Chapter 697
The others didn't notice Lu Xiangsheng's expression, they had a rare chance to meet each other, they couldn't help but wanted to show off themselves, and they all followed suit.

"Yes, my lord, the world is peaceful now, it's time to release the horse to Nanshan, my lord can finally have a good rest!"

"Today's Ming Dynasty is already extremely powerful. Its power shakes all directions and is far better than before. My lord's contributions to the Southern and Northern Wars are indispensable. In the future, I will have the opportunity to go back to my hometown to see more."


These people spoke in the same way, with little differences, and they didn't show their individuality when they said that. Finally, one of them raised his voice and said: "Your Excellency killed all the enemies for Daming, which made the students want to join the army and imitate the master's style." Feng Fan has no chance!"

What he said was of course a joke, to be precise, it was meant to be flattering.

But Lu Xiangsheng had already frowned, but he kept silent all the time, but when he heard this, he finally couldn't help it, and said with a serious face, "You all think so?"

When he opened his mouth, he also had a serious expression while speaking.This made everyone stunned. Thinking about it carefully, they all felt that they didn't say anything wrong, so they were a little surprised, but no one dared to answer, they just looked at Master Lu with their eyes.

Looking at their expressions, Lu Xiangsheng knew what they were thinking.

So, while scanning the officials in front of him, he said solemnly and loudly: "It is said that Daming is powerful, but has it ever surpassed the Han and Tang Dynasties? How is the Western Region now? Do you think that Daming is really strong enough to let the horse go to Nanshan and enjoy it comfortably? "

Hearing this, everyone was stunned again. What does your lord mean, that is to fight the Western Regions and restore the territory of the Han and Tang Dynasties?
Just as they were thinking about it, they heard Lu Xiangsheng say again: "To put it more simply, in the past, just saying that the poor monk came from the Eastern Tang Dynasty would be regarded as a guest of honor by the Siyi. But now, my Ming people go out , Is there such a treatment? You may not know the news, but on the Nanyang side, the people of the Ming Dynasty who went out were slaughtered by the Xiyi at every turn. Do you think that the Ming Dynasty is strong enough?"

Everyone's mouths were wide open when they heard that, they never expected that Master Lu would say such a thing.To be honest, there are so many hidden meanings in these words that it is difficult for them to digest them for a while.

Now that Lu Xiangsheng had already said it, he simply said: "Why did I want to fight the Wa country in North Korea? It is because the Wa country wants to attack my Ming Dynasty! The emperor has a decree, and the Japanese country has wolf ambitions. It is not a day and night to covet my Daming country. Wa country, keeping it will only cause harm to future generations, so it must be destroyed! Besides, there are Hongyi, they came from thousands of miles away, just a few people, but they invaded my southeast coast, this time they even colluded The Wa kingdom will deal with me, Daming. Those red barbarians must have enough lessons..."

After he spoke loudly, the surrounding became very quiet, and everyone was listening quietly.Therefore, Lu Xiangsheng's words can be spread far and wide.

"...The emperor once said that the situation in the world is changing so much that it has never been seen before. If my Ming Dynasty is only limited to the domestic and neighboring countries, I will be sitting on the sky. Waiting for the future, the faraway barbarians will become stronger, and they will flock to us. , and when my Great Ming just became weak again, will the descendants suffer from the previous suffering?"

Hearing that the emperor had said this, many people couldn't help but be astonished.

When Lu Xiangsheng saw it, he immediately questioned them: "Don't take it lightly! I ask you why the most powerful artillery in Ming Dynasty is called the Hongyi cannon? Because it is the first weapon of the Hongyi! Also, the warships of the Xiyi are far faster than the cannon. It's faster than our Ming's! If you understand naval warfare, you know how dangerous it is to Ming!"

For people on the Jiangnan side, of course they have heard about how fast the ships from Xiyi will be.Not to mention the Hongyi Cannon.All of a sudden, those who heard Lu Xiangsheng's words suddenly felt a sense of crisis for some reason.

At this time, Lu Xiangsheng clasped his fists in both hands, motioned towards Yunnan, and then said loudly: "The emperor has worked tirelessly, traveled thousands of miles, and personally conquered the land of Yunnan and Dongwu, defended the country from enemies, and guarded the Ming Dynasty. As subjects, we may have The meaning of slacking off is that the world is peaceful and you can be at ease?"

It's not that these officials in Changzhou Prefecture don't know that the current emperor is conquering Dongwu, but at this time, they are welcoming their local pride, thinking of flattering Lu Xiangsheng, complimenting him, and saying nice words.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xiangsheng is a serious person, and immediately said a lot of truths.If it were Hong Chengchou instead, Hong Chengchou's behavior in the officialdom would be regarded as inaudible, and hehe passed it by, hello, hello, hello, everyone.As for whether these officials really think so, he doesn't care much.

At this time, hearing Lu Xiangsheng mention the current emperor, these officials couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

However, Lu Xiangsheng did not have Sun Chuanting's cold face, and went his own way.Therefore, after he finished speaking, seeing the reactions of these officials, he softened his tone and said earnestly: "Don't say that the current Ming Dynasty is far from strong enough, even if it is really strong, you have to be prepared for danger in times of peace!"

"That's right, that's right, Mr. Lu is right, I've been educated!" the prefect of Changzhou prefect hurriedly replied.

The other officials also saluted together, saying that listening to Lu Xiangsheng's words is better than reading ten years of books!As for what they think in their hearts, I don't know.

Seeing this, Lu Xiangsheng encouraged them again: "Concentrate on official affairs to benefit the people; study hard, be loyal to the emperor and serve the country, and the glory of the Han and Tang Dynasties will not only be reproduced in our hands, but even better than before. Don't worry about the skills you have learned. There is no place to use it, and the size of the world is far beyond what you can imagine! The emperor's ambition and concern for future generations are also far beyond your imagination! Do you understand?"

"Understood!" After hearing this, everyone responded in unison.

Seeing this situation, Lu Xiangsheng clasped his fists and saluted, "I'm going home like an arrow, so I have to continue on my way. I appreciate your kindness. I hope that among you, in our Changzhou mansion, good officials will continue to emerge. It is the glory of my Changzhou Prefecture."

After finishing speaking, he took the reins, turned the horse's head, and prepared to go around the city and rush to Yixing.

Seeing this, everyone watched respectfully.

However, Lu Xiangsheng obviously remembered something again, turned around, and said in a very solemn tone: "The emperor is wise and powerful, and he is an unborn father! In this era, we are waiting for the right time, so don't miss it!"

After saying this, he turned around, clamped the horse's belly with his legs, and with a sound of "drive", he drove the horse to gallop again, and soon went away.

After Lu Xiangsheng went away, all the people outside Changzhou returned to the city talking and laughing.Of course, the discussions between them cannot be separated from Mr. Lu.Moreover, they were very curious about what Lord Lu said when he stopped, and they all asked.So, not long after, what Lu Xiangsheng said just now spread quickly.

"Lord Lu really worries about the world's worries first, and enjoys the world's joys later. He is indeed a good official from Changzhou!"

"Needless to say, it's just four words. Be prepared for danger in times of peace. We thought the world would be peaceful, but Mr. Lu knows that there are still many crises in our Ming Dynasty! This vision is different!"


From the beginning of talking about Lu Xiangsheng, slowly began to discuss what Lu Xiangsheng said, and the meaning revealed in those words.

"At first, I thought that it was enough for us to live and work in peace and contentment in Jiangnan, but I didn't expect that I would be ashamed of Master Lu's words."

"What words? Which words?"

"The poor monk came from the Tang Dynasty in the east, and the barbarians from afar regarded him as a guest!"

"Yes, yes, this sentence is very vivid. The previous Tang Dynasty was really strong! If we want to reach the level of the Ming Dynasty, we still have to work hard, and we must not relax!"

"That's right, Luzon Island massacred our Ming people several times before and after. Isn't that the case? Now those Western Yi people have nothing to do, and they treat our Ming people as fat sheep! They were angry when they heard it!"

"You should have heard Mrs. Lu say that the current emperor is not born in the world. Dongwu violated the border, and now he is personally conquered by the emperor. If you want me to say, Xiyi on Luzon's side is also waiting for the emperor's thunderous wrath. Sooner or later they will be cleaned up!"

"What is that sentence called? It was spread from the capital, and Mr. Lu seems to have said something similar. It seems...we...we were born in the best era, right? That's the sentence, right? I Waiting must not be easy, but must work hard, so as not to disappoint the good times and this era!"

"Yes, Mr. Lu has already said that he hopes our Changzhou Prefecture will produce more good officials and generals! We must work hard!"

"To be honest, if I want to join the army, I will go to the Western Regions and open up the Western Regions for my Ming Dynasty. What do you think?"


It has to be said that Lu Xiangsheng didn't play it perfunctory. His words seemed to be disrespectful, but they gave him a lecture in exchange for cleaning him up.

However, his status is right there. He is the second civil servant to be knighted since the founding of the Ming Dynasty nearly 300 years ago. It is the pride of Changzhou Prefecture.

Therefore, Lu Xiangsheng's preaching made many people listen to it, and worked hard for it, changing their fate.

If it was Hong Chengchou, although his response could make them feel better, and might make them admire Hong Chengchou even more, it would not change the perception of people in Jiangnan.


Besides, Lu Xiangsheng drove all the way and finally arrived at Zhangzhu Town in Yixing County in the evening.

The sun was setting and the clouds in the sky were dyed red.In the farmland beside the town, farmers in twos and threes were walking towards the town.In the town, the smoke from the kitchen is curling up, and there is an idyllic and peaceful scenery.

Reining in the horse, Lu Xiangsheng looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help feeling very emotional.

 Thanks to songshy, book friend 20190331130912677 for the reward of 1000 starting coins, and thanks to Feng Xingying for the reward!

(End of this chapter)

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