Chapter 674
The [-] or so rebels who rushed into the forest have basically come out and surrendered.The greatest credit for this is the land policy promulgated by Emperor Chongzhen.

The next thing is to continue to advance south and sort out the whole territory of Yunnan.

Compared with before, the next thing is much simpler.Many serfs in the chieftain's territory had surrendered by this time.And knowing that as long as the land belongs to the imperial court, they will be able to get the land from the original land lord, and they will have their own land in the future, and they will be exempted from taxation. Such a good thing, it can be said that the enthusiasm of these people is the highest. of.

The imperial army was led by them as the vanguard. It was not a problem at all if the roads were inconvenient, the mountains and dense forests, and the miasma and poisonous smoke.At this time, they are the ones who least want anything to happen to the imperial army.

Some of the big and small chieftains who fled back originally wanted to take advantage of the terrain to deal with the imperial army.As a result, the imperial army was real, and the autumn wind swept across the fallen leaves from south to north.Many chieftains, big and small, were even tied up by their original serfs before the imperial army arrived, and sent to the imperial army to receive rewards.

This pace of strides caught Chen Qiyu, governor of Yunnan and Guizhou, and Wu Zhaoyuan, governor of Yunnan, a little unprepared. They simply couldn't send so many local officials to govern the newly established prefectures and counties.As a last resort, the memorial was handed over to Emperor Chongzhen, and the boss was still required to resolve these matters.

In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen decreed that a group of cadres were urgently dispatched from neighboring provinces to set up the yamen shelf first.Then, excellent students were selected from the Guozijian in the northern and southern capitals, as well as Jinshi and Juren from the Ministry of Officials to come to Yunnan.

A month later, there were basically no traces of rebels in the whole of Yunnan.It's like the massive Tusi Rebellion in Yunnan, which never happened at all.

It wasn't until this time that Emperor Chongzhen issued an order to reward meritorious deeds.

Wu Zhaoyuan, the governor of Yunnan, was very old, and he had mentioned returning to his hometown before he was awarded the reward, so he was named the censor of Zuodu, gifted to the prince Taibao, and exceptionally promoted his son Wu Yingxi, who was born as a Jinshi. a member.

The leader of the White Pole Army, Qin Liangyu, also has gray temples, but he has been fighting for the Ming Dynasty.She has worked hard and is a rare female general since ancient times. Emperor Chongzhen was moved by her loyalty and named her the Marquis of Zhongzhen.

In the original history, Qin Liangyu was only the wife of the second rank in the Chongzhen Dynasty. It was only when she was waiting for her that the Nanming court posthumously granted her the title of Marquis of Zhongzhen.But in this life, he got the title alive, and once he got it, he became a Marquis.This shows that Emperor Chongzhen appreciated Qin Liangyu.

Next came General Hussars, the Commander of the Capital, and Ma Xianglin, the envoy of Shizhu Consolation.In the original history, he was loyal to the country in the 16th year of Chongzhen and died in battle!Now, not only is he living well, but he is also named Zhongyong Bo by Emperor Chongzhen.

One family and two titles, and they are still loyal and brave. This is the extremely high treatment given to them by Emperor Chongzhen.

Long Zaitian and Wang Yangzu were chieftains, that is to say, consolation envoys appointed by the imperial court in name, but this time, they were also named Shipingbo and Xiebo by Emperor Chongzhen, named after their territories.

Using this as a reference, all chieftains who are loyal to Daming will be changed to earls.Of course, the treatment is still different from earl to earl.Those who have made contributions like Xianglong Zaitian and Wang Yangzu will be given other rewards according to the size of their contributions.

Mu Tianbo is already the Duke of Qian. On Daming's side, there has never been a king with a different surname. The Duke has reached the peak.However, this time, Mu Tianbo's contribution is not small, not only defending Kunming City, but also responsible for supplying money and food for the Imperial Forest Army.Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen named his second son Mu Zhongliang the uncle of Dian, and his daughter-in-law was granted the title of Mrs. Uncle at the same time.

This time, Emperor Chongzhen conferred many titles in one breath.It is also thanks to the fact that none of these titles are hereditary that he is so generous, otherwise, he would never have conferred so many titles.

Of course, there are rewards for other officers and soldiers, and those who are rewarded according to the normal military merits are not directly announced in front of the emperor.

Huang Degong, Cao Bianjiao, and Zhou Yuji were the commander-in-chief accompanying the expedition this time. To be honest, they were a little jealous of so many titles but they didn't have their share.However, they also have self-knowledge, knowing that this battle is still as easy as before. According to the experience of the north, the credit for this kind of war is small.

However, they are still looking forward to the upcoming war that will destroy Donggo's country.Because according to experience, the emperor will definitely give him a knighthood in this kind of war to destroy the country.Maybe, by the time their class returns to Beijing, they will be given the title of earl.

After the award was completed, Emperor Chongzhen led the Imperial Forest Army, and Zheng Chongjian, the governor of the three sides, led part of the elite Qin army, a total of 3 horses. In addition, Long Zaitian and Wang Yangzu led a small number of soldiers and horses to continue south with the army, and officially started the campaign against Dongwu. fighting.


Dongwu was the Toungoo dynasty at this time, and it was the second unified dynasty in this region. It can also be said that it was powerful for a while. It not only occupied a lot of Ming territory, but also drove away the Portuguese and hanged the governor.

However, successive years of war have also caused the people's livelihood of the Toungoo Dynasty to decline and the national power to weaken day by day.After Tatatsu became king, he realized this and began the famous period of recuperation in Togo.

According to the original historical development, King Long's life was basically spent in recuperation.It's just that on this plane, the continuous recuperation made the Toungoo Dynasty strong again, and just happened to see the Daming Yunnan area again, and the rebellious chieftains sprung up like mushrooms after rain, and some chieftains even came to contact, which made him King Long's heart stirred again.

In his first three terms, that is, in the time of Mangyingli, he had been at war with the Ming Dynasty. Although the then capital city Awa was taken down by the generals of the Ming Dynasty, in the end, it was Dongwu who occupied the Ming Dynasty. A large territory such as Yangyang and Mubang.

The jurisdiction of the two Xuanweisi in Mengyang and Mubang is equivalent to the vast area north of Bhamo and Kaitai in Myanmar today, east of the Naga Mountains and up to the northeastern part of Shan State, which is often referred to as the northern Myanmar region.Such a large area became part of the Toungoo Dynasty and became the place of Mang Yingli's achievements. I have to say that this made Talong very envious.

Now, Ming Dynasty Yunnan itself is in a mess. Of course, King Long would not miss such a good opportunity, so he sent his confidant general Tai Taitun to lead the troops to fish in the troubled waters of Yunnan, hoping to occupy a few more territories.

Since Tai Taitun led the army away, King Long has been waiting for good news.At the beginning, I heard that the chieftain allied forces of the Ming rebellion had even surrounded Kunming, the capital of Yunnan.For this reason, he, King Long, was in a hurry, and even sent a special envoy to urge Tai Taitun to march quickly, and at the same time asked him to raise the asking price, in order to get more benefits from this incident.

If this happened, King Talong would not only recuperate and make Dongwu strong again, but even expand his territory. He would surely become the most promising king in the history of the Toungoo Dynasty.

What is the purpose of recuperating, isn't it just to make the kingdom stronger!And what is the purpose of becoming stronger, isn't it to expand the territory and become a king with a wider territory!

Thinking of this, he, King Long, couldn't wait any longer, so he simply drove Ava and waited for the good news from Tai Taitun nearby.

As the saying goes, what is good at the top will be worse at the bottom.Don't be too obvious about King Long's mentality, his courtiers naturally do what he likes, and tell him the good things he wants to hear every day.

"My lord, now I have a strong army and a strong horse, and it is not comparable to before. This time, I will be able to expand the territory again!"

"Yes, maybe one day in the future, I, Dongwu, will be able to occupy the entire Yunnan of the Ming Dynasty. Your Majesty, I will also become the eternal king whose name I, Dongwu, will go down in history!"

"What do you want to occupy the whole of Yunnan? Dongwu is under the wise rule of the king, and with Dongwu's current military strength, as long as my king is willing, it will not be a problem to occupy the entire Ming country!"


Regarding these flattery, he, King Long, was cheerful at the beginning, and he also refuted some of them that were obviously exaggerated, such as: "You wait until you talk nonsense, how old is the Ming Kingdom? For one thing, this king still knows what to do, don’t even think about occupying the entire Ming country!”

But I heard too many good words, although he lost some flattery, but he couldn't hold back these flattery like the water of the Yellow River, the waves are endless, after hearing it, he didn't refute those exaggerated flattery, he just He listened with a smile.

Sometimes, if you flatter too much, you will even believe yourself.

The courtiers of King Talong, after talking about it, began to covet the official positions in the newly occupied land.Although it is impossible to occupy the entire Ming country, and it is a bit reluctant to occupy the entire Yunnan, but at least it is close to Dongwu's territory, so you can always win a few pieces, right?
In any case, the land of Yunnan in the Ming Dynasty is much richer than Dongwu.These courtiers of King Long began to talk to King Long in different ways, thinking that King Long would appoint them as officials of the newly occupied territory.

Just as they were so noisy, finally one day, this situation was broken.

On this day, King Thalon was hunting outside the city of Ava.Although he was old, he never expected that he would hit a hundred shots and catch a lot of prey.This put him in a good mood, and he returned to Ava with his prey.But as soon as they arrived at the city gate, they heard the sound of horses' hoofs galloping towards them.Reminded by the courtier, he turned his head and saw that it was coming from the north.

When King Long saw it, he simply stopped leaving, stood on the head of Ava City, and waited with a smile on his face. What kind of good news would it be?

(End of this chapter)

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