Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 739 Ambition

Chapter 739 Ambition
At the same time, Emperor Chongzhen also passed on that he aimed to set up naval academies in Denglai and Jiangsu and Zhejiang, just like Annan.In addition, a naval advanced academy will also be established in the capital, where he will personally serve as the sacrificial wine and give lectures.Only after graduation can he serve as an intermediate and senior naval officer.

This sacrificial wine, the principal, is not just in name only.

As far as the present is concerned, although Emperor Chongzhen may not understand the specific tactical details better than those in the sea, but it is just this era, the future development trend of the navy, the future strategic vision, and the changes in the world pattern Etc., he believed there was more than enough to teach them in these respects.

But after the decree was issued, the whole army was shocked.This whole army is not just a happy navy.Because this decree is of great significance to them.

Originally, it was only a subsidiary branch of the army, so it had no status at all.However, not to mention that it is already a separate branch of arms that keeps pace with the army, and soon the generals of the navy may become disciples of the emperor.It can even be said that compared with liberal arts jinshi who are called the emperor's disciples by the emperor's imperial pen, those who graduated from the capital's naval advanced academy are the emperor's disciples taught by the emperor!

The army is equally excited.Because the navy can establish naval academies at all levels, what about the army, the army should be able to do the same?Can he also become a disciple of the Son of Heaven?
At this point, without waiting for reactions from other places, the army generals in Annan all asked Lu Xiangsheng to help him report to the emperor, or simply reported to the emperor themselves, saying that they all felt that their abilities were low and they were afraid of failing the emperor's trust in the future.It is well known to everyone that the emperor has led the army to fight fiercely over the years, so the emperor is strongly requested to teach them.

In fact, Emperor Chongzhen had anticipated this a long time ago. Immediately with a swipe of his pen, he followed another imperial decree. Like the navy, he set up army academies across the country and set up army senior academies in the capital. He also served as the sacrificial wine.

His two wills can be said to be linked together.

Now the center of gravity of Ming Dynasty has begun to expand to the sea, but the size of the navy is far from meeting the requirements, and the talent is even more scarce.The most powerful of today's Ming navy is the one transformed from Zheng Zhilong's department; however, the military discipline of this navy is not very good, and they were all pirates in the past.For the court, it must be dissatisfied.

Therefore, after it was revealed that some people in the navy did not change their old habits and even dared to steal the things given by the emperor, the need for naval talents who were not pirates became even more urgent.At this time, Emperor Chongzhen proposed to set up a naval academy to train the court's own talents, which is also reasonable.

However, at this time, Emperor Chongzhen was tempted by another disciple of the Emperor, causing everyone in the army to explode.The Navy was happy, and the Army was demanding it, and for good reason.

The emperor is too good at fighting, and the emperor will teach them, so that they can be more loyal to the emperor and serve the country, right?

Of course, some people must be unhappy when the civil servants see that the status of military generals seems to have jumped up immediately.Emperor Chongzhen was far away on Annan's side, so he could know through Xue Guoguan's Class-A wiretapping seeds that the cabinet had already received many memorials telling that martial arts would harm the country and the people, and would become a disaster for Ming Dynasty.

However, the senior officials of the Ming Dynasty heard Emperor Chongzhen talk about the world situation at the beginning, and knew that the emperor was determined to occupy the territory full of oil underground for future generations. Used generals.Therefore, Xue Guoguan and others are suppressing those who submitted the memorial.

Of course, one of the most important reasons why they did this was that the emperor's prestige was too high for them to have the slightest idea of ​​resistance.Emperor Chongzhen used his experience over the years to tell them that the only way out is to follow the emperor.


Manila, Luzon Island, at the gate of the Spanish Governor’s Mansion, Governor Diego opened his arms, with a smile on his face, and said loudly to the group of people in front of him: “Welcome, welcome, welcome to Manila!”

The people opposite him are all Europeans. The leader also smiled and said: "I never thought we would join hands one day! My name is West, and I am here to help you at the order of His Excellency the Governor. After the Governor has finished arranging the things at hand After that, I will come in person.”

After finishing speaking, the two sides hugged and kissed each other, and then the two big men entered the governor's mansion hand in hand.If you don't know this, you'd think how good their relationship is!
In fact, they are actually enemies.Not to mention that the Dutch are now also rebelling at home and resisting Spanish rule.As far as the Far East is concerned, the Dutch are also aggressive, taking Taiwan from the Spaniards, crowding out Spain and Portugal, and monopolizing the trade with Japan.

It can be said that as far as the forces in the Far East are concerned, the Dutch are definitely ranked first today.This is thanks to the current governor of the Dutch, Anthony van Diemen.In the original history, he died of illness in the 18th year of Chongzhen.However, on this plane, the flapping of Emperor Chongzhen's crossing wings has changed slightly. Anthony did not die of illness and is still alive and well.

This Anthony was already an admiral before he served as the governor of Batavia, and he had an extremely deep understanding of the Far East.Under his leadership, the Dutch rose strongly, not only suppressing the Spaniards, but also beating the Portuguese like dogs. The most important Strait of Malacca was also taken under his command in the 14th year of Chongzhen.

Last year, when Anthony's subordinates who escaped from our country heard that the Ming Dynasty fought with the Japanese country and the Japanese country was defeated, he felt a little bad.But he didn't expect that before he sent more troops to Taiwan, news came that the Dutch in Taiwan were completely wiped out by the Ming army.

After carefully understanding the fall of the Taiwan stronghold, Anthony became wary of the Ming people in Batavia.He is worried that if the Ming army refuses to give up and continues to attack Batavia, will these Ming people become the internal support of the Ming army, and Batavia will be captured by the Ming army's internal and external cooperation like Taiwan?
However, the construction of Batavia was inseparable from hardworking people who were willing to endure hardships. Therefore, Anthony was only secretly vigilant and did not take any action.

Then, he received a request for help from Annan's subordinates, explaining that the emperor of the country was on his own expedition, and all the forces on Annan's side were united to fight against the Ming Dynasty, and hoped that Batavia would send people to support it.

At this time, to be honest, Anthony was a little hesitant.

He didn't want to fight against the huge Ming Empire, because previous facts have proved that even when the Ming Empire was weak and there were rebellions everywhere, the local army of the Ming Empire was capable of defeating the fleet he sent there.

Although he didn't send too many fleets before, even in the battle against the Ming army at Liuluo Bay, he didn't use all the power of the Netherlands in the Far East, but the result of the defeat showed him that the Ming Empire was definitely not easy to mess with, and it was the same as before. The colonial natives encountered were completely different.

Therefore, Anthony was thinking that it was his own fault on the Japanese side, and a big loss on the Taiwan side, or let it go like this, stabilize Batavia first, and manage this Nanyang well. .

However, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty personally conquered Annan.From here, he smelled the ambition of the Ming Dynasty emperor and felt that the Ming Dynasty's center of gravity seemed to have shifted south.Even if I don't want to offend the Ming Empire, will the Ming Empire still cause trouble for me?

After thinking about this question for a few days, he finally made a decision.The emperor of the Ming Dynasty was definitely an ambitious person, and his ambition should not be allowed to grow bigger.Otherwise, it is likely to try to annex Batavia like the Javanese natives before.

Although the Javanese natives besieged Batavia twice, they were defeated relatively easily.However, Anthony really did not have that confidence in the huge Ming Empire.

Therefore, he sent all the troops he could use, including about 1000 Japanese mercenaries, to reinforce Annan, and to resist the ambitions of the Ming emperor together with Annan's forces.

However, before they arrived, they heard the news that Annan's army had been wiped out, and the fleet was so frightened that it hurried back.

Before the Spanish sent people to Batavia, Anthony had been worried about the Ming Empire.He adjusted his strategy and no longer treated the indigenous people in the Far East forcefully, but treated them gently and won them over. At the same time, he also began to alienate and manipulate the Ming people, and deliberately created conflicts between the indigenous people and the Ming people.

His plan was that if the Ming Emperor really wanted to send troops to attack the Dutch's sphere of influence in the future, he could unite the natives who were at odds with the Ming people to fight against the Ming Empire.

As a result, Anthony did not expect that he did not wait for the attack of the Ming Empire, but waited for the Spaniards to ask for help.

If this were the case for ordinary Dutch people, they would probably be happy to see the ruler sitting on their head being attacked by the Ming army. Anyway, for them, it is a good thing that dog bites dog. They just sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight.

However, Anthony's vision was far from being so short-sighted. He was even more shocked that the Ming Emperor actually sent troops to Southeast Asia.

Although the cause was that the Spaniards were looking for death, they did not know that the Ming Emperor was different from before. They massacred the Ming people in Luzon Island and gave the Ming Emperor an excuse to send troops.

Anthony knew how much the Spaniards in Luzon were worth. If the Spaniards dared to leave Manila, he believed that he could defeat them.Now that the Ming army is going to launch a massive attack, I'm afraid it will be useless for the Spaniards to hide in Manila.

Once Luzon was captured by the Ming army, it would be equivalent to the Ming Empire directly reaching out to Nanyang.In fact, he already had this worry after the Ming Empire captured Annan.

When the Spanish envoy Filote also told the story of the collusion between Portugal and the Ming Dynasty, Anthony immediately agreed to form an alliance with the Spanish to fight against the Ming army without saying a word or even mentioning the conditions.

Just like that, a scene that I had never expected before appeared in front of the Governor's Palace in Manila.

 Thanks to Bu Chuangun for the 1000 starting coin reward, and thanks to Suifeng Xiaoqiao for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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