Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 550 The Trend of Profit

Chapter 550 The Trend of Profit

No one thought that one day, the emperor would stand in front of him in person.At this moment, everyone was a little dumbfounded.

However, they quickly came to their senses, and they immediately knelt down to salute Emperor Chongzhen with mixed surprises, and at the same time shouted very excitedly: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The movement here spread, and everyone in the distance on the street was stunned.

Turning his head to look, he saw that in the distance, all the people knelt down and saluted a group of standing people.

Everyone can see at a glance that the group of standing people is absolutely centered on one of them.Subconsciously, needless to say, that person is the object of salute by the common people.

Your Majesty... That person is the Emperor... Your Majesty's micro-service private visit!

This idea flashed in everyone's mind, and immediately they all rushed over, but none of them dared to get too close, and knelt down while still far away, shouting long live.

The sound of shouting long live also alarmed the people in the houses on both sides of the street. When they heard the sound, they all rushed out to check the situation.

As common people in the capital, they have also heard about the private visit of the emperor's micro-service, but they have never seen it with their own eyes.Now that I have the opportunity to meet the emperor who is visiting privately in Weifu, how can I miss it!

So, in this street, just a moment of effort, all the excited people were kneeling down.

Seeing this, Emperor Chongzhen stretched out his hands and lifted them up, and said loudly with a smile: "Let's all get flat!"

After he finished speaking, he even stepped forward to help the child who questioned him just now, and helped him pat the dust off his knees, and patted his head by the way.

Seeing that the emperor is so approachable, all the people were very happy and excited. They all looked at Emperor Chongzhen, as if they were waiting for Emperor Chongzhen to say something.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at this situation, his face became serious, and he said solemnly: "I never thought that there are so many people, even if their families are not rich, they try their best to squeeze out their rations to beat Jianlu..."

As he said this, his gaze swept across the grain carts, wheelbarrows, and even the bags of grain he was carrying alone, and he said a little emotionally: "It's great that Daming has you! If nothing else, I make it clear once again that this In the war, I will personally lead the army to conquer Liaodong Jianlu. If Shenyang is not captured, I will never join the army. In addition, all those who have lent grain to the imperial court will return the grain at the rate of bank interest after the grain arrives there."

Hearing this, many people opened their mouths to speak, but in front of the emperor, they did not dare to speak.

On the other hand, the little boy whose head was touched by Emperor Chongzhen just now may be that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers, or he may think that the emperor is approachable, or he has a good impression of the emperor, so he couldn't help blurting out: "Your Majesty, my parents said that this food is used for food. Those who came to fight Jianlu, it doesn’t matter if you don’t need to return it!”

When he opened his mouth like this, the other people listened and echoed excitedly.

"Yes, Your Majesty, we are willing to use it to beat Jianlu, and we don't need to return it!"

"Your Majesty, this is my wish, and there is no need to return it, let alone interest!"


Listening to their words, Emperor Chongzhen showed a smile on his face, stretched out his hand to make them quiet again, and then said loudly: "Liaodong has been recovered, North Korea is also a part of my Ming Dynasty. Jianlu committed crimes and almost killed all the people there. Common people, land cannot be wasted. Therefore, I have decided that besides returning the grain, those who lent food this time will also get five acres of land from Liaodong or North Korea. If they are willing to move there, each other will be divided There is no need to pay land tax for five mu of grain fields within ten years."

Hearing this, suddenly, the street became very quiet again.

Some of the common people who sent food sent food based on the emperor's prestige, and they were able to borrow and pay back.And some, as the child said just now, did not intend to ask the court to return them; no matter what they thought, they never expected that the emperor not only emphasized that they would return them in front of the public, but also bestowed them with extra money. grain field.

It has to be said that this is like a pie in the sky, directly hitting their heads.

In this era, just like later generations, how many grain fields a family has is the criterion for measuring wealth.As long as the people have money, they will definitely buy grain fields.

As for the common people in the capital, most of them are engaged in all walks of life. The grain fields near the capital belong to powerful people and have nothing to do with ordinary people.

At this time, the emperor suddenly gave five mu of grain fields, which is quite a lot.For these people in the capital, there is no doubt that it is equivalent to declaring that each person will get a house in later generations.

Although these grain fields are in Liaodong, or in North Korea, they are for nothing after all. If they move there, each person can get an additional five acres of grain fields, and ten years of land tax can be exempted!
Although it is indeed a bit far away, the temptation is still very strong.Especially for those with a large family, it is entirely possible to separate a branch and move to Liaodong or North Korea.

Therefore, the people here were all overjoyed when they heard the news, and they couldn't help but knelt down and kowtowed again, shouting long live!
Emperor Chongzhen was actually very happy when he saw all this.

This decision can also be said to be a win-win situation.

One is to repay the common people who have served the imperial court and let them do their best for the imperial court, which has received the most affordable praise.

The second is that Liaodong and North Korea are tantamount to restarting construction from a blank sheet of paper, which requires a large population.If it is forced migration, it is not the best way after all.Nowadays, through this kind of reward, people can be attracted to voluntarily go there, which is what Emperor Chongzhen would like to see.

In addition, there is another advantage, that is, when the Wa country invades North Korea in the future, if Ming wants to send troops, it will also have a very strong public opinion base.

The so-called teacher is famous, this is still very necessary.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen could no longer continue his private visits in microservices, so after the announcement was over, he went back to the palace.

After the news spread, the entire capital became a sensation again.All of a sudden, those grain shops were full of people.

Those who had no surplus grain at home wanted to buy some grain and lend it to the court.After all, this grain can not only be repaid, but also has interest. More importantly, there are grain fields in Liaodong and North Korea that can be divided.

Those royal relatives and nobles, as well as civil and military officials heard about it, and became very active.

The trend of profit has to be said to be a very powerful force.

No, when the news reached the Xiangcheng Bofu, there was finally laughter again.Including other mansions, many of them are like this.

In the evening, Wang Chengen reported the situation outside to Emperor Chongzhen, and he played a little annoyedly: "Your Majesty, the slaves are watching, there are many traitors, and they did not borrow money before, but after hearing what happened today , and brazenly began to lend food!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen just smiled and said: "What is the purpose of the court? Isn't it just to raise more food? No matter what they do, if the purpose of the court to raise food is achieved, that's enough!"

A person who does great things, especially as an emperor, how can he care about every detail, and he can't be Daming's family like that!
After hearing this, Wang Chengen showed a look of sudden realization, saying yes again and again.However, he silently used his facial expressions to show the emperor that he was still uncomfortable with those opportunistic villains later.

Seeing this, Emperor Chongzhen smiled slightly, and after pondering for a while, he said to Wang Chengen: "Just take today's noon as the boundary, and those who lent grain before, give them five more mu of grain fields!"

Upon hearing this, Wang Chengen immediately smiled and said respectfully: "Your Majesty is wise!"

"Hehe, you cunning!" Emperor Chongzhen saw him, nodded him with his hand, and cursed with a smile.

Seeing this, Wang Chengen showed a cheeky smile and said: "This servant is just too angry, the emperor is the most wise to do this!"

So, soon this decree was announced again.Immediately, in the capital city, I don't know how many people regret it, why hesitate, look, so many benefits are missing!

For these people who are greedy for cheap, let alone five acres of grain fields, even if there is less land, they will feel distressed for a long time.

It has to be said that the golden words of Emperor Chongzhen played a very important role in promoting the collection of food.

I thought it would take about half a month, but it only took ten days; I thought it would be about 3 rations, but in the end, it was enough for 8 or [-] people to conquer Liaodong.

Emperor Chongzhen was also overjoyed to get this result.Without further ado, I immediately announced that Yujia will personally conquer Liaodong, and he will never be a teacher if he does not take back Shenyang!

The Yongwei Camp, the Panshi Camp and the Hussars Camp, the three major camps under the jurisdiction of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, plus the 3 horses in the Beijing Camp, totaled [-] people.

On this day, the streets of the capital were empty again. Under the leadership of the Queen and the Prince, all civil and military officials and the people of the city came out to see him off.

The level of excitement is far higher than before.The people in the capital felt that they had personally participated in this crusade against Jianlu, and they were all very excited.

Most of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty who accompanied them on the expedition had medals on their chests, indicating that they were elites in all battles.And there are some soldiers in the Beijing camp who don't have it, and they have made up their minds. This time, they must work hard and try to get a medal!
The number of troops this time is the largest ever, and it is impossible to transport all of them away by ship.Therefore, the ships were mainly used to transport food and supplies, and about [-] Ming soldiers had to go overland from Shanhaiguan to Haizhou.

Before Emperor Chongzhen's royal driver arrived at Shanhaiguan, the messenger arrived first and conveyed the order to Hong Chengchou, the governor of Jiliao, asking him to be ready to meet the army, and also to select elites from the Guanning army to accompany him to the hinterland of Liaodong.

In addition, the pigeons were also released, and the news was sent to Lu Xiangsheng in Liaodong, so that he could prepare for the arrival of the army on the front line.

In the 18th year of Chongzhen, Daming finally started the war of "destroying the country" against Jianlu.

 Thank you Yuki Orange for your reward!
(End of this chapter)

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