately started crying "woo woo woo".

Liu Fugen saw that he was a man who would rather die than surrender, but now he was crying like a child, and he understood his mood, so he reached out and patted his shoulder again and said, "Don't worry, you won't be bullied by Xiyi again in the future!"

Unexpectedly, after he said these words, the man cried even more sadly, and the tears fell sporadically.However, he also came back to his senses, nodded wildly, and kept wiping away his tears, but for a while, he couldn't wipe them clean, so he smiled awkwardly at Liu Fugen.

At this time, other soldiers had finished handling the corpses of the natives and had gathered together. Seeing this man acting like this, they were filled with emotion and reached out to pat the man's shoulders to comfort him.

One of them turned his head to look at Liu Fugen, and asked a little worriedly: "Brother Liu, we have dealt with these people this time, and we don't know if this place is safe or not. What shall we do next?"

After hearing this, Liu Fugen frowned and thought for a while and said, "Be more vigilant, we must carry out the emperor's will, and we must wait until the army arrives!"

Hearing this, the rescued man came back to his senses, and immediately said excitedly, "My lord, go to our hiding place, that place is very hidden, and those natives and Spaniards will definitely not find it!"

After saying this, he thought of something again, and quickly added: "We are familiar with this place, and if the imperial army comes over, we can be guides!"

Hearing this, Liu Fugen's eyes lit up immediately, this was a surprise!
(End of this chapter)

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