Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 721 My Lord is Aixinjueluo

Chapter 721 My Lord is Aixinjueluo

This year's Chinese New Year is the happiest New Year's festival for the people of Guangzhou City or Guangdong.

Not only because the emperor would celebrate the New Year in Guangzhou City, which is unprecedented, but also because the emperor brought them New Year's gifts.

The emperor brought Annan down and gave orders to allow the people to move, to divide the land, and to have a tax-free period.Although there is an old saying that it is hard to leave the homeland, since ancient times, the lifeblood of ordinary people has been the land.Therefore, many people without land were moved by the matter of immigrating to Annan.

And for those who have permanent property, the emperor also gave gifts.It is to officially allow the people of Ming Dynasty to trade with the Frangji people.

As we all know, sea trade is a very profitable business.

The extremely common tea, raw silk, silk, etc. in Daming are very popular commodities for Xiyi. If they are transported to Haojingao, they can be bought and sold according to the guide price given by the government, which is a steady profit. .If you are ambitious, you can also go to the country of Frangji with the Frangji ship, and go to their country to do business.

Of course, the imperial court also stipulated that transactions with Xiyi can only be done through Frangji.In other words, either sell it to the Folangji people in Haojingao, or go to the Folangji Country to sell it to the Folangji people; other than that, it is forbidden to sell to other Western Yi people.

However, the imperial court did not stipulate that Ming's goods could not be sold to anyone other than Xiyi.For example, the well-known places rich in Kunlun slaves, as well as Persia and other countries.

It's just that the waves are not calm now, and if they leave the southeast coast of Daming, they may encounter other western barbarians.Those Xiyi were all bandits, and they might lose their lives instead of making money.

At this time, those who intend to do overseas business very much hope that the imperial court can send sailors to level Haibo.Anyone who dares to be an enemy of Daming will be wiped out!
Although there are not many such remarks nowadays, they already have a place in the taverns and teahouses in Guangdong.According to this trend, there may be more and more people talking about it.

This New Year's Eve, in addition to gifts for ordinary people, the army is also full of joy.Therefore, the Emperor Chongzhen issued a decree on the day before the New Year's Eve to reward the soldiers who made military exploits this year.

For ordinary soldiers, that's nothing. As usual, they will all receive commemorative medals, one for Dongwu and Annan, but not for the Yunnan War.In addition, there is nothing to say about the promotion that should be promoted and the reward that should be rewarded.

It is worth mentioning that Cao Bianjiao was awarded the title of Nanbo Town, Huang Degong was awarded the title of Nanbo Wei, and even Zhou Yuji was granted the title of Nanbo Wu; the three of them are the capitals who won the title of Earl after Hu Dawei and He Renlong generals.

It has to be said that Emperor Chongzhen became the most generous emperor of Ming Dynasty since the founding of the Ming Dynasty.

Not to mention anything else, in the 19th year of Chongzhen, Qin Liangyu was named Zhongzhenhou, Ma Xianglin was named Zhongyong Bo, Long Zaitian was named Shiping Bo, and Wang Yangzu was named Qiao Bo.In addition to the three new titles now, that is six earls and one marquis.Although it is not hereditary, it is very rare to see.

After the announcement of this decree, the morale of the army was high, and many people thought that the emperor must not let his horse go to Nanshan, and he must continue to fight, so that he can make military achievements.

On New Year's Eve, even though he was an emperor, he still had social activities. After that, Emperor Chongzhen began to take stock of the year's harvest in his quiet time.

The Tusi system in Yunnan, which was left over from the past, finally took advantage of this time the royal conquest, and all the land was reformed and returned to the local people, and they were all under the direct control of the imperial court, which can be regarded as the real completion of the great unification.

In addition, although Dongwu and Annan still need to be dealt with first and last, they can basically be regarded as a part of Daming, becoming one of the provinces of Daming, guarded by Yan Yingyuan and Lu Xiangsheng respectively, plus the relocation of people from the interior of Daming, and the division of land. It is only a matter of time before the Chinese culture becomes a real province of Ming Dynasty.

If you look at it from the original point of view, it is definitely a remarkable achievement to accomplish these things within a year, and the speed is so fast that it can make anyone dumbfounded.

However, Emperor Chongzhen wasn't very excited. To settle down around Daming, to him, that was just the most basic thing.

Thinking of my own age, I am already 35 years old now. If I want to conquer the world, I don’t know if I can achieve this goal in my lifetime!
Time is ticking, so hurry up!
Emperor Chongzhen felt emotional in his heart, and then he thought about his plan for the new year.

On the Japanese side, even if it can't be basically defeated next year, it will definitely be defeated in the year after next, and it will also be operated as a springboard to North America. It will take effort.

The three tribes in Mobei have already surrendered, and there are those Mongols available. I believe that Tsarist Russia can't spend their hair and make a fortune, and they can beat them back no matter what.However, in western Mongolia, it still needs to be taken back.In the past, the prestige of the Tang Dynasty in the Western Regions, I have traveled through it anyway, so I can't let the Tang Dynasty be more beautiful than before!

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but think of a commercial video that later generations saw, called the last transfer of money in Tang Mobei.There is a song in it, and he remembers it clearly at this time:
The bright moon in Qin Dynasty and the pass in Han Dynasty, the Long Marchers have not yet returned;
But let the flying generals of Dragon City stay, and don't teach Huma to go to Yinshan Mountain;
Qinghai Changyun dark snow mountain, the lonely city looks at Yumen Pass in the distance;
The yellow sand wears golden armor in a hundred battles, and if it does not break Loulan, it will never return;

At that time, he really felt very sorry!The soldiers of the Tang Dynasty in the Western Regions persisted until they were gray-haired, but they could not wait for the reinforcements from the motherland. They finally faced the overwhelming Huma and shed the last drop of blood for the Tang Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but murmured: "The reinforcements you haven't waited for will come, and it won't be too long! If I conquer the Western Regions by myself in the future, I will definitely set up a monument of loyalty for you and others, and I will accept it. Tribute!"

After finishing speaking, he gently sang the song in his memory...

After a long time, Emperor Chongzhen withdrew his thoughts and continued to think about his plan for the year.

On the other side of Tibet, it should be ruled by Gushri Khan now.No matter what, it will eventually be included in the territory of the Ming Dynasty.However, if you want to fight Tibet, the army from the capital's side will not work, and you must recruit soldiers from the Tibetan plateau.

In addition, the Spaniards in Luzon must make them pay the price.Not for anything else, just for the Han people who were massacred by them several times.

And the Dutch in Batavia also had no choice but to kill as many as they could.These colonists from the West will make them pay the price in blood!
Emperor Chongzhen thought about it, and suddenly, he heard a low-pitched surprise voice from outside the door: "Your Majesty, the New Year is coming soon!"

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he withdrew his thoughts, stood up, strode out of the room, and then turned to the front office.

The civil and military generals in Guangdong, Cao Bianjiao and others all kept their New Year's Eve here, and when they saw Emperor Chongzhen come out, they all saluted with joy.

Emperor Chongzhen smiled and nodded, witnessing the arrival of the New Year together.

Ten, nine, eight... three, two, one
The 20th year of Chongzhen, which was unprecedented in history, has arrived, and the Emperor Chongzhen immediately smiled and issued an order: Fire the cannon to celebrate the arrival of the New Year!

Compared with the festive atmosphere of the New Year in Ming Dynasty, there is no New Year atmosphere at all in the Wa country.Since last year's Busan war suffered a big defeat, not only the cronies died in battle, but more importantly, the Tokugawa shogunate was able to suppress the direct troops of other daimyos, and basically lost almost the same amount.

Therefore, during this year, Tokugawa Iemitsu's life can be extremely difficult.From the beginning, the daimyo from various places violated his orders openly and secretly. Later, they openly violated his orders and no longer even recognized him as shogun. Instead, they declared their loyalty to the emperor and obeyed his orders directly.

This sudden change made the emperor in Kyoto feel like a pie fell from the sky.No matter who is the emperor, of course he doesn't want to be just a decoration of the Tokugawa shogunate.

Not to mention, the Emperor at this time was Emperor Goko.His personality is quite fierce, and he is quite resistant to the shogunate.All of a sudden, there is such a good thing that you may not take advantage of it.

Therefore, he always offered rewards to those daimyos who expressed their allegiance to him. Although most of them were just titles and had no substantive rewards, this attracted more and more daimyos to send envoys. See you in Kyoto.

No, at this time, Emperor Goguangmei was receiving an envoy of a daimyo, and it was another daimyo who was loyal to him, which made him very happy.However, he didn't hear clearly, so he asked again: "What's your family name?"

"Return to Your Majesty, my lord's name is Aixinjueluo, and his territory is in the northwest of Kyushu!" The messenger replied respectfully.

Emperor Hou Guangming was taken aback when he heard this, it turned out that he had heard correctly just now.Or if he was young, he directly asked his doubts: "I have heard of the Ma family, the Omura family, the Matsuura family, and the Sagara family, but I have never heard of the Aixin family. I don't know the ancestors of the Aixin family. It's from..."

Needless to say, this Aixinjueluo is actually Hauge.He felt that most people in the Wa country had four-letter names, and it happened that his surname was Aixinjueluo, so he directly used this as his name in the country of Wa.He took twenty or so of his white armor soldiers to attack Kyushu, and he really laid down a large piece of territory in just one year.

At this time, he needed a name. He heard that a famous person went to the Japanese emperor to ask for a name, so he also sent Japanese men to come to serve the emperor and ask for a name.

At this time, the envoy he sent saw that the emperor wanted to get to the bottom of it, so he immediately replied with a well-thought-out statement: "My lord, who rose up at the end of the century, had no reputation in his ancestors, but now, my lord has a With tens of thousands of soldiers and hundreds of miles of territory, it is the most powerful in Kyushu..."

Emperor Houguangmei was taken aback when he heard it, and immediately remembered the former Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who also rose from the beginning.It seems that this person named Aixinjueluo is probably also a powerful person!

 Thanks to book friend 20190721111826128 for the reward of 3000 starting coins, and thanks to book friend 20170821210054632 for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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