Chapter 731

In later generations, Emperor Chongzhen was very resentful whenever he saw overseas Chinese being bullied by Western barbarians and aborigines.It is also because of this that he admires the glory of the strong man and the prosperous Tang Dynasty.

Now, he has traveled to become the Emperor of Ming Dynasty, determined to rejuvenate Daming, recast the glory of the Eastern Empire, and keep this ancient empire standing on top of the world.

However, what he never expected was that reality slapped him across the face.The Spaniards in Luzon, who had massacred the Ming people several times before, had not settled with them, but when he was emperor, they massacred the Ming people in Luzon again.

Uncle and aunt can't bear this kind of thing!

Needless to say, Emperor Chongzhen was furious immediately, and immediately summoned a group of ministers to the Wuying Hall.

The ministers who were suddenly summoned for an audience hurried in and saw both civil and military personnel.Privately, I learned from the eunuch who passed the decree that when the emperor was furious, everyone couldn't help worrying.

In the Hall of Martial Heroes, while the officials were waiting for the emperor, they couldn't help whispering.

"Could it be that there was a reply from the Western Mongolian Oirats? Could it be that they refused to submit?"

"This is impossible, the cabinet has not received relevant information!"

"The Ministry of Rites hasn't received it yet. Based on the distance, it is estimated that the road is blocked by heavy snow at this time. There is news that we have already waited for the next year!"

"Could it be that Gushi Khan of Uszang Xuanwei Division killed the angel?"

"Don't make wild guesses. If this is really the case, the cabinet will definitely receive the news!"

"Yes, the Ministry of War will know about this, but it's all very calm!"

"Yes, not only are there no news from these two places, but there is no bad news from other places either. Liaodong, North Korea, Japan, Dongwu, Annan, etc., are mostly good news!"


After guessing and guessing, they couldn't figure it out. They didn't know why the emperor was furious?
While they were discussing, the sound of "The emperor has arrived" immediately quieted down the Wenhua Hall.

Emperor Chongzhen strode in from the apse. The officials peeked at the emperor during the ceremony, and found that the emperor was really angry. Suddenly, everyone held their voices and held their breath, not daring to do anything to displease the emperor.

Emperor Chongzhen suppressed his anger, and after letting them calm down, he immediately cut to the chase and said, "I took a nap just now, and dreamed that the Taizu gave a warning, saying that tens of thousands of Ming people in Luzon Island were massacred by Xiyi again, and blood flowed like rivers. Zhuqing There is no need to doubt, Taizu Nai said that this matter is true. If I remember correctly, this is the fourth time that I have been deceived by Da Ming..."

Hearing this, the officials in the Hall of Martial Arts couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay.It turned out that such a big fight was only because the emperor had a dream, which...

They were all a little speechless, it was just a dream, no matter how realistic the dream was, it was still a dream!

I'm afraid I still think about it day by day and dream about it at night?

Of course, some courtiers didn't think so.Because this is actually Taizu's dream again!

This Taizu’s dream is really amazing!
Before Chongzhen 11 years ago, most of them knew what kind of person the current emperor was.However, since that time when the great ancestor entrusted him with a dream, the emperor seemed to have changed into a different person. He became wise and mighty, became an emperor through the ages, and led the Ming Dynasty to glory again.

Suspicion and suspicion are the thoughts in the hearts of most of these courtiers in the Hall of Martial Arts at this time.

However, Emperor Chongzhen didn't care about them, his tone became fierce, and he shouted loudly: "I once said that anyone who dares to offend Ming Dynasty will be punished no matter how far away! My people, no matter where they are, are my people! Dare to do so!" Killing my people recklessly, do you think I'm made of mud?"

Under the emperor's anger, Long Wei appeared, and all the officials in the Hall of Martial Arts felt the invisible pressure.For a while, none of them dared to think about it, the emperor was just having a dream.

In Wuying Hall, it was very quiet, except for the angry voice of Emperor Chongzhen.

"Preach my will!" Emperor Chongzhen ordered sharply, "Order the governor of Fujian to send troops from Taiwan, and the Ming army stationed in Annan to march from Annan. Both are under the command of Liaodong Bolu Xiangsheng. Yi. If you flee, you will be chased to the ends of the earth, and you will be hunted down to the end. The local people who help the emperor to abuse, as many as possible, will be killed. I want everyone in the world to remember that if you dare to kill my people, you will have to pay in blood!"

If you don't retaliate with an eye, if you continue to condemn and negotiate again, those vicious people will not be afraid and will not have a long memory.Only after beating them so badly that they would think of Luzon's lesson if they thought about it a little bit, and it was difficult to bear the consequences, they dared not do similar things again.

This imperial decree can be said to be a murderous imperial decree.Many courtiers in the Hall of Martial Heroes were suddenly awe-inspiring.At this time, they all thought of the current emperor, not only the emperor, but also the commander who fought in the north and south, and was used to seeing life and death.

Some courtiers originally thought about whether they wanted to persuade the emperor, after all, it was just a dream, even if it was really the Taizu's dream, but for such a big matter, before the local government reported it, it made a decree, wouldn't it be too much? Hasty?What if later we discover that the Western Yi people in Luzon did not massacre the Ming people over there?
However, the current Emperor Chongzhen spoke categorically and murderously. None of the people present, including the "stones in the pit", dared to go against the emperor's wishes.

In the Hall of Martial Heroes, the voice of Emperor Chongzhen was still the only one.At this time, I saw him turn his head to look at Xue Guoguan, and confessed with a serious face: "This decree of mine is sent out clearly. In addition, the cabinet will draft a proclamation and spread it all over the world to let the world know about Xiyi's evil deeds." !"

Xue Guoguan was a little dumbfounded when he heard it.

It is no problem to make the decree known to the world.But if he had to draw up another proclamation, if the Xiyi in Luzon Island hadn’t been massacred, such a big oolong would happen, how embarrassing it would be for Daming, and how embarrassing for him as the chief assistant, it would probably become a laughing stock for a generation!
However, Emperor Chongzhen was staring at him at this moment, and with that sudden aura, he never gave his courtiers a chance to refuse.Xue Guoguan had no choice but to accept the order.

But how could a living person be suffocated to death by urine!
After Xue Guoguan and others returned to the cabinet, after a short discussion, a statement came out.However, although this proclamation was written according to the meaning of Emperor Chongzhen, it did not clearly say that the massacre of the Ming people in Lusong Xiyi had just occurred again, but the several massacres of the Ming people since the 31st year of Wanli. .

In this way, it doesn't matter if the Luzon massacre told by Taizu Tuomeng is not true.Who told you Lu Song Xiyi to raise the butcher knife to kill the people of Ming Dynasty several times before?It's not that I don't repay, it's just that the time is not up, and now is the time for retribution!
If what Taizu Tuomeng told was true, then there was nothing wrong with this call to action, it was to retaliate against Xiyi for massacring the people of Ming Dynasty.

Of course, this proclamation will first be reviewed by Emperor Chongzhen and approved.Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen could see the "tricky" in it at a glance.But he didn't say anything, and agreed directly.

In fact, Emperor Chongzhen knew very well that if he once again used the excuse of Taizu Tuomeng to decide this matter in advance, people would probably not believe it.But it just so happens that after Lu Xiangsheng's urgent memorial is delivered, he can prove to the world that the thing about his great ancestor's entrusted dream is true.

So in this way, the Taizu entrusted the dream that he had before, of course it is also true!


On the same day, the imperial decree and the proclamation were announced to the world. It can be said that the world was shocked when they heard it.

Some of them were just shocked that the emperor had dreamed of his great ancestor again?Others expressed regret that the emperor went to war because of his dream.

But as far as Daming is concerned, more people are very welcome to Emperor Chongzhen's will.

Most of the people who went south to Nanyang to seek a living were from the south, mostly from Fujian and Guangdong.

The massacre began in the Wanli period. At the beginning, not only the Spaniards were worried about the Ming court's revenge, but even the Ming people themselves hoped that the court would uphold justice.

However, the result was that the Spaniards breathed a sigh of relief and became more and more unscrupulous; while the people of Ming Dynasty were very disappointed, and finally despaired.

The slogan "Those who dare to offend the Ming Dynasty will be punished even if they are far away" shouted again by Emperor Chongzhen is familiar to the people of the Northland.However, the people in the south rarely heard of it. Even if they heard about it, they never thought that the emperor would really send troops to Nanyang to avenge the people of Ming Dynasty!
Now, as soon as Emperor Chongzhen's decree came out, especially under the premise that they had no hope for the court, the surprise was beyond words!

Another point is that there are many merchants in the south, and Emperor Wanli's previous disposition opinion was: merchants are untouchables, not to mention those merchants who left Daming privately, they are no longer considered civilians of Ming Dynasty, so they don't care at all.

But now, Emperor Chongzhen not only made it clear: My people, no matter where they are, are my people!He even directly dispatched troops to destroy the Xiyi in Lu Song, as well as the natives who helped the tyrants to avenge the murdered Ming people!
For merchants in the south, if this matter is true, then they will have enough confidence in their hearts if they go overseas to do business in the future.Because they know that behind them, there is a strong backing, that is Daming!

From now on, when they go to sea, they don't have to bend down to please others; their backs will harden after this time, and whoever dares to bully them, their own court will make decisions for them!

Under such a background, as Lu Xiangsheng sent the urgent memorial all the way north, the people along the way soon knew that the Xiyi massacre of the people of Ming Dynasty really happened in Luzon!
To be honest, after hearing this, everyone believed in the existence of their ancestors, and many unworthy descendants no longer dared not disrespect their ancestors.

Taizu, I really have to rely on my dreams!

(End of this chapter)

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