Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 489 Dig a Big Pit and Bury Jianlu

Chapter 489 Dig a Big Pit and Bury Jianlu

Forewarned is forearmed, without prejudging the waste!

Now that you have plans to fight the Japanese pirates again, you must be prepared in advance!

The economic situation of Ming Dynasty is mainly reflected in the state-owned enterprises.

The scale of the Royal Textile Factory, which was established by the empress, has been greatly expanded, because it is no longer enough to use only court ladies, and some of the women in the capital also recruited them.Of course, officials would not go there, even if it was run by the empress, it would lose their status, but women in the middle and lower classes have no such scruples about their status, and they have enough motivation to make money to subsidize their families.

But no matter what, the contribution of this textile factory to the national treasury is not much.On the contrary, the living conditions in the palace have improved a lot.Some palace ladies who are old enough to be released from the palace even ask to work for a few more years before going out.

Emperor Chongzhen did not take profit as the biggest goal for this textile factory.Instead, it aims to set a benchmark for women's labor.

Most farm women also have to work in the fields or help with some housework at home.But generally speaking, except for a little bit in Jiangnan, there are very few other places where women show up to work.But now, Emperor Chongzhen wants to use this textile factory to convey to the world the impression that women in the family can also make money to support the family, and it is still a decent job.

Only when this concept is slowly formed, will the majority of women's labor force be truly released.In any case, society needs to liberate women as a working group.

Correspondingly, Emperor Chongzhen issued a decree prohibiting foot binding years ago.At this time, some officials and officials already had this bad habit, and Emperor Chongzhen had seen many of them, which made him very dissatisfied.It is clear in the decree that once it is discovered that any officials and others find that there are feet bound, they will all be dismissed from office.Whether you want to be an official or want to bind your feet, you choose!
In addition, if any perverts who like club feet are found, they will be arrested, their feet will be bound for more than ten days, and they will not be hired as officials.

If this decree is replaced by the original history, it is estimated that few people will understand it.However, on this plane, the Emperor Chongzhen personally conquered the imperial court, and he ruled the country with an iron fist. The crime of treason alone has already been committed in both Shanxi and Jiangnan. Hard enough!Don't think that the law does not blame the public. It was triggered after the Changshu treason case, but Emperor Chongzhen dismissed or punished more than 100 local officials in one go.It can be seen that the emperor's iron fist is not just a decoration!

In addition, Emperor Chongzhen has always been committed to disaster prevention and relief. This insistence on serving the people wholeheartedly has also made the common people see it.The emperor's love for the people is explained by facts, rather than needing those scholars to interpret and spread.This also let the people of Ming Dynasty know that the emperor is a real good emperor, and it is for the good of the people!

For ordinary people, based on a simple black and white point of view, they think that since the emperor is a good emperor, those who oppose the emperor, whether they are scholars or officials, must be corrupt officials, local tyrants and evil gentry!

Against this background, Emperor Chongzhen's will can basically be well implemented.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen also knew that binding feet and wearing women's flowered clothes were all caused by the wealthy dignitaries and businessmen who did not have the correct value orientation after the Ming Dynasty's economy developed. This point must be correctly guided by the court. just work.

Emperor Chongzhen was already thinking about these things, whether to introduce future sports games, football, basketball and other sports with a very wide audience. It is better to like these than those bad habits.

After thinking for a while, Emperor Chongzhen retracted his thoughts and continued to read the summary of memorials about treasury revenue.

The basis of treasury revenue is actually the previous land-related taxes. Although only two of the three major rates in history actually appeared in this dimension, namely Liao rates and suppression rates, these have all been adopted by Chongzhen. The emperor was deposed.However, basic taxes alone can actually support the Ming Dynasty. The key lies in whether they can be collected.

In this regard, I have to say that Zhang Pu’s contribution is not small.In terms of verifying the quota of officials' exemptions and exemptions and calling for payment of arrears, Zhang Pu recovered an unknown amount of tax money for the court.Following his example, Emperor Chongzhen also sent other imperial envoys to do this. So far, the results are pretty good.This matter ensures the basis of national treasury revenue.

On this basis, other inputs have become new growth points for the surge in the national treasury.

For example, the income of Daming Royal Bank, after more than five years of development, has provided considerable profits, thanks to several large auctions, and those who participated in the auction had to deposit money This regulation of the bank has greatly promoted the growth of the branches of the Daming Royal Bank.

However, the glass factory with the highest profit expectation is the glass factory that was established only last year.Silent and transparent glass, under the demonstration of the royal family and the promotion of the shareholders of the glass factory, is developing very rapidly.

The production of glass has driven the rapid development of the scientific experiment instrument industry.However, Emperor Chongzhen had a decree for this, and the price was suppressed, and the profit was extremely low.

In addition, the glasses industry has also become a new industry and has developed rapidly to solve the myopia and presbyopia problems of the people of Ming Dynasty.When crystals were used as lenses in the past, only a few people could afford them.But now it's different, ordinary rich people can also use it.

There are also industries such as glass windows and glass decorations that have sprung up like mushrooms after the rain, all of which have driven tax revenues everywhere.

It can be said that at this time in the 17th year of Emperor Chongzhen of the Ming Dynasty, the treasury of the Ming Dynasty no longer needed to increase the revenue of the treasury by raiding the house for quick money.

In fact, there is another very, very important hidden income that has not been made public, that is, smuggling income, that is, half of the income of the Zheng family is handed over to the court, and the annual income of about 500 million taels is all used for Nanyang. Grain purchases.There is no need to allocate so much money from the treasury, which greatly reduces the burden on the treasury.Because of this, Emperor Chongzhen was able to spend a lot of money on the army.

The armor, weapons, gunpowder, etc. needed by the newly added 300 to [-] troops in the Beijing Camp are all astronomical figures. There are also three battalions under the Yumajian, the Dongjiang Army and the Guanning Army are fighting. It is a very large expenditure of the national treasury.The military salary alone costs more than [-] million taels a year.The good thing is that every time you win a battle, you have captured it. Therefore, in terms of rewards for military exploits, most of them are land. Otherwise, the current income of the treasury is really not enough to support Emperor Chongzhen's disaster prevention and relief work in the country. At the same time, it is necessary to start a war against Jianlu, and add [-] to [-] Beijing battalion troops, and they will be trained as elites.

Wars cost a lot of money, but Emperor Chongzhen did not back down because of this.The battle that should be fought is to be fought!Even if it costs money, you have to fight, this is not negotiable!

However, the scale of the war must be controlled.This is also why Emperor Chongzhen has only practiced the three major battalions under the Yumajian so far. After the economic conditions are better, he can reorganize the Beijing battalion.As for the troops of the guards in other places, they are still on hold for the time being and slowly reorganized.If it spread across the country at once, it would be a fool!

Fortunately, there is the golden finger of the wiretapping system, and every battle is won at a small price.If there were repeated defeats and repeated battles like in the original history, no amount of money would be enough to fill this bottomless hole.

Everything is thriving today, and the expenditures of the treasury can be seen in return, which makes Emperor Chongzhen very pleased.

On the Beijing camp side, he also went to inspect and inspect from time to time, which made him quite satisfied. After all, they were elite soldiers drawn from the frontier army, so there was no need for the imperial court to start training from scratch.In addition, the Jingying cavalry under Wu Sangui's triumphant return on the grassland also stimulated the Jingying infantry and made them train more seriously and hard-working. Take military merits and seal his wife and son.

They are looking forward to it, and Emperor Chongzhen is also looking forward to it, hoping that when the autumn harvest comes, the Beijing camp army will also be able to use it.After all, if you want to protect the Ming people on Kong Youde's side and rescue as many people as possible, it is impossible to succeed without making some big noises.

For this reason, Emperor Chongzhen began to plan from the moment he received the news.The army is one aspect, and the more important aspect is the preparation of food and materials.Didn't say anything, let's stock up on food!

When he was planning all this, those Ming people who had gathered on the Liaohe Plain naturally didn't know that their emperor was working hard to save them.At this time, they were escorted by the Jianlu army, and they were very worried, and they were very frustrated with the bleak hope for the future.

In the past, they were scattered all over Liaodong, and some were not too far from the sea.They have been looking for opportunities to escape to the sea.If they could escape to the seaside, they would be able to escape from Jianlu's clutches and return to Daming.

However, now that they are being taken to the hinterland of Liaodong, far away from the seaside, this means that they have lost all hope of escaping back to the Ming Dynasty.Therefore, they were very resentful towards Kong Youde who cut off their hopes.

If Kong Youde, a traitor, hadn't asked Jianlu to bring them all to the Liaohe Plain to open up wasteland and farm in order to claim credit, they wouldn't have come here, and naturally they wouldn't have stayed away from the coastline!
"King Gongshun is here!" Following the shouts of the soldiers, Kong Youde, surrounded by a group of soldiers, appeared in the fields on the Liaohe Plain.

The people of Daming, who had been procrastinating on purpose because of resentment, took the opportunity to put down their hoes and start to be lazy.Their thinking is very simple, don't you want to claim credit, you bastard, then we will delay for you, so that you can't claim credit for Jianlu.

Regarding the behavior of these Ming people, Kong Youde had already heard that it was for this situation that he came to inspect the fields this time.

At this time, seeing the behavior of these Ming people, as long as they are not blind, they can see it.In fact, the common people of Ming Dynasty did it so obviously that they wanted Kong Youde to see it.

Kong Yongan couldn't help being angry about this.The prince is obviously helping them out of kindness, but they actually repay the prince in this way!
But he also knew that the real situation must never be made public.So, he immediately yelled at the Ming people in the fields: "You are still alive, and you still have the strength to work here, do you know whose kindness this is?"

When he went out and yelled like this, everyone looked at him and listened to him talking.

"If the prince hadn't transferred them to Liaodong, believe it or not, many of you would have starved to death? If the prince hadn't resisted the pressure and kept all the rations allocated by the court for you, believe it or not, many of you Will people become the fertilizer of this field? If it weren't for the kindness and compassion of the prince, you would be so lazy and playful, and if you were replaced by other people, believe it or not, many of you would be hanged in this field to make an example of others? If this year's The harvest is not good, believe it or not, the first people to starve to death are definitely you, not others..."

Kong Yongan roared angrily, making these Daming people unable to sit still.Because what Kong Yongan said was indeed the truth, and they could not refute this.

These days, having a bite to eat is already a luxury.In any case, this can be regarded as the grace of life, right?
Thinking this way, although they hated Kong Youde for cutting off their hope of escaping Liaodong and returning to the Ming Dynasty, their hatred for Kong Youde was finally reduced a lot.Even some Ming people who looked away were vaguely grateful to Kong Youde.

Kong Youde looked at all this, but just said indifferently: "If you can have a good harvest, this is the credit of this king, and it is also the prerequisite for your survival. Just think of it for yourself and work hard. If you continue to slack off, this king will be doing it for business. , Maybe we will ask the imperial court to send other people to supervise the work."

He stated in the memorial that in order to maximize the hard work of the Han people, they cannot be suppressed by whips alone.Therefore, he hoped that his subordinates would come to supervise the work, so that the Hannu's stealing and raping could also be discovered in time.After a bunch of reasons were explained, Dorgon also agreed to his petition, and the [-] or so Han slaves in custody were Kong Youde's subordinates.

As for Geng Zhongming's men, as well as some of Shang Kexi's men, etc., they were all transferred to fishing.

At this time, hearing what Kong Youde said, and thinking of the cruelty of those Jianlu supervisors, these Ming people became even more worried.Even if it's for yourself, let's work hard!
In this way, the progress of land reclamation and farming in the Liaohe Plain has been greatly accelerated.Kong Youde also sent information about the situation here to Shengjing every once in a while, which gave Dorgon a lot of expectations.

In this way, slowly, Dorgon pinned more than half of his expectations for the autumn harvest on the Liaohe Plain.And this is what Kong Youde hoped for: dig a big pit, and put these Jianlu into the pit!

At the same time, on the southernmost tip of the Korean peninsula, there has also been a situation that has never happened before in history.

 Thanks to songshy for the million rewards, thank you for not understanding the reward of 500 starting coins!Happy National Day to everyone!
  I have always wondered why this chapter said no one, but later found out that it was closed by the starting point.Yesterday I left a message saying that Kawen would update again today, but I was not notified in time, so I posted it in the qq group.Let me create a new group, and I can announce something. If you have any ideas, you can also say in the group, um, you need fans, disciples or above.Group number: 920226556.

  Finally, I recommend the old movie "Born Out of the Sky", which is the most suitable for watching on National Day.

(End of this chapter)

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