Chapter 506
Although Dorgon, or Jianlu's side, even in the past, felt that it would definitely be a good thing if he could capture or kill the Ming emperor.However, in the past, Jianlu absolutely did not realize like Dorgon today that the most critical figure in the sudden rise of the Ming Dynasty was actually Emperor Chongzhen.

With this understanding, the degree of emphasis will be different.

If before, Dorgon believed that the loss of 2 troops from the Qing Dynasty was the only way to keep the Ming emperor in Liaodong, then he might have hesitated; , it will feel worthless.Even if there is no example of Ming Yingzong, he will feel that it is not worthwhile, because it would also hurt the Qing Dynasty.

However, at this time, Dorgon realized that if Emperor Chongzhen was removed, the Ming Dynasty would stop turning around. Without the wise and powerful emperor and only the young emperor, the Ming Dynasty would probably be in ruins. It will be the same as before, falling into the political situation of party struggle, and there is a high probability that it will be the same as before.

In this way, even if the Qing Dynasty lost half of its men and horses, Dorgon would think it was a good deal for the sake of hurting his muscles and bones.Otherwise, based on the current style of play of the Ming emperor, the future of the Qing Dynasty is really hopeless!
That is to say, the predicament of the Qing Dynasty was not actually a shortage of food and grass, but a wise and mighty emperor in the Ming Dynasty!

The problem of the shortage of food and grass in the Qing Dynasty was solved, but as long as Emperor Chongzhen was there, the Qing Dynasty would inevitably fall into more troubles.However, if Emperor Chongzhen is solved, even if there is a shortage of food and grass now, the big deal is to eat grass, survive the winter, and the future of the Qing Dynasty will be bright.The Ming Dynasty did not have a wise and powerful emperor, and the Qing Dynasty had plenty of ways to deal with the Ming Dynasty's monarchs, ministers and generals.

Dorgon told Bumbutai this point of view, and Bumbutai immediately agreed with him, affirming repeatedly: "Uncle Regent is right, you can kill a snake by hitting it seven inches, that's right, that's it. !"

She actually has a deep understanding of this.

In the past, it was actually a conflict of interest between her and Hai Lanzhu.With the rise of Hai Lanzhu, the son she gave birth threatened her.At first, she thought about dealing with Hai Lanzhu, but it was half the effort, and she even ran into danger.Later, she changed her thinking and killed Huang Taiji, that is, to beat the snake seven inches, so that she has the status of the current queen mother.

At this time, they reached a consensus, and Dorgon decided that to carry out nationwide mobilization, he would have to fight a war with the Ming Emperor, and the Ming Emperor should stay in Liaodong.

In war, money and food come first.

Dorgon then decreed that, except for the grain fields in the Liaohe Plain, all other grain fields should be harvested in advance, and all males from the age of 15 to under 50 in the country were recruited to send troops to Haizhou.Of course, this will take time, so he issued another decree, asking Duduo, Yuetuo and Haoge to deal with the Ming emperor as much as possible, hold back the Ming emperor, and wait for his side to lead the national army to arrive before making a general election. decisive battle.

Suddenly, on the land of Liaodong, the war machine was fully activated.Everywhere, the men of Jianlu rushed to meet up with bows, arrows, knives and guns, and their own coats.Before the wheat is golden, it is all harvested, and then sent to the army together as rations.


On the Liaohe Plain, Kong Youde originally thought that the autumn harvest was approaching, and Kong Youde was very worried.

The Liaohe Plain is far away in the hinterland of Liaodong. If the Ming army could come to meet it, Shengjing would probably be defeated.But is this possible?

Of course, there is another way, which is from the grassland.However, the grassland is endless as far as the eye can see. Even if we could come over, we would have to deal with the 2 Ming people here without alerting Jianlu, right?As a result, if the Jianlu cavalry pursues them, they will have no place to hide.It can be seen that this is also unrealistic.So, how on earth would the Ming Emperor deal with so many people?

He couldn't think of a way, so that sometimes, Kong Youde even used the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman, wondering if he would lead them to burn all the food at that time, and gave Jianlu a fatal blow. However, the Ming country did not come to respond, and did not admit it?
Is this situation possible? Will it happen?

Kong Youde believed that if it were the officials of the Ming Dynasty he knew, it might be possible to do it.However, the Ming Emperor's style has changed a lot over the years. At least judging from what he has heard over the years, he should be able to keep his word.

Thinking about these things, Kong Youde felt very helpless, and even wanted to ask Chen Shaozong again, otherwise, he would be too worried.

However, after Chen Shaozong came out for a while, he disappeared again. Even though Kong Youde deliberately inspected the fields many times, he did not find any trace of Chen Shaozong again.

While disappointed, Kong Youde also encountered trouble.He did not expect that when the autumn harvest was approaching, Azig would lead an army to the Liaohe Plain.Although there were not many troops, this was beyond his expectation.And he was sure that this was beyond the expectations of the Governor of Baoding or the Emperor of the Ming Dynasty.In this way, although it is still possible to burn the grain fields, it is impossible for him to escape with his own family, not to mention running away with 2 Ming people!
The seriousness of the situation made Kong Youde restless for a few days, and finally hurried back to Tieling to discuss with his confidant housekeeper, Kong Yongan, but he didn't care, and wanted to send Kong Yongan to contact him.

But he didn't expect that when Kong Yongan came to see him, he had a happy face. After confirming that there was no one inside or outside the study, he happily said to him with a sad face: "Master, good news!"

"What good news?" Kong Youde immediately lifted his spirits when he heard it, and asked hastily.

Kong Yongan approached him and said in a low voice: "I have already found out the reason why Azig led the army here. It is the royal division of the imperial court who is launching a war. According to the previous agreement, I started to divert Jianlu's attention..."

Before he finished speaking, Kong Youde showed disappointment, interrupted his speech with a sigh: "What's the use of this? Has Jianlu's attention been diverted? We have sent Azig here, what should we do?" ?”

"Master, don't worry!" Kong Yongan didn't care when he heard it, and continued to whisper with a joyful expression, "Just now there is the latest news, saying that the emperor is also leading the army to attack Haizhou. Dorgon issued an order , the whole country mobilizes troops, and all males between the ages of 15 and 50 are going to go to war. Not only the Jian prisoners from Tieling will go, but even Azig will lead the army back. It is estimated that Shengjing's will will come soon Come to the prince, there will be relevant news!"

Upon hearing this, Kong Youde couldn't help being overjoyed and said, "Such a big commotion? It really attracted Jianlu's attention!"

As soon as he said this, he was suddenly stunned again. After a while, he came back to his senses and asked nervously: "How many troops did the emperor bring to attack Haizhou? Is there any danger?"

"It is said that it is more than 5 steps!" Kong Yongan heard Kong Youde's question, and he was worried immediately, "Is this going too far? Although Jianlu's attention has been diverted, but Jianlu are all mobilized, there must be [-] soldiers and horses. Does the emperor care?"

"This..." Kong Youde became anxious when he heard this, and couldn't help but stand up, frowning tightly and said, "The emperor's expedition to Liaodong, why didn't he bring more troops? If the emperor wants to attract Jianlu Pay attention, but in the end I got stuck here, didn’t I, Kong Youde, become a sinner for us Han people?”

Previously, he was worried that the Ming Dynasty would not be able to attract Jianlu's attention, and he would not be able to escape; but at this time, he was worried that the Ming Emperor would attract too much attention, and that he would be in danger.

Anyway, he also led troops to fight all the year round. Although he has seen the elite of the Ming army, Jianlu's army is not bad.In the local battle, it is still [-] against [-]. He doesn't think the Ming emperor's chances of winning will be high.

When I was anxious, I suddenly heard a voice calling from outside: "My lord, my lord, a decree from the imperial court has arrived!"

After hearing this, Kong Youde had no choice but to let go of his worries and go to receive the order first.

He ran back and forth between Tieling and Liaohe Plain, so he received the order a little late.

This decree was what Kong Yongan had heard, saying that Azig was going to lead the troops back, and all the Liaohe Plains would be handed over to Kong Youde, so that Kong Youde must do a good job in the autumn harvest of food, and there must be no mistakes!
In this regard, Kong Youde, on the surface, naturally promised again and again.However, as soon as the imperial envoy left, he became frowning again.

After clarifying this situation, I became more worried than before.How to respond, this is a problem, the most important thing is, whether the emperor of Ming Dynasty can retreat safely, this is another problem!
Thinking about this, Kong Youde is worried!

However, Emperor Chongzhen himself was not at all anxious about Dorgon's decision to fight for the whole country.On the contrary, the reason why he delayed his attack on Haizhou was not to attract more Jianlu troops!

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen didn't expect to be able to defeat the Jianlu army of more than [-] in one go, but with the golden finger of the wiretapping system, there is no problem in retreating.And Jianlu is now fighting with the soldiers of the whole country, which means that all the food, grass and materials that Jianlu has kept will be exhausted in this battle.Coupled with the fact that Kong Youde burned the food that the Jianlu used to survive the winter, it can be said that the Jianlu could starve to death without paying the blood of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, he sent a secret decree to Lu Xiangsheng, informed him of the situation, and asked him to prepare for defense in case Jianlu, under the superiority of his troops, divided his troops to attack Gaizhou.

As for Yaozhou Post, Emperor Chongzhen did not keep any troops, so if the rebels wanted to seize it, they could just take it.

In addition, Emperor Chongzhen knew from Dorgon's Class-A wiretapping seeds about the general situation of the mobilization of Jianlu in various places, and then learned from Azig's Class-A wiretapping seeds that he had led the troops and was about to arrive in Shengjing. Two carrier pigeons were released, which were for Wu Sangui's troops.

After finishing these, Emperor Chongzhen set his sights on the Haizhou battle in front of him.

Previously, the policy of encircling three queries and one was set, but Haizhou Jianlu did not escape. On the contrary, because Jianlu, who was able to contact Anshan Post Fort, knew the news that the reinforcements were about to arrive, his morale was even higher. .

The first army to come to the rescue was naturally Yue Tuo's troops from Liaoyang. After listening to the messenger's report, Duduo couldn't help but said with great joy: "Okay, this time, we must keep the Ming Dog Emperor in Liaodong!"

After finishing speaking, he immediately said to the messenger: "The dog emperor of the Ming Dynasty is now under the city of Haizhou. With an army of nearly [-], the food supplies must be limited, and they need to be transported continuously. It's a pity that the king is not strong enough to copy his troops. Back road. Therefore, report to your master, let him send [-] cavalry troops first, bypass Haizhou, sneak attack Yaozhou Station, seize its food and grass, and destroy it if it doesn’t work, remember to remember!”

Duoduo always thought that the reason why the Ming army captured Yaozhou Station and occupied it all the time was to use Yaozhou Station as a transfer station for the army's grain and supplies.After all, Yaozhou Station is just in the middle of Haizhou and Gaizhou, and it happens to be within a day's distance for the Mingguo car company to deliver supplies.That is to say, the car company of the Ming Dynasty transported grain and grass supplies. Starting from Gaizhou, they could spend the night at Yaozhou Post, and arrived in Haizhou the next day. It was the most suitable place to stock up on grain and grass.

Therefore, he gave Yue Tuo such a suggestion, feeling that the Ming army is now on the Haizhou side, and there is absolutely no heavy guard on the Yaozhou post. It should be no problem for the three thousand cavalry to attack unexpectedly.On this point, his observation of the movement of the Ming army outside the city in the past few days can also prove that the strength of the Ming army has basically arrived in Haizhou.

However, he didn't know that Emperor Chongzhen knew his thoughts clearly.However, one thing that is more regrettable is that on Yuetuo's side, he has not eavesdropped on the seeds, so he has no way of knowing how Yuetuo did it.

But it doesn't matter, Emperor Chongzhen is not military blind, since he knew about this possibility, he immediately held a military meeting, taking this situation as a hypothesis, and began to discuss the possibility of Yuetuo's side.

When all the generals of Ming Dynasty heard this, they all felt that since the emperor raised this possibility, it was absolutely possible.So, they discussed it one after another.

In the past few days, the wilderness of Haizhou has been dominated by the Ming Dynasty, so the Ming army has already understood and reported the terrain of this area at night, and made a sand table for the Haizhou area.

These general soldiers discussed on the sand table for a while, and then presented the conclusion to the emperor.Lurking outside Anshan Post Fort at night, observing the movements of the Jian captives.If Jianlu really sent a cavalry detour to attack Yaozhou post, the side would send troops to deal with the cavalry who attacked.Anyway, Jianlu is going to take a detour, and it won’t be too late to start after getting the situation here. He even thought about the ambush location, which is the place where Duoduo chose to ambush before, because that place is the road leading to Haizhou. The main road of Yaozhou Station is also a suitable place for ambushes.

After this is settled, just wait for the news!
(End of this chapter)

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