Chapter 583
All the Japanese soldiers breathed a sigh of relief.With their short legs, it is really not easy to rush from Seoul to Pyongyang in such a short time!

The commander of the Japanese army, the Tokugawa shogunate veteran, and the most trusted Tokugawa Iemitsu Matsudaira Nobuzuna ordered the army to rest, but the scouts could not stop, and continued to move northward to spy on Liaodong.

Standing at the top of Pyongyang City, looking at the Taedong River flowing southward, and looking at the grain fields outside Pyongyang City, Nobuzuna Matsudaira couldn't help but smile.These are all good places, and now they are owned by the Great Wa Kingdom. Just a large piece of land from Busan to Seoul can support countless Japanese people.

In the past, the Japanese state was limited by land, but now it is the opposite, limited by population.When I meet the General later, I should suggest encouraging childbearing.Only when there are enough Japanese people can we have enough troops to occupy the entire world.Otherwise, even if the Ming Dynasty was conquered, the Japanese country would not have that many people to rule it?

Thinking of this, he suddenly turned his head and glanced at the Qing man not far behind him.

Naturally, Matsudaira Nobutsuna already knew that this Qing man was actually from the Ming Dynasty, and he was also a scholar of the Ming Dynasty, but he devoted himself to serving the Qing Dynasty.There should be many people like him. When the Japanese Empire occupies the entire Ming Dynasty, there should be many Ming people vying to serve the Japanese Empire.

Thinking of this, he suddenly had an idea, and reached out to beckon Fan Wencheng.

Fan Wencheng revisited the old place and saw the city of Pyongyang again, and he actually felt emotional in his heart.Back then, the Qing emperor Huang Taiji led the main force of the Qing Dynasty to attack Pyongyang. In that battle, he almost captured Pyongyang and wiped out the Dongjiang army, but it was a pity that the success fell short and he failed to kill that Lu Xiangsheng.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly saw Matsudaira Nobutsuna waving to him, so he quickly walked over, nodded and bowed like a Japanese, and said, "My lord?"

It is estimated that there is little hope of saving the Qing Dynasty.This point, Fan Wencheng knew it well.In this case, it is better to please this Japanese dignitary first, so that you can get protection when you are desperate!
Matsudaira Nobuzuna looked at it, and suddenly asked with a smile: "You are well-known in the Ming Dynasty, why did you join the Qing Dynasty in the end? The prosperity of the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty are not a little bit different?"

Fan Wencheng never expected that Nobuzuna Matsudaira would ask such a question.After being taken aback for a while, he quickly revealed an expression filled with righteous indignation and said: "The emperor of the Ming Dynasty was stupid and ruthless, and even treacherous ministers were in power in the court, so that the people were in dire straits, and the people were living in dire straits. Although a certain person is not talented, he can't bear to see such injustice in the world. Gu vowed to crusade against injustice and restore peace to the people of the world!"

"Oh?" Matsudaira Nobutsuna said with a half-smile expression on his face after hearing this, "But I have a lot of contacts with the Central Plains Dynasty in Japan, but I have also heard a saying that a child does not think a mother is ugly. No matter how old the elders are. , should try to change it instead of killing it?"

"..." Hearing this, Fan Wencheng blushed and felt a little embarrassed.He was a little puzzled for a while, why did this Japanese man suddenly ask this question, is there something wrong with his brain?

But no matter what, he is a figure under one person and above ten thousand people in the Wa country. Even if he asks a question that is difficult for him, he has to answer it well.

Thinking of this, Fan Wencheng said: "To be honest, my lord, the monarchs and ministers of the Ming Dynasty are all rotten. It's not like the kings and ministers of the Great Wo Kingdom. They are thriving and prosperous, and people are eager to yearn for it. The villain thinks that the Ming Dynasty The Zhu family of the country is irretrievable, and the Central Plains should change its master, so that the villain may gain the merits of the dragon, and he can be regarded as able to honor his ancestors and live forever!"

Hearing this, Nobuzuna Matsudaira was very pleased, so he nodded and said: "That's right, the person who knows the current affairs is Junjie, you are very good, very good!"

Hearing the praise, Fan Wencheng quickly smiled, and was about to test him again, to see what official position he would be entrusted with if he joined the Wa Kingdom?
But at this moment, they suddenly saw scouts galloping from the south direction, looking at the haste, it seemed that there was something urgent.So, he had to give up this idea first, because Matsudaira Nobutsuna had also noticed that the smile on his face had disappeared, and he turned to look at the scout speeding outside the city.

But before the scouts arrived, a voice sounded behind them: "My lord, the food carried by the army is consuming a lot. Shouldn't it be better to reduce the supply during the rest period?"

When Matsudaira Nobuzuna heard this, he turned his head and saw that it was his food and grass officer, frowned and thought for a while, then answered him: "No, the army is about to face a strong enemy, so we can't treat the soldiers badly in terms of food. The food transported by the navy should not be much slower than the land, and it will arrive in a few days, so there is no need to worry about the food!"

"Hi!" Hearing this, the food and grass officer responded, then turned and left, arranging board and lodging for the army.

The Japanese army has been plotting the mainland for a long time, and since they have the opportunity to occupy the land, they have already started preparing for it since last year.The army is going out, of course the food and grass are well prepared.Therefore, regarding the food problem encountered by the Qing Dynasty, he did not think that the Japanese army would have it, so he explained it with confidence.

However, the food and grass officer hadn't left the top of the wall yet, and the scout rushed to the top of the wall in a hurry. There was still some distance from Nobuzuna Matsudaira, and he couldn't wait to report: "My lord, I met a sailor at the seaside!" The soldiers said that the grain transport navy met the Ming navy, and now the entire army has been wiped out!"

"What?" Matsudaira Nobuzuna asked in a voice, startled when he heard such news suddenly.

Fan Wencheng next to him is studying the Japanese language carefully these few days. He has just mastered some of the more important vocabulary. , Immediately, he felt bad, and guessed a bit, as if the grain road of the Wa country was cut off by the Ming army!
After the scout repeated it again, Matsudaira Nobutsuna's face was already very ugly. He stared at the scout and asked him: "Why did you meet the Ming Dynasty navy when you were still so far away in North Korea? Why? Yes, how many warships are there in the navy of the Ming Dynasty, and who will lead the army..."

A series of questions were asked, as if the scout was the commander of the navy.

However, this scout met a navy soldier who fled ashore at the seaside. He could only understand the generalization, and he knew that the matter was serious. He ran back to report it at the first time, so why did he know so much?
Matsudaira Nobutsuna was in a hurry. Seeing that the scout couldn't answer, he stepped forward and opened his bow left and right, cursing "Baga, Baga" incessantly.

The scout didn't dare to resist, so he could only say "Hi" every time he slapped the ear, which meant "You hit right, you hit well, hit whatever you want."

After venting for a while, Matsudaira Nobutsuna finally felt a little more comfortable and came back to his senses. He knew that he was a little anxious, so he stopped slapping him and shouted sternly: "Immediately find out the military situation, and there must be no mistakes." !"

"Hi!" When the scout responded, his mouth was already covered in blood, and he couldn't speak clearly.Seeing Fan Wencheng next to him, he felt his mouth hurt a little too.In the future, if he takes refuge in this Japanese country, and the master is dissatisfied later, and he slaps his big ears like this, will he have to bow his head and let these dwarfs slap him?
Seeing the scouts running down the wall quickly, the grain and grass officer became anxious when he heard the movement, so he waited aside to see how Matsudaira Nobutsuna would handle this matter.

At this time, Matsudaira Nobutsuna was very angry.The army rushed to Pyongyang, but the food sent by the navy was gone, so how could the army go to Liaodong?Marching for many days in a row suddenly seemed ridiculous.Maybe, the army can't even stay in Pyongyang, and has to retreat until the food and grass can be supplied!
In any case, since he is known as "Wisdom Izu" and is Tokugawa Iemitsu's most trusted confidant minister, he certainly understands the impact of insufficient food and grass on the army.

In fact, the reason why he was able to suppress the Shimabara Rebellion in his battle of fame that year was easier than the previous generals was because he besieged the rebellious army, which made the rebellious army have no food and grass to continue and cut off the food.

Therefore, he actually attaches great importance to the issue of food for the army.

However, according to previous news, the navy of the Ming Dynasty was all in Liaodong, and the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was attacking the Qing Dynasty in Liaodong. According to the news that the scouts had previously detected, Korea should be a terra incognita at this time.The navy transported food, and it was only from the estuary of the Datong River to Pyongyang, and it was far from the border of Liaodong. No matter what, it was very safe!

However, the grain transport navy is now completely wiped out.That is to say, the navy of the Ming Dynasty must be huge to wipe out the grain transport fleet escorted by warships in one fell swoop.In this way, the question arises, why did the Ming Dynasty Navy suddenly appear so far away from Liaodong on a large scale?Did they get the news that the Great Wa Kingdom sent troops to North Korea, and the food was shipped to Pyongyang by sea?
This idea flashed in his mind, but Nobuzuna Matsudaira thought it was impossible, so he rejected the idea himself.Because the Ming Dynasty can spy on this news and then respond, in terms of time, the possibility is very small!

Unable to figure it out, Matsudaira Nobutsuna felt a pain in his head. There was a problem with the military rations. This was going to be a big deal!
He quickly ordered the food and grass officer to reduce the food supply by half to save food. In addition, he also began to retreat, not wanting to continue northward to Liaodong.

If there is no food, what if we go to Liaodong?Send sheep to tiger's mouth?This kind of thing is absolutely unacceptable, even if Qing is the father of Wa!

When he was worrying about the food, he saw a group of his own scouts galloping towards Liaodong, and he knew something was up from the anxious look.Immediately, Matsudaira Nobutsuna's heart skipped a beat. Could there be another bad news?

When he got closer, he suddenly saw something was wrong, because one of the scouts was obviously tall and big, and he was not from the Wa country at first glance.

Who is that person?This question suddenly popped into Matsudaira Nobutsuna's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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