Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 562 Monkey Exhibition

Chapter 562 Monkey Exhibition
"Look, who is that?"

"Ah, it seems to be Prince Yu?"

"I can't see clearly, it can't be Prince Yu, right?"

"It's Prince Yu, Prince Yu was captured alive by the Ming army, that's the one who was tied to the car!"


Dorgon heard the sound and looked around, and saw that the forwards of the Ming army who had already arrived at the city of Shengjing rolled out a flat carriage.A wooden pole was erected on this carriage, and a money mouse tail was tied to it. The mouse tail was fixed on the wooden pole, forcing the man to raise his face high.

Dorgon just took a look at it, and he didn't need to look closely, he was sure that the man was his younger brother Duoduo.

Seeing this, Dorgon was immediately stunned.Although he had thought that Liaoyang would definitely fall, no matter how he wanted to fall, it would definitely be after a few days of persistence!However, judging from the itinerary of the infantry of the Ming Dynasty, it should be that the pace of attack was not delayed by Liaoyang at all. It was almost defeated in Liaoyang, and then rushed directly to Shengjing the next day.Otherwise, she would never have arrived in Shengjing today.

In this way, how can we break through tonight?

Seeing the endless Ming Dynasty infantry continuously driving to the city of Shengjing, seeing the carts of grain and grass in the Ming army, at this moment, Dorgon was in despair!

The Qing Dynasty is about to die!
Yue Tuo couldn't break out, only relying on that idiot Hauge, Dorgon would not believe that he had the ability to escape the pursuit of the Ming army and make the Manchurians come back!
Yue Tuo was also dumbfounded. He was in a good mood. After he planned to break out tonight, Shan Gao would let the birds fly. In the future, he would be the regent of the Qing Dynasty. Maybe he would be the emperor of the Qing Dynasty after Haoge died in battle.If he can lead the Qing Dynasty to make a comeback, he will be the Emperor of Zhongxing who must be remembered by the Manchurians just like Taizu!

However, this beautiful dream has not yet begun, so it is shattered!
At this moment, Yue Tuo suddenly gritted his teeth with hatred for Duoduo who was being shown around the city by the Ming army.Why didn't I see it before, Duoduo turned out to be an idiot even more stupid than Hauge, with more than 3 troops under his command, and with the strong city of Liaoyang, he couldn't last even a day!

Doduo, you are the sinner of the Manchurians!
At this time, Doduo seemed to be fine, but his body was actually enduring all kinds of pain.Those Jinyiwei captains are really not human, they are so vicious, they hurt themselves so much but they can't see it!

But what made him even more unwilling to face it was that he was captured alive by the Ming army and showed it to the Shengjing defenders like a monkey.He thought about not cooperating, and thinking about death, but in the end, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty ordered him to be tied to the car, and his head was also fixed, and he went around the city for a demonstration.

Duoduo knew very well in his heart that his appearance would definitely be a very big blow to the defenders of Shengjing City.At this moment, he regretted it very much. If he had known that the infantry of the Ming Dynasty would come so quickly, he should have lived and died with Liaoyang. At least he would not be scolded by his own people before he died.

Although it was a little far away from the top of Shengjing city, Duoduo knew that it was definitely not a good word when he heard the faint voice from the top of the city. It wasn't calling him stupid, it must be calling him incompetent!

To be honest, at this moment, Duoduo wished that the sharp archer on the top of the city could shoot him to death with a strong bow, so that he would not have to be humiliated by the Ming army like this!
As he thought, after confirming that it was him, Sheng Jingcheng slowly fell silent.Even the Jianlu who had heard the sound and watched Duduo being displayed by the Ming army were all silent.

Each of them had a look of despair on their faces.Many people couldn't even hold a weapon, or even stand upright. They squatted down, or burst into tears.

The first Batulu of the Qing Dynasty, the brave and invincible Oboi, also rushed over from the palace, saw the endless Ming infantry still coming to surround Shengjing, and saw how many soldiers were displayed by the Ming army. Duo, he no longer had that brave aura, his face turned pale, and he stood still with his hands on the battlements.

At this time, any Jianlu knew that the only thing left in the Qing Dynasty was this Shengjing City.The expected reinforcements did not know if they would start from the Japanese country, and the food and grass in the city were limited, so it was impossible to persist until the Japanese army came over.

Daqing is dying!

In the past, the Great Qing Dynasty was invincible across Liaodong. I didn't expect that it was going to perish after only a few years!

In Shengjing City, apart from despair, there is still despair!
Outside the city, although Emperor Chongzhen could know what the slave chiefs in the city were thinking through the wiretapping system, he still watched Shenyang City for a while.

To be honest, watching Jianlu despair, the mood brought by it is extraordinarily comfortable.

Elimination of Jianlu, this can only be regarded as the first step of Ming Zhongxing.No matter what happens in the future, these Jianlu who brought endless shame to China in the original history will never become shit-stirring sticks in China's colorful history again!

"You did a good job!" Emperor Chongzhen was in a good mood, and when he saw the faces of many generals, he smiled and praised, "I didn't let a single prisoner escape, and even set up a camp for me, hehe..."

In fact, under his arrangement, this matter was not difficult at all.But since the emperor praised him so much, it can be seen that the emperor is in a good mood.After hearing this, many military generals were also very happy, and they all played back in unison: "It's all thanks to your Majesty's wisdom and martial arts, Jianlu can be destroyed in the near future!"

For them, seeing the desperation of Jianlu in Shenyang City, they actually had a lot of emotion.

For example, Cao Bianjiao, he used to fight against captives with his uncle Cao Wenzhao in the Guanning Army.At that time, although he was still young, he saw the history of the Ming army losing consecutive battles, but Jianlu was extremely brave, suppressing the Ming army and fighting, very arrogant.

At that time, he never imagined that Jianlu would have such a day!It can be said that Jianlu is still the former Jianlu, but the imperial army is not the former imperial army. Under the command of the emperor's wise and martial arts, it is the turn of the imperial army to win consecutive battles, and Jianlu also has the former Ming army. There have been performances, routs, fiascos, despair, madness, etc.

Really 30 years in Hedong, 30 years in Hexi!Thinking about the past, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

There is also Wu Sangui, who is definitely one of the most touching people among these generals.

How powerful Jianlu is, even his uncle Zu Dashou, whom he has always admired, is often mentioned to him.And his father, who also deserted because he wanted to fight Jianlu, was dismissed by the court.

In the past, the ancestor's side even made two-handed preparations, and made a layout on Jianlu's side.

Wu Sangui remembers very clearly that the ancestral family surrendered to Jianlu and watched from Jianlu, just thinking that if Jianlu might have the opportunity to cross the dragon gate and transform into a dragon in the future, his ancestral family would also be able to follow the prosperity one day.

"Hehe, uncle, you may see in the spirit of the sky that Jianlu, who is extremely powerful now, is at the end of his life, and will be wiped out by the emperor in a few days?" Wu Sangui looked up at the sky and said silently in his heart, "Uncle, don't care Anyway, it can be regarded as revenge for you. What a pity, after you were captured by Jianlu, you should have died rather than surrendered, so you have a place in the Daming Martyr's Shrine, you really shouldn't have surrendered!"

Just as he was thinking about it, he was brought back to his senses by the words of Emperor Chongzhen, and he heard the emperor say: "Okay, the infantry will take over tonight, and the cavalry can take a good rest. In case Jianlu breaks through, The cavalry must pursue and suppress, and no Jian prisoner can be allowed to escape!"

"The final general obeys the order!" When the generals heard this, they echoed in unison.Everyone is very confident in their hearts.Now that the main force of the army outside Shenyang has arrived, how can the Jianlu escape.

To be honest, Emperor Chongzhen actually didn't think that Jianlu had this opportunity. Even if there was no wiretapping system, Jianlu would not be able to break out of the siege. Not to mention, he has a wiretapping system and can know what's going on in the city!

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen was very sure in his heart that Jianlu was finished!
Therefore, the infantry of the Ming army began to enter the camp set up by the cavalry comrades to rest. Of course, they also arranged for the army to build fortifications and blocked the city gates of Jianlu to prevent them from leaving the city.

It doesn't matter if it's getting dark, the torches shine like daytime, and there's nowhere for any rats and cockroaches to hide!

On the top of Shenyang City, Jianlu saw the Ming army soldiers besieging them in full swing. The despair in his heart was even more desperate. Even the most optimistic Jianlu didn't think there was a chance to break out of the encirclement. .

The Ming army outside the city was not only twice as strong as the one inside the city, but also looked elite.

The infantry of the Ming Dynasty had red barbarian cannons for attacking fortifications. With this alone, they were only beaten and did not fight back. How long can Shengjing City last?
There is also the cavalry army of the Ming Dynasty, with more than 3 cavalry. Even if they can break through the siege of the infantry, how can they escape the pursuit of the cavalry?

Dorgon also had nothing to say, even if he tried to make it up, he couldn't make it up, which could improve the morale of the Qing army.

The huge gap in strength between the two sides lies here. Dorgon didn't even think about sighing. He just stared blankly at the honor guard of the Ming Dynasty emperor outside the city, and his heart was filled with indignation: Is it necessary to come to Liaodong with such a big fanfare?Aren't you very wise and mighty?Why don't you bring tens of thousands of troops? This will also show your wisdom and prowess!why?Why bring so many troops?

It didn't know when it got dark, and Dorgon didn't come to his senses until his guards called him: "Master, there are people in the city who are robbing grain, and they said they must send troops to suppress it, or they might lose the granary!"

After hearing this, Dorgon subconsciously turned his head to look into the city, and sure enough he saw a lot of movement in the direction of the granary.

But although he saw it, he didn't react at all, he was neither angry nor angry, he just said in a low voice, almost muttering to himself: "It's not bad to be a full ghost, hehe, it's not bad to be a full ghost... ..."

Hearing this, his personal guard couldn't help but also fell silent.They can understand Dorgon's mood.

Suddenly, Dorgon stood up, turned his head to look outside the city, and then strode down from the top of the city.

(End of this chapter)

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