Chapter 729
If Taizu hadn't told the emperor about these things in a dream, these courtiers wouldn't believe it even if they were killed, how could the emperor know these things from other places!

At this moment, among the Confucian disciples in Wenhua Hall, I don’t know how many of them believed in going to heaven and earth after death, and believed in the existence of gods.

The military generals of the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion were the first to come to their senses.They can confirm from the words of Emperor Chongzhen that there will still be battles to fight in the future, which means that there will be military achievements to be made.Therefore, they were all overjoyed, they supported it from the bottom of their hearts, and immediately praised the emperor's wisdom one by one!

After such a response from them, the civil servants and eunuchs who mainly deal with civil affairs also came to their senses.

For them, it is not a bad thing for the emperor to continue to expand the territory after he made it clear.

In terms of the expansion of territory in the past few years, Daming actually didn't pay much.

In Mongolia, Mobei and further afield, the Mongols were the main ones to conquer, and they didn't meet many enemies.North Korea was ruined by Jianlu, and Daming basically just accepted it.Dongwu and Annan were conquered by the emperor himself, and they were basically defeated at a very small cost.

In addition, another benefit brought by the development of these territories is to solve the problem of domestic land annexation. Under the flood in the south and the drought in the north, more people can be diverted out, whether it is to the Hetao Plain or Liaodong. Or North Korea, Dongwu, and Annan can greatly ease the difficulty of domestic government disaster relief and appease the victims.

Also, with so many more places, many officials are needed to govern, which is not bad for those who are officials in the court!

More importantly, the expansion of territory is what all dynasties have pursued. It is the most powerful way to demonstrate the power of the emperor and the standard for evaluating the national strength of a dynasty.

Since ancient times, the most famous emperors in history are only Qin Huang Han Wu, Tang Zong Song Zu.

Qin Huang ruled the world, for the Qin State, isn't it to expand the territory!
Han Wu beat the Xiongnu to move westward, sealed the wolves and lived in Xu, ruled the world of the Han Dynasty, and expanded the territory!
Taizong of the Tang Dynasty was powerful all over the world. The prosperous Tang Dynasty was the foundation passed down by him. He was the Khan of Heaven. The Western Regions were returned to the Tang Dynasty, and the territory was expanded!
Song Gaozu unified the north and the south, for the Song Dynasty, of course, it was also to expand the territory!
All these things show the importance of expanding the territory!Now that the emperor has the ambition to expand the frontiers and expand the land, for a generation of great emperors, then these courtiers must also leave a mark in the history books.

As long as we continue to win battles and not waste people and money when we expand our borders, no one will dislike it!Not to mention, the purpose of the emperor's expansion of territory was not just to add great achievements to himself, but to benefit his descendants.

Of course, if it loses foreign wars, affects people's livelihood, and makes the people of Ming Dynasty boil with resentment, then it would be considered militaristic.But obviously, at present, there is no possibility of resorting to militarism!
Therefore, the civil servants and eunuchs who held pens in the Wenhua Palace all praised the emperor for his wisdom.

As for Emperor Chongzhen, he had given these ministers enough details about the overall plan for the future, and he said loudly with a serious face: "Therefore, for the future, this transportation must be built as soon as possible. I told Wei Wei a few years ago The changes we have carried out include dividing the army into combat troops and engineering troops, and eliminating some of them as farmers. This matter has already been implemented in the capital, and we have already experienced it. Therefore, I have decided that the next nationwide reform of health stations must be completed as soon as possible. "

For the reform of the guard, it is not just a matter of the next decree.The military household guards that have been implemented since the founding of the Ming Dynasty are the foundation of the military affairs of the Ming Dynasty. If something goes wrong, it will affect the foundation of the Ming Dynasty.Therefore, after several years of continuous brewing and small-scale experiments, Emperor Chongzhen decided to start speeding up.

The courtiers in the Wenhua Palace had known about and paid attention to the reform of the guard carried out by Emperor Chongzhen before, and now they understand the cause and effect, and they all understand that the emperor's determination to change the guard will not be for anyone. The will is transferred.

Just as they were thinking about it, they heard Emperor Chongzhen continue to say to them: "The soldiers in the future will be used in foreign wars; the so-called engineering soldiers are soldiers who build roads and bridges, and use them as the backbone to assist soldiers everywhere." Civil service, used to realize the big change of my Ming Dynasty transportation!"

"Wei Chen (Last General) (Servant) obeys the order!" In the Wenhua Hall, everyone received the order in unison.

Emperor Chongzhen then nodded to the servant, who hung another map on the screen.

These civil servants and generals were a little curious, so they looked at the new map and found that it was still the Ming Dynasty map, but there were many red circles and lines on it.

When they were watching, they saw that Emperor Chongzhen had already pointed to the red with a thin stick and explained to them: "The original Guihua City will be expanded, and a road will be built from Yulin. From now on, Guihua City will be the center of the northern grassland. "

"The capital has to build a road to Hanzhong, and it will continue to extend in the future, leading to the Western Regions and then west. The capital needs to build a road to Shenyang for Liaodong. Then extend from Shenyang to Busan. Also, the capital goes south, passing through Yingtianfu to Guangzhou. In addition, build a road from Yingtianfu to Dongwu, Yunnan."

Having said this, Emperor Chongzhen took back the thin stick, held it in his hand and said to the officials below: "The roads I just mentioned are the main roads of Ming Dynasty in the future. First, build these few roads, and then use them as a basis to support the other roads of Ming Dynasty. Local proliferation. As for the standard of the road..."

After a pause, he gestured to his servants, and hung up another painting. Before the officials could look carefully, Emperor Chongzhen explained to them: "This is the road that will be built soon. Two-way two-lane, with today's four-wheeled carriage As the standard. The one on this side, I call it the railway, is reserved in advance. It can be built in no hurry.”

It must be said that he is ambitious.Since the road was to be rebuilt with cement, he planned to do it once and for all and to high standards.The cement road is two-way and two-lane, and a railway is reserved next to the road.Wait until the train test is successful before starting to build the railway.

As a time traveler who could predict future development, Emperor Chongzhen felt that this kind of planning was natural.Otherwise, if you tinker with the progress of the times, the price you pay will be even greater.

At this time, his will is unshakable. At most, his ministers will ask questions clearly and supplement and improve them, but they will definitely not veto them.

Under the strong power of Emperor Chongzhen, the vigorous reshaping of the Ming Dynasty began in the 20th year of Chongzhen.

Within the route drawn by Emperor Chongzhen, according to the current production capacity of cement plants, cement plants were set up to supply roads for road construction.

This cement factory did not adopt a joint-stock system, but was directly controlled by the imperial court.

Of course, no matter what, the cement plant requires capital investment.And for this money, the imperial treasury paid part of it, and the other part was sold to the wealthy families along the way.

Concrete houses, roads, etc. are definitely novelty and face-saving things in this era.Coupled with its practicality and its ability to reduce fire damage better than wooden houses, it can be said that cement is definitely a popular commodity.

In terms of manpower, in addition to the engineer soldiers who came from the innovation of the guards, the local government also arranged for labor to repair roads during the slack season.Among them, in addition to paying salaries, engineering soldiers do not need to pay for labor, and they even have to bring their own dry food.

However, Emperor Chongzhen obviously did not do this. Although he also did not pay, he stipulated that the government should take care of the meals.This will also make the people less resistant to road construction.

For ordinary people, great principles are really useless, it is not as good as this one, which is more affordable.Now that the national power allows it, Emperor Chongzhen is naturally more generous.

In this regard, some officials once advised, saying that in this way, it will become a rule, and they are afraid that it will be inappropriate.However, Emperor Chongzhen did not listen, and still asked the local governments to implement it.

Of course, the so-called government management of rice does not mean that people are full of white rice.The rations for each person must be rationed.And it's not all white rice, including corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes and so on.

Also, during the process of building roads, things like land were not a big deal in this feudal dynasty.

But it is inevitable that this kind of large-scale action involving the whole country will definitely have side effects.Based on the experience brought by later generations, Emperor Chongzhen felt that there might be corruption in the cement factory. Therefore, in addition to ordering the local Metropolitan Procuratorate to inspect the cement factory, he also sent factory guards to secretly monitor it.

In addition to this, the factory guards who have been released are also responsible for the impact of road construction in various places on people's livelihood.Summarize regularly and submit to him.

Although Emperor Chongzhen did not go out to lead troops to fight in the 20th year of Chongzhen, he was still busy as a dog.

First of all, in terms of the imperial examinations, including miscellaneous subjects, they are all the first exams, so he has to keep an eye on them; he has to keep an eye on the reform of the guards; he has to keep an eye on the construction of roads and bridges.Not to mention, he also has to take care of the marriage of Crown Prince Zhu Cihong and Princess Changping, and the marriages of several other children are also on the agenda.

In addition, for the supplement of natural knowledge, he has to search out from his mind to form words; the improvement of the steam engine, the application of the steam engine on vehicles, etc., he has to pay attention to.

As for other daily government affairs, basically except for the most important things, other things have been turned into hands-off shopkeepers.It has to be said that such a huge empire would be exhausted without doing this!

Sometimes, Emperor Chongzhen really admired Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di in his heart, but he didn't know that they did it by themselves, weren't they tired?

In August of the 20th year of Chongzhen, Yan Yingyuan, the governor of Dongwu, sent a good news, saying that the entire territory of Dongwu had been pacified; by October, Bolu Xiangsheng of Liaodong also sent a good news, and the entire territory of Annan had also been pacified.

Emperor Chongzhen did not pay special attention to this, because it was within his expectation.However, there was one situation that he did not expect.

(End of this chapter)

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