Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 534 I am proud of you

Chapter 534 I am proud of you
But in the end it is those few people who have contributed the most, everyone knows this, but they don't know how many titles the emperor will confer?
Many people are looking forward to the moment when the mystery will be solved, and they are looking forward to the end of the year even more.

Fifteen days before the Chinese New Year, three armies suddenly arrived from outside the city, not many in number, and one was cavalry, but there were only about 600 cavalry, and judging by the flags, they belonged to two different armies. The other army is a combination of infantry and cavalry, only 300 people.The last army has only [-] people, and it is an infantry army.

These three armies were not stationed outside the capital city, but entered the city and went to the capital camp.

When they entered the capital, these Ming soldiers were very excited.Many of them are entering the capital for the first time.Looking at the incomparably tall city wall, then seeing the wide streets, and the countless shoppers, it is simply dazzling.

The soldiers of the Wucheng Bingma Division cleared the streets first, but the common people could line up on both sides of the soldiers to watch the excitement, which is irrelevant.

At the beginning, many people felt that it was causing them more trouble. Although they didn't dare to confront them face to face, they still couldn't avoid cursing behind their backs.However, when they knew that there was an army from Liaodong entering the city, none of them complained, and they were curious to see what kind of army had entered the city.

At this time, the army was transferred from Liaodong, and anyone with a little brain would immediately think of the rumors in the capital that the emperor would confer titles at the end of the year to reward meritorious soldiers.Immediately, they were all excited, looking at the marching Ming soldiers, their eyes became much more eager, and they carefully discussed behind the soldiers of Wucheng Bingmasi.

"They must be the soldiers who killed Jianlu the most, right? What a great job!"

"That's right, since the 12th year of Chongzhen, the land of Gyeonggi has never been invaded by Jianlu, and there has been no military disaster, thanks to them!"

"That's right as you say, I have pity on my brothers and they have been in Yongping Mansion before, but they were slaughtered by Jianlu. Thanks to them killing Jianlu to take revenge, otherwise, when worshiping every year, I don't know what to say !"


In a big way, it was the emperor who was wise and powerful, and defeated Jianlu; but, in terms of details, it was only by fighting bloody battles with these Ming soldiers in front of him that he could win one victory after another, beat Jianlu back to Liaodong, and protect the capital. The land is safe!

Now these people in the capital are all suffering from the Jianlu military disaster.It is also for this reason that they are grateful to these soldiers.

Some knowledgeable civilians are guessing which army these soldiers who have returned to Beijing to be entrusted belong to?
"I don't know how to read. Which army is this cavalry army? Does this young master know?"

"This cavalry army, the cavalry army under Marshal Wu of the Beijing Camp is leading the way, and the rest belong to the Guan Ning Army, under the command of Marshal Jin Guofeng, the commander-in-chief of Jinzhou."

"This infantry is the Dongjiang Army under Governor Lu's command!"

"And this last one, hey, it's the Denglai Navy!"


After distinguishing these armies, for the people of the capital, the most famous one belongs to the Dongjiang Army.Not only because of Lu Xiangsheng's prestige, but also because the main force of the Dongjiang Army was once a bandit who ravaged the Northwest and the Central Plains, so it attracted even more attention.

However, how the emperor dealt with the thieves captured in Nanyang at the beginning has also spread throughout the Ming Dynasty, and the people in the capital naturally know it too.The thieves who went to the Dongjiang Army to fight Jianlu all sincerely repented and voluntarily went to fight Jianlu.The rest of the unwilling old thieves were all snapped by the emperor.

It is because of knowing this that the people in the capital are paying attention to this "prodigal son turned back" army at this time.It's hard for them to say what about the other thieves, but the ones in front of them must have been forced to rebel back then. Inspired by the emperor, they were willing to risk their lives to make atonement.Thinking of this in their hearts, many of them gave Dongjiang Army a thumbs up.

In front of the Dongjiang Army's team, Li Dingguo was leading the way.Although he entered the capital for the first time and was excited to see such prosperity, on the surface, he still had a serious face, with his head held high, and he rode forward with a soldier's posture on horseback.

However, when he heard the compliments to the Dongjiang army coming from both sides from time to time, he saw thumbs up on his side out of the corner of his eyes.The excitement of being affirmed by the people finally became a little uncontrollable. He did not know when it started, but he showed a happy smile. When he saw the thumb and heard the praise, he quickly clasped his fists in response.

The other soldiers were naturally more excited, and it was not convenient to return the gift, so with a happy smile, the scene in front of them was deeply imprinted in their hearts, and they will be remembered forever.

After these three armies entered the Beijing camp, the military rewards of the relevant soldiers in the past began to spread throughout the capital.

Needless to say, I didn't care about it before, but now that I heard about it, many people in the capital were shocked.

"What are you talking about? The emperor has given so many grain fields? Well, if one of my family members is in the third camp, wouldn't I be able to live by collecting rent?"

"They traded their lives for it. Are you willing to let your son go?"

"What is there to be reluctant about? It's a pity that my family only has one son, and the others are all daughters. Otherwise, I would definitely be sent to serve in the army. Look, how many acres are there!"

"Why don't you look at where these fields are? They are far away from the capital. Do you want to?"

"Why don't you want to? As long as you give the land, you can go anywhere! And look, if you don't want grain fields, how much is the reward? 600 taels is enough to buy a house and marry a wife!"


It has to be said that when huge benefits are in front of you, people will often be attracted by these benefits, and forget that it is not easy to get these benefits.

Another phenomenon also occurred among them.Even those who looked down upon in the past will be envious when they return home in fine clothes.

Like most ordinary people, they used to look down on military households who served as soldiers.As far as the status of military households is concerned, they are not low, at least in name, they are still the same as civilian households, and they can also take imperial examinations. For example, the famous Zhang Juzheng was born in military households.However, the military households can't stand being poor, at least the vast majority of military households are extremely poor, and they have been military households for generations, and they have been poor for generations.

But looking at it now, at least the military households of the three major battalions are not poor.They are jealous and envious of the money and grain fields obtained by military exploits.

And this, in fact, is what Emperor Chongzhen wanted, and it was also the reason why he asked the Ministry of War to gather all previous rewards and announce them.

A few days later, just two days before the emperor paid homage to the ancestral temple, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly sent a decree that the three armies entering the city and Wu Sangui's troops from the Beijing camp who had participated in the grassland war went to the third camp of Yumajian.

When it was almost noon, these troops, including the three major battalions, all assembled on the school grounds.

Although the cold wind howled, they all stood motionless.Because they were notified that the emperor would come.

Not long after, the captain of Jin Yiwei rushed into the barracks first, lined up on both sides, and lined up until he stood on both sides of the general platform.Then, the emperor's guard of honor arrived.

However, Emperor Chongzhen did not wear a dragon robe, but armor, dressed like a general on the battlefield.Behind him, there are many officials in scarlet gowns, they should be the senior officials of the Ming Dynasty such as the Six Departments and Jiuqing.After that, many servants came over carrying boxes one by one.Of course, there are also boxes in my hands, and there are quite a few of them.

Seeing all this, the soldiers of the Ming army in the formation straightened their chests even more.Because they know that something good will happen next.

Emperor Chongzhen strode to the general's platform, slowly glanced at the soldiers of the Ming army in front of him, and finally glanced at the generals standing at the front of the team.Finally, he said loudly: "By the end of this year, the eradication of Jianlu is just around the corner. All of this depends on your bloody fighting. Your contributions should be remembered by the people of Ming Dynasty. The common people know that you are the loyal and bloody warriors who defend the country!"

After the word was spread by General Dahan, all the soldiers of the Ming army couldn't help being excited and puzzled.Walking in the crowd, how do you let others know your deeds?What about those who do not know themselves?Could it be possible to write words on the forehead to say how I am, but there is probably not enough writing on the forehead, right?And even if it is enough to write, is that good?
They were thinking about it when they heard Emperor Chongzhen say loudly again: "Therefore, I asked the Ministry of Rites to create medals, divided into three levels of gold, silver and bronze!"

Having said this, as soon as he raised his hand, Chen Baoting, who was waiting next to him, immediately stepped forward and presented a small box with both hands, which had already been opened.Emperor Chongzhen reached in, picked up something the size of a copper coin, signaled to the Ming army soldiers in the audience, and then said: "This is a bronze medal, you can hang it on your chest."

Having said that, he personally made a demonstration and hung it on his chest.After hanging it up, patted it for them to see.

The winter sun shines on the bronze medal, which is very beautiful.The soldiers of the Ming army watched, and couldn't help being excited, but also suddenly realized that, if this medal is worn on the chest and walks on the street, others will know it, and there is no need to engrave it on the forehead!

"The explanation about the medal, I will announce it to the whole world later. Wearing this medal, you will be a meritorious man of Ming Dynasty. It is your honor and the glory of Ming Dynasty." Emperor Chongzhen raised his voice and spoke louder. The voice said, "I am proud of you!"

After hearing this, almost everyone felt eager to have this medal.The emperor will be proud of those who have medals. If this is said out, I don’t know how many people will die of envy!

At this moment, for the first time, these Ming soldiers were proud of their identities!
 Eight thousand words per day is my limit.It's tiring to be at this limit every day.There are so many problems with the body.So after thinking about it, I decided to switch back to [-] words per chapter, and two chapters a day to guarantee the bottom line.There is another reason for doing this, that is, a chapter with [-] words, I can't finish it in one go, I can't keep going, and I need a break in the middle.As a result, this break often wastes a lot of time, and sometimes the train of thought is interrupted.However, for a chapter of [-] words, if you don't get stuck, you can finish it in one breath without resting.

(End of this chapter)

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