Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 622 Zheng Chenggong

Chapter 622 Zheng Chenggong

I only heard Zheng Zhibao report to Zheng Zhilong: "Tokugawa Iemitsu has assembled another [-] Japanese troops, and recruited a total of about [-] navy warships. The assembly was almost completed before I left Edo, and now it is estimated that I have arrived in Kyushu Island. The sea area..."

This... Zheng Zhilong couldn't help but be a little stunned after hearing this. It seems that Tokugawa Iemitsu is going to risk his life?
He was commenting in his heart, and then he heard Zheng Zhibao continue to report: "This time the commander in chief is the Japanese elder Jing Yizhixiao..."

"What, Jingyi Zhixiao?" Zheng Zhilong couldn't help being surprised when he heard it, "He came out of the mountain?"

The reason why he was so surprised was because this Ii Naotaka was not an ordinary person.

This Ii Naotaka was born in the Warring States period of the Wa Kingdom, and his father was the famous Warring States general Ii Naomasa.He inherited the most elite Chibei troops under his command, and he held Tokugawa Ieyasu's thigh in the early days of the Tokugawa shogunate and made several great achievements. He was also the main figure who made Toyotomi Hideyoshi cut off his descendants.

From the beginning of Tokugawa Ieyasu to the current Tokugawa Iemitsu era, it can be said that he is the elder of the three dynasties of the Edo Shogunate.It is even the assistant minister of the Tokugawa Iemitsu era today. Because of him, the shogunate has the official position of elder, and the elders of Matsudaira Nobuzuna are all below him.In the Iemitsu era, Ii Naotaka received 35 shi, which was unique among the important ministers of the shogunate.

When Tokugawa Iemitsu wanted to conspire against North Korea, this Ii Naotaka opposed it.

In the original history, during the Southern Ming Dynasty, Zheng Zhilong asked Tokugawa Iemitsu for help, and when he asked the Japanese country to send troops, Tokugawa Iemitsu and his uncle Tokugawa Yoshinobu both supported sending troops. Ii Naotaka had experienced Tokugawa Ieyasu's robbing of Toyotomi Hideyoshi. The history of dominance, so he firmly opposed sending troops. In the end, Tokugawa Iemitsu compromised.

But this time, North Korea became a land of no one, and it was at the door of the Wa country. In the end, Jianlu, an ally, was sent to the door, so that Naotaka Ii, who also opposed sending troops, did not play a historical role.In the end, Tokugawa Iemitsu put him aside in the cold, reused the old Nakamatsudaira Nobuzuna, and resolutely sent troops.

In the country of Wa, there are many rumors about this Ii Naotaka.One of them is that Ii Naotaka is actually the illegitimate son of Tokugawa Ieyasu and Ingu.This rumor, not only from Tokugawa Ieyasu's various favoritism towards him, but also from the comparison of appearance, can support this speculation.Of course, Zheng Zhilong didn't care about whether it was true or not.

However, if Emperor Chongzhen knew about another matter about Jingyi Naotaka, he would be moved with emotion.The beckoning cat, which has been widely circulated in later generations, comes from the deeds of Naomasa Ii.

Zheng Zhilong was thinking about this Ii Naotaka, when Zheng Zhibao said affirmatively: "Tokugawa Iemitsu visited three times in total, and it was the third time that Ii Naotaka took up the post of commander."

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong understood.The enemy he is about to face is a Japanese army of one hundred thousand and about [-] warships. The commander of the army is Naotaka Ii, the elder of the Japanese army.

After thinking about this for a while, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help but let go of his heart.What he fears most is not knowing the details of the enemy.As for the fact that there are far more naval forces in Japan than in Daming, and the commander in chief is still the famous Naotaka Ii, so what?

If it is still the previous situation, if I only use Geoje Island as a base to fight against the enemy, I am still a little worried.But now that North Korea is backed, and Li Dingguo's troops can rely on it, the situation is completely different.

As for Ii Naotaka, hehe, I'm still a pirate king, who is afraid of whom!

"Brother, when I left, I left a letter for Tokugawa Iemitsu and asked him to open it personally. If he saw it, he would probably vomit blood with anger." Zheng Zhibao called his elder brother and said after finishing his business, "But In this way, he can definitely guess that the eldest brother is still in charge of the Ming Navy. Does the eldest brother think this has any influence? "

Zheng Zhilong listened, and after thinking about it for a while, he comforted his fifth younger brother and said: "It's okay, the emperor was worried that the Japanese side would guess it, so he asked you to evacuate early. Anyway, if the Japanese country guessed it, I guessed it. I want to see how much he will take it seriously after Wa knows that I am in command of the Daming Navy?"

Zheng Zhibao felt relieved after hearing this, and immediately said happily: "Brother, you don't know, the letter I kept will definitely make that little guy Tokugawa Iemitsu vomit blood, and maybe it will even torment their officialdom. It made him dissociated from morality, so I can be considered to have put into practice what Master Li, the Commander of Jin Yiwei, taught me when I was in the capital!"

"Oh?" When Zheng Zhilong heard this, he wanted to ask what Li Ruolian taught him back then, but then he thought about it, it seemed that it was beyond the scope of his authority to inquire about Jinyiwei's internal affairs by himself, which was unacceptable.So, he immediately changed his words and said, "Okay, Commander Li is His Majesty's confidant, you must be obedient and serve the court well, you know?"

"This is natural, you don't know, where is my letter..."

Just when Zheng Zhibao was showing off to his brother how angry he was with Tokugawa Iemitsu, Emperor Chongzhen, who was far away in the capital of the Ming Dynasty, had passed the news from the Grade A wiretapping seeds on their brothers and the Grade A wiretapping seeds on Li Dingguo. North Korea has a clear understanding of the war with Japan.

To be honest, Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised that Li Dingguo and Lu Dasuo's more than [-] troops eventually wiped out the entire Japanese army in North Korea without any effort.Didn't expect that apart from himself, the victorious commander, other generals are actually good at fighting?In this way, at least temporarily, I can not go to the Korean battlefield!
Then, as a bystander, he carefully analyzed the situation in North Korea. Emperor Chongzhen felt that the northern part of North Korea could suspend operations, while the southern part of North Korea, as a base for war against Japan, could not be as deserted as it is now. At least everything on the Hancheng Plain is replanted with food, which can relieve a large part of the logistical pressure.

Moreover, judging from the news brought back by Zheng Zhibao, Tokugawa Iemitsu, a Japanese country, has a wicked heart and is desperately trying to increase his troops.In this way, I am afraid that Zheng Zhilong and Li Dingguo will be under too much pressure.

Thinking in this way, after weighing the possible logistical pressure, Emperor Chongzhen immediately issued a decree to Lu Xiang, asking him to lead the troops forward and go to the southern part of Korea to sit in town to cope with possible changes in the war situation.As for the food needed by the army, Jeju Island can supply one or two.In addition, a batch of winter clothes and food shipped from the capital has also been sent out through Tianjin Port, which should be able to catch up with the imperial army in southern North Korea for the winter.

This decree, in the end, is to use flying pigeons to send letters to Liaodong, so that the speed can be the fastest.Maybe Lu Xiangsheng led the troops south, and he could still join in the fun.After all, there was no more fighting along the way, and it was a cavalry army, advancing rapidly.

After finishing this matter, Emperor Chongzhen decreed to recruit Zheng Sen who had been studying with the prince all the time, that is, Zheng Chenggong who was named by him.

When Zheng Chenggong was presenting the ceremony, Emperor Chongzhen looked at it carefully.At this time, Zheng Chenggong was already 21 years old, just the age when a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Emperor Chongzhen was generally satisfied with this, so after Zheng Chenggong finished his ceremony, he smiled and said, "I heard that you prefer to lead troops to fight?"

Originally Zheng Chenggong received the decree to have an audience, and he was guessing in his heart. Could it be that he was inferior to Song Yingxing's eldest son Song Shihui in his study of natural knowledge while studying with the prince? Does the emperor know?

Therefore, after hearing Emperor Chongzhen's question, he blushed immediately, feeling that this was the case, and quickly echoed respectfully: "My subordinates have been fascinated by their ears and eyes since childhood, and they have heard more about the affairs of the sea. I heard that in the future The Great Ming Navy will be very useful, so the subordinates are indeed more interested in maritime affairs!"

He was accompanied by the crown prince and the eldest son of Zheng Zhilong, so he had hundreds of households in Jinyiwei.Of course, the hundred households of Jinyiwei actually only receive a salary, which is a kind of reward from the emperor to the children of ministers of civil and martial arts who have made meritorious service.Therefore, claiming to be a subordinate can also be done, after all, Jin Yiwei is directly under the emperor's army.

And what he said that the Daming navy will be more useful in the future not only comes from Zheng Zhilong's teaching to him, but also the speculation caused by Emperor Chongzhen's placing the navy at the finale position during the last military parade.

At this time, Zheng Chenggong faced Emperor Chongzhen and did not dare to deny it, so he answered truthfully.

In his view, Emperor Chongzhen paid great attention to the learning of natural knowledge, and even praised the prince, making the prince "do not do his job properly" and has been engaged in the study of natural knowledge.And I am so different, vaguely expressing that I don't want to learn, it is likely to attract the emperor's reprimand, let me study hard and so on.

But who knows, after hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen smiled slightly and said, "Everyone has his own aspirations, and I won't force them. But since you like it, then do what you like!"

Hearing this, Zheng Chenggong couldn't help but be overjoyed.But before he had time to say anything, Emperor Chongzhen said to him again: "Your father made great contributions in the war against Japan. I have been thinking about it. Your family's talent in the sea cannot be buried. In this way, I sent How about you go to the Fujian Navy to serve as a coastal defense guerrilla?"

Emperor Chongzhen actually had several considerations for making such an arrangement.

First, in this era, there is no military training school, and the ability to lead an army in battle is mostly passed down from generation to generation.And this is also one of the reasons why Zhu Yuanzhang stipulated that military households should be hereditary and generals should be hereditary.It cannot be denied that Zheng Zhilong is a master of naval warfare. His son has been exposed to it since he was a child, and he will definitely know more about naval warfare than other ordinary people.

Second, the Fujian Navy is said to be official, but it is actually the fleet of the Zheng family.If the generals of the faction go to lead, it is not particularly safe.And sending Zheng Chenggong over, but there will be no twists and turns.For the court, or for Emperor Chongzhen, Zheng Chenggong was trained in the capital when he was young, and his loyalty to the court must be greater than that of other Zheng family children.For him, this is also beneficial.

Third, the promotion of Zheng Chenggong to take charge of the Fujian Navy is also a reward for Zheng Zhilong's military merits, and the Zheng family's continuous purchase of food from Nanyang to support the court.

Of course, these are temporary measures. After the affairs on the mainland are almost straightened out, no matter which navy it is, it must be absolutely in the hands of the court.It is inevitable to open the Armed Forces Hall and train military personnel.

Naturally, Zheng Chenggong didn't know about these things. At this time, when he heard Emperor Chongzhen's words, he was suddenly very surprised. He raised his head in disbelief, and looked at Emperor Chongzhen's face, full of surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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