Chapter 585 Swear
"Say, the navy of the Ming Dynasty suddenly went south and attacked the navy's grain transport ship of the Japanese Kingdom. Did you tip it off?"

Nobuzuna Matsudaira's vicious questioning made Fan Wencheng almost lose his soul in fright.

Of course, he knows exactly how serious the wreck of the Japanese navy's grain carrier was.Before, I couldn't figure out why the navy of the Ming Dynasty would suddenly appear. Now that there is a reasonable explanation, it's because someone here tipped off the news, so it makes sense.

However, the person who tipped off the information was himself, and Fan Wencheng absolutely could not accept it, nor could he bear the consequences of being wrongly accused.

"You are wronged, my lord, you are wronged!" Fan Wencheng immediately called out his wrongedness loudly, as if he was a hundred times more wronged than Dou E. Is there a chance to deliver news to the Ming Kingdom?"

"Look, did he admit it?" Hauge next to him heard it, and immediately said to Matsudaira Nobutsuna with a sneer, "If there is a chance, he will definitely send news to Ming! Besides, the devil knows He has no way of passing messages in secret!"

When Matsudaira Nobuzuna heard this, his small eyes stared at Fan Wencheng, and he was about to get angry.Once the rations are lost, the [-] troops will be in danger.As Tokugawa Iemitsu's confidant, he could hardly bear this kind of consequences.

Fan Wencheng hated Hauge so much that he suddenly became smart and caught him talking badly!

He didn't care about it anymore, his knees softened, he knelt in front of Matsudaira Nobutsuna, stretched out his hands, and said very earnestly with what he thought was the most sincere expression: "The villain swears to the sky, if the villain is a spy of the Ming Dynasty, Just let the villain hit five thunders every day, and die a terrible death!"

"Boom..." At this moment, a thunderbolt suddenly rang out, and it exploded in the sky above Pyongyang City. Fan Wencheng was so frightened that he almost peed in fear.

Matsudaira Nobutsuna looked up at the sky, and at some point the clouds were already thick, and suddenly there was another flash of lightning, and then the thunder of "Boom" came again.It is estimated that a heavy rain will come down soon.

"Hahaha..." Seeing this, Hauge couldn't help laughing wildly, pointed at Fan Wencheng with the blade, and shouted sharply, "Don't you want to hit the sky with thunder and thunder? Look, God has promised you!"

Although Fan Wencheng didn't pee out of fright in the end, he was really frightened: just as he finished his oath, the thunder rang out. Could it be that God really didn't like him and wanted to punish him?
In fact, this season is the rainy season on the Korean Peninsula, and thunder and rain are very common.

In the scene just now, they didn't pay attention to the weather, and they were all attracted by the news brought by Hauge. Just when Fan Wencheng swore, the thunder rang out.It can be said to be a coincidence, of course, there could be other reasons, such as his ancestor's coffin could not be covered, and he wanted to kill his grandson in the sky!
No matter what, at this time, I believe in some relatively coincidental things.If you swear to be struck by lightning, it means that you may have broken your oath.

Therefore, facing Hauge's questioning, Fan Wencheng was a little distracted for a moment, so dumbfounded that he didn't answer.

Seeing this scene, those who originally believed in Fan Wencheng finally believed in Hauge's words, and remembered that the demise of the Qing Dynasty was all caused by this Ming dog. The anger towards Fan Wencheng could kill Fan Wencheng with his eyes. Procedure.If it weren't for the Japanese people like Matsudaira Nobuzuna, they would have rushed to ask Fan Wencheng to look good at this time.

"Baga!" Matsudaira Nobuzuna finally opened his mouth and shouted angrily at Fan Wencheng, "Your conscience is so bad! It's dead! It's dead!"

With a wave of his hand, his subordinates rushed towards Fan Wencheng, wanting to arrest Fan Wencheng.

However, in Matsudaira Nobuzuna's heart, he did not absolutely believe that Fan Wencheng was really a spy of the Ming Dynasty.However, the people of Japan mobilized their troops, and not only did one hundred thousand troops march into North Korea, but there were more mobilizations to follow.It can be said that the alliance with the Qing Dynasty conspired with the Ming Dynasty, and the Wa Kingdom did its best.

However, just at the beginning, the Qing Dynasty, which was an important pawn, had been wiped out by the Ming army, leaving the Wa country with fewer allies who could share the pressure of the Ming country; was in danger.

All of these are huge setbacks for the Wa country.If one fails, it will not only affect the life and death of the [-] troops in Pyongyang, but also affect the stability of the Tokugawa shogunate.

For such a big matter, someone must take the blame!
Nobuzuna Matsudaira can take the blame by himself. After all, he is the coach of the North Korean expedition this time, and he is also one of the confidantes who suggested Tokugawa Iemitsu to send troops to North Korea.Even if there is careful work in the army, it may be that the commander is negligent.

However, in North Korea today, Nobuzuna Matsudaira is the biggest, and no one can convict him.And Hauge gave him another scapegoat. As long as it was realized that Fan Wencheng was the work of a Ming spy, then the huge crisis in the Wa country would have little to do with him, Matsudaira Nobutsuna.

After all, Fan Wencheng was from the Qing Dynasty and acted with the army as a representative of the Qing Dynasty.Moreover, he participated in the covenant with the Qing Dynasty from beginning to end.In terms of negligence, the Qing Dynasty is most responsible. They sent a spy from the Ming Dynasty, how could the Wa Kingdom know this!

Taking a step back, Nobuzuna Matsudaira has no friendship with Fan Wencheng, so why should he speak up for him and clear his name?
Therefore, Fan Wencheng's charge of spies in the Ming Dynasty should be determined.

Fan Wencheng stared at Matsudaira Nobuzuna, and seeing his eyes, he roughly understood what his situation was.

Seeing the Japanese approaching him, Fan Wencheng's expression suddenly changed, and he pointed his finger in front of him and shouted loudly: "There is another urgent report!"

All the people present, except Hauge, were frightened by the urgent report of the Japanese scouts, and quickly turned their heads to look worriedly.

But there was no urgent report at all, but the dark clouds were even lower, and a heavy rain was about to fall.

Knowing that something was wrong, they turned back one after another.

What a fan Wencheng, worthy of being "both civil and military", seized such a short opportunity, kicked his legs hard, leaped forward and rolled over, and jumped in front of Matsudaira Nobutsuna in one fell swoop.

Matsudaira Nobutsuna backed away in fright, reaching for his own katana at the same time.

However, Fan Wencheng would not give him a chance, but he would not give him a way out.Therefore, in this desperate situation, it is also an extraordinary performance, and the speed is very fast.He grabbed Matsudaira Nobutsuna's samurai sword first, pulled it out for him, took advantage of the trend, and put it on Matsudaira Nobuzuna's neck. At the same time, he roared loudly: "Don't move, anyone will Don't move, or die together!"

What happened in this flash of lightning made everyone around him dumbfounded.

Now it's all right, the old middle-aged man has fallen into the hands of this Ming spy, what should we do with this matter?

Taking advantage of their dazed opportunity, Fan Wencheng immediately walked around again, hid behind Matsudaira Nobutsuna, hugged Matsudaira Nobutsuna, and prevented him from moving and struggling, even if he would break free or accidentally , was headed by a sharp samurai sword on his neck.

Then, holding Matsudaira Nobutsuna and slowly retreating to the battlements to lean on, he said to Matsudaira Nobutsuna in a very sincere tone: "My lord, believe in the villain. The villain is really not a spy of the Ming Dynasty!"

The world is so big that he has nowhere to go, the only way he can go is to clear up this misunderstanding.

"How dare you say that you are not a spy of the Ming Dynasty?" Hauge yelled at Fan Wencheng again when he heard it, "Look, you Han dogs are really full of nonsense, you can't believe it at all!"

"I believe you are not a spy of the Ming Dynasty!" But who knows, Matsudaira Nobutsuna said so.

His words surprised everyone.For a moment, Hauge stared at him in disbelief, wondering in his heart, not knowing which of his eyes could see that Fan Wencheng, who was obviously a Ming spy, was not a Ming spy?
After hearing this, Fan Wencheng was overjoyed at first, and then dumbfounded.Because he found out that if he let go of Matsudaira Nobuzuna like this, what if he turned his back on him later?In other words, it is very likely that Nobuzuna Matsudaira just wanted to stabilize him!

If Matsudaira Nobutsuna is not released, the matter will remain deadlocked.

Let Matsuhira Nobuzuna go, if he turns his face, he will have no bargaining chips in his hands, and he will have to wait for death!

At this moment, Fan Wencheng suddenly became extremely entangled, so entangled that he almost died!
Finally, Fan Wencheng cried, at least he said to Matsudaira Nobuzuna with a crying sound: "My lord, the villain is really not a Ming spy!"

"Well, I believe you!" Matsudaira Nobuzuna felt his desire to survive, so he calmed down instead, and immediately replied to Fan Wencheng.

However, Fan Wencheng still dare not let go.For a while, there was a stalemate like this.


There was another thunderclap, and the bean-sized raindrops finally tilted down with a clatter.

Seeing this, Fan Wencheng got inspiration instead, so he begged for mercy and said to Matsudaira Nobuzuna: "My lord, it's not that a villain can't believe it, but it's really a matter of the life of a villain! Please swear, my lord, that I will absolutely believe in the little one." Man, so that the villain can rest assured!"

After hearing this, Matsudaira Nobutsuna subconsciously turned his eyeballs upwards and glanced at the dark clouds above his head.Seriously, he didn't dare to swear that there was a thunderbolt every day, what if it turned out to be true?

The rain has been falling, and the atmosphere is not harmonious, or very unharmonious, or it can be said to be weird.The safety of Matsudaira Nobutsuna was at stake, even Hauge didn't dare to shout anymore.

To Fan Wencheng, it seemed like a long time passed before he heard Nobutsuna Matsudaira reply: "Okay, I swear, I believe you are not a spy of the Ming Dynasty, otherwise you will be pierced by thousands of arrows and die!"

This oath can be said to be very poisonous.

Fan Wencheng finally breathed a sigh of relief.In fact, he had no other choice.I can't, just hold Matsudaira Nobuzuna until the end of time, right?

(End of this chapter)

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