Chapter 690

"How many people from the Ming army came? Why did they come here in a row these days?"

"Who knows? I don't know if it's true or not. Maybe it's fake?"

"True is not necessarily false! Think about it, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is here, and he only brought a small amount of troops. It seemed impossible at first. It is reasonable for the follow-up troops to arrive, isn't it? Otherwise, how dare you Does it mean that the country is so big, and there is only such a small amount that can defeat the army?"

"When you say that, it's really possible. I used to wonder why the emperor of the Ming Dynasty dared to attack us in Dongwu with so little troops. Isn't he afraid of death? Think about it, the emperor has a lot of lives Jin Gui, how can you not be afraid of death, right?"

"Then why didn't they show up sooner or later, and Ming troops came here one after another these days?"

"It's possible that something was delayed before, and now I'm afraid that the rainy season will come, so I rushed here, so I made it all together. Is this reasonable?"


On the side of Dongwu's army, everyone is guessing like this. Most people think that there must be reinforcements coming from the opposite side. Although the number of people is open to question, the reinforcements will come after all. This is probably true!
As a result, Dongwu's army was panicked, and with the previous "surprise", it can be said that the morale of Dongwu's army was on the verge of collapse.

When King Talong saw that something was wrong, he could no longer hide and disappeared.Otherwise, if some of the troops run away or simply surrender to the Ming army, then he, the King of Dongwu, will probably come to an end.

Thinking of this, he immediately sent an order to the clan chiefs to hold a military meeting.The location is not in the palace this time, but in the arrow tower at the top of the city.

Standing at the window, looking at the Ming Army camp in the distance, King Talong said sternly: "You must not be deceived by the Ming Emperor's tricks. You dare to use the throne as a guarantee. The Ming Army outside the city must be just those people." That’s all. Otherwise, why did we drive away our army’s scouts before that?”

It makes sense for him to say that.However, some patriarchs also raised doubts: "Your Majesty, the smoke in the camp of the Ming army is increasing day by day. How can this be explained? The camp is getting bigger and the pennants are getting more and more. Could it be that they are all fake?"

"That's right, it's a fake!" After hearing this, King Long said without hesitation, "The emperor of the Ming Dynasty is very cunning and cunning, and he will definitely not miss these details."

Having said that, he turned around and glanced at the heads of the various tribes, and said to them sternly: "The rainy season is coming soon, as long as you persevere, this final victory must belong to me, Dongwu. Do you understand?"

"But..." The patriarch was still dissatisfied, and stood up and questioned, "Your Majesty said that the national reinforcements are fake. This is just a guess, right? What if it is true?"

"Nothing is wrong!" After hearing this, King Long stared at the patriarch, his eyes almost burning, and shouted sternly, "What, you dare to suspect that Gu is lying?"

Hearing this, the patriarch turned his head to look at the patriarchs of other tribes, seeing that none of them could speak for him, and thinking of everything about King Long over the years, he suddenly lost confidence, so he took a step back and bowed his head and replied: "Don't dare! "

If it had been changed before, King Long would not have spoken so straight and harshly to show his majesty, he would have ordered the imperial guards to drag him out and chop him up.

But at this time, he still kept his anger in his heart, didn't care about the patriarch, turned around and looked in the direction of the Ming army camp again, and said viciously: "In another ten and a half months, I will wait for God to deal with you Ming dogs. Punish it!"

Afterwards, he made all kinds of promises to win the Ming army, gave countless short sellers benefits, and then threatened them that they must persist, otherwise don't blame him for being ruthless.

After some coercion and lure, King Long let these patriarchs go back and asked them to appease his subordinates and continue to persevere.

However, the reason why these patriarchs are patriarchs is that they are all brains in their respective tribes.He, King Long, threatened and lured them, how could they fail to see that King Long's voice was so stern, that he was afraid of the Ming army!
Regarding whether the Ming army has reinforcements coming, of course they don't believe what King Long says.But at this time, it is still too late for them to change their minds and do all the outrageous things.

The army's fear of the Ming army is increasing day by day, and this is not what the patriarchs want to see.Therefore, it happened to use the name of King Long to appease the respective tribes and wait and see what happened.

But on the second day, the Ming army had 5000 new troops.What is different from the past is that this time there are a lot of food and supplies brought in with the army.There are also many civilian husbands, and what is even more surprising is that there are civil servants among them.

This newly arrived Ming army had the word "Zheng" fluttering in the wind on the handsome flag, and there was also a sign. Although the sharp-eyed Dongwu soldiers could see it clearly, they didn't recognize it.But this does not prevent them from finally tracing it down for people who can read Chinese characters to read.

"Governor of the Three Sides of Ming Dynasty Zheng? Huh, is it the Governor of the Three Sides?"

This has never happened before, how come it looks more and more real?Impossible, this is also a lie, right?

They were thinking about it, but they saw the gates of the Ming army camp wide open, and teams of Ming army generals came out to greet them, which was also unprecedented.Afterwards, this Ming army was welcomed into the Ming army's camp, but this time, there were no more camps and no more smoke.

However, Dongwu's army is even more panicked.

Because whether the previous reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty were real or not, it is impossible to be sure.But this time the Ming army arrived, they were sure that they were definitely newcomers.

They guessed right, and this time it was indeed true.

Zheng Chongjian, the governor of the three sides, was ordered to recover Mengyang, because of the things that Emperor Chongzhen propagated during his stay at Hanlongguan. It can be said that when the Ming army entered Mengyang, which was farther away from Dongwu than Mubang, it was really rumored. It's not an exaggeration at all.

Originally, Zheng Chongjian could have come to Awa's side a little earlier, but he was ordered to wait for some people, so he was a little late.

Emperor Chongzhen learned of Zheng Chongjian's itinerary from the wiretapping system, so he started a false strategy first, and finally ended with Zheng Chongjian's real soldiers.

At this time, in the big tent of the Chinese army, Emperor Chongzhen sat on the high seat, and after watching the group of people below salute, he looked at the group of low-level officials behind Zheng Chongjian and said, "Where is Yan Yingyuan?"

A middle-aged man in his 40s stepped forward when he heard the sound and replied, "We are here!"

"Have you ever been in charge of Jiangyin Canon History?" Emperor Chongzhen thought that this person should be the person in history when he saw his figure, so he asked again.

Zheng Chongjian had a Class A eavesdropping seed on his body, so Emperor Chongzhen knew for a long time that one of the officials Zheng Chongjian was waiting for to be selected from the mainland to manage Yunnan and Dongwu was named Yan Yingyuan.

It was when he saw this name that he remembered that Jiangyin Kangqing Middle School, which was not in this plane, was headed by Yan Yingyuan, who he admired very much in later generations.

Traveling through this era, he was busy organizing government affairs, fighting in the South and North, writing books and disseminating natural knowledge, and Yan Yingyuan's official position was too low to reach the imperial court. Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen kept forgetting about him.

But now that he saw this name, he naturally wanted to confirm whether this Yan Yingyuan was that Yan Yingyuan!
Although he asked, at the same time he was also a little worried. After all, he came across, and he didn't even know how much the butterfly wings fluttered.Maybe, Yan Yingyuan, who was originally in charge of Jiangyin Canon History in history, might not be in charge of Jiangyin Canon History again.

Besides, when Yan Yingyuan heard the question from Emperor Chongzhen, he was taken aback for a moment, and immediately came back to his senses and replied respectfully: "Weichen was appointed as Jiangyin Canon History in 14 years! My mother was seriously ill in 17 years, so I resigned to take care of my mother. My mother passed away last year, and my humble minister was waiting for a vacancy in the Ministry of Officials."

Hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help being overjoyed.Because he vaguely remembered that in the original history, Yan Yingyuan's mother was indeed seriously ill in the year of Ming Dynasty's demise, and this coincided with it.

However, he was still a little uncertain, and regardless of other people, he questioned Yan Yingyuan on the spot. The questions were varied, including governance, military governance, and measures to calm the people and so on.

And this Yan Yingyuan also answered every question, and answered quickly, which seemed very straightforward.

In the big tent of the Chinese army, for a while, only the voices of Emperor Chongzhen and Yan Yingyuan were heard.

When the others saw it, they were secretly surprised.

They were surprised why this Yan Yingyuan would listen to Datian?Obviously, Emperor Chongzhen must have heard of him from somewhere, so he directly called the name, and asked about the past, and asked questions like this.

Of course they were also surprised by Yan Yingyuan's ability, it seemed that it was not small.Many of the emperor's problems can be said to be difficult, and more importantly, both civil and military problems exist.But this Yan Yingyuan answered fluently, and judging by the emperor's expression, he was also very satisfied!

After hearing this, they all confirmed one thing, that this Yan Yingyuan might be reused.

They were thinking about it, when suddenly, Emperor Chongzhen said excitedly: "Come on, let me see how your archery is?"

He remembered the story about Yan Yingyuan, there was a legend about Sanmazi retreating with three arrows.Although at this time, he was basically sure that this Yan Yingyuan was that Yan Yingyuan, but he still wanted to see if the archery was also consistent.

After hearing this, Yan Yingyuan felt a little numb to why the emperor knew him so well.But no matter what, he was overjoyed. Even if he agreed, he stepped out of the tent of the Chinese army and performed his special skills as an archer.

When Emperor Chongzhen saw it, he couldn't help laughing out loud.He clearly remembered Yan Yingyuan's desperate poem:
On the [-]th, he gave his allegiance to the emperor, representing the characters of the seventeenth dynasties of Taizu.

10 people died of righteousness with one heart and one mind, and stayed in Daming for three hundred miles.

Haha, in this life, with me here, there is no need to be tragic, I will give you a life to show your talent!
(End of this chapter)

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