Chapter 737

"My lord!" Zheng Chenggong hurriedly jumped off the warship, clasped his fists, and shouted to Lu Xiangsheng with a serious face, "The sea is too stormy, and two ships have been lost. We have no choice but to return."

The sea breeze was a bit strong, thanks to Zheng Chenggong's loud report, Lu Xiangsheng could hear his report clearly.

At this time, after he finished listening, he turned around and saw that the flags on the dock and the warship were blown loudly, and the warship rose and fell with the waves. He frowned and asked, "Is there a hurricane?"

One of the biggest impacts of the sea is strong winds and waves.However, Zheng Chenggong comes from a maritime family, and his subordinates are all veterans at sea. Naturally, they also know something about the ocean conditions in Nanyang, so he immediately replied to Lu Xiangsheng: "Sir, it stands to reason that hurricanes are rare at the end of the year, but It cannot be completely ruled out. From the current point of view, it does not look like a hurricane. It is normal for the wind and waves to suddenly become stronger!"

Lu Xiangsheng did not know much about the sea before, even if he had fought against the Japanese in North Korea, it was because the Japanese army came from afar and did not lead the troops to a decisive battle at sea.

The more people who don't know the sea, the more they hear the rumors, the more they are in awe of the sea.After hearing Zheng Chenggong's answer, Lu Xiangsheng immediately asked: "When can I go out again?"

The first expedition was unfavorable, which made him feel a little uncomfortable, after all, it was a bit unlucky.

"It's hard to say!" Zheng Chenggong thought for a while, and then replied realistically, "It depends on whether Mazu has blessed you!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Lu Xiangsheng a little worriedly, fearing that Lu Xiangsheng would force him to go on the expedition regardless of the situation of the sea.If one is not careful, the entire navy may be lost at sea.

Standing behind him, Anders, the Portuguese leader who had been silent all this time, also said beside him: "My lord, if there are only one or two ships, relying on the rich experience of the sailors, the wind and waves can still go, but if the fleet goes out If so, it is very dangerous.”

They came to the far east from the Western Yi, and they often encountered such storms.However, they usually sail along the coastline, and when the situation is wrong, they will go to the shore to avoid it. It is rare for them to cross the ocean or sail for many days in places where they cannot see land.

When he said this, he was actually the same as Zheng Chenggong. He was worried that Lu Xiangsheng would conquer the Luzon Spaniards and forced them to send troops.

However, it has to be said that they thought too much.

Lu Xiangsheng is a man who knows how to fight. Although he doesn't understand the wind and waves at sea, he knows the right time and place for people. If the right time and place are not right, even if he is fighting on land, he will still consider how to use troops.

Therefore, he did not force the navy to send troops, but asked the navy to rest and set off as soon as the wind and waves allowed.

Hearing his military order, both Zheng Chenggong and Anders obeyed the order loudly, with exceptionally loud voices.

None of them expected that on the second day after Zheng Chenggong's fleet was forced to return, another order from the emperor arrived.

That is, the Fujian Navy was renamed as the Southern Navy of the Ming Dynasty, and the post of governor of the Southern Navy was newly established, which is currently held concurrently by Lu Xiangsheng.

The name was changed from the Navy to the Navy. Although it was just a name change, everyone knew that this name change was of great significance.

Not to mention, there is also a naval governor, who is in charge of the navy.In addition, the Governor's Mansion of the Fifth Army will also be changed to the Governor's Mansion of the Sixth Army, and one navy will be added.

The emperor's decree clearly told everyone that the sailors who have always been attached to the army have since become independent arms and have the same status as the army.

As soon as the news spread, not only Zheng Chenggong and others, but also ordinary sailors and soldiers all cheered and jumped with excitement.

After Anders and the Portuguese knew the news, they felt indescribable.

Obviously, today's Daming has begun to pay attention to the sea.In this way, based on the background of this empire, once it explodes, will there be no more incidents of Western countries in this sea?
However, Daming and Portugal are countries of brothers, and they are definitely military alliances.The allies are stronger, whether it is the Spaniards, the Dutch, or the British, you can no longer be afraid of them.

However, Anders and others always felt unhappy.After thinking about it carefully, Anders realized that this unhappiness seemed to be a sense of loss!


After the storm subsided a little, many people wanted to perform well and strive to make a big contribution in response to the emperor's kindness, so they asked for a battle one after another.Senior navy generals, including Zheng Chenggong, also have this intention.

Of course, Lu Xiangsheng agreed.

Thus, the southern navy of the Ming Dynasty set off for the second time.

However, no one expected that the wind and waves would actually grow stronger after a few days of calm, and finally the Southern Navy had to return.This time, the number of warships damaged was about double that of the last time.

The occurrence of this situation made some people who were afraid to express their opinions because of the emperor's prestige finally found an excuse to express their opinions.

Their excuses are nothing more than saying how terrible the sea is. There is no need for the Ming Dynasty to go to sea, and there is no need for the navy to be changed to the navy and raised to such a high level.Why bother, look at God’s attitude!

Some people even mentioned that when the Yuan Dynasty attacked the Wa Kingdom, so many ships were blown out by the hurricane.

With all these things, Lu Xiang couldn't continue to increase the pressure, because not only Annan's side, but also Fujian's side also lost warships.This kind of news spread quickly in the south under the guidance of caring people.

This situation was immediately reported to the capital by the factory guard in Jiangnan.However, there was no need to wait for Admiral Dongchang and Commander Jinyiwei to report to Emperor Chongzhen. Emperor Chongzhen himself learned about this public opinion through eavesdropping seeds in the south.

Needless to say, Emperor Chongzhen didn't have any scruples at this time. The secret decree factory guards secretly investigated the source of this kind of speech, and who was the most active in this kind of speech, and then directly arrested them. Yes, the crime is bad intentions and intention to resist the order!
But despite this, if the southern navy is unable to go out or is damaged again, it will still have an impact on the emperor's prestige.Others will say, look, no matter how strong your emperor's will is, can it surpass God?
If you encounter wind and waves in a row, or if you seem to be able to go to sea, but encounter large wind and waves, or even a hurricane, although the possibility of this is very small, it is not impossible.Once such a situation really happened again, it would definitely affect the emperor's prestige.

So, Emperor Chongzhen drove south again.

Now, for him, going out of the capital is like drinking water and eating. No one can go against his will.

Everyone knows that the emperor's departure from Beijing this time is definitely related to the conquest of Luzon.In other words, it has something to do with whether the southern navy of the Ming Dynasty can successfully attack Luzon.

However, your emperor is the emperor, can you still be bigger than God?Can you still issue an order to tell God not to blow wind?
Some people believe in such things and feel that the emperor is wise and powerful and omnipotent; but more people just look at the emperor's trip with doubts. What will happen in the end?Only a small number of people just want to see the emperor's jokes. For this reason, they do not hesitate to secretly beg for blessings from various gods, Buddhas or demons, and it is best to slap the emperor in the face.

Anyway, Daming is so big, that is to say, when the forest is big, there are all kinds of birds.

This time, Emperor Chongzhen went south with light clothes, riding a horse during the day and taking a boat at night. It can be said that he traveled both day and night. It only took about a month to arrive in Annan.

For the emperor's personal arrival, Lu Xiangsheng was deeply disturbed, and quickly pleaded guilty: "It is the incompetence of the humble minister, which has caused His Majesty to be tired."

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen smiled slightly and said: "It doesn't matter. We have just opened the sea in the Ming Dynasty and only used foreign troops. It is certain that we will encounter some difficulties, as long as we can solve them."

But how can the matter of Fenglang be solved?Even the emperor can't solve it!

Not only others have this idea, but even Lu Xiangsheng has it.

Moreover, at this time, Lu Xiangsheng had more worries.If the emperor's prestige was affected due to reasons on his side, he would feel guilty.

Therefore, he directly said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, please go to Guangzhou to sit in town. Annan's side, I will do a good job. I have consulted the local fishermen and discussed with Vice Admiral Zheng many times. I should not go to sea recently. has a problem."

Emperor Chongzhen understood what he meant, and if he still had a bad start, he was far away in Guangzhou, which would have little impact on his prestige.However, he came here so quickly just to solve this uncertain problem, so how could he listen to Lu Xiangsheng and run to Guangzhou instead!

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Lu Qing is worrying too much. I have the final say when to go out for the expedition. Just keep an eye on it!"

As soon as he said this, it was a golden word, and it was a certainty.

Lu Xiangsheng was helpless and did not dare to persuade him any more.However, he was also a little curious in his heart. Hearing what the emperor meant, he seemed very sure that if he could choose when to go to war, he would be fine.
Thinking about this, he couldn't help but think of the emperor's various wise and heroic actions in the past, including knowing the smallest details and deducing the whole incident from the smallest details. It was later proved that this was indeed the case.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help being surprised.Could it be that the emperor can use this ability to calculate how the wind and waves will be in the sea in the next few days?

So, he followed the Emperor Chongzhen, with really big eyes and ears pricked up, just wanted to see how the emperor could see the subtleties, deduce from the small details, what will God do in the next few days?
However, Emperor Chongzhen did something unexpected again. He did not go to the beach to see how the waves were, but directly conveyed the order and convened a military meeting!

 Since October, I have been going to the hospital, and the current situation, I think, the most important thing is to be healthy.Hope everyone is in good health!
(End of this chapter)

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