Chapter 716

In fact, Ruan Fubin was also regretting.If he had known that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty would only send cavalry troops, he would definitely have sent war elephant troops.Defeating the Ming army in front of the army will definitely boost the morale and enhance the prestige of the Ruan army!This will have an impact on the subsequent defeat of the Ming army, even if wars resume between the north and the south.

While he was regretting, suddenly, he saw a sudden change in the situation on the battlefield.

In the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty, groups of light cavalry suddenly accelerated their speed, surpassing the armored heavy cavalry to face the charging war elephants.After the distance was close, not only did they not speed up to charge with horsepower, but started to slow down, and finally even stopped, lined up in rows, blocking the way of the war elephants' charge.

"What the hell are these Ming troops doing?" Ruan Fubin was very puzzled, he looked closely, and suddenly, his face changed, because he discovered the specialness of these Qingqi.

In fact, by this time, let alone him, even Zheng Bing had already discovered the problem.But they still have doubts, don't know what's going on?

If he, King Long, was still alive and could see this scene, he would definitely yell and yell to tell the war elephant to stop rushing.

I saw that team of Qing cavalry from the Ming Dynasty took off a long musket from the hook on the horse's back.At the beginning, Zheng Bing and others thought it was a long spear specially made by the Ming army, which was used to charge the battle.But at this time, it turned out to be a musket.

The soldiers of the Ming army took out a hook from the horse's neck, and the long spear was hung on the hook, extending its long barrel and pointing directly at the war elephant of Annan's army.The handle of the gun was held in the hands of the Ming army soldiers, and there was a fire in the hand, which was already burning.

Apparently, as soon as the elephants got any closer, they would light their muskets and fire.

If it were an ordinary musket, Zheng Zhi wouldn't care at all.Of course he has tried it. The armor on the war elephant does little damage to ordinary muskets.However, looking at the size of the musket now, he felt a little overwhelmed.

On the battlefield of Dongwu, if there is no key performance of Yan Yingyuan, a sharp archer, the Ming army will be caused a lot of damage by Dongwu's war elephants, and the reason is that the highly mobile guns are not enough.

Having learned such a lesson, how could Emperor Chongzhen be unprepared when he came to attack Annan.Not only did they dispatch more guns.And let the gun be carried on the horse.Originally, two people were required to fire the gun, but one knight could also fire the gun with the help of horseback.Of course, if you fire in this situation, your accuracy will be worse than if you fire with two infantry.It can even be said that it is not accurate at all.

It is also for this reason that these lancers lined up side by side and waited in front of the formation for the war elephants to rush close enough before focusing their fire on them.Use quantity to make up for accuracy and inflict a fatal blow to the enemy!

closer, closer, closer...

"Blah blah blah..."

The sound of raising guns was much louder than that of ordinary muskets. After several rows of raising guns fired in turn, even the trained horses were frightened and became agitated.

Just hearing this voice, Zheng Bing in the distance thought something was going to go wrong, and at the same time, he saw the more than 20 war elephants he sent out, as if they had hit an invisible tripping rope, they rushed forward and fell to the ground. The reason, also slipped a long way.

Regardless of whether it was a war elephant or the elephant soldiers on the back of the war elephant, even if they didn't die, they almost fell.

The sudden occurrence of this situation frightened all Annan's troops immediately.Many people don't understand why the war elephants disappeared all of a sudden, isn't it because the artillery of the Ming army didn't come up!
For the Annan army who followed the war elephants, the war elephants were their greatest psychological support. If they followed behind and charged, they would not be afraid of anything.But all of a sudden, the war elephants died in front of them, and they were dumbfounded.For a moment, many of them forgot to continue charging.

They were stupid, but the Ming army was not stupid.The armored heavy cavalry had already accelerated, passed the lance-carrying cavalry again, and rushed towards the dazed and confused Zheng army.

This Zheng army, yes, is indeed elite.But this elite is only compared to Annan's army.Those who can deal with armored heavy cavalry are war elephant troops.Without the war elephant troops, even if the closely lined pikemen were hit by armored cavalry, they would have to be knocked away.Not to mention, these Zheng troops never thought about it at all, they also had to defend against the armored heavy cavalry of the Ming army.

So, yesterday's scene happened again.

As the arrows of the Ming cavalry, the armored heavy cavalry plowed through the Zheng army and penetrated a large open space.The Qingqi of the Ming Dynasty followed closely behind and continued to expand their results.

The soldiers of Zheng's army, no matter whether they are elite or not, are first of all human beings and they will all be afraid of death.Faced with this kind of impact, which could even be said to be a massacre, by the Ming cavalry, they still wanted to form a formation for confrontation, so they quickly turned around and ran away.Because they knew that if they formed a formation to fight, they would only be hit hard by the heavy armored cavalry of the Ming army, and they would die miserably.

When Mo Jun and Ruan Jun, who were on both sides of Zheng Jun, saw this situation, they were so frightened that they dared to fight, and they ran back quickly, fearing that the armored cavalry of Ming Kingdom would rush over.

This time, the Ming Dynasty cavalry did not want to fight. After driving away a group of defeated soldiers, they did not pursue and kill the other two Annan armies. They took a detour and returned to Hekou City.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Long live the emperor!"


The cheers of the Ming army sounded loudly and spread far away, welcoming the triumphant return of the cavalry.

On the Annan army side, it was completely the opposite.Whether it's their leaders or the soldiers at the bottom, all of them look ugly as hell!
The Annan Allied Army fought against the Ming army, relying on their large number of soldiers, including the elephant troops, and the artillery of Xiyi.

However, they have fought two battles from yesterday to today, and they have seen that the Ming army's artillery is not inferior to Xiyi's artillery; although they have more troops, the Ming army can win more with less each time; They have war elephant troops, but the Ming army has giant muskets specially used to restrain war elephants, and their mobility is still very high.

It can be said that every hole card of the Annan Allied Army was easily cracked by the Ming Army.What will be the final outcome of this battle? The Annan Allied Forces, from the leader to the bottom soldiers, have no confidence.

The prospect is not good, and it also consumes the trust between them.

As soon as the war ended, Zheng Jie immediately sent an order to convene a military meeting. As soon as it started, he aggressively asked Ruan Phuc Bin and Mo Jingyu why they retreated and betrayed Zheng's army. With the opportunity just now, they should have judged the national cavalry from the side. The army's retreat and annihilate this Ming cavalry army in one fell swoop?Do Ruan and Mo really want to form an alliance? Do they want to watch Zheng's army lose its troops and then attack him secretly...

Angrily, he yelled blah blah blah.

However, whether it is Ruan Fubin or Mo Jingyu, and they are not his subordinates, why should they be angry with him and immediately refute, explaining that the National Cavalry Army is coming and going like the wind, and your Zheng Jun was defeated too quickly, how could they go again Determine the path of the Ming National Cavalry Army...

If the original three coaches were at odds with each other, this time, Emperor Chongzhen ordered the cavalry to only fight Zheng Jun all the way, and let them expose all their discord with each other.

This kind of situation is actually easy to understand. It happened when Jianlu was beaten.When a battle is defeated, no one will be in a good mood, and few people will take the responsibility for the defeat.They were originally mortal enemies, and although they temporarily cooperated because of external pressure, the rift would not disappear.Even if they don't blame each other this time, there will always be times when they will blame each other.

In this military meeting, the psychological pressure of several Annan leaders was too great, they broke down a bit, and got angry with each other, but at least they were still a little rational.

Emperor Chongzhen sat on the grand master's chair in Hekou City, closed his eyes and rested his mind, with a relaxed expression, as if there was no enemy army outside the city at all.But in fact, he was admiring the quarrel of several Annan leaders, and finally saw them break up unhappy.

That night, when the moon and stars were thin, Emperor Chongzhen made another decree to select some elites, go to the Annan Camp, and sneak past Mo Jingyu's headquarters.

Regarding this route, Emperor Chongzhen personally gave instructions based on the eavesdropped deployment of the Mo army. Therefore, the soldiers of the Ming army arrived at the designated place smoothly, fired rockets at the Zheng army camp, and then, regardless of whether they were burning or not, immediately Take advantage of the chaos to retreat.

This kind of surprise attack, the number of people cannot be too many, so although the rockets fired by the soldiers of the Ming army caused a fire, they were quickly extinguished by the rotating soldiers of the Zheng army.

The next day, the Ming army did not go to war. Emperor Chongzhen continued to sit in the city and watched the Annan leaders begin to quarrel. A sentence that will be remembered by later generations flashed in his mind: The fragile trust between the tribe and the alliance began to break down, and the thundering war drums sounded again. .Of course, because the Ming army is right in front of them, they haven't broken into each other yet.But it can be expected that if Emperor Chongzhen leads his troops to retreat, they will start fighting immediately.

In the next few days, as long as there is an opportunity, Emperor Chongzhen will send elites to attack; as for the main battlefield, if Annan does not come to fight, he will not fight; if he wants to fight, he will grab the most powerful Zheng Jun beat.

Among them, Xiyi was also sent out.However, the Ming army had a large number of artillery, and there were also many Hongyi cannons. The artillerymen were far away from the popular science of Emperor Chongzhen, and they had been trained with gunpowder and artillery, so they were not weaker than Xiyi.

Moreover, the Ming army was on the defensive side, while the Xiyi army was on the offensive side. Before they entered the preset position, they were "welcomed" by the Ming army's artillery. After seeing the Ming army's accurate aim, regardless of whether it was Anders who didn't want to fight, The Dutch who really wanted to hit them all shrank back in fright.

For these Xiyi, they have a way out, and they are definitely not here to fight for their lives. Therefore, it is impossible to fight back despite the bombardment of the Ming army's artillery.

Regarding this situation, although Zheng Bing and the others were dissatisfied, they could not criticize them harshly. Otherwise, if these Xiyi patted their buttocks and left, no one would deal with the bombardment of the Ming Dynasty's artillery.

With the war like this, the situation is already obvious.However, Zheng Yan and the others had no way out, they could only stand in a stalemate here, with a glimmer of fantasy, hoping that there would be a turning point or something.

But they didn't know that, in fact, there was still a hole card on Emperor Chongzhen's side that hadn't been played.He didn't take the initiative to attack, he was just waiting for this hole card.Because of the existence of the eavesdropping system, he can also clearly know the situation.

After more than a month of stalemate, the morale of Annan's allied forces has been very low.But for them, another disaster came, and the last straw that overwhelmed them played a role.

(End of this chapter)

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