Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 594 Something's Wrong

Chapter 594 Something's Wrong
When Zong Yicheng heard this, he was immediately worried.If Daming did not spare the Wa this time and continued to fight, no matter who wins in the end, at least Tsushima Island, as such a large island between North Korea and the Wa mainland, would definitely suffer from war.Just like when the Yuan Dynasty attacked the Wa Kingdom, there was a massacre on Tsushima Island at that time.

"What should we do? What should we do?" Zong Yicheng had no intention of caring about the war in Busan on the other side. He turned to look at his men behind him and said, "What do you think we should do?"

Whether it's Daming or Wa, for them, they are giants, and they can destroy them with a little finger.In the face of absolute strength, his subordinates couldn't help but look at each other in blank dismay. They couldn't think of any way at all, and could only hope that others would come up with a trick.

Amidst the roar of cannons, after a while of silence, the older man suddenly said to Zong Yicheng: "Sir, I have a method, and I came up with it back then."

When Zong Yicheng heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly asked: "If there is any good way, tell me quickly!"

"My lord, no matter whether it is Ming Dynasty or Dawa Kingdom, we must not offend them." The man replied, "In this case, it is better to please both sides. The navy of Ming Dynasty attacked the navy of Wa Kingdom in Pusan, and Edo must know the news. It's very late, why don't we send someone to notify immediately, and we have fulfilled our duty as an adult. In addition, we must also be prepared. If the Daming navy shows signs of attacking the Wa country, your lord can surrender immediately. In this way, Da Ming As a country of etiquette, it is impossible to kill the daimyo who voluntarily surrendered, right? If the Wa country wins in the future, if it is held accountable, it will be credited with reporting the letter, and I believe the shogunate will also understand your lord's last resort."

After hearing this, Zong Yicheng thought for a moment, clapped his hands and said, "Wonderful, wonderful, that's it!"

Once the decision was made, he immediately began to arrange it.

But before that, he took a closer look at the battle in Busan.It seems that the Great Ming Navy has already withdrawn.Behind them, the fire was raging.Needless to say, the outcome should have been set.

Thinking about it this way, Zong Yicheng ordered his men to go to Edo to report the news, and at the same time asked his men to prepare a meeting ceremony, so that if the Great Ming Navy came to Tsushima Island, he could respond in time.


As he estimated, the Battle of Busan Port at this time is over.

The Daming Navy sank a No. 32 Fortune Ship, damaged two Fortune Ships, and lost several arson ships. It sank a total of [-] warships of the Japanese Navy. As for the rest, they were dedicated to the God of Fire Zhurong. .

Although he had retreated a long way, Zheng Zhilong, who was standing on the deck, still felt the heat blowing against his face.However, he didn't take it seriously, he just looked at the blazing Busan Port with a cheerful smile on his face.

In this battle, the unexpected effect was very good, and the North Korean soldiers were familiar with the sea conditions here. Although they traveled so far to fight, they still won easily.

Five hundred wins one thousand, so easy, it should be able to leave a mark in the history books, right?
Thinking of this, Zheng Zhilong couldn't help but admire Emperor Chongzhen again.If it hadn't been for Emperor Chongzhen's decree to set off in time, not only would he not be able to hit the Japanese grain ship on the road, but there would also be no such unexpected effect.What made me even more amazed was that the emperor had already prepared for the move of Jeju Island, so that the navy could have a chance to rest and have a source of troops familiar with the local hydrology.In this battle, even if he didn't command it himself, he would basically be victorious!
He was thinking about it, when suddenly, the guard beside him pointed forward in surprise and said to him loudly: "Look, my lord, the fire has reached the shore!"

Hearing this, Zheng Zhilong came back to his senses and looked intently.

Sure enough, the fire at the port was too strong, and the south wind was blowing, and many buildings on the wharf of Busan Port were already on fire.Moreover, the fire was so intense that people couldn't approach it at all. They could only watch helplessly as the fire dragon spread rapidly to the depths of the pier.

"Look, look, the barracks of the Japanese are also on fire!" Another guard saw it clearly, and shouted with joy.

Sure enough, those burning objects were blown everywhere by the south wind, and many of them fell into the barracks.Even if the Japanese isolated the fire in time, they could not stop Zhu Rong's power.

Looking at all this, Zheng Zhilong regretted with a smile: "After this battle, Busan will really be a wasteland! It is more thorough than Jianlu, what a crime!"

"Hahaha..." After hearing this, his personal guards burst out laughing, obviously feeling extremely happy!
Around Busan Port, there are escaped Japanese people everywhere. It can be said that there are all over the mountains and plains, all of them running around with their heads in their hands.As long as they escape slowly, they will either be eaten by the fire dragon, or their clothes will catch fire, so they can't help being unhappy.

Zheng Zhilong admired it for a while, then looked up at the sky, then turned around and ordered: "Turn around and go to Geoje Island!"

After finishing speaking, he also looked at Tsushima Island in the distance for a while, but had no intention of going there.

On the navy side, there are only ten thousand people in total.I went to Tsushima Island, although there is no problem in fighting it, but be careful of the Japanese people on that island making trouble.For example, secretly telling the truth about the navy to the Japanese side, this will make him very passive.

Killing all the Japanese on the island would prevent these things from happening, but now that the emperor has given the order to cut off the supplies of the Korean Japanese army, it is not worth wasting energy on Tsushima Island.

However, since the other party already knows, it can't just forget it.

Zheng Zhilong thought about it, and then issued a military order to send ten boats to Tsushima Island, asking them to provide food and grass, otherwise they will bear the consequences.

It is a trouble-free and labor-saving way to get some food and grass from Tsushima Island and supply it to Geoje Island nearby.


While Zheng Zhilong was busy deploying the maritime defense line, Matsudaira Nobutsuna and Inoue Masashige had already made decisions.

If it is withdrawn to the country, it will be difficult for the general to explain, and the general will be very embarrassed, and even affect the rule of the Tokugawa shogunate.

One of the biggest reasons for this failure was that the army ran out of food.But no, Masashige Inoue has already brought food, so this problem does not exist.Morale is low and soldiers are exhausted. As long as they take a good rest and properly encourage morale, they can still recover.

In addition, the two of them also discussed another very important factor, that is, including the time a few decades ago, the Japanese army was a bit greedy and wanted to eat the entire North Korea in one go, and even wanted to eat it. Damn it, this is so unrealistic.

After this rest, no matter what the situation in northern North Korea is, the Japanese army will only occupy the south of Seoul, turn this large area into the real territory of the Japanese country, and then expand northward on this basis. Safe move.

In the afternoon of the second day, Matsudaira Nobutsuna's spirit was much better. Seeing Masashige Inoue coming over, he smiled and said, "Mr. Inoue, how about this memorial? If you have no objections, please sign it!"

In terms of writing style, Masashige Inoue is certainly not as good as Matsudaira Nobuzuna.Therefore, Matsudaira Nobutsuna wrote a memorial after deliberating on the basis of the two people's discussions.It can make his defeat look better, and it can also make the general look better.

"Of course, there is no problem if the old middle-aged man can write the memorial." Inoue Masashige was a little more relaxed than Matsudaira Nobutsuna.Because of the previous defeat, it has nothing to do with him.

After the two sat down, Masashige Inoue browsed through it and signed the joint name happily.

After watching the messenger leave, Masashige Inoue smiled and said, "When we get back to Busan, let Tsushima Fan send more women over. I think the army will forget the unhappiness before."

"Hahaha..." Matsudaira Nobutsuna listened, showing a knowing smile, and echoed, "Forgive that Zong Yicheng dare not refuse!"

Both of them are high-ranking and powerful members of the Tokugawa shogunate, and they usually don't pay attention to the Tsushima Clan, which has only 3000 to [-] troops.

After chatting for a while, Matsudaira Nobuzuna was under the psychological pressure of defeat after all, so he first brought the topic back to business and said: "When I left Busan, it was still in ruins. Now that the army is going back to rest, I am afraid it will be busy for a while. The grain fields must be reclaimed as soon as possible to reduce the pressure on the general!"

"Don't worry about that." Masato Inoue replied with a smile after hearing this, "When I set off, I have already explained that although the army is resting, the civilians will not let them idle, they are all repairing the pier And other buildings. Some of them have been set aside to take care of the grain fields.”

"The army is resting?" Nobutsuna Matsudaira heard it, and for some reason, he always felt that something was wrong. After thinking about it for a while, he asked Masashige Inoue, "How did the navy arrange it?"

Masashige Inoue was a little unhappy when he heard that the tone was always questioning, and immediately replied with a forced smile: "How can we arrange it? They are all tired, and naturally they have to rest. But don't worry. , there must be warships on duty, and there are just some Korean pirates, they must have been scared away, so why do they dare to take any ideas from the navy?"

However, after listening to his explanation, Nobuzuna Matsudaira felt more and more wrong. In the end, he just lowered his head and frowned to find the reason for his uneasiness.

Seeing his situation, Inoue Masashige couldn't help but frowned, and suddenly asked a little unhappily: "Why, is there any problem with my arrangement like this? It is impossible to say that the sailors of thousands of warships in my Great Wa Kingdom, Still afraid of North Korean pirates? How is it possible?"

As soon as he heard this "how is it possible", Nobuzuna Matsudaira suddenly remembered that when he had to report that the navy that was transporting food had encountered the navy of the Ming Dynasty and was beaten to annihilation, he also thought how was it possible?

When he thought of this, Matsudaira Nobutsuna suddenly jumped up in fright, and quickly ordered his men: "Quick, send the Qing man over, hurry up!"

 Thanks to Suifeng Xiaoqiao for the reward!
  ps: I have to go to the hospital at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning for positioning, so I can't code words tomorrow morning, try to code another chapter tonight for the update tomorrow morning.No update tonight.

(End of this chapter)

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