Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 626 World No. 1

Chapter 626 World No. [-]
There are [-] warships of various colors in the vanguard of the Japanese navy, and the leader is Mitsuhisa Shimadzu, the second generation lord of the Satsuma domain.

This Shimadzu Mitsuhisa participated in the suppression of the Shimabara Rebellion and has certain battlefield experience.In addition, as the lord of the Satsuma domain, he was also very vicious in oppressing the Ryukyu Kingdom.In order to consolidate his rule, he even killed his brother-in-law Shimadzu Hisaki, and his old family Shimadzu Hisaki.

According to the custom of the Tokugawa shogunate, anyone who is closer to the shogun will be sealed in a place closer to Edo.The Satsuma clan is at the southwestern tip of Kyushu Island, far away from Edo, which shows how far the relationship between the Satsuma clan and the Tokugawa shogunate is.

In the original history, it was also for this reason that at the end of the shogunate, the samurai of the Satsuma domain became the main force and vanguard of the downfall.They advocated the abolition of the shogunate and the return of the emperor.After the Meiji Emperor took power, most of the cabinet members of the Japanese cabinet came from the Satsuma domain.

Now, precisely because of the bad relationship between the Satsuma clan and the Tokugawa shogunate, Ii Naotaka has entrusted the Satsuma clan to do this pioneering task.

At this time, Mitsuhisa Shimadzu saw that the Ming Dynasty Navy seemed to have no reaction, and after being relieved, he was overjoyed.

This mission of the vanguard, if the enemy is prepared, it is a bad job, and it is likely to cause heavy casualties.However, if the enemy is unprepared, it means that he can get the first merit. No matter how dissatisfied the Tokugawa shogunate is with the Satsuma domain, it will be rewarded based on merit. Contribute to the Tokugawa shogunate?
Looking up at the sky, it is estimated that it will not be long before the sky will brighten. At this time, it is high tide again, no matter the weather or location, it is suitable for attacking.Shimadzu Mitsuhisa calculated in his heart, and his face became fierce again.

There is no way to direct the battle under the night sky.Therefore, there had been an agreement before departure to take advantage of the fact that the Japanese army had far more troops than the Ming army. If the flagship did not fire, it would be a side-to-side battle.

Close, closer!

Mitsuhisa Shimadzu was overjoyed when he saw that there was still no movement from the navy of the Ming Dynasty, and immediately passed down the military order.All the soldiers of the Japanese army went up to the deck, holding all kinds of weapons, and were ready to wait for the warship to rush into the port of Pusan, and then engage in a boarding battle.

Under the moonlight, a large group of black shadows could be vaguely seen moving on the sea surface.Needless to say, these shadows are warships of the Japanese navy.

On almost every ship, like Mitsuhisa Shimadzu's department, all Japanese soldiers were waiting on the deck, waiting to approach the Ming warship to start the battle.

The night is quiet, only the sound of waves lapping on the shore.

But in this tranquility, suddenly, there was a flash of fire, followed by a loud "boom".

I saw a Japanese warship rushing to the front burst out with dazzling flames, and soon burned up.Most of the Japanese soldiers on the deck were overturned. With the help of the firelight, they could be seen getting up staggeringly.

Mitsuhisa Shimadzu looked a little silly. The warship right in front of him suddenly exploded.The other soldiers of the Japanese army were also stupid, because the explosion came so unexpectedly!

This is not close to the warship of the Ming Dynasty. Why did the ship blow up by itself? Could it be that the soldier accidentally detonated the gunpowder on the ship?

Before I could figure it out, I saw a flash of fire again, followed by a loud "boom".

Mitsuhisa Shimadzu was shocked to the ground, his whole body was in a daze, he hurriedly got up, and he couldn't care less about keeping silent, and immediately shouted: "Who detonated the gunpowder? Hurry up, put out the fire, hurry up..."

Just as he shouted, there were another continuous explosion.The first batch of warships of the Japanese Navy who rushed to the front all encountered a sudden explosion, flames, shouts, and mixed together, which opened the prelude to the second Busan naval battle.

By this time, seeing the explosion of so many warships, it was obvious that someone had accidentally lit the gunpowder.Mitsuhisa Shimadzu finally remembered. According to legend, there is something that can explode in the sea in the Ming Dynasty, which seems to be called a sea mine.It must be this thing that detonated the Japanese warship.Otherwise, if the Ming army fired the cannon, they would always be able to see the flames from the muzzle of the artillery!
He was right. In order to guard against the Japanese army's sneak attack, Zheng Zhilong planted mines outside the port.

The torpedo was invented by the Chinese first.

According to historical records, in the 28th year of Jiajing, the Ming Dynasty invented the world's first mine. It used a wooden box to make the mine shell, putty glued the seams, and the rope below connected to the anchor to control the depth and manually control the firing. The creation and use of mines dates back more than 200 years.

In the 18th year of Wanli, Daming invented the "Underwater Dragon King Cannon". This is the earliest floating thunder, which uses burning incense as a timing fuze to ignite and explode when it floats on the sea or river.

In the 27th year of Wanli, Wang Minghe, a military general of the Ming Dynasty, invented the "underwater sounding thunder" with a rope as the touch line. Two years later, it was improved to touch the line floating thunder.

Zheng Zhilong's Denglai Navy naturally has all the mines that Daming can have.It has long been preparing for the war with the Japanese Navy.There are bound to be weapons that may be used in this kind of naval battle, and they have been brought along for a long time.In the previous Battle of Pusan, it was too easy to destroy the Japanese navy, and these mines were useless at all.But this time, when he learned that the Japanese navy was attacking in a big way, Zheng Zhilong placed all these mines outside the Pusan ​​port, and under the black lights, he made a miracle.

As the mines detonated one by one, the Japanese navy warships rushing to the front were basically hit by several mines in one ship, which seriously damaged the Japanese navy warships and could no longer move forward.

The soldiers of the Japanese army on these warships of the Japanese navy were either in a hurry to put out the fire, or seeing that they could not put out the fire, they shouted for friendly warships to rescue them, or simply jumped into the sea to escape.Anyway, at this time, no one cares about sneaking around.

Under the light of these exploding warships, the outside of Busan Port was like daytime.With the help of this bright light, you can see the outer sea surface, which is full of warships of the Japanese navy.

In this case, if the sneak attack fails, it can only be a forced attack.

However, before the warship of the Japanese navy had adjusted, it saw beautiful flames flashing almost in a line on the coast of Busan Port.Immediately afterwards, rumbling thunder was heard, no, it was the sound of artillery.

"Boom boom boom..."

At the same time as the cannon sounded, the warships of the Japanese navy illuminated by the fire looked like paper, and the warships were either smashed or penetrated by iron bullets.Those unlucky Japanese soldiers who were accidentally hit, basically had their hands and feet broken, and their blood spilled into the sea.

Just the first round of shelling, you can see that more than a dozen warships of the Japanese navy have been torn apart and began to sink slowly.

Seeing such a situation, all the Japanese people reacted, the Ming army was well prepared!
Sure enough, after the first round of shelling, I saw the eyeliner on the coast, and lit torches one by one.The soldiers of the Ming army were busy loading the second round of shelling.

The navy of the country of Wa panicked and retreated one after another.However, there are too many warships in the Japanese navy, and it is impossible to adjust to get out of the way immediately.So, they all panicked and wanted to fire back. The Japanese soldiers on the deck, regardless of whether the range was enough, fired with the shotguns in their hands.

For a while, Busan Port was still really lively. With the bonfire adding to the fun, "boom boom boom" and "boom boom" kept ringing, just like Chinese New Year.However, the atmosphere is still different.

At this moment, those warships of the Ming Dynasty navy who were hiding in the blackness suddenly roared angrily.

"Boom boom boom..."

A line of firelight flickered and iron bullets roared out, joining the excitement.

Mitsuhisa Shimadzu managed to escape to a warship behind, and before he had time to take care of his flagship, he saw the fierce artillery fire from the Ming army on land and water, and immediately shouted in fright: "Withdraw, withdraw quickly, Get out..."

However, under such a chaotic situation, his military order could not be conveyed at all.Besides, who doesn't know how to run, but how to run in a traffic jam?
With a "boom", the flagpole was hit by an iron bullet and immediately fell down. Mitsuhisa Shimadzu was so frightened that he shut up and avoided. He didn't dare to stay on this boat any longer, and immediately began to transfer.As for the command, it has long been forgotten.

Zong Yicheng, who was far away on Tsushima Island, unable to sleep no matter what and had been watching, finally saw the outbreak of war. He watched the flames in Busan from a distance getting bigger and bigger. Hearing the sound of rumbling guns, he I couldn't help but think in my heart, it should be the navy of the Great Wa Kingdom that rushed into Busan, repeating the previous time that the navy of the Ming Dynasty was beating the defenseless, thinking that the navy of the Great Wa Kingdom was still lying in ambush on Tsushima Island It's the Navy of the Ming Dynasty!

At this time, he couldn't help being a little excited.That Ii Naotaka was really cunning and cunning. He caught the navy of the Ming Dynasty by surprise, and with such a superior force, it is estimated that after dawn, Busan would have been occupied by the Japanese army.

Thinking of this, Zong Yicheng couldn't help but turned his head to look at the place where Xia Jingyi Naotaka slept, thinking in his heart, this big boss has planned a strategy, and he has a plan in his chest, so he fell asleep so calmly, right?

In fact, the 55-year-old Ii Naotaka didn't fall asleep at all.In other words, he wanted to sleep, but he just couldn't.At this time, when I heard the rumbling gunfire, I couldn't sleep even more.

But in his heart, he absolutely does not admit that he is worried about the war situation, but he is thinking that Zheng Zhilong has suffered a great loss from his arrangement, and he doesn't know what his expression is at this time, is he furious?
Letting them treat the General like that almost caused civil strife. This time, it was an eye for an eye.This Zheng Zhilong dared to be an enemy of the Great Wa Kingdom, and this was the end.

After thinking for a long time, he didn't hear the sound of the guns subside, but saw a faint light from the window, and he knew it was dawn.

 Thank you for the [-] reward for the return of the Hall Master Fighting God, and you will pay it back.

(End of this chapter)

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