Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 532 Steering

Chapter 532 Steering
Emperor Chongzhen stood up, walked to the edge of the drawings and stood still, and then said to the prince: "Don't underestimate the use of this strength, I can tell you about it."

When Zhu Cihong heard it, he immediately expressed the intention of listening attentively.

When the others heard it, they also held their breaths, thinking that the emperor would say something if he didn't know?

I saw Emperor Chongzhen pointing to the drawing and saying: "Look, if this force can be used in this way, he can use a fixed force to smash things. This can be applied to forging, or other aspects that require a lot of force to smash things." ..."

Hearing this, many people, especially those civil servants, couldn't help but look at each other in shock.How dare the emperor make it so grand and mysterious, and use it to teach the prince, and in front of so many people, it turns out it is just a craftsman's work?For this kind of thing, the most you can do is ask the blacksmith to listen to it, and that’s about it, right?

The previous ones, after all, involved important weapons of the military and state, and they didn't feel special about it yet.But at this time, it turned out to be related to the blacksmith, and they were speechless.

Although Emperor Chongzhen has issued a decree, different titles are given to craftsmen to distinguish their skills and identities.However, the low status of a craftsman cannot be changed instantly.

Therefore, even Zhu Cihong had a look of contempt on his face after hearing this.

Emperor Chongzhen saw it, suddenly withdrew his hand, and said to him: "Do you think this is a small way, as a prince, you don't need to care about this?"

"I dare not!" Zhu Cihong was startled when he heard this, and quickly bowed in response.

It's also fortunate that he is a flower in the greenhouse, otherwise, it would be impossible for him to express what he is thinking in his heart.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen didn't blame him, but said to him: "Don't underestimate blacksmiths. Iron ore is dug out from the mountains, smelted into iron and steel, and then made into knives, armor, and artillery. It can also be made into Farm tools, kitchen utensils, even used to lay houses, bridges, etc. I can tell you clearly that whether a country is strong or not, there is a big measure, that is, whether the country's steel production is high enough and the level of steel utilization Is it high enough? If Da Ming wants to be strong all the time, he must pay attention to everything related to this iron!"

Zhu Cixiang might not feel deeply about Emperor Chongzhen's words, but the important officials and generals in the imperial court were shocked.Civil servants naturally think about people's livelihood, while military generals think about military matters.Not to mention, the use of steel is indeed very important.

In fact, they also had this understanding before.However, they were not able to clearly elevate the steel-related matter to such a high level like Emperor Chongzhen.Think about it carefully, isn't that what it is!
Let’s not talk about far away, let’s talk about the war with Mongolia.Why did the Mongols basically pose little threat to Ming Dynasty later on?It is because Daming imposed an embargo on iron and other items to Mongolia.So much so that in Mongolia, they don't have enough iron to make arrows.Many bows and arrows are ground from bones.In this way, how can this kind of bone arrow pose a threat to the soldiers of the Ming army in iron armor?

"I've made a note!" When they were all thinking, they heard Zhu Cihong respond to the emperor.

Emperor Chongzhen heard it, but didn't go into detail how much the prince would pay attention to it after hearing it.

He then stretched out his hand and pointed to another group of pictures: "Look, this force can also be used to turn the wheel. This is even more useful. If it can be made, then you can tie a rope to the wheel to pull the manpower. Things that are difficult to pull, or in places that are inconvenient for people, such as mines, can be pulled out to bring up accumulated water, which can also be used for water conservancy irrigation and so on.”

Speaking of this, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly raised his voice a little, and continued to say to the prince: "It can also be used on vehicles! Think about it, put this thing on the vehicle, and the force is connected to the wheels so that it can rotate. In this way, Without oxen and horses, the vehicle can move forward by itself. In this way, this kind of vehicle does not need to eat and drink, but just burns the fire, tireless, and not afraid of the night, what do you think?"

"..." Zhu Cixi was dumbfounded.If what happened before was something he couldn't think too much about and couldn't shock him more, then this vehicle that could move around on its own definitely shocked him.

Not only him, but everyone else was also dumbfounded.In this world, can there be such a thing?
In the courtyard, after being quiet for a while, suddenly, a voice rang out from the crowd, it was a little soft, but it was a bit of a whisper, but after regaining consciousness, it immediately shut up.But this voice was clearly heard by everyone present.

"Wooden cow and horse..."

Emperor Chongzhen also heard that this wooden cow and flowing horse should actually be a transportation vehicle such as a wheelbarrow, or driven by human power.Therefore, he said casually: "This thing is many times stronger than a wooden cow and a flowing horse. Can you think of anything?"

After hearing the question, Zhu Cixiang came back to his senses, stared at the picture carefully, and then said with a little hope: "Father, my son... my son is stupid!"

It was really that Emperor Chongzhen's words were too meteoric, he couldn't keep up at all, knowing that even if he said it, he might not be able to keep up with his father's thoughts, so he simply admitted it and let it go.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen guided him and said: "Look, if this force is strong enough, can it pull not just one car, but two cars, three cars, or ten cars, or a hundred cars? And day and night Keep pulling. As for the speed, if it is not fast enough, find a way to make him go faster. Then the transportation in the southeast, northwest and northwest of Ming Dynasty will be much more convenient in the future. For example, if I want to lead troops to conquer Liaodong, I will use this car Together with the soldiers, we arrived in Liaodong after just one night's sleep. Wouldn't it save time, effort, worry and a lot of costs?"

"..." Emperor Chongzhen's words were too exaggerated for everyone in the courtyard.Is this possible?
Even a lunatic wouldn't dare to think that way, would he?The imagination triggered by a teapot is so exaggerated?

These people would rather believe that the Jade Emperor is going to descend to earth than believe that the scene described by Emperor Chongzhen will really become possible!
Emperor Chongzhen looked at them all stunned. For some reason, he seemed to feel a little bit of enjoyment in his heart, so he continued casually: "Also, if this thing is loaded on the ship and the paddle wheel that drives the ship rolls, will it be the same? Like vehicles, it has a very big effect, greatly changing the shipping of Ming Dynasty? When applied to warships, do you need to care about the wind direction..."

"..." Everyone, continue to be speechless, is that okay?

The following passage of Emperor Chongzhen shocked the pirate king Zheng Zhilong the most.If there is such a ship that is not affected by the wind direction, and if it can go fast, who else is Daming's opponent in this sea?

At this time, he suddenly felt, could it be that the emperor said that the flag of the Ming Dynasty would be flown at the end of the sea because he had thought of this before?
I don't know how long it took, but before Zhu Cihong came back to his senses, Xue Guoguan, the chief assistant, spoke first, and played with a trembling voice: "Your Majesty, this... can this really be done?"

Hearing the voice, almost everyone came back to their senses. Immediately, all of them stared at Emperor Chongzhen, their eyes unblinking, their ears pricked up, afraid that they might not be able to hear the emperor's answer clearly.

If it is said that what Emperor Chongzhen said just now was said by the emperor before time travel, it is estimated that many courtiers would advise the emperor to stop thinking about it.If this was said by ordinary people on the street, they would probably be called crazy.

However, these words are what the current Emperor Chongzhen said.Since the end of Chongzhen's 11th year, since Taizu Tuomeng, Emperor Chongzhen has shown extraordinary means, wise and powerful, definitely not blown out.His current prestige is even more prosperous.In particular, he can guess what other people are doing and what they want to do from the details. Who in the Ming Dynasty would not be impressed by this kind of meticulous skill?
Now that he said this, although people including Xue Guoguan found it incredible, they did not dare to insist that this was impossible!

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said to Xue Guoguan with a smile: "I said it can be done, do you believe me? Instead of thinking about it, it's better to do it directly and practice the true knowledge, and then see if it can be done. You can first verify it from the knowledge point of view. Is this possible, and then do it with your hands, and when you encounter difficulties, think about solving them..."

Speaking of this, he saw Xue Guoguan and many others looking disappointed.Then he knew the reason why they didn't get a positive answer from him.

Regarding this, he had to raise his voice, and immediately said decisively: "I can also tell you clearly that this can be made. However, there will be many difficulties, but as long as it is made, our Daming will undergo earth-shaking changes. !"

After Emperor Chongzhen finished speaking, the courtyard was still very quiet.Most people's faces could not help showing a look of longing. Is there really a day when it will be built?

Suddenly, Zhu Cixi came to his senses, showed an eagerness to try, and said to Emperor Chongzhen: "Father, I want to give it a try!"

At this time, if the emperor agrees, it will be useless for those civil officials to suppress him with the Four Books and Five Classics and the learning of sages.For him, who is only 15 years old, it seems very interesting and fulfilling to be able to build this kind of thing.His interest was naturally aroused immediately.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen did not comment, but walked to the next placed object, pointed at the Kongming Lantern and said: "You should know this Kongming Lantern, right?"

"I know, I have been released before." Hearing this, Zhu Cihong had no choice but to put down the previous request and replied instead.

Others heard that because of the example of the teapot, most people knew that the emperor must have had some unbelievable things about Kongming lanterns.It's impossible to say, let Kongming lanterns take people flying into the sky, right?

With that in mind, they curiously watched the conversation between the emperor and his son.

Emperor Chongzhen nodded and said to the prince: "Have you ever thought that if this Kongming Lantern is big enough, can people fly into the sky?"

"..." Hearing this, the people around couldn't help being dumbfounded.Sure enough, the emperor really had to bring up such an idea!
This time, Zhu Cihong was not as shocked as the one with the teapot, but immediately said the truth: "I have never thought about it before, but my father mentioned it, and I think it seems to be possible!"

The others also nodded in their hearts, but they were still curious and didn't know what the emperor would say.I always feel that the emperor mentioned this, it will not be such a simple matter.

Sure enough, Emperor Chongzhen said to the prince: "Then do you know what it means?"

"..." Zhu Cihong was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer, and finally had to say, "After lighting the fire, it will float up and float into the sky."

"Why does it float after being lit?"

Facing his father's questioning, Zhu Cihong scratched the back of his head, and said in doubt: "The turbid air is going down, and the clean air is going up?"

"..." This time, it was Emperor Chongzhen's turn to be speechless.

Forget it, don't ask this question, anyway, in this era, few people would know.So he said to the prince: "Air is like water, it has buoyancy. If a goose feather floats in the air for a long time and then falls slowly, but an iron block or something falls rapidly, it is because the buoyancy of the air is too small. After the air is ignited, the air will expand due to heat, and you can temporarily imagine it as water turning into steam, and it will be easier to hold the Kongming lantern, which is why the Kongming lantern will rise into the air."

When he said this, everyone was listening carefully.It has to be said that the emperor's statement opened their eyes again.

"Using this principle, make a kind of utensil, heat it to make it rise, and the strength of the rise can take people to the sky. Then lower the temperature slightly, let it fall slowly like a feather, so that people can land safely." Chongzhen The emperor looked around at this point, and finally looked at the prince and continued, "But if you can really do what I said, it's not just a Kongming lantern. You need to think and do it. I can tell you clearly, One day in the future, people will definitely be able to fly into the sky!"

After he finished speaking, before the prince came back to his senses, he took a few steps forward, picked up the bamboo dragonfly, twirled it casually, watched the bamboo dragonfly fly up, and then said to the prince: "Look, this is another A way of flying. So, what is the principle of this way of flying? Can we use this principle to make something better that can also fly with people?"

After talking about these things, Emperor Chongzhen walked slowly back to his seat and sat down, looked at the dazed prince and said: "The things I said just now were actually explored in the Department of Agriculture and Department of Kaiwu. Content. You see, if you can understand and use it, it will definitely change Daming and make Daming stronger. As a prince, you should know what you should guide? How to grasp the future of Daming Direction, how will Daming go in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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