Chapter 648
On the side of the Ming army, baffles were assembled on the wheelbarrows one after another, and then quilts were hung on the baffles, just like a wall.

The road on the shore is difficult to walk, but this kind of unicycle is no problem. There are three Ming soldiers behind them pushing this kind of unicycle with huge shields and controlling the direction.All the other Ming troops hid behind this special car.

Beder was not an idiot, he could tell at a glance that this kind of car was more than enough to block lead bullets.That is to say, his biggest reliance, that is, the firearm, was useless.This kind of car can only be dealt with if artillery bombardment is dispatched. However, they came in a hurry without any artillery at all.How to fight now?
He was not mistaken, the car that Zheng Chenggong specially prepared was a slightly remodeled car that Zheng Chenggong learned from Jianlu, so as to be able to propel on complicated roads.

While Beidel was dumbfounded, the Ming army began to push forward with a wheelbarrow.Every time they advanced, the soldiers of the Ming army hiding behind the chariot roared loudly, and the sound was so loud that it shook the whole field!
Without Bader's order, his subordinates stopped advancing by themselves, but they didn't have any hind legs, and they just looked around in panic.See what the others are going to do, see if their captain will change orders?
They were already not far apart, but after a while, they got closer. Beder understood that if this continues, the only way to fight is with the Ming army.But hand-to-hand combat is the strength of the Ming army. If they really want to start hand-to-hand combat, the Ming army, which is large in number and good at hand-to-hand combat, will definitely be able to cut melons and vegetables.

In desperation, he had to order a retreat.This task of intercepting and blocking the Ming army obviously failed.

However, at this time, the Ming army suddenly accelerated their advance speed, and bows and arrows jumped over the chariot and shot towards them.

The Dutch devils were panicking at first, but when they heard the retreat order and were about to leave, they were suddenly attacked by bows and arrows. After falling down a few times, the remaining Dutch devils could still maintain their formation, and they spread their feet and ran away. up.

On the Ming army's side, when they saw Hongyi retreating and completely losing their formation, they immediately got out of their carriages and began to pursue them.


This kind of action of chasing the defeated army should not raise morale too much. Amidst the thunderous shouts of killing, the momentum is like a rainbow. Everyone is vying to be the first, looking forward to making military achievements.

Soon, some Dutch devils were caught up, some knelt down and surrendered, some tried to speed up and escape, and some turned around and even tried to resist.

No matter what they wanted to do, the momentum of this retreat had already been achieved, and there was no room for struggle at all. The larger number of soldiers of the Ming army, like a flood, drowned in one fell swoop.

In the direction of Chixian City, of course, they also heard the movement. They already knew the news that the Ming army was attacking. They were afraid that the Ming army would cut off the connection between the two cities, so they also sent reinforcements.However, not long after these reinforcements left the city, they saw the Ming army soldiers chasing the Dutch soldiers with great momentum. They were all dumbfounded.

How did this battle end so quickly? When did the Ming army become so powerful?

Indeed, in their impression, the Ming side, that is, the navy is stronger, and they can fight them more by relying on ships.As for the army, under their firearms, they are basically trash.

Just say that when they occupied the Penghu Islands before, the Ming government organized tens of thousands of people to attack them, but they still failed to capture them.But what I see now...

Panicked, they didn't dare to stay in the wild anymore, and hurriedly turned around and retreated to the city.As for those accomplices who were chased and killed by the Ming army, they can only rely on God's blessing and ask for blessings.

Deep on the shore, Taiwanese people who heard the news and came to see the situation happened to see the scene of the Ming army chasing and killing Hongyi, and they were all overjoyed. Such a happy thing was actually seen by themselves.

At first they were delighted to see the Ming army chasing and killing them. Later, those young and strong couldn't bear it anymore. They didn't even care whether they had weapons in their hands or not. go back to town.

In fact, under the panic of the Dutch army, even if they had weapons, they were no different from fire sticks.Not to mention, at this time their firearms, although they have been replaced with flintlock guns, can be loaded with the same effort.It can even be said that in this case, it may be of little use if it is the [-] guns of the devils of later generations.

At this time, let alone, after someone took the lead, the Taiwanese people who came to watch all spread their feet to block these Hongyi, the number of them was at least two thousand.From different directions and places, they swarmed towards Hongyi's retreat, and their momentum was also unstoppable.

Bader and the Dutch devils who were out of the city were dumbfounded when they saw it.There was not much room for thinking and hesitation at all, and the soldiers of the Ming army behind had already caught up.Almost instinctively, the Dutchmen dropped their weapons and fell to their knees.

They came to the Far East to make money, not to expand territory for their company. Therefore, death rather than surrender did not exist in their hearts.Now, they are only worried about whether their dogs can survive.

On the side of the Ming army, when they saw Hongyi surrendering, they did not kill again.However, the people in Taiwan, after they rushed to see Hongyi kneeling and surrendering, they didn't care at all. Four or five people went to beat up one, and even some Taiwanese people picked up the firearms Hongyi left behind. , just like a wooden stick, and hit when the wheel comes up.

It's not how cruel they are, but how many years they have been oppressed by the Dutch devils, and almost everyone has a grudge against the Dutch devils. In this case, they will pay attention to the rule of not killing those who surrender, and they will directly take revenge first up.

In this way, these Dutch devils were out of luck. Under the angry anger of the Taiwanese people, some were beaten to the point of bleeding and screaming; some were directly beaten to death and fell to the ground motionless.When the soldiers of the Ming army arrived, there were not many people alive.

Regarding this, the soldiers of the Ming army did not complain about them, but only tied up those who were still alive and not seriously injured.As for the rest, it doesn't matter.

After the Taiwanese people vented their anger, every one of them expressed their utmost respect for the imperial army.Some even knelt down and kowtowed, thanking the Ming army soldiers for coming to save them from the fire and water.After that, some of them stayed to help the Ming army, and some hurried back to their own places to tell more people the good news.

After such a battle, the soldiers of the Ming army who entered the Taijiang River were no longer blocked. Some blocked the waterway of the Taijiang River, and some landed. They advanced to the two Hongyi cities by land, which cut off the connection between the two cities. , achieved the operational goal of the first step.

Zheng Chenggong, who was outside Dayuan Port, saw the soldiers of the Ming army appearing on the outskirts of Zeelandia City, and he knew that the battle was going well, so he sent a signal to attack the city in an all-round way.The reason why he was in such a hurry was that he didn't want to give Hongyi time to react.Otherwise, the city of Hongyi is strong, and it will not be easy to take it down.

As a result, hundreds of warships began to approach Dayuan Port, using the cannons on the ship to bombard the enemy forts on the shore. On the land, the morale of the soldiers of the Ming army who had just arrived was high, and they began to repeat their old tricks. For cover, spread out and start attacking the city.

In the city of Geranje, the Dutch Governor Garon was a little dumbfounded.The situation took a turn for the worse, so quickly that he was stunned.When, how could the Ming army be able to fight like this?How much time had passed before the Ming army actually began to attack by land and water?

Of course he didn't know that in order to achieve the goal of the land and water attack, the Ming army had already started preparations a month earlier.It can be said that the preparation in advance did not know how long it took to have this sudden effect.

This city of Zeelandia is from Lingbao, and every corner is a protruding semicircle, so that the city of Zeelandia has no dead spots for defense, and it is fully equipped with guns, making it a city that is easy to defend but difficult to attack.

In the original history, Zheng Chenggong once attacked by force, but suffered heavy losses and could not fight at all. In the end, he had to besieged instead.

But now, the surroundings of Zeelandia City are full of shouts of killing.The most eye-catching, of course, is the attack of a hundred warships.

I saw all kinds of big ships lined up, using their sides to face the shore guns, and they were "booming" each other. There were also some small boats bravely rowing towards the shore amidst the ups and downs of the waves.

And the Hongyi on the shore naturally used their fastest speed to fight back.It can be said that at least their energies have been completely restrained by these hundred warships.

Jia Long looked at the battle situation outside the port, and then hurriedly watched the Ming army's offensive on the shore.I saw the Ming army hiding behind the chariot and attacking the city wall scatteredly.Behind them, there are soldiers carrying simple ladders, everyone shouting to kill, and the momentum will definitely not be weaker than the artillery of the big ship.

In the distance, there are still Ming troops rushing over.Farther away, people from Taiwan rushed to hear the news, gathering more and more.Some of them have already gone to help the Ming army.Obviously, those Taiwanese people are also enemies of the Netherlands.

In this cold weather, before he knew it, Jia Long's forehead was already covered with sweat.The situation took a turn for the worse, which caught him off guard.

Beside him, He Bin was always looking for an opportunity to fight, but all around were Hongyi, holding things in their hands.He tried several times, but in the end he didn't dare to do it.

After waiting for a while, after seeing Zheng Chenggong's flagship outside Dayuan Port send out a signal, he knew that he could not delay any longer.

This most ideal plan involved his life, he didn't dare to take the risk, so he turned around and left to implement the second set of plans.

Jia Long was too busy, and he didn't need He Bin to translate the military order to his subordinates, so he didn't care whether He Bin left or not.

(End of this chapter)

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