Chapter 573

In just the blink of an eye, among the more than 300 prisoners, only more than 50 were considered clever, and they did not die when they threw their weapons on the ground at the first time. As for the others, they all fell into a pool of blood, and there was no Fight back.

And a group of Han pawns watching this scene were stunned for a while, and the one who called himself Agou immediately knelt down and said loudly to the leading general beside Chen Shaoan: "The villain is a Han. I am willing to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, and follow the court officials to kill Jianlu!"

Hearing what he said, these Han soldiers came back to their senses. They were still part of the Jianlu army at this time.Immediately, they also knelt down, shouting to surrender to the court and kill Jianlu.

Li Dingguo approached them with strides, glanced at the nearly thousand people, and saw that they were all skinny, and then said loudly: "You are Han people, but you are helping the tyrant, you should be killed! But I saw it, and some of you shouted. In the next life, I will definitely kill Jianlu and never surrender, so I can tell the governor and the emperor the truth, and I will accept your request!"

As a general, he can decide to kill these people on the battlefield, but he has no right to accept them and pardon their previous sins.That's why he said this.

Chen Shao'an heard it from the side, and he also said: "Behave well. If the governor and the emperor know about it later, you may be able to reward them for merit. I am an example, work hard!"

Hearing this, the thousand or so Han soldiers were all overjoyed, and they breathed a sigh of relief after worrying all the time.Led by that dog, everyone thanked General Li Dingguo for not killing him!

After they all stood up, Chen Shaoan suddenly thought of something, and couldn't help showing ecstasy on his face, and immediately said to Li Dingguo: "General Li Shen, I know what Jianlu asked them to come! They are all In the past, Dongjiang Army sailors were born, and they were familiar with water, and knew how to build warships and build rafts. They must have come here to help Jianlu transport food back to the inland!"

On Li Dingguo's side, he was worrying about food transportation.Hearing this, I couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Agou and the others just heard the conversation and knew that they should be building rafts and transporting food. Although they didn't understand what was going on, they were good at building rafts, so they immediately expressed their opinions and said that they should behave well , and water-related, just wrap it on them.

Li Dingguo was naturally happy, so he brought them back to the mouth of the Tumen River with about fifty Jian captives.

The mountains of grain had already shocked these Han soldiers, but what shocked them most, including the Jian captives, was that Prince He Shuosu of the Qing Dynasty was tied to a stake in the open ground.And near the seaside, there are all the corpses of Jianlu.

At this moment, these Han soldiers really believed that Jianlu was definitely not far from perishing.Look, even Jianlu, who is of such a high status as Prince He Shuosu, was captured alive by the Ming army!
In this way, they are even more determined, and they must perform well!
So, after the thousands of people had a full meal, they immediately gathered local materials in full swing and began to build rafts without anyone urging them. Only two days later, Li Dingguo began to swim upstream along the Tumen River .The fifty Jian prisoners, including Hauge, were also monitored as trackers.

The situation on their side, Emperor Chongzhen naturally knew clearly through the wiretapping system, the feedback from the Grade A wiretapping seeds on Li Dingguo.In addition to gratifying Li Dingguo for adapting to the situation and not burning the grain according to the death order, but transporting the grain back, which can solve a large part of the food problem, I also have a little regret: This Li Dingguo is so easy to kill, so give that Xilin Jueluo to him. Killed, wasting a Grade A wiretapping seed!
But after thinking about it, it doesn’t really matter. Every time a battle is won, the wiretapping system will reward the wiretapping seeds, especially for relatively large battles, such as the battles of Liaoyang and Shenyang, which reward Grade A wiretapping seeds. Enough!

At this time, the cavalry who attacked everywhere also returned to Shenyang to reply to the order.The main ones were the Jian captives from all over the country. Almost all of them starved to death in winter, and those who survived had no combat power at all.As soon as the Ming cavalry army arrives, they can take it immediately.Except for a small number of troops who brought back the captives, most of the troops returned empty-handed, saying that the Jian captives had gone crazy and killed them all when they tried to resist.

Emperor Chongzhen didn't care about this, and now his focus is on the Japanese army that has landed in North Korea.

On this day, he summoned the whole army outside Shenyang City.Rewards were given on the spot, and all the soldiers who went to the expedition were awarded grain fields of different sizes outside Shenyang City according to the size of their contributions.You know, the grain fields outside Shenyang City are equivalent to the grain fields outside the capital. It could be heard hundreds of miles away.The joy of the soldiers can be seen from this!
In addition, although no generals were conferred this time, to everyone's surprise, Emperor Chongzhen announced in front of the whole army that the governor of Baoding, Lu Xiangsheng, was loyal to the country, and in order to quell the rebellion of thieves, fight against Jianlu, and finally He made immortal feats in exterminating Jianlu, so Lu Xiang was promoted to Liaodong Bo.

This time, the whole army was shocked.You know, in the entire Ming Dynasty, civil servants who were knighted, those who founded the country are not counted, there is only one Wang Yangming.And Lu Xiangsheng was knighted, this is the second.

However, people who are familiar with history come to their senses, but they also feel that it is natural.

Wang Yangming was granted the title of Uncle Xinxin, which was for his military achievements such as pacifying the Chenhao Rebellion.Relatively speaking, the impact of the Chenhao Rebellion on the Ming Dynasty was far less than that of the Jianlu Rebellion in Liaodong.It can be said that the chaos caused by the Jianlu in Liaodong affected the Ming Dynasty for decades. Millions of soldiers and civilians were harmed by the Jianlu.

If Wang Yangming can be knighted, wouldn't it be reasonable for Lu Xiangsheng to be knighted?

However, no matter what, it is very rare for a civil servant to be knighted in the Ming Dynasty.While it deserves its name, it also attracts the envy of many people.

In this way, in the process of suppressing the Jianlu Rebellion, one civil official and two generals were finally knighted.It's a pity that Lu Xiangsheng is not in Shenyang, and has already led the army to Zhenjiang Fort, with a little regret.

Many generals in front of the army, such as Cao Bianjiao, Zhou Yuji, Huang Degong, etc., couldn't help complaining about these Jian captives at this time. After all, it was a "war to destroy the country", so they had to fight desperately no matter what?It turned out to be good, the emperor's personal conquest, isn't the prestige too great?Jianlu either fled after hearing the news, or burned himself to death. There was no decent war at all!

These Jian captives are still invincible in field battles, and they are still in Liaodong. They are all fucking liars!Once the emperor made a move, it was really too easy!
I originally thought that in this "war of annihilation", there would be two more difficult battles. After fighting the enemy so bravely, I might be able to hope for a knighthood again.But now...

If the emperor really deserves a knighthood, he might be ridiculed by the lunatics and bearded tigers, impeached by the imperial censor, and discussed by those civil officials.Even I am embarrassed to be sealed!

This... This is really fucking not coming to Liaodong to fight at all, but to go on a parade!

They were thinking like this, Emperor Chongzhen glanced at them, but he could also see what they were thinking.

In fact, the original award this time was intended to start after defeating Jianlu and returning to the capital.However, the landing of the Japanese pirates, especially Li Dingguo's interception of the food that the Japanese country gave to Jianlu, changed Emperor Chongzhen's mind.

At the beginning, Ying Erdai and Fan Wencheng worked hard to win so much food, which was used to tide over the difficulties of the [-] to [-] Jianlu mainly in Shengjing and Liaoyang. This amount of food will last for at least a month. .However, so much food was cheaper for Daming in the end. That is to say, if [-] troops were stationed at Zhenjiang Fort for a month, it would not be a big problem.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen decided that after defeating Jianlu, he simply took advantage of this opportunity and led the army to Zhenjiang Fort to see that if an opportunity arises, he would wipe out the Japanese army in North Korea.

And before the army sets out, morale must be boosted no matter what, so the matter of this award was brought forward and held directly in Shenyang.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen glanced at all the troops below, and then said loudly: "Now, the Wa Kingdom has formed an alliance with Jianlu to offend me, Ming Dynasty, and now it has landed in North Korea. I Da Mingwei, how can such barbarians offend me? I mean it Decide, Yujia personally conquered North Korea and wiped out the Japanese army. All the soldiers, are you willing to fight with me again?"

His words were passed on by the captain of Jin Yiwei with a loud voice.When the soldiers below heard this, they were overjoyed.

Originally, I thought that the battle to restore Liaodong and the final battle to exterminate captives were too enjoyable. Not to mention that the generals regretted not being knighted, even ordinary soldiers felt that the grain fields allocated to them were a bit small. Fighting, that is naturally the most popular with them.

Of course, one of the very important factors is that each of them believes that with the emperor personally leading the army, they will be invincible and every attack will be invincible, and it will often be a great victory, and their own casualties will be very few.With such a premise, who among the soldiers doesn’t like to fight with others?

Therefore, after the whole army heard about it, regardless of what happened to the Japanese army, they immediately knelt down on one knee and shouted in unison: "Fight, fight, fight..."

Their strong desire to fight once again echoed in the city of Shenyang.

Emperor Chongzhen was not surprised when he saw this, so he decreed on the spot that most of the soldiers of the Hussar Battalion, as well as some soldiers of the Yongwei Battalion and the Che Battalion, would go out with them.For the rest, apart from staying in Shenyang, other Ming army officers and soldiers returned to Gaizhou, where supplies were convenient.

The battle to exterminate captives has just ended, and a new journey begins again.However, none of the soldiers complained about this. On the contrary, those who accompanied them on the expedition were beaming, and those who returned to Gaizhou and stationed in Shenyang were downcast!
In the past, it was to kill Tartars, but now, it is to kill Japanese pirates!

(End of this chapter)

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