Chapter 644

Listening to Zheng Hongkui's detailed introduction, Zheng Chenggong's brows could not help but twist into a word "Chuan".He had to admit that those Hongyi really managed Taiwan with care. Not only did they choose the site carefully, but they also built it so that it was easy to defend and difficult to attack.

In the original history, Zheng Chenggong did not actually take down the largest stronghold of the Dutch. He relied on siege and forced the Dutch to surrender after they ran out of ammunition and food.

After Zheng Hongkui finished his introduction, he turned his eyes away from the map, looked at Zheng Chenggong and said, "This He Bin is indeed a key figure. Even if the other people's side is not going well, as long as he puts his heart and soul into attacking Hongyi in Taiwan, It can also greatly reduce the difficulty.”

After saying this, he pointed to the Luermen Channel and said: "Hongyi thinks this place is a natural danger, so there are no heavy guards. But according to He Bin, he heard from the fishermen that this place is actually safe when the tide is high." Accelerate the big ship. Just in case, I have asked him to verify again. There must be no mistakes in this matter!"

Zheng Chenggong nodded when he heard this, with a serious expression on his face.This is the first time he personally directs a battle, and the degree of importance and tension in his heart is not enough for outsiders.

Zheng Hongkui actually knew this well, and he also wanted to help his nephew win this first battle. Therefore, after introducing these, he said to Zheng Chenggong: "Of course, this war readiness situation is to prepare, but to outwit The method is also being prepared. If He Bin verifies that the Taiwanese red barbarians have not yet learned the news from the Japanese country, it is the Nagasaki red barbarians who acted privately and have not notified here yet, maybe they can lure those red barbarians out with a trick. "

From the very beginning, they decided on two methods, while preparing for the battle with all their strength, they also considered ways to outwit them.

However, Hongyi has always been cunning. The communication with Daming, or the communication with the Zheng family, was all done by people like He Bin who worked under him. As for themselves, they will never leave Taiwan, at least not to Come from the mainland coast.

In the past, they were daring and looked down on Daming. They came to show off their power in warships, but they were dealt with by Zheng Zhilong, which was the famous naval battle of Liuluowan, which completely scared these red barbarians. dare to come over.

At this time, after hearing Zheng Hongkui's words, Zheng Chenggong nodded and said: "Then based on a detailed understanding of the Hongyi military situation, we can gradually restrict merchant ships from going to Taiwan, right?"

"Okay!" Zheng Hongkui nodded after hearing this, "Just follow the previously decided strategy, let the red barbarians get anxious first, and we'll see what the situation is."

So, in the next few days, Zheng Chenggong and others continued to be busy with these things.

The good news came quickly. He Bin not only provided more specific military information about the two cities of Hongyi, such as the distribution of troops, the situation of firepower, and so on.These may not be very concerned at ordinary times, but now it is more clear to specifically target them.

In addition, He Bin also found out the news about the Luermen Waterway on the spot, saying that when the tide is high, especially on the first and sixteenth day of the Lunar New Year, large and small boats can pass through.However, Hongyi originally sent some troops to guard this dangerous garrison. Before it was blown down due to a typhoon, Hongyi felt that nothing would happen here, so he did not build it, and all the troops were withdrawn.

These are all good news, which made Zheng Chenggong and others very excited. While stepping up preparations for the war, they also speeded up the tightening of the number of merchant ships going to Taiwan.


The Governor-General of the Netherlands in Taiwan, the Governor-General of the Netherlands Garon, who has only been in office for more than a year, was very happy at first. Under his wise command, he finally wiped out the natives of Xiaoliuqiu and hung their heads on the city Make public appearances and intimidate others who dare to have dissatisfaction with the Netherlands.

However, these days, he suddenly found that the number of merchant ships coming to Taiwan was slowly decreasing.At first, he thought it was due to the impact of the wind and waves, but he didn't care.

However, later, he found that the number of merchant ships coming to Taiwan not only did not rebound, but became fewer and fewer, he became nervous and worried.After all, no trade means less profits.The East India Company was not a vegetarian. No profit meant that he, the governor, was incompetent.

He was frowning and pacing in the lobby when he suddenly heard the sound of footsteps. He quickly turned around and saw that He Tongshi, whom he had sent to summon, had arrived. He immediately shouted and asked: "Your, do you know why this is happening?" Will there be fewer and fewer merchant ships coming to Taiwan over time?"

Of course He Bin knew what the reason was, but he definitely wouldn't say this reason, so he used the reason discussed with Zheng Hongkui in advance to deal with it: "My lord governor, the villain guessed that maybe it was with Fujian Shui Does it have something to do with the fact that the division is going to be transferred to North Korea to fight? Recently, this matter is quite special!"

Jialong was on the mainland, so of course he was also an informant. He had already known about the Fujian navy gathering troops to go to North Korea, so he was secretly delighted.If the Fujian navy leaves and the Portuguese are no match for the Dutch in the nearby waters, it will finally be their Dutch turn to be the boss.

Not only Jia Long, but also his predecessor were all envious of the Zheng family's huge sums of money from collecting protection fees.There was no chance before, but now that there is a chance, how could one not covet it.Therefore, he hoped that the Fujian Navy would get away as soon as possible.

In fact, Hongyi from Nagasaki also had the same idea as him. He made the wrong choice because he thought that he could unite with the Wa Kingdom to kill the Zheng family and fulfill the Dutch dream of monopolizing the sea to collect protection fees.

But what Jialong didn't expect was that the Fujian navy hadn't left yet, but the adverse impact on Taiwan came out first.

At this time, upon hearing He Bin's explanation, Jia Long immediately frowned and said, "Go to Xiamen and communicate with the new Haiphong guerrilla, the son of Zheng Yiguan, and ask him to understand what's going on. ?”

When He Bin heard this, he felt happy. He could just send the news himself, and by the way, he could also see how Zheng Zhilong's son was doing.Therefore, he immediately agreed and showed an anxious expression, which made Jialong have a good impression of He Bin.

During the period when He Bin left, Jialong took into account the impact of the decreasing number of merchant ships during this period. In order to make up for the profits during this period, he ordered an increase in taxes on Taiwanese indigenous people.

As a result, the natives of Taiwan are of course unhappy.However, no one dared to resist seeing the heads of the residents of Xiaoliuqiu hanging there in rows, frightened by Hongyi's despotic power.I can only dare to be angry and dare not speak out, and pay the money to settle the matter, and treat it as being bitten by a dog.

However, even so, if there are fewer and fewer merchant ships, Jia Long understands that the extra money he collects will not make up for the loss of reducing merchant ships, so he has never been happy, worried about profits, and worried about his own future.

On this day, he finally heard the report that He Tongshi was seeking an audience outside, and unexpectedly strode out in rare strides to meet He Bin at the door.

As soon as he saw it, Garon couldn't wait to ask: "Has anyone heard any news about why there are fewer and fewer merchant ships?"

Seeing his impatient look, He Bin smiled secretly, but on the surface he replied respectfully: "My lord, the number of merchant ships is decreasing, and it is indeed related to the Fujian Navy..."

Hearing this, Jia Long was very dissatisfied, isn't this nonsense!So, he immediately asked: "What is the reason?"

"Back to the Governor, the new Fujian coastal defense guerrillas ordered that after he led his troops to leave Fujian, no merchant ships should go out to sea for business." He Bin replied immediately.

Jialong was stunned when he heard this and couldn't help but ask: "Why is this?"

"The coastal defense guerrillas believe that if they go to sea for business during this period of time, when they come back from North Korea, they will inevitably increase their requirements for going to sea, so the losses during this period can more or less be recouped."

"What...what is this!" When Jialong heard this, he couldn't help but get very angry. He walked angrily to the Governor's Mansion and continued to vent his anger, "I didn't expect Zheng Yiguan's son to be so greedy for money. Can you still think of such a trick, are you crazy?"

He Bin, who was following behind him, echoed, "Yeah, I'm crazy about money! For this reason, the villain once suggested that although the Fujian navy was transferred to North Korea, how much is the Zheng family here?" There will always be some people left, and those people will collect the money, no, why force those merchants not to go to sea!"

Hearing this, Jialong stopped, turned to look at He Bin, and asked with expectation: "Yes, how did Zheng Yiguan's son reply to you?"

"Hey!" He Bin sighed, and then said, "I'm worried about the guerrilla defense in the coastal defense. They say that there are too few people here, so they can't deter us. I'm afraid that we will rob them of money!"

Not to mention, given the Dutch style, once the Fujian Navy leaves, they may really do that. After all, the protection money will be lenient.

Therefore, after hearing this, Jia Long was taken aback for a while, and when he came back to his senses, he couldn't help but get a little angry and said, "This Zheng Yiguan's son, why is he so mean-spirited!"

Having said that, he looked at He Bin and said to him: "Go and tell him, just say that I can swear to God that I will never do such a thing."

"Go back to the governor!" He Bin replied immediately after hearing this, "That's what the villain said, but he didn't believe it, he said... said..."

"What?" Jia Long asked a little annoyed after hearing this.

When He Bin heard the question, he did not hesitate and immediately said: "He said that dogs can still change to eating shit..."

Speaking of this, he saw Jia Long's face turned livid instantly, and he felt happy, and continued: "Empty words have no basis, and it is even more impossible to believe them. I will not let the villain bring up this matter again."

After hearing this, Jia Long turned around with a gloomy face, and strode inside.

He Bin, who was feeling happy in his heart, followed him in.

(End of this chapter)

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