Chapter 639
When Emperor Chongzhen personally marched, the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal was already frozen.However, he finally chose to go south along the Beijing Grand Canal first, and then take a boat south to the Yangtze River after reaching an ice-free channel, and then go upstream to Sichuan, where he joins Zheng Chongjian's troops and enters Yunnan.

The reason for this choice, after all, is because of the food and grass supplies. In a circle, from the south of the Yangtze River and along the Yangtze River, these provinces can afford to supply the food and grass supplies needed by the army, and the impact on local people's livelihood is also Just the smallest.In addition, the army will not be too tired when traveling.

However, in this case, arriving in Kunming, Yunnan is a matter of time, at least two months.But there is nothing we can do about it. Who made Yunnan, a place in the corner of the country, so far away?

Of course, it was also because the distance was too far and the road was not easy to walk, so the news here was blocked.Otherwise, Emperor Chongzhen would not believe it. Those chieftains knew that he led the army so well, and dared to rebel again?

No matter what, when I come to Yunnan this time, I will reorganize the territory of Yunnan, completely reform the land and return it to the people, and beat anyone who refuses to accept it. Taking advantage of the fact that I, the emperor of Ming Dynasty, has golden fingers, I will not leave the problem to future generations up.By the way, let's see if that Dongwu has a chance. If there is a chance, just conquer it together this time, and Daming will have an outlet to the Indian Ocean.

With these plans in mind, Emperor Chongzhen went all the way south.


At the same time, Zheng Chenggong, a coastal defense guerrilla in Fujian, had arrived in Fujian and first visited the governor of Fujian.

The governor of Fujian at this time was Wu Zhiping. In the original history, as far as he was concerned, he didn't do much.When Man Qing went south, he led the people of the whole province to surrender to Man Qing, and then resigned to live in seclusion.

But his son Wu Erxun is a famous loyal minister.In the 12th year of Chongzhen, he was promoted, and in the 16th year of Chongzhen, he was a Jinshi, and he was awarded the Shujishi of the Imperial Academy.When the capital fell in the 17th year of Chongzhen, he was in the capital and took advantage of the chaos to leave the capital and go south.

At that time, Wu Zhiping was worried about his son, so he entrusted Wu Erxun's friend, Haining Juren Zhu Yuan, to look for him.To show his determination to be loyal to the country, Wu Erxun cut off a finger and handed it to Zhu Yuan to take it back to his hometown in Zhouquan, Chongde.

In the second year after the fall of the capital, Wu Erxun was seriously injured in the Battle of Yangzhou, and finally committed suicide by throwing himself into a well, leaving no bones left.The family buried a finger and a set of clothes that Wu Erxun had sent to him near Beidaoqiao in the north of Zhouquan Town. Later generations called this grave the "Yizhi Grave".

By the way, his good friend Zhu Yuan also died in the fall of Hangzhou in the same year.

Of course, on this plane, none of this happened.

It can be said that Wu Zhiping met Zheng Chenggong cordially and praised him for his youth and promise.

Having been the governor of Fujian for many years, he knows more than anyone else how powerful the Zheng family is in Fujian.Today is even different. Not only is the patriarch Zheng Zhilong fighting for the country, but most importantly, Zheng Chenggong himself has a brighter future.

The name Zheng Chenggong was bestowed by the emperor, and he was chosen to accompany the crown prince. He stayed in the capital for several years.Now he is directly selected by the emperor as a guerrilla for coastal defense. It can be said that this is a very high start.

Zheng Chenggong is not proud of Mr. Zhongcheng's closeness.He knew that everything about him now came from his father's shadow, and he was so close to him because of his father and the emperor's face.

For this reason, he even made up his mind that he must beautifully complete the things the emperor instructed.

After he conveyed the will of Emperor Chongzhen, Wu Zhiping did not say a word, and immediately agreed to fully cooperate, allowing him to train the navy with peace of mind, and complete the task of the emperor as soon as possible: destroy or expel the Hongyi who occupied Taiwan.

He even said with righteous indignation: "These red barbarians look up to me, Da Ming, but they didn't expect to be so ambitious, and dare to collude with the Japanese country to fight against Da Ming, what a daring thing!"

Zheng Chenggong also agreed, and had already made up his mind not to expel them, but to destroy them!
He left the governor's mansion soon afterwards, and traveled day and night to the base camp in Xiamen.

At this time, Zheng Hongkui, Zheng Chenggong's fourth uncle, was in charge of the Zheng family's fleet.

Before Zheng Chenggong arrived in Xiamen, he had already known from the palace newspaper issued by the imperial court that the new coastal defense guerrilla was his nephew, so naturally he would not resist.Even after receiving the news, he led his various leaders out of the city to greet him.

"See your lord!"

"I've seen adults!"


They all grew up watching Zheng Chenggong, and after this meeting, they all saluted cheerfully.Zheng Hongkui did not, but seeing Zheng Chenggong who was already full of heroic spirit, he also showed a gratified smile.

Regarding this, Zheng Chenggong didn't dare to be arrogant at all. He quickly got off his horse, clasped his fists and said, "Uncles, there is no need to salute. How about we go to the Yamen to discuss matters?"

The first time he arrived, he asked the yamen to discuss matters as soon as he opened his mouth, which made those who greeted him feel a little sudden.

When Zheng Hongkui saw it, he smiled and said, "No rush, we uncles have booked a banquet for you. Let's go and celebrate first!"

"That's right, the young master is now returning to his hometown in fine clothes, so we must celebrate it!"

"That's right, how many years did your father spend before he became a guerrilla in coastal defense, and now you are better than blue, young master. It's a gratifying thing, how about drinking three cups first?"


Hearing these words, Zheng Chenggong had no choice but to raise his voice a little bit, and said seriously: "As I said just now, the government will discuss matters first."

His reaction made Zheng Hongkui and others stunned again.I feel that he is a bit stubborn.Could it be that the new official takes office, and three fires will be burned?

Seeing that the fourth uncle's expression was a bit ugly, Zheng Chenggong knew that he was a little anxious, so he quickly explained: "I have the emperor's order, and I have important things to do. When I finish this errand later, I invite all uncles, when the time comes You must be drunk before resting!"

In such things as accepting the wind and washing the dust, we must also pay attention to your own wishes. If the righteous master is not willing, then it will be meaningless.What's more, there is the emperor's will, and no one dares to take it seriously.However, no matter what, there is always a bit of a loser.

This is also Zheng Chenggong's inexperience. If his father were his father, he would probably agree immediately, and go to a restaurant to eat and drink together, maybe even drink three glasses before talking about business, which not only took care of their face, but also did not delay business.Of course, although it is a bit informal, as long as things go well, who cares about these details!

It didn't take long to arrive at the yamen, and the customs seal letter of the coastal defense guerrilla was officially handed over to Zheng Chenggong.

In the lobby, Zheng Chenggong sat where his father used to sit, Zheng Hongkui stood beside him, and the other leaders were on both sides.Zheng Chenggong looked at all this and said with a serious expression: "The Denglai Navy is now fighting against the Japanese in Pusan, North Korea. The court has received news that there are Hongyi warships and the Japanese navy are attacking my Daming Denglai Navy. Therefore, the emperor The decree is to let Hong Yi, who is going to wipe out the high officials in Taiwan, to show the prestige of the country!"

Upon hearing this, everyone below was stunned.

Zheng Hongkui was the first to come back to his senses, and immediately asked, "How is your father, is there anything wrong?"

"Probably not!" Zheng Chenggong replied immediately after hearing this: "The emperor has already made arrangements, and the commander of the Denglai Navy must be able to handle it!"

This kid, when he became an official, he was really so businesslike, he didn't even call him father, and he opened his mouth to be the chief soldier of the Denglai Navy?Zheng Hongkui thought in his heart, and couldn't help but have some opinions.

But these things are not what he cares about the most.He immediately asked Zheng Zhilong how the situation was, and after knowing that everything was fine, he felt relieved.If he came back to his senses, he was also annoyed.

Who doesn't know that the Denglai navy is commanded by his elder brother, and most of the warships and sailors are also transferred from Fujian, and they are all members of the Zheng family.Even if others don't know, Hongyi definitely knows.He even dared to collude with Wa Kingdom to deal with his elder brother, that's okay!
Compared with Zheng Hongkui's thoughts, the leaders below had different thoughts, and they all spoke in response.

"My lord, don't get the wrong news, Hongyi is doing business with us well, how dare you make an enemy of me, Daming?"

"That's right, they did a few deals not long ago, why did they go to collude with the Wa country? From the time point of view, it should be impossible, right?"


The leaders who said these words were mostly those who dealt with Hongyi.As for the others, they were less polite.

"What, is this itchy skin and looking for pain, and dare to make enemies with us?"

"Since the emperor has issued an order, then destroy those red barbarians!"

"Even if we can't destroy them, we must beat them so that they will never dare to be my enemy again, Da Ming!"


With a "pop", the gavel slapped, and the hall became very quiet. Everyone looked at Zheng Chenggong in surprise. They never expected that Zheng Chenggong dared to slap the gavel!

Zheng Chenggong didn't think too much about it. It was so noisy just now that he couldn't talk about it.At this time, seeing the silence in the lobby, he said solemnly: "No matter what Hongyi is, the emperor's order has been made, so we must do it properly. There is no room for discussion on this matter. The matter that should be discussed now is how to wipe out Taiwan's warlords." Members of Hongyi!"

Seeing that no one below was speaking, he added: "Before coming here, I have already been to the governor's mansion. Lord Zhongcheng has promised that he will fully support me in wiping out the Hongyi!"

After he finished speaking, none of the leaders below spoke, and for a moment, the scene seemed a bit deserted.

Seeing such a situation, Zheng Chenggong couldn't help but blushed.I thought in my heart, could I be too young and be underestimated by them?
Thinking of this, he wanted to call the names directly.But fortunately, Zheng Hongkui at the side saw what he meant, and immediately opened his mouth to take the first step and said: "My lord, your father left something important for you before I left. I just remembered it, and I was afraid I would forget it. You go to the back hall first." Come get it!"

 Thanks to Luo Tiantian for the 1000 starting coin reward!Thank you book friend 20190614200900638 for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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