Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 511: One face is stunned

Chapter 511

Therefore, in order to prevent the Ming army from jumping over the wall in a hurry and breaking through desperately, Dorgon immediately ordered the whole army to march in a hurry, with the cavalry going first and the infantry following, and they must rush to Yaozhou post in the fastest time.

In this battle, Dorgon's original plan was to keep the Ming emperor in Liaodong.However, if the entire Ming army could be wiped out, he could be [-]% sure that the elite of the Ming country would be completely lost. In this way, the future of the Qing Dynasty would have infinite possibilities.Similar to the good days before, maybe it will come again!
If this is really achieved, a regent, no, what is the uncle regent, who would dare to object if he directly abdicates and proclaims himself emperor?
Thinking of the excitement, Dorgon couldn't help urging him again and again, wishing he could rush to Yaozhou post immediately and make dumplings for the Ming army.


At the same time, on the head of the Yaozhou post, a group of general soldiers surrounded the Emperor Chongzhen, watching Jianlu's infantry, bypassing the Yaozhou post from a distance to join their cavalry.

Although it is far away from the official road where the Yaozhou station is located, the road is very difficult to walk. Therefore, the Jianlu infantry abandoned the carts they carried, and all the food and supplies were carried by manpower.But each of them seemed very excited.

Regarding this situation, the commander-in-chief couldn't figure it out. Among them, Zhou Yuji clasped his fists and asked the Emperor Chongzhen to fight: "Your Majesty, the general is willing to lead the army to attack Jianlu and kill him for a while!"

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen shook his head and said, "The Jianlu cavalry army is waiting, there is no need to go out to fight, just let them pass!"

Hearing this, the eunuch who was very worried about the emperor's safety, Liu Yuanbin, one of the supervisors of the Yumajian, couldn't help but also played along: "Your Majesty, Jianlu crossed the Yaozhou post, which obviously cut off our army's retreat. Their strength , even more than our army. If we want to break through later, I'm afraid it will... be very difficult!"

He originally wanted to say that there would be a danger of not being able to break through and the entire army being wiped out.But thinking of the emperor's brilliance and martial arts, it is impossible not to know this, so he changed his words and said that there were many difficulties.

When Emperor Chongzhen heard this, he smiled and pointed his fingers and said, "Look, you know exactly how much food and grass Jianlu brought over, don't you? Just let them surround it. I didn't intend to break out of the encirclement. "

Hearing this, the people around were used to fighting, and immediately sensed the emperor's intentions, probably waiting for the Jianlu's food and grass to run out, and retreating by themselves?
Although the basic strategy of the Ming Dynasty against Jianlu was to fight against the shortage of food and materials in Jianlu.However, after all, this is within the sphere of influence of Jianlu. If the food and grass brought by the army are almost gone, the leader of Jianlu will definitely come to collect food and grass in advance, right?
Thinking of this, everyone waiting was a little worried.But seeing that Emperor Chongzhen looked confident, they were relieved a lot.The emperor is wise and mighty, since he can think of this, there must be a clever plan to break it, right?
As a result, at Yaozhou Station, when the Ming army did not break through the encirclement, the place where hundreds of thousands of troops gathered unexpectedly became peaceful.

After Yuetuo, Haoge and Duoduo all passed Yaozhou Station, they immediately blocked the connection between Yaozhou Station and Gaizhou, and then ordered the infantry to dig and destroy the road.Even if the Ming army wants to break through in the future, it will be more difficult for them to ensure that the Ming army will not be able to break through in the end!

Standing in the distance, looking at Yaozhou Post, Yue Tuo suddenly said with a little worry: "Why didn't the Ming army panic at all? Instead of breaking out, they were building fortifications. It seemed like they were going to hold on to Yaozhou Post. Then what kind of trick is the Emperor of the Ming Kingdom doing?"

"Haha, you are really suspicious!" Hearing this, Hauge couldn't help laughing and said, "I need to worry ass, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty has no time to escape, so of course he can only stick to it, what else can I do?"

Duduo was not as optimistic as him. He also stopped smiling and stared at the Yaozhou Yi Ming Army consolidating the defensive line. He frowned and said, "I am also a little worried. The posture of the Ming Emperor is a bit unreasonable. Could it be... Could it be... Is there still Ming reinforcements?"

The Ming country has a vast land and abundant resources, and there are millions of troops.It would not be surprising if there were troops to help.

"Come across the sea? It seems unlikely, right?" Yue Tuo listened, and then analyzed, "The Ming army was transported here before, and the fleet has to return, and then transport troops over, not to mention the weather. , just time, it will take a long time for the reinforcements to arrive, isn't it realistic?"

Speaking of this, he paused and then continued: "Could it be the Guan Ning Army? It shouldn't be! Since the Ancestral Army was wiped out by my Qing Dynasty, the remaining Guan Ning Army is more than enough to defend the city. It’s just a dream to attack my Qing Dynasty. Moreover, my Qing Dynasty has always been on guard against the Guan Ning Army, and Tanma is watching at all times. If there is any movement, I will come to report it as soon as possible!”

Duoduo nodded, obviously agreeing with Yuetuo's analysis.Therefore, after listening to Yue Tuo's analysis, he was even more puzzled, what exactly is this dog emperor of the Ming Dynasty going to do?
"What are you thinking so much about?" Hauge didn't care, and pointed to the Yaozhou post road, "We just need to surround the Yaozhou post, call the regent early, capture the Yaozhou post, and cut off the dog's head of the dog emperor of the Ming Dynasty. enough!"

After hearing this, Yue Tuo and Duoduo thought that there were dozens of miles around, or even hundreds of miles, where the Qing Dynasty's scouting horses were. If there was any movement, they would definitely know as soon as possible.And on the Gaizhou side, although Lu Xiangsheng is in charge, he knows that Gaizhou's troops are definitely not many, and it is impossible to rescue them.

After much deliberation, the two of them looked at each other, agreed with Hauge's idea for a rare time, and decided to send someone to urge Dorgon to rush to Yaozhou Station as soon as possible.

Of course they don't know that Emperor Chongzhen's trump card is not in Yaozhou Station, but in the distance!
At this time, the wheat in the Liaohe Plain was already golden. Kong Youde could not delay it any longer and could only order the harvest.

Standing on the top of the field, watching about [-] Ming people harvesting grain for Jianlu, he was very worried.

Before that, Dorgon had ordered the mobilization of the whole country, and the huge force rushed to Haizhou, and it was not known whether the emperor could withstand it.

This attracts Jianlu's attention, and it is indeed in place, but will it be too attractive and put the emperor in danger?Also, there has been no news of the emperor sending him to respond. In case the grain harvest here is over, Jianlu will transport all the grain away, so should he burn the grain or not?
If it's going to burn, there's no going back.And with so many people, how could they escape back to Daming?It is true that Jianlu has been mobilized across the country, but there are still some troops left behind in various places, and it is impossible to transfer none of them!
Thinking of this, Kong Youde looked at these Ming people who were harvesting wheat.All of them are young and strong, but they are skinny and skinny. It is really powerless for them to resist Jianlu and fight Jianlu.Even if they let go and let them escape first, and how far they can escape, it is still a dead end if they are overtaken by Jianlu!

Wherever Kong Youde could see, the people of the Ming Dynasty who were harvesting grain did not need to build prisoners to oversee the work this time, and they were all working hard.Being able to harvest food, even if the food does not belong to them in the end, they are still happy.Or, this is the result of their hard work, or, after Jianlu has enough food, can he let them drink some soup?

But only Kong Youde knew that if he hadn't obeyed Emperor Chongzhen's secret decree to protect these Ming people, probably not even half of them were still alive.The grain fields in the Liaohe Plain had already been harvested. If they could not escape back to Daming this time, then these people would definitely be transferred by Dorgon to the farther north to continue farming until they died.Thinking about living a better life after gaining something is just a dream!
Thinking of this, Kong Youde was extremely worried, and couldn't help but want to scold his mother: You Chen Shao'an, you can't stay here properly, so you can rest assured that you don't know what's going on now, and you don't know anything about it ah!
Just as he was thinking this, he suddenly heard a noise.Hearing the sound, he looked up and saw that two Ming people who were harvesting grain seemed to be arguing.

Kong Youde was in a bad mood at first, but when he saw this scene and was about to get angry, he suddenly became stupid, because one of the quarrels was not Chen Shaoan, who he was thinking about just now, who else could it be?
"Are you full?" A soldier who supervised the work had already walked over and reprimanded, "Hurry up and work, is it itchy?"

When Kong Youde heard this, he quickly ordered loudly: "Come on, bring them both to this king, and I will personally question them!"

He understood that Chen Shaoan was definitely looking for him, otherwise, there would be no commotion at this time.And Chen Shao'an's appearance meant that the person sent by the emperor to meet him was likely to be nearby.

Seeing that the prince seemed a little excited, his personal guards were a little puzzled, but they followed the order and went to escort the two quarreling Ming people over.

Kong Youde naturally knew that Chen Shao'an had something to say, and just as he was about to send away the bodyguards, he heard Chen Shao'an say: "These are your bodyguards, they should be trustworthy people, there is no need to avoid them!"

When Kong Youde's personal guard heard what this man said, he immediately became a little stupid. What's going on?Faintly, they sensed that something was wrong.

In the past, the matter was so important that Kong Youde didn't even dare to let his personal guards know.After all, what happened to Geng Zhongming, even his son can't believe it. It's really hard to say whether any of the personal guards were secretly bought by Jianlu.

But at this time, Chen Shaoan said this with confidence. So what if one of them has a problem?
Kong Youde also vaguely understood this point, couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly asked, "You're here?"

"Here we come!" Chen Shao'an naturally knew what he was asking, and immediately said with a smile, "However, General Kong Shen must gather the people and soldiers here before noon, so as not to cause chaos!"

When Kong Youde heard this, he couldn't help being overjoyed, and quickly said: "No problem, it's noon, it's just time to rest and eat, how many people are here?"

To be honest, he has always been very curious, how many people will the emperor send to rescue so many people?
After hearing this, Chen Shao'an smiled and said, "Don't worry, you'll know when the time comes!"

Kong Youde's personal guard watched the two of them talking, and was very confused. Who came here?

You know, this is the hinterland of Liaodong, farther north than Shengjing.Otherwise, they would immediately think of something about Geng Zhongming.But at this time, they did not expect this.

Kong Youde pointed to the surrounding guards with his fingers, and seeing Chen Shaoan nodding, he introduced to his guards: "He is Chen Shaoan under Brother Geng, if you haven't heard of it, then the Emperor of Ming used Prince Li to represent Shan You must have heard about the matter of his mother returning to Daming in exchange for someone, right?"

Upon hearing this, the guards were all very surprised, and two of them pointed at Chen Shao'an, and couldn't help shouting: "No wonder it looks familiar, so it's you?"

It is not surprising that the generals under Geng Zhongming and Kong Youde's personal guards have seen it, but they did not expect that the person dressed by ordinary Ming people would be Chen Shaoan, who was already very famous in Liaodong.Therefore, even though he felt familiar, he never thought about Chen Shao'an, so he didn't recognize him.

At this time, after Kong Youde introduced them, they immediately understood that their prince was also in contact with Geng Zhongming, and wanted to return to Daming, which had been in contact for a long time!

To be honest, even Kong Youde himself was bullied by Jianlu before, so naturally there is no need to say more about Kong Youde's personal guards.If they can return to Daming, it is also one of the wishes buried in their hearts.

Therefore, after Kong Youde finished his introduction, they immediately became excited.

When they received Kong Youde's order to immediately gather the soldiers and the people of Ming Dynasty, they rushed away excitedly.

Kong Youde accompanied Chen Shaoan, and stood there watching the guards carry out the orders. At the same time, he asked the question in his heart with some worry: "The emperor wanted to attract Jianlu's attention and crusade against Haizhou, but he didn't expect Jianlu to invade the whole country. Going to fight Haizhou, the emperor's side, are you alright?"

"Hehe, don't worry." Chen Shaoan said without worry after hearing this, "The emperor has a clever plan. Even if Jianlu makes troubles, nothing will happen. Moreover, I feel that the more Jianlu struggles, the more troubles will happen. The faster you die!"

Upon hearing this, Kong Youde immediately understood what Emperor Chongzhen was planning, and was immediately overjoyed.

Of course, he knew the situation in Liaodong clearly.Now Jianlu has mobilized the whole country to fight in Haizhou.If the emperor can ensure that everything is fine, then if he burns the grain here, it will be tantamount to cutting off Jianlu's hope of surviving the winter.In this way, even if Jianlu didn't lose much in the Haizhou battle, he would not be able to survive this winter!

In other words, after this battle, Liaodong will be recovered by Daming!And his contribution in this is not small!
Thinking of this, Kong Youde felt the excitement he had never felt before. He never thought that the fatal blow to Jianlu was actually given by himself.

It didn't take long for a square formation of soldiers and a square formation of Ming people to be assembled.But the vast majority of people are dumbfounded.

 It's a lot better today, and it should be able to update normally after that.

(End of this chapter)

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