Chapter 661
After all, Mu Tianbo was from a family of generals. After Qin Liangyu reminded him, Mu Tianbo could tell that the rebels outside the city didn't have the feeling of frustration that they couldn't take down the city.On the contrary, everyone's morale is high, as if they have not suffered setbacks before!
Thinking of this, he became worried, and couldn't help asking Qin Liangyu: "Do these rebels have any other tricks? Qin Dudu has been in battle for a long time, so you know what their tricks will be?"

After hearing this, Qin Liangyu frowned and thought for a while and said, "From the news from the previous visits, it can be seen that Sha Dingzhou colluded with Annan, but in the current situation, Annan should not send troops over, right? And Considering the situation on Annan's side, it is impossible to send troops over..."

After guessing for a while, but still unable to confirm, she had no choice but to comfort Mu Tianbo and said, "Don't worry, Duke, even if the rebels have countermeasures, we also have countermeasures. The emperor's personal conquest is definitely not something that the rebels can compare to. We will persevere, victory will belong to us after all!"

The worst thing about defending a city is that there are no reinforcements from outside. If this is the case, even the most fortified city will fall one day.But Kunming City is different, the biggest reinforcements are coming.

Therefore, after hearing this, Mu Tianbo finally said solemnly to Qin Liangyu, "Then leave everything to the Governor of Qin!"


Two days later, there were loud cheers in the rebel camp.Mu Tianbo, who was resting in the Duke's mansion, was terrified and hurried to the top of the city to watch.

As soon as he got to the top of the city, he saw Qin Liangyu and others were there, so he hurried over and asked loudly, "Captain Qin, what happened?"

Hearing his voice, Qin Liangyu turned to look at him with a stern expression. After paying respects, Qin Liangyu pointed to the outside of the city and said to Mu Tianbo, "Three red barbarian cannons suddenly appeared among the rebels!"

"Red Barbarian Cannon?" Mu Tianbo was stunned when he heard it. There are not many such heavy artillery in the entire Ming Dynasty.Most of them were deployed in the north to defend Liaodong Jianlu.In the borderland of Yunnan, there might be some red barbarian cannons!
Looking intently, I saw the gate of the rebel camp in the distance, surrounded by rebels, and chieftains from all walks of life rushed there.In the middle of the surrounding circle, there were indeed three cannons. Although he had never seen the appearance of the Hongyi cannons, Qin Liangyu had experienced many battles in the South and North, so he would definitely not be mistaken.

Thinking of this, he confirmed to Qin Liangyu with a pale face: "Qin Dudu, this... this Hongyi cannon is very powerful. Does the Lord Ben mean that it is as powerful as in the legend?"

Hearing his question, Wang Yangzu also looked at Qin Liangyu worriedly.And their personal guards, etc., also watched Qin Liangyu.

"It's not that exaggerated!" Qin Liangyu immediately shook his head and said, "But the Hongyi cannon is indeed a powerful weapon for attacking the city. The city gate cannot withstand the bombardment and must be sealed with mud."

"Actually, if the Hongyi cannon is not operated properly, it will easily explode, and it is not so easy to hit it accurately." Ma Xianglin who was on the side saw that the morale was not right, and then interrupted, "Also, the Hongyi cannon cannot be long. Time is of the essence, after firing a few shots, you have to rest for a while!"

After hearing this, Long Zaitian also echoed, "I saw it before when the last general was ordered to suppress bandits in the Central Plains. Although this Hongyi cannon is powerful, it does have many shortcomings."

Qin Liangyu saw that Mu Tianbo's face looked a little better, so he continued to comfort him: "I will not lie to the Duke, this red barbarian cannon is indeed useful for attacking the city. But it is true as the old man said, as long as the city gate is blocked, only three gates will be opened." The red barbarian cannons are nothing but the city walls of Kunming. In the end, it is only people who decide the outcome. With Lao Shen and others around, the Duke just waits to see the emperor!"

As soon as he heard the word "Emperor", Mu Tianbo immediately thought of the reinforcements again, his face became a little better, and he immediately bowed to Qin Liangyu and the others with his hands clasped together, "Okay, then I'll leave everything to you guys!"

After Mu Tianbo left, Qin Liangyu frowned, and seemed to be talking to himself, "Where did the red cannons of the rebels come from?"

One thing is certain, it is absolutely impossible for the rebels to have Hongyi cannons.This situation can be proved by the fact that the rebels did not use Hongyi cannons to attack the city at the beginning.

Qin Liangyu kept this matter in mind, and then began to deploy according to the advantages and disadvantages of Hongyi Cannon.

For those who have never seen the Hongyi Cannon but only heard of it, it seems that the Hongyi Cannon is very powerful, just like Mu Tianbo; however, for those who have seen the Hongyi Cannon and know the advantages and disadvantages of the Hongyi Cannon, For example, Qin Liangyu, Ma Xianglin and Long Zaitian, but it can only attract their attention.As for losing confidence because of this, it is impossible.


Outside the city, at the entrance of the rebel camp, when he heard that the Hongyi cannons had arrived, Sha Dingzhou deliberately let the three Hongyi cannons be placed at the entrance of the camp in public, so that everyone could see it, which would not only boost his morale, but also help him Then attack the defenders at the head of Kunming city.

At this time, he clasped his fists and said to the two people standing in front of the Hongyi Cannon: "I really look forward to it day and night, and finally I look forward to Brother Ruan, and this..."

The person he called Brother Ruan was Ruan Fuquan, an Annan rebel, and after hearing Sha Dingzhou's words, he introduced him: "This is Frangji, named Carlos, who is best at this red barbarian cannon! "

The man named Carlos could hear their conversation, probably what they were talking about, so he babbled along. Sha Dingzhou saw it and was a little curious, so he asked Ruan Fuquan, "What does he mean?"

"He said that the reward of 10 taels from afar cannot be missed." Ruan Fuquan said with a smile after hearing this.

When Sha Dingzhou heard this, he couldn't help laughing, it's only 10 taels!As long as Kunming City is conquered, the wealth accumulated by the Mu family for nearly 300 years, let alone 10 taels, is 20 taels, so what!

Of course, he would not say this. He agreed to the reward of 10 taels, and said boldly to Ruan Fuquan: "Please tell this... Carlos, as long as you can bombard Kunming City as soon as possible , and give them another 5 taels of hard work!"

Carlos was very happy when he heard that.They traveled thousands of miles to the Far East in order to get money!
It only takes half a year at most to come here, and you can get 10 taels for free. Now these Far Easterners are even willing to give an extra 5 taels. Such a good thing is really worth it.

If the two armies are in a stalemate and the outcome is unknown, then Carlos may not be so satisfied.However, now this side has the upper hand, as long as he uses these heavy artillery to bombard cities without equivalent artillery defense, this kind of work is safe and easy, and 15 taels of silver is really equivalent to nothing for them up.

When Carlos was happy, he patted his chest and promised that he would blast down Kunming City as soon as possible.These words of his were naturally translated loudly by Ruan Fuquan, who immediately welcomed bursts of applause from the chieftains.

Sha Dingzhou didn't welcome Ruan Fuquan and others in until he felt that his morale was almost up. He immediately held a big banquet, as if he had won the battle, and made a fuss until evening, and they all got drunk before leaving.

In the early morning of the second day, almost the entire army of the rebels was dispatched.Anyone who is qualified will go to the place where the Hongyi cannons are placed at the north gate to watch.

Naturally, Sha Dingzhou, Wu Bikui and others were also here. They watched Carlos and others measure the distance and set up the Hongyi cannon position. After everything was ready, there was a deafening sound in Kunming City.

At the same time as the "boom", gunpowder smoke rose.Sha Dingzhou and the others opened their eyes wide and saw where the city gate was. An iron bullet was hit on the arrow tower at the top of the city, and a corner was immediately knocked down. The raised dust immediately filled the city.

Seeing the power of the Hongyi cannon, the soldiers of the rebel army couldn't help cheering loudly.

Ruan Fuquan also happily introduced: "There is a method for this cannon, which is called test cannon. Afterwards, these Fulang robots will adjust the muzzle, and then they will definitely be able to hit the city gate!"

"Okay!" Sha Dingzhou said happily after hearing this, "As long as we break through the city gate, we will be ten times stronger than the officers and soldiers in the city, and the city of Kunming will definitely be captured!"

Wu Bikui was a little disappointed when he heard that, so, more than half of the credit for winning Kunming belonged to him in Shadingzhou.Thinking of this, he began to think in his mind, should he also contact his allies more?
When he was thinking this way, he heard another "boom".Almost in the blink of an eye, an iron bullet hit the city gate.

When Sha Dingzhou and the others saw it, they even forgot their identities for a moment, and immediately said happily: "I have been hit, I have been hit, with such a great power, the city gate must be broken!"

However, they were overjoyed. When the dust dissipated, although they saw that the city gate had indeed been smashed into a hole, the soil behind the city gate was tightly blocked, which was the same as whether the city gate existed or not.

This time, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.They didn't expect that the officers and soldiers in the city would block the city gates neatly!

Even Carlos was stunned. He thought it was an easy job, but it seemed that it would take a lot of effort. Immediately, he chattered for a while, and then started to get busy again.

Ruan Fuquan who was nearby heard this, and said to Sha Dingzhou and others: "He said smashing the city gate is useless, so he planned to bomb a corner of the city wall to collapse the city wall.

Hearing this, Sha Dingzhou and others regained their optimism.As long as it can knock down the city wall, that's fine.

However, they didn't expect that after a busy day outside the city, the booming stopped and stopped, and finally a gap in the city wall was blasted away, but the officers and soldiers in the city immediately filled it with sacks of soil, and immediately built it up again.

This time, even Carlos was not optimistic.Immediately said to Ruan Fuquan: "I didn't expect that in such a remote place, there are people who know how to defend against artillery bombardment. This matter is a bit difficult!"

 ps1: There was a mistake in the introduction in the previous chapter. Bei Zheng was supported by the Dutch, and Nan Ruan was supported by the Portuguese. It was reversed and has been revised.

  ps2: I can't add more changes today, and I have to work overtime tomorrow, but there are only two more changes, and it will definitely be done this week.

(End of this chapter)

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