Chapter 517
Next, Dorgon began to assign combat tasks. Needless to say, those responsible for the main attack were all non-Manchu troops.

Listening to the dispatch of military orders one after another, the patriarchs of the various clans who have realized that something is wrong have ugly faces.

No one is a fool, if they storm Yaozhou Post, especially the first attacking army, they will definitely suffer heavy losses.In other words, Daqing wants them to die!

But the military order is difficult to disobey. Before that, even Wu Keshan, the patriarch of the Horqin clan, was almost killed by the regent.

After Dorgon issued the military order, seeing the faces of the patriarchs below, he naturally knew what they were thinking.So, he took a breath and said in a calm tone: "Everyone, don't think about it, this king will never treat one more favorably than another. My army is the elite of the Qing army, and its combat power is incomparable to other tribes. The so-called Good steel is used on the blade, as long as you work hard and open a gap in the Ming army, our Qing warriors will definitely take over the battlefield, and Yaozhou Station will be determined in one battle!"

This was considered a red face. Duduo, who was used to being white faced, also followed suit and shouted sternly: "The great victory is ahead. Who dares not to work hard? I recognize him, but I don't recognize the knife in my hand!"

Yue Tuo and the other two just watched without speaking, but their expressions also showed their attitude.

There was no choice at all, and even after the military meeting ended, they didn't even have a chance to talk to each other, and Dorgon's personal guards accompanied them back to their respective camps.At the same time, Dorgon also quietly mobilized the army, divided them, and did not give them the opportunity to collude with each other.

If it weren't for the fact that it was almost dusk, Dorgon even wanted them to attack the city immediately, so there would be a lot less unnecessary worries.

At the same time, at the head of Yaozhou Post City, Emperor Chongzhen was playing chess with his generals.He was one against many and asked the general soldiers of the Ming Dynasty to follow him.

The sun was setting, and the warm sunlight was shining on them.A group of elders formed a large crowd, clamoring how to deal with the emperor's general, and the sound of quarreling rang out from time to time.If they weren't all wearing armor, they would have thought that somewhere in the countryside, a group of old peasants were having nothing to do, arguing loudly!
Their movement is a little louder, and the sound travels a little farther.When the soldiers of the Ming army heard this, they all showed knowing smiles.The emperor and the generals are like this, which makes them extremely at ease.

Seeing historical celebrities such as Cao Bianjiao and He Renlong arguing in front of him about how to play this chess next, Emperor Chongzhen admired it leisurely for a while, and then smiled and said: "You don't have to argue, in fact, it's already done." It’s hopeless, you will die in two steps.”

"I don't believe it, I don't believe it!" Sitting opposite the emperor, He Renlong was the main force, and the others were staff advisers. He immediately refused to admit defeat and said, "Your Majesty, wait and think about it later!"

"Yes, yes, yes, maybe there is still salvation!" Cao Bianjiao also yelled.

"..." The other chief soldiers also booed and wanted to think again.

When they first played chess with the emperor, they were all very restrained, but after being told by Emperor Chongzhen, they started to play more and became like this one by one.

However, Wu Zhong, the commander of Jin Yiwei who had been silent all the time, knew that these general soldiers knew that the emperor was so happy, so they all followed the emperor's wishes and wanted to make the emperor happy.

Emperor Chongzhen was really happy. Seeing that they were still not convinced, he let them go and read the news in the bugged seed system.

Therefore, he had a thorough understanding of everything in the camp of the Jianlu army outside the city, and couldn't help but smile coldly in his heart. These Jianlu are really cold-blooded!
However, it is clear that Dorgon and others' estimates of the combat power and current situation of both sides are obviously problematic.Otherwise, they would not have made such wishful thinking.

Suddenly, He Renlong stood up and said with emotion: "Your Majesty is really clever, it really is hopeless! Change people..."

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he came to his senses, threw the captured chess piece on the chessboard and said: "No more, let's get down to business!"

Upon hearing this, the generals, who just now looked like a group of big men in the countryside, immediately stood up straight and waited for the emperor to speak with a serious expression.

Emperor Chongzhen stood up from his chair, pointed to the outside of the city and said, "Jianlu wants to jump over the wall in a hurry, and will attack Yaozhou Post tomorrow morning..."

He roughly talked about the combat mission issued by Dorgon, then glanced at the generals, and asked indifferently: "Tomorrow's battle, what countermeasures do you have so that our army can easily respond?"

For the emperor's foresight, these general soldiers are convinced.Since the emperor said that they will fight tomorrow, they will definitely fight.All they had to do was answer the emperor's questions.

As a result, these general soldiers immediately issued their own suggestions.

"Your Majesty, as long as the powerful Horqin tribe is repelled, the other tribes will surely retreat in fear. Therefore, the general suggests mobilizing more artillery to bombard the Horqin tribe. It will be more effective with half the effort!"

"Your Majesty, the general thought that if the persimmons were to be picked softly, our hussars battalion would catch them by surprise and take the initiative to attack them. They would definitely be defeated, and then drive away the defeated soldiers to expand the results of the battle..."


Listening to the suggestions of these general soldiers, it can be said that tomorrow's battle can indeed be won, but Emperor Chongzhen is not satisfied, so he didn't immediately draw a conclusion, but just listened to their continued speech.

Afterwards, these general soldiers said the same thing, and the scene slowly became quiet.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen still had no particularly satisfactory countermeasures in his mind. Just as he was about to express his thoughts, Li Dingguo, a guerrilla general who had been silent at the side, suddenly said: "Your Majesty, the last general thought that he could order the troops to drop soldiers." To face their respective clansmen before the battle tomorrow. Tell them that if they want their clansmen to survive, the only way is to surrender to my Ming Dynasty before the battle. The general will believe it, or they can win without fighting! There are eight reasons!"

Originally, Emperor Chongzhen was surrounded by people at the level of the commander-in-chief of the three major battalions and the Beijing camp, and there were also supervisors who were on the same level as the commander-in-chief and even surpassed the commander-in-chief. However, the emperor liked Li Dingguo, so he let him accompany him. Therefore, he had the opportunity to speak this time.

Hearing what he said, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but feel happy. He nodded and encouraged him and said, "Those eight reasons?"

The other general soldiers were secretly surprised when he heard what he said so eloquently, and even said there were eight reasons. They couldn't help but listen attentively, and no one disturbed him.

Li Dingguo's temperament was relatively calm, and with the emperor's encouragement, he played back calmly: "First, since we are clan members, we will naturally avoid meeting and fighting, so we will have the opportunity to speak."

"Secondly, those who are not Jurchens have had a very hard life in the past few years. In the past, our army was able to kill prisoners and surrender to the Ming Dynasty without harvesting them at night, just by using the scent of meat."

"Third, the general has understood that the Jurchens are very mean to them. Even those who have not surrendered to our Ming Dynasty still have resentment against the Jurchens, and this resentment is not the slightest bit, but is forced by various reasons, or I didn’t surrender because I didn’t have a chance!”

"Fourth, the strength of our army should be known to everyone on the other side. Under a strong attack, our army gave him a way out, and his tribe persuaded him to surrender. The general thought that they would never give their lives to the Jurchens again. here!"



Emperor Chongzhen was very satisfied when he heard Li Dingguo explaining his views.This Li Dingguo analyzed the problem more comprehensively.And it can also be seen from it that he is very careful on weekdays, and he can get along well with ordinary soldiers, and he has the demeanor of Lu Xiangsheng leading the army, so that he can learn so much information.

Emperor Chongzhen had to sigh with emotion that in the original history, in the days when the army was defeated like a mountain, he was the one who severely hit the Jianlu and even defeated the famous king twice. He had real skills, not luck.Now in this plane, and having stayed by Lu Xiangsheng's side for so long, it seems that Li Dingguo is even better than in the original history, not bad, not bad!
It wasn't just him who was feeling emotional, including the general soldiers, who were also very surprised.They didn't expect that Li Dingguo actually had to say so many reliable reasons.No wonder the emperor valued him, he was just a guerrilla, yet he asked him to accompany him.

It seems that Li Dingguo has a bright future!In the end, this was the unanimous conclusion of these generals.

Li Dingguo didn't know this, he was just concentrating on telling the emperor, and after he finished speaking, he stood with his hands down, waiting for the emperor's order.

Emperor Chongzhen immediately smiled and said: "Yes, it's pretty much what I thought. I can add two more to you."

Hearing this, the people around were surprised again.Li Dingguo has already given eight reasons, but this is not enough, the emperor still has more?
They were thinking about it when they heard Emperor Chongzhen say to Li Dingguo: "The reason why the slave chieftains arranged that way is because Wu Sangui and Kong Youde's troops have cut off Jianlu's granary. There are many troops, so these troops have to be sent to consume our army's ammunition and military equipment. If I am not mistaken, the slave chief dare not announce this, and will find other reasons to deceive these people who are dying!"

Upon hearing this, everyone nodded.If this is not the case, why did the Jianlu surround them well and start a strong attack instead of continuing?
Li Dingguo didn't think about why Jianlu came to attack suddenly before. At this time, the emperor reminded him, and he secretly warned himself that there are still things that have been overlooked, and he must pay attention to it in the future!
"In addition, Kong Youde is the most familiar with Liaodong. With him and Wu Sangui, he will definitely be able to overturn the river in the hinterland of Liaodong." Emperor Chongzhen continued, "They know that I am here, and they will definitely make a fuss. The only way to attack the enemy is to attack. Even if Shenyang cannot be defeated, it will be a bluff to create a situation where Shenyang will be defeated soon. In this way, the messenger for help from Shenyang will definitely arrive soon. If my expectations are not bad, Jianlu has already arrived today. Response, maybe, the second rescue messenger will arrive tomorrow."

Speaking of this, he said to Li Dingguo: "These two things are actually one thing. You can explain them clearly to those who persuade them to surrender tomorrow, and let them talk about them to their clansmen. In this way, even if those people If you don’t return to Ming Dynasty, it will definitely spread among the Jianlu army after you go back. In this way, the Jianlu army will be forced to disclose the battle situation and have to return to Shenyang.”

Shenyang is the capital of Jianlu. As long as Jianlu has some status, their families are basically in Shenyang.Therefore, when they returned to Shenyang, they not only wanted to save their emperor, but also their own family members. This mattered to everyone on the outside of the city. Even if a few slave chiefs were cold-blooded and didn't want to save them, it was not up to them.

Emperor Chongzhen said with a smile at the end, and said with a smile: "Tomorrow's battle will be entrusted to you to command, and let Zhen and Zhuqing see your ability, how about it?"

Upon hearing this, Li Dingguo couldn't help but be overjoyed, and quickly clasped his fists and echoed: "The general will obey the order!"

Everyone looked at him with envy in their eyes.They can be [-]% sure that as long as there is a battle tomorrow, just as expected, Li Dingguo will definitely be promoted quickly after the war and his future is boundless!
But thinking about Li Dingguo's performance just now, they have to admit that Li Dingguo is indeed a capable person with a bright future, which just shows that the emperor knows heroes with his eyesight.

At this time, the sun was setting, and only the sunset glow remained in the western sky.Looking at the Jianlu camp outside the city, everyone was full of confidence.But suddenly, Li Dingguo said again: "The cooking smoke in the Jianlu camp today seems to be much denser than before. Does your Majesty deduce based on this that Jianlu will attack the city tomorrow?"

At this time, the prisoner outside the city probably had almost eaten his meal, and when the fireworks went out, there was even more smoke, so he reminded Li Dingguo and asked this question.

Emperor Chongzhen was a little surprised when he heard this.Based on the feedback from the eavesdropping seeds, he was [-]% rewarded by Jianlu outside the city. Unexpectedly, Li Dingguo speculated from the smoke outside the city, which seemed to be related to a certain extent.Tomorrow's battle, of course you have to eat a little bit today, right?
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen did not deny it, but only praised him: "Yes, observe carefully, and I will remind Xiaqing again, since Jianlu is short of food and grass, then the grain cart brought by Azig last time is absolutely I haven't seen so many!"

"Your Majesty is wise, and will eventually let them convey this to the outside of the city." Li Dingguo was surprised again after hearing this, and hurriedly replied.

Well, everything that needs to be installed has been installed, and tomorrow's battle is almost arranged. Emperor Chongzhen thought in his heart, so he drove back to the post station, and let Li Dingguo arrange the specific details of tomorrow's battle.

On this day, it seemed that the two armies inside and outside the city were calm, as if the two sides would continue to do so, but in fact it was the last peaceful night before the war.This, at least the slave chief Dorgon thought so.

After spending the night, under the close surveillance of the Manchurian troops, the troops of all ethnic groups did not cause any trouble.Dorgon did not dare to delay any longer, and immediately beat the drums to gather the generals to start the battle arranged for the next day.

 Thanks for the reward of 1000 starting coins from the Ranger of the Paradise!
(End of this chapter)

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