Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 685 Knowledge

Chapter 685 Knowledge
Hearing this, everyone was unhappy.King Talong frowned and asked, "What's the explanation?"

"Look, Your Majesty!" Tai Taitun knew that they would be unhappy, but he still pointed in the direction of the Ming army outside the city, and at the same time reported back to him. , cavalry, infantry, and so on. The last general has seen it. The cooperation between these arms of the Ming army is very tacit, and it is very difficult to fight. On the other hand, although the Kunda tribe has a large number of people, most of them are infantry. Although Shouting loudly, but the formation is not in order, the comparison between these two aspects can be said to be clear at a glance, the last general..."

"Fart, standing in a team can win the battle?" At this moment, Pin Dali finally found a sense of existence, and immediately scolded, "If this is really the case, isn't it too easy to fight, just compare and see who stands neatly. Got it?"

Hearing this, the others couldn't help laughing, the smiles on their faces were full of ridicule, and it was very obvious when they looked at Tai Taitun.

For them, how is the war fought?It's the kind where there are so many people there, they are brave and brave, shouting and swarming up, just like most movies and TV shows in later generations, regardless of domestic and overseas, they swarm up after a war and fight in a chaotic mess.

But he, King Long, had a gloomy face and did not laugh.He remembered that when he was young, he had heard from his parents that he used to fight with the Ming army, and the elite Ming army fought in formations.He had forgotten it before, but now when Tai Taitun mentioned it, he remembered it.

At this time, he was actually somewhat curious in his heart.How powerful will array combat be?

With that in mind, he didn't interrupt.Lest he say something wrong later and damage his prestige as King Dongwu!

Tai Taitun was laughed at by them, but he was not angry. It was not that he could not refute because the prince took the lead in ridiculing them, but that he believed that the facts would happen soon, and that a slap in the face would be the most effective way to refute.

To be honest, at this time, he bowed his head and said nothing, but he hoped in his heart that it would be best for the Ming army not to let him down!
At this time, the opposing sides outside the city had already lined up.Seeing that the Ming army came out with such a small number of troops, Kunda's troops couldn't help but their morale soared.The patriarch of the Kunda tribe immediately ordered an attack when he saw it.Such a good opportunity to perform in front of King Dongwu will definitely help the tribe improve its status in Dongwu!
"Aooooooo..." Hearing the patriarch's order, the warriors of the Kunda tribe took the lead and charged the Ming army with howls.

When other people from the Kunda tribe saw it, they all followed the warriors and rushed forward waving their weapons.

All of a sudden, looking from the top of Ava City, it was like a tide rushing toward the Ming army's position. The momentum was so great that it seemed to be able to drown the Ming army's position in the blink of an eye.

"Okay, okay, okay..." The civil servants and generals around him, King Long, all cheered loudly when they saw this situation.Seeing this situation made them excited, and they wished they could cut melons and vegetables and kill the Ming army!
He, King Long, secretly glanced at Tai Taitun, only to find that Tai Taitun also happened to look back at him. The two of them just looked at each other. Although they immediately turned away, they both knew that among all the people, I'm afraid, They were the only two who were worried.

Emperor Chongzhen was of course also watching the battle.Seeing a group of barbarians rushing towards them from all directions shouting and killing, the group of people were very calm.Among them, Zhou Yuji said enviously: "Marshal Cao seems to be the first one to become famous in Dongwu!"

"Hehe, he is the forward of the army. We can't compete with him in this first battle!" Huang Degong replied with a smile after hearing this.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard their conversation, he smiled and said, "Don't worry, this is just the beginning, Qing and others will have a chance to show themselves!"

Zhou Yuji and Huang Degong were overjoyed to hear the emperor's words, and thanked them quickly.After that, they didn't speak any more, they just looked at the battlefield where they were about to fight.

On the side of the Ming army participating in the battle, five thousand Ming army soldiers formed a hollow square under a banner with the character "Cao".The car camp is at the front, and there is a gap a little wider than one person between each side car.

On the sidecars, most of them are French cannons that are relatively light in weight.As for the Hongyi Cannon, there are only two of them.The roads in Dongwu were really bad. Just transporting these two Hongyi cannons with the army had already cost a lot of effort, and there was really nothing more that could be done.

On the van, there were soldiers from the artillery battalion waiting in full force, staring at the barbarians who were rushing towards them without moving, obviously waiting for the military order to be issued.

Behind them were rows of fusiliers and archers.Among them, the fusiliers were obviously arranged in several rows in a row, preparing to fire in turns.The archer has already placed an arrow on his bow and is waiting for the military order.

Behind these long-range units is the heavy armored infantry, a tall man with a weapon on the ground, either rows of long spears, rows of double-edged long knives, or barbs Mace.Of course, behind them, there are also other infantry units such as shield soldiers.

Finally, on both sides of the phalanx, there were about a thousand light cavalry and a small number of heavy cavalry.

The men and horses of the Kunda tribe screamed and rushed closer and closer...

However, there was still no movement on the side of the Ming army, as if all the soldiers of this Ming army were like clay bodhisattvas, motionless.

On top of Ava City, many people cheered when they saw that the distance between the two sides was almost a stone's throw away.

"Kill, kill Minggou!"

"Ming Gou couldn't have been frightened. He must have been frightened by so many people rushing towards him!"


Compared to their optimism, some generals with actual combat experience were speechless.They thought that the soldiers and horses they brought, or the most elite soldiers and horses they had ever seen, could not be so motionless under such circumstances.

Who doesn't have fear?At least they felt that under the charge of the enemy, they couldn't be so calm!
In other words, this Ming army is definitely very elite.

Thinking of this, they became a little curious again, no matter how elite the troops were, how would the Ming army behave in the face of so many enemy attacks!

In their hearts, many people's hearts were raised.I don't know why, at this time, they, without knowing it themselves, are worried and looking forward to the Ming army.

Suddenly, the situation on the battlefield changed suddenly.

I saw puffs of gunpowder smoke suddenly appearing out of thin air from the Ming army's position, and then I saw blood gullies appearing among the men and horses of the Kunda tribe who were charging.

Until this time, the sound of "Boom boom boom..." came from their ears.

The Dongwu tribe naturally knew about the artillery of the Ming army.Many people have also seen artillery fire and already have expectations in their hearts.

Therefore, when the Ming army opened fire, except for a part of the Kunda tribe at the back, they were all stunned when they saw their companions were smashed to pieces by the iron bullets, leaving broken arms and limbs all over the ground, and blood all over the ground. I couldn't help but stand still, and my mental quality was not enough, so I screamed "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" in fright.

As for the part that rushed to the front, the warriors of the Kunda tribe, most of them ignored the firing of the Ming army's artillery and were still roaring and charging.

They knew very well that there was a time interval after the artillery was fired. As long as they ran fast and rushed over in time, the Ming army's artillery would be useless, and it was time for them to massacre the Ming army gunners!

However, after they had only run a few zhang away, they saw a companion beside them "bang" and was hit by an iron bullet and turned into a human.Then, the sound of "boom boom boom" was heard.

At this moment, some of them were stunned: What's the situation?How could the artillery of the Ming army fire so quickly?

The charge has begun, and the Ming army is close at hand.Although I don't understand why the Ming army's artillery fires so quickly, they are still charging "aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa".

Above the city of Ava, the artillerymen of the Ming army plowed out bloody trenches, but most of the Kunda tribe continued to charge.Many people have to sigh with emotion.

"You see, the Kunda tribe's fame is not earned in vain."

"That is, let me tell you, with so many warriors from the Kunda tribe, they can at least rank among the top three in our Dongwu tribe!"

"Haha, I'm about to rush into the Ming army. What's the use of the bird array they arranged!"

"Yes, the artillery of the Ming army can only kill a few people in one shot, even though it is intimidating. Now that there is such a disparity in the number of the two armies, what if they kill some with cannonballs?"


Just as they were talking, the Ming army's cannonballs continued, but the Kunda tribe, who had rushed to a distance of less than fifteen or sixty feet in front of the Ming army, suddenly fell to the ground bloody like paper. .It's not just one, two, but one piece after another.

Suddenly, there was silence on the top of Ava City, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Obviously, the Franco cannons of the Ming army, and the last few of the sub-guns, are all loaded with shotguns, so when they are blasted out, they will be a real rain of bullets. How can the flesh and blood in front of them resist it?

After such a bombardment, the sound of the cannon fell silent.

On the side of the Kunda tribe, their bravest warriors rushed to the forefront, and most of them have been reimbursed.Following behind them was a second-class warrior.Seeing such a large area of ​​dead people in front of them, and they were still in a terrible state of death, they either stopped or charged, and involuntarily slowed down.

At this moment, rows of Ming troops were seen striding out from the gaps between sidecars, and then started firing row after row.As for the archers, they made up for the omissions of the fusiliers and began their performance.

(End of this chapter)

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