Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 500 Ning finished my treachery

Chapter 500 Ning finished my treachery
They are all battle-tested people, so they naturally know how many archers it takes to shoot such a dense arrow.However, as far as they saw before, the number of Ming army archers behind the van defense line was definitely not that many!
For a while, almost all the Jianlu couldn't figure out what was going on?

This is also because Duoduo has never fought this imperial forest army before, otherwise he would not be so surprised, and he would not suffer a big loss by being caught off guard.

The pikemen and other arms of this chariot battalion trained by Emperor Chongzhen were all equipped with bows and arrows in accordance with the requirements in the "New Book of Ji Xiao" to achieve the advantage of long-range attacks on the enemy.The purpose of usual training, the requirement for these part-time archers is not to ask them to shoot accurately, but to require their bows and arrows to cover a large area.

In fact, this car battalion did not have many opportunities to play. The previous time was during the attack on Gaizhou.But at that time, what impressed Jianlu more deeply was the continuous bombardment of artillery and the coverage of the bows and arrows of the pikemen, which was just one of those mammoth attacks.Now this time, it has finally become the focus of the battlefield, and Duoduo's department is lucky enough to become a very expensive but proven effective experimental subject like the car camp.

I have to say that the army built with money is really effective.If there is not enough money, it is impossible to equip so many bows and other ordnance.It is also impossible to have that cost to train.

After being harvested by such a wave of Ming army archers, the entire battlefield was almost quiet.On the Jianlu side, everyone was stunned by such a fierce long-range attack by the Ming army.What a prodigal must spend so much money!
After such a blow, Jianlu's attack was interrupted, and the momentum of the charge disappeared, let alone morale.Who can resist such a dense attack?Bows and arrows can attack in a parabola, even if it is a chariot, it cannot completely block the rain of arrows.Of course, there is no way to crack it, but when Jianlu faced this situation for the first time, he was caught off guard and had no countermeasures at all.

If Jianlu wants to forcefully attack again, I don't know if he can continue to muster the momentum before, but it is basically impossible to attack the Ming army's defense line.Duoduo still has this vision, but in desperation he can only withdraw his troops with gold.

When the Jianlu soldiers on the battlefield heard this, they all breathed a sigh of relief and retreated one after another.In comparison, those Mongolian soldiers ran even faster and wanted to withdraw as soon as possible.

However, at this moment, on the side of the Ming army's front line, several vans were suddenly moved away by the Ming army soldiers, and the Ming army cavalry who had been waiting there for a long time poured out like a flood that broke a bank. In a very short distance, the speed of the horse was increased, and it was not at the old Jianlu soldiers who formed an formation and retreated, but at the Mongolian soldiers who wanted to escape earlier.

The charge of the cavalry, especially the cavalry who mentioned the speed of the horse, unless the infantry formed an formation to deal with it, it would not only have to deal with the horses charging at high speed, but also guard against the slashing and killing of the knights on the horse, basically it was impossible to be an opponent.This is common sense in the military.

When the Mongolian soldiers saw it, they panicked immediately.However, panic is useless in this case.In the blink of an eye, the Ming cavalry swept in, and the only place they passed was the corpses of Jianlu soldiers.

The sudden attack of the Ming cavalry was beyond Jianlu's expectation.

For a long time, the Jianlu attacked and the Ming army defended.Even the Yaozhou Station battle this time is no exception.Jianlu outside the city is the main attack, and the Ming army inside the city is the main defender. The rhythm is still the same as before.

But when Jianlu withdrew his troops, the Ming cavalry launched a countercharge.For these Jianlu, it was something they had never experienced before, and they suffered another big loss immediately.

In fact, this cavalry army is the Dongjiang cavalry army led by Li Dingguo. Their main force is old old thieves who are used to not being able to catch up when there is no advantage; That is bound to rush up and take a bite.

When Jianlu was defeated and retreated, how could they not see the flaws exposed by the Mongolian soldiers?

This Ming cavalry was very experienced in taking advantage. It was not just as simple as killing the fleeing soldiers, it even deliberately drove away the defeated soldiers, letting them flee towards the Jianlu soldiers who were retreating in formation, breaking up the formation, and incidentally... It is a wave of harvest.

When Duduo saw this scene, he was furious and immediately ordered his cavalry to charge towards the Ming cavalry.If we can take this opportunity to entangle this Ming cavalry, maybe a bad thing will turn into a good thing.

However, how could Li Dingguo make Duoduo his wish.Almost when the Jianlu cavalry started to move, he led the Ming cavalry around an arc, charged for a while, and then returned to his defense line.

After the last cavalry of the Ming army came back, the van moved again, sealing the horseway, and the artillery began to meet the Jianlu cavalry rushing rhythmically, and the fusiliers and archers were also ready to go.

There was no advantage to take advantage of, and they were afraid of the power of the Ming army's long-range weapons, so the Jianlu cavalry army went around and withdrew.

In front of the Ming army's formation, there were corpses of Jianlu left all over the place.This time the Ming cavalry charged more than the Jianlu killed by the artillery and guns before.

In this battle, counting before and after, Jianlu lost more than a thousand.

Seeing the situation of the battle, and seeing the retreat of the defeated Jiankui, the soldiers of the Ming army couldn't help but cheered, their morale was high, and the sound shook the whole field.

"Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wansheng!"


Seeing the high morale of the Ming army, the morale of all Jianlu was low.Duduo was even more angry when he saw it. He was thinking about watching the Ming army being arrogant again, so he reined in his horse and turned around. He happened to see Ning Wan me, and then remembered. He couldn't help but look cold and shouted angrily: The two armies are at war, what are you doing here, don’t you want to flee back to the Ming Kingdom?”

Upon hearing this, after Ning Wan, I came back to my senses, I quickly and respectfully replied: "Your Majesty was ordered by His Royal Highness the Regent to come here to deliver a message to ask His Highness to be careful, and to pay more attention to the whereabouts of the Ming Emperor. If the Ming Kingdom If the emperor and his imperial guards don’t show up, it’s likely that there are suspicious soldiers here, and His Highness the Regent wants His Highness to be careful!”

Hearing that it was Dorgon's confession, Duoduo uttered heavily from his nose, snorted, ignored him, turned around and drove away.

Ning Wan, seeing his attitude, sighed in my heart.In fact, he didn't want to come on this errand.It was only because of Fan Wencheng's sudden illness that the regent sent him over.At this moment, he couldn't help cursing Fan Wencheng secretly in his heart. Maybe it was because Fan Wencheng knew that Dorgon was going to send Han officials over, so he suddenly pretended to be sick to avoid working under Duoduo.

I also know the reason why Dorgon sent the Han officials over.

The so-called dealing with the Han people still has to use the Han people.The Ming emperor was cunning. If Han officials were watching, they might be able to guess some of the Ming emperor's conspiracies. In this way, Duduo's identity reminder would help him avoid being fooled.

Thinking of this, after Ning Wan, I turned my head and glanced at Yaozhou Station, which was still cheering, turned around, and said cautiously to Duoduo: "Your Highness, there is no need to worry. I think that Yaozhou Station is not big, and the Ming army not only wants to Carry food and supplies, and also carry ammunition and other military equipment, so the total amount is absolutely limited and cannot be too much. A defense like this time will definitely not last long..."

He was talking, when he saw Doduo turned his head and stared at him with a cold look, which made him forget the following words for a moment, and couldn't continue.

However, Doduo did not get angry this time, but said coldly: "Keep talking about your bad idea!"

It was better than before, which made Ning Wanwo a little more excited. He quickly continued to say cautiously: "As long as our army continues to cut off the retreat of the Ming army in Yaozhou Station and continues to use troops to consume the supplies of the Ming army, Yaozhou Station can be saved without any waste." Take it with just a little effort!"

The first thing he did when he came to Yaozhou Station was to see Duoduo leading the attack, so he proposed this idea.

However, Duoduo has fought so many battles about this kind of thing, so how could he not know.After he came here at the beginning, he sent [-] cavalry troops, divided into two battalions on the left and right, between Yaozhou Station and Gaizhou, which was the measure for the Ming army's back road in Yaozhou Station.

Therefore, when he heard this, he couldn't help being angry again. Holding the horsewhip in his hand, he pointed at Ning Wan and shouted sharply: "Do you think this king is an idiot? Doesn't this king know about such a simple countermeasure?" , I still need you, an idiot, to remind me..."

He spoke angrily, his face was a bit hideous, and the hand holding the whip trembled slightly, as if the whip would be swung in the next second.

Immediately, after Ning Wan, I immediately felt a lot of pressure. This master is really too difficult to serve.

The sweat on his forehead immediately began to flow down, and he didn't dare to talk back, so he quickly responded: "Your official still has a trick, which can break the power of the firearms of the Ming army!"

Hearing this, Doduo, who was cursing, stopped and did not continue to curse.But after staring at me for a while, he shouted coldly: "Say!"

After Ning finished listening to me, when I was about to speak, I heard Duoduo shouting again: "It's a cliché again, this king will give you ten lashes to wake up your pig's brain!"

Others would not treat Han officials like this, at least it is impossible to hit them easily; however, Duoduo is different, not only can hit, but also rob his wife, no matter whether you are favored or not, as long as you are a Han official, he dares.

After Ning finished listening to me, the sweat on his forehead turned into waterfall sweat. At this time, he already felt a little regretful in his heart, why didn't he pretend to be sick!

Now that it was difficult to get off the tiger, he had no choice but to offer suggestions quickly.Because he knew that the man in front of him had little patience with Han officials. If he was too slow and was misunderstood and the advice he offered turned out to be nothing more than this, he would be whipped.

"Your Highness, the Ming army's artillery and muskets mostly attack in a straight line, and the attack distance is farther than our army's bows and arrows. This is the disadvantage of my Qing Dynasty. If the attack distance can be shortened, the advantages of the Ming army's artillery and muskets will be brought into play. not coming out..."

After Ning finished speaking, I saw that Doduo was showing signs of getting angry, so I hurriedly said, "I have just observed the terrain on the west side of the defense line of the Ming army, and it is suitable for digging. Therefore, the next Officials thought that the Qing Dynasty could dig trenches, curve forward, and dig around the front of the Ming army to avoid the power of Ming army artillery and muskets. As for bows and arrows, wooden boards can be used to cover the trenches, so..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Doduo move his hand holding the whip, and he was frightened immediately, and almost fell off the horse.He couldn't figure out why Duoduo wanted to beat him after hearing this trick.

However, this time, he was mistaken.Doduo showed a rare smile, stretched out his hand holding the whip, just poked him on the shoulder, and then laughed loudly: "The regent values ​​you Han officials, it is really useful! Not bad!"

After finishing speaking, Duoduo seemed to relax a lot, turned around, and hurried back to the camp with a "drive".

Whether Ning Wan's strategy is useful or not, Duoduo doesn't need to think carefully, he will know it naturally.At least he can be sure that this is stronger than the car attack.

This day passed just like that. Needless to say, at night, after a lesson, Duoduo strengthened his nightly guard to avoid being attacked by the Ming army again.

That's it, all night.Early the next morning, Dodo led the army again, but this time, not all the Jian prisoners came, and a considerable number of them lay their bodies in the camp to save food.

"It seems that Duoduo is still too young, and he wants to attack again. Could it be that he wants to consume my food, grass and weapons?" Li Guo couldn't help smiling when he saw it.

An isolated city cannot be defended, otherwise, no matter how strong the city is, it will fall one day.

If Yaozhou Post is really an isolated city, Li Guo would never be able to laugh.Since he looked relaxed, it meant that there was no problem.

Li Dingguo didn't answer right away, but kept watching the formation with a telescope.Suddenly, I heard him say solemnly: "Commander, Jianlu seems to be a little wrong. Not only are there fewer troops than yesterday, but many soldiers in front of the formation are not wearing armor, holding... hoes and shovels in their hands. ..."

Having said that, he immediately put down the binoculars, turned to Li Guo, and said quickly, "Jianlu is going to dig a trench to attack!"

If it is a strong city like Jinzhou, they are not too afraid of digging trenches.The moat is a hurdle. In addition, the tall city wall is also an effective defense measure.However, this is Yaozhou Station, which was originally a post station. The city wall can only defend against the attacks of bandits and thieves. Not to mention, the left and right sides of Yaozhou Station are just defensive lines composed of vans. , the defensive ability is much weaker than the city wall built with civil bricks.

It has to be said that Jianlu's move can indeed deal with the Ming army in Yaozhou Station.

Li Guo immediately observed with a telescope for a while, confirmed Li Dingguo's guess, and his expression immediately became serious.However, in the affairs of the world, there is no absolute spear or absolute shield.He saw clearly, but he didn't panic.

 Thank you for the reward of 9 starting coins from I want to become a fairy happy Qitian 500!
(End of this chapter)

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