Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 695 Governor Dongwu

Chapter 695 Governor Dongwu
In Dongwu army at this time, their king is dead, and their trump card, the war elephant troops, have also fled for their lives. Under such circumstances, no one can recover.

The Daming cavalry continued to hunt down Dongwu soldiers, not allowing them a chance to breathe.The other soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion, except for the heavy armored infantry, also began to break up into pieces, chasing and killing with small flags or general flags as units.

"The descendant will not die..."

Outside the city of Awa, the roar of the Ming army sounded, and this shout was in Dongwu dialect.It was the only Dongwu dialect learned by all the soldiers of the Ming army before the war started.

Those Dongwu soldiers who fled in embarrassment did not have breakfast and their stomachs were empty. Besides, how could they run with two legs better than four legs? Our soldiers, the first to throw their weapons and surrender on their knees.

Regardless of whether it is true that those who surrender will not die, anyway, there is no way to escape, just surrender!

Someone takes the lead and someone follows.

The soldiers of the Ming army, seeing those who knelt down and surrendered, did not kill them, but went past these people and continued to pursue the fleeing soldiers.As a result, the other Dongwu soldiers dared to escape again, and they knelt down and surrendered out of breath.

The Battle of Ava started in the early morning and ended before noon.

Seeing the Dongwu soldiers kneeling outside the city of Ava, the soldiers of the Ming army scattered everywhere cheered loudly, enjoying the joy of victory.

"Da Ming Wansheng!"

"Long live my emperor!"


Around Emperor Chongzhen, civil servants and generals also expressed their highest respect to him.

His own emperor once again led them to an overwhelming victory. He was wise and mighty, and he really defeated the emperors of all dynasties!

Emperor Chongzhen himself was quite happy. If we talk about the previous battles, the golden finger was still playing a role, but this time the decisive battle in Ava City relied entirely on the elite of the Ming army!

With Dongwu's army as a foil, it can be seen at a glance how powerful the Ming soldiers are.From then on, the people of Dongwu must be fearful. Dongwu has been brought under the direct jurisdiction of Daming, and Daming has an outlet to the Western Ocean.

In addition, Emperor Chongzhen looked at the Dongwu soldiers who were kneeling outside the city of Ava, and thought in his heart that at least in the short term, there would be no shortage of labor to build roads and traffic in Yunnan.

There were so many prisoners in Dongwu that even the Qin army led by Zheng Chongjian had to go to the battlefield to help.

After the war ended, all the generals returned to Emperor Chongzhen to reply.

Cao Bianjiao, Huang Degong and Zhou Yuji were all smiling, but there was still a trace of admiration on their faces, and they walked behind Yan Yingyuan.

"Master Yan's skills are really amazing!" Cao Bianjiao had to admit that he really admired Yan Yingyuan's courage and archery skills.

Huang Degong listened and nodded in agreement: "Just now, I thought the Yongwei camp was going to be in trouble. Fortunately, Master Yan stepped forward. He is really a great shot!"

Zhou Yuji was also convinced at this time, and said to Yan Yingyuan with a smile: "My old Zhou always only obeys Governor Lu. He is good at civil and military affairs. He can be a governor when he is civilized, and he can fight in front of the battle to destroy the captives in Liaodong; now, I am old Zhou has another person to admire, Lord Yan, amazing!"

What he said was comparing Yan Yingyuan and Lu Xiangsheng.

Upon hearing this, Yan Yingyuan quickly replied: "Don't dare, dare not, Mr. Lu is someone Yan can hold his own!"

What he said was not modesty, but he really thought so.

At least, Lu Xiangsheng was born as a Jinshi with a serious background, which he couldn't compare to.In addition, when Lu Xiangsheng went south and north, his opponents were still the extremely fierce Liaodong Jianlu and those raging thieves, but this time his opponents were just a group of Dongwu barbarians, not opponents of the same level.

But even though he said that.The three generals did not take it lightly.

Before the war, Emperor Chongzhen's love for Yan Yingyuan was obvious to all.After Yan Yingyuan was put into the army, they also guessed that it must be to let Yan Yingyuan make some contributions, so that it can be reused.

Unexpectedly, Yan Yingyuan was also very competitive. At the critical moment, under the eyes of all the people, he really turned the tide and made three arrows to fix Dongwu!
With this performance, they all believe that this Yan Yingyuan will definitely be reused.

More importantly, Yan Yingyuan followed the route of civil servants, and the idea that gentlemen are more important than martial arts still deeply affected them.Therefore, how dare they underestimate Yan Yingyuan.

Sure enough, as they expected, after arriving at the emperor's side, the emperor was overjoyed and praised Yan Yingyuan full of praise.

By the evening, the entire battlefield had been cleaned up, and the Chinese army tents were packed together, and the generals from all walks of life gathered all the situation in front of the imperial court.

In this battle, the Ming army had only 3 troops, while the Dongwu army had a total of 25 troops, with a huge difference in strength.However, on the side of the Ming army, a total of 350 people were killed (severely injured) and 870 people were injured; on the side of Dongwu, more than 6000 people including Dongwu King Talong were killed; Dongwu was captured. The total number of soldiers is more than [-];

It can be said that this is a great victory of winning more with less, and it will be recorded in the annals of history like other famous victories of winning more with less in history!

Emperor Chongzhen was of course very happy about this, and immediately announced that Dongwu was changed to a province, and that Yan Yingyuan, who was born as a Jinshi, was appointed as the governor of Dongwu, the censor of the capital, and he was the governor of Dongwu, who was in charge of the military and political power of Dongwu.

Although everyone, including Yan Yingyuan himself, thought that Yan Yingyuan would be reused by the emperor.But none of them expected that the emperor would use Yan Yingyuan so much.All of a sudden, everyone congratulated Yan Yingyuan one after another, and Yan Yingyuan was also extremely excited, thanking God for his grace!

He didn't know who had mentioned him to the emperor, but the emperor's love for him was fully revealed from the moment they met.The emperor's kindness made him feel deeply, and secretly vowed that he would be heartbroken and he would also manage Dongwu well.

Yan Yingyuan naturally didn't know that the reason why Emperor Chongzhen used him so much was because of Yan Yingyuan's performance in another plane.For Daming, he would rather die than surrender. His desperate poem once moved him very much in later generations.

On the [-]th, he gave his allegiance to the emperor, representing the characters of the seventeenth dynasties of Taizu.

10 people died of righteousness with one heart and one mind, and stayed in Daming for three hundred miles.

In addition, strictly speaking, Togo's side only annihilated the main force of Togo's army after the decisive battle and killed their king.However, the south of Dongwu has not yet been pacified, and Pingdali, the son of King Talong, has not been captured alive or his body has been seen.On Dongwu's side, there are still many things to do.

Emperor Chongzhen did not intend to stay in Dongwu this year, and continued to go south until the entire Dongwu was conquered.After this battle, he was going to return to Yunnan and deal with Annan's affairs.

Regarding Dongwu's affairs, there must be a capable person to take charge of the overall situation.

Zheng Chongjian, the governor of the three sides, still wants to go back to the three sides.Now Yan Yingyuan, who is sure to win with three arrows, is capable of writing and martial arts, and he is absolutely powerful in Dongwu!With him here, I believe that Dongwu can handle the next thing.

It was based on this idea that Emperor Chongzhen didn't care about Yan Yingyuan's "diploma" and directly promoted Yan Yingyuan to governor of Dongwu.

At this time, according to past experience, it will be about ten days and a half months before the arrival of the rainy season in Dongwu.Of course, it may be earlier or later.In this age without weather forecasts, we can only guess.

Emperor Chongzhen did not stay in Ava City for too long. He announced a series of personnel appointments, mainly to the chief officials of various local governments. He also met with the tribes who had surrendered before and encouraged them.And let their sons of the right age go to the Imperial College of the Imperial Academy to study.

Of course, it is indispensable to introduce Yan Yingyuan.When the people of the Dongwu tribe heard that their ruler was the legendary Arrow God, they were all in awe.This kind of awe is no less than the awe of the Ming emperor.

On the third day after the victory in the Battle of Ava, Emperor Chongzhen led the army back to Yunnan, and took the selected 15 captives to Yunnan by the way.

And the governor of the three sides, Zheng Chongjian, led five thousand Qin soldiers, and had to sit in Awa for Yan Yingyuan for a period of time, so that Yan Yingyuan had enough strength to form his own local army, appease the people, and wait until the governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, Chen Qiyu, sent troops over. .When everything was settled here, Zheng Chongjian led the Qin soldiers back to Shaanxi, and did not go to Annan anymore.The rewards for their military exploits will only be available after they go back.

On the day Emperor Chongzhen set out for his journey, all the men and women in the Ava region came.For them, it was probably only once in their lives that they could see the emperor at his chariot.If this does not come, we will never see it again, and we will not be qualified to brag to future generations.

In addition, there is also the prestige of Emperor Chongzhen, which spread quickly during this period of great joy, and let the people of Dongwu know that it turned out that the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty was invincible and invincible, and any opponent would end in a disastrous defeat.This is no wonder why Emperor Ming could conquer King Long with so few troops.No matter how powerful Yan Zhongcheng is, he is only a general under the Ming Emperor.

In particular, the reputation of Emperor Ming's love for the people like his son has spread, and the people in Dongwu Province are very much looking forward to the improvement of their lives after they become the people of Ming Dynasty.Naturally, they also wanted to send off the monarch who was now their own.

There is a huge crowd of see-off teams here, and when Emperor Chongzhen arrives in Yunnan, there is a huge crowd of welcome teams here.

Because there had been notification in advance, not only officials headed by Chen Qiyu and Mu Tianbo came to greet them, but ordinary people who did not request them also came from far away to greet them.

The military disaster that Dongwu brought to Yunnan can be said to have affected many generations of people in Yunnan. Now the emperor took less than two months to completely solve it. Who would not celebrate and welcome him off?
When you are caught in the ocean of joy here, there is also a very grand welcome ceremony in another place.

(End of this chapter)

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