Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 596 It's all under control

Chapter 596 It's all under control
Although the Ming Dynasty destroyed his Qing Dynasty, but at this moment, he felt very relieved, and he didn't have any intention of worrying about these Japanese people at all.If it weren't for being desperate, how could the dignified Daqing and Prince Shuosu be insulted by such dwarfs!

After being quiet for a while, Shigemasa Inoue came to his senses and shouted loudly: "No, this is impossible, this is absolutely impossible..."

Matsudaira Nobutsuna came back to his senses after being shouted hysterically, and immediately asked the messenger, "How could it be possible to suffer such a heavy loss? Is it a mistake?"

If only the naval warships were burned, it would be acceptable to Matsudaira Nobutsuna. As long as there are soldiers and food in hand, it is not impossible to persevere until the general sends reinforcements.But now, with all the food gone, and even a lot of troops lost, the price was heavy, and he couldn't figure out why the fire was burning so hard. Could it be that those were pigs who didn't know how to deal with it?
"The navy of the Ming Dynasty made a surprise attack, and the rotating warship didn't stop it for a while, but was torn open by the large warship of the Ming Dynasty, and then the arson ship of the Ming Dynasty Navy directly burned our army docked in the port. Warship.” The messenger quickly explained, “At that time, the wind was strong and the fire was raging fiercely. Many sailors rushed to the ship to fight, but more than half of them were burned to death. The army put out the fire, so..."

In fact, those sailors who were burned ashore and ran away with their heads in their hands were also involved in obstructing firefighting, isolation of supplies, etc., but he didn't say anything about those civilian men who had already carried the tanks.

However, no matter whether it was Matsudaira Nobuzuna or Inoue Shigemasa's questioning, he just wanted to find out the flaws to prove that the loss was not that great. He answered so clearly, hiding the last trace of these two Japanese leaders in his heart. It can be said that all hope is extinguished, it is too cruel!
Hauge next to him lowered his head, watching all this from the corner of his eyes, secretly happy in his heart, he deserved it, let you not pay attention to this king, and want to humiliate him, are you comfortable now?

After the troops were withdrawn from Pyongyang, his treatment went from bad to worse, and even a guest with such a distinguished status like him ate wild vegetables again.Originally thought that after the two armies joined forces, his treatment would be improved, but it turned out that he seemed to be forgotten by the Japanese people. Not only did the two leaders of the Japanese country not think of him, even the food was still pitifully small.

At this time, Masashige Inoue, who was hit hard, suddenly rushed out of the tent, shouting to gather the army and rush back to Busan.

Naturally, Nobuzuna Matsudaira couldn't stay any longer, he had to go back to sit in town and clean up the mess.However, he noticed Hauge's existence and strode over.

Hauge saw that, to be honest, he might have felt a little guilty because he was happy just now, so he took a step back in fright.

But what he didn't expect was that Nobuzuna Matsudaira bowed in front of him, and said sincerely: "I was so negligent earlier, please forgive me. From now on, I will be by my side and contribute to me at any time." Your ingenuity, please!"

In the past, it was mainly because his subordinates reported that he saw Hauge's troops being attacked by the Ming army and was vulnerable. Therefore, Hauge had already been regarded as an idiot in his mind.

However, this time Hauge categorically gave the correct guess, which made him look with admiration.Although the reason Hauge gave was a bit mysterious, he understood that it was a kind of battlefield intuition.After his own taste of the frustration of not being able to fight back, his impression of Hauge had changed.

Hauge didn't expect that he would be so polite to him all of a sudden, he quickly and subconsciously agreed repeatedly, and at the same time secretly thanked the Ming Dynasty navy, the king's treatment will finally improve!

Not long after, people shouted horses here, and there was a turmoil again. All the Japanese soldiers stopped staying, and of course they were not informed of the news of Busan. .

Marching almost day and night, Matsudaira Nobutsuna and Inoue Shigemasa rushed to Busan in one breath, and saw the distraught Japanese people everywhere, and saw that there was still a little bit of smoke near the port, and there was still half a warship. Even the many repaired buildings on the shore were all reduced to white.Military camps, granary locations, etc., were not spared.

At this moment, even the two Japanese bosses who already had psychological expectations were speechless for a long time, as if someone had tapped the Dingshen acupuncture point and remained motionless.

Their subordinates, seeing this scene suddenly, finally understood why they rushed back to Busan.However, this reason is too unexpected, basically stupid.

Outside the port, the warships of the Ming Dynasty Navy can clearly be seen patrolling, showing off their might, which is very dazzling.

Needless to say, the culprits are those nasty Ming soldiers!But, why did they appear here so surreptitiously, not only cut off the army's food and grass, but also cut off the retreat, isn't this driving the army to death!

Faced with this scene, the Japanese who escaped from Pyongyang have already tasted the pain of having no food.I originally thought that this period would be unbearable to look back on, so I would bury it in my heart and forget it.But I didn't expect that after only a few days, I would fall into such a predicament again...

"Ah..." Some Japanese people had a mental breakdown and ran away screaming, some ran to the mountains and forests, and some ran to the seaside. Wherever they thought there might be food, there were these mentally broken figures.The plaster flags carried on the backs of many Japanese were fluttering in the wind in the sea breeze, hunting, as if to cheer them up and let them work hard!

Seeing Shigemasa Inoue and Nobuzuna Matsudaira, no matter how bitter they felt, they had to bear it first. If the situation in front of them was not under control, it would only become more bitter.The two of them had some tricks, and immediately began to suppress the riots and appease the army. Anyway, there were a lot of things to be busy, and more importantly, they didn't know what fate awaited them in the future?
Hauge, just watching from the sidelines, by the way, functioning as a human telegraph.


Emperor Chongzhen had a clear grasp of the situation in North Korea through the information returned by the Class-A wiretapping seeds on Hauge and the Grade-A wiretapping seeds on Zheng Zhilong.In this regard, he is quite satisfied.But at this time, he had already arrived outside the capital city, and the affairs of North Korea were temporarily put aside.

The capital has already received news that the emperor's personal conquest has quelled the rebellion of Jianlu in Liaodong and restored the entire Liaodong.Wen Zhihuang came to the capital for work, and the people of the capital cherished this opportunity of the emperor's personal conquest and his return from a great victory, and they all rushed out of the city to welcome him.Of course, it was unavoidable for the Queen to bring the Prince Jian Guo and all the civil and military officials to greet her.

Everyone's faces were filled with smiles.

For the people of the capital, the vicious Liaodong Jianlu has since become a memory. Many people have their revenge, so how could they be unhappy!
For the officials of the imperial court, the chaos in Liaodong, which had been a headache for decades, was finally put to rest. They no longer had to worry about building captives in Liaodong, and could save countless money and food. How could they be unhappy!
On the contrary, there was something special in the smiles of the queen and the prince.Sometimes when the queen and the prince meet each other's eyes, the queen will stare at her pair of phoenix eyes.The prince seemed to have a guilty conscience, but he also persisted. He often turned his head away and pretended not to see it.

As soon as Emperor Chongzhen's imperial chariot arrived, the cry of "Long live my emperor, long live, long live" echoed over the capital again for a long time.

It can be said that Emperor Chongzhen's civil and military skills reached the peak since he ascended the throne with the elimination of the Liaodong Jianlu.

In front of him, kneeling his subjects, all pious and respectful; behind him, groups of elite Imperial Forest Army, looking at his back, with fanaticism in their eyes.

This time, the welcoming ceremony outside the capital city was not long.However, Emperor Chongzhen did not go back to the palace to rest, but led the army directly to the Daming Martyrs' Shrine, and as a triumphant emperor, sent the spirits of the sacrificed soldiers who recovered Liaodong this time.Although many of them were lost in combat and died of illness and other accidents, Emperor Chongzhen still regarded them as loyal soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, which made the soldiers of the Ming army who followed secretly remember them in their hearts.

Today's emperor is wise and powerful like never before. He treats the people kindly, treats the soldiers kindly, and serves the emperor. Even if he dies, he will have no regrets!This is the response in their hearts. Although they don't say it, the soldiers can understand each other's determination through their eyes.

After all the busy work, it was still early, so Emperor Chongzhen drove to the Wenhua Palace to hold a meeting of ministers of civil and military affairs.

Queen Zhou, who was accompanying him, saw the prince and hesitated to speak. Finally, she looked at the prince and said nothing.When the prince saw him, he looked relieved.

Emperor Chongzhen actually saw the strange expressions of the two of them.

With the wiretapping system in hand, he will leave the capital to fight the world, of course he will not completely ignore the capital's side.Jin Yiwei and the supervisor of the East Factory are just means that other emperors can use.And he, Emperor Chongzhen, lost a few eavesdropping seeds, so many times better than other emperors.Empress Zhou, the crown prince of Jian Guo, of course had to be "rewarded".

In the past, when Emperor Chongzhen was still "poor", he could only give Class C eavesdropping seeds, within ten miles of the target, to look through the past records.Now that he has won consecutive victories, Emperor Chongzhen has already "rewarded" the important ministers in the court, as well as the empress and prince, with class A or class B eavesdropping seeds. When they are thousands of miles away from the capital, they can understand what happened in the capital. The situation, the matter of Queen Zhou and the prince, naturally cannot be hidden from him.

Because of this, he knew that there were other matters, so he went to the Wenhua Hall to discuss the matter first, and then dealt with other matters.

At this time, I saw Emperor Chongzhen sitting on the throne, and said to a group of courtiers in red and scarlet robes: "During the time I'm away from Beijing, I have something important to do, so let's play it!"

 Thanks for the reward of braised braised pig's trotters!At 03:30 in the afternoon, the gravel, after the inspection, went home and released the update code without delay.

(End of this chapter)

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