Chapter 475

Duduo's good news is that he led the cavalry to encircle, and there were more than 500 Ming soldiers and accomplices, including 28 cavalry from the Dongjiang Army.The rest of the cavalry of the Dongjiang Army fled after hearing the news and had retreated to the sea.

This is also good news for Duo Duo. If it were someone else, Duo ErGun would definitely scold him.Is this also a good news?Want to face or not?
Dorgon could figure it out with his toes, and the cavalry of the Dongjiang Army must have gotten the news in advance, which made Duduo's troops rush to nothing.The so-called accomplices must be those Han escaped slaves.As for the 28 cavalry troops of the Dongjiang Army, it is estimated that they were the battle losses of the Ming Army in the previous battle.

It can be said that there was no result in a war that mobilized the army, and so many fugitive slaves were killed, which made the manpower of the Qing Dynasty even more tense. Is this a great victory?Do you have the face to say great victory?

Inside the Chongzheng Hall, there was only Daishan's sneer: "Hehehe..."

Dorgon ignored him, and immediately opened another good report from Yuetuo. Just looking at it, he also sneered, which "complemented the best" with Daishan's sneer.

When Daishan saw it, he stopped laughing and walked over to read the good news by himself.

In Yuetuo's good news, it was explained that Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of the country, was known as both civil and military, and had the courage of all men. After hearing that Yuetuo led the rescue, he immediately fled. The Ming army blocked Lushun.As for how many enemies were killed, there was no mention in the victory report.

Daishan and Dorgon are battle-tested people. It is natural to see that Lu Xiangsheng should have received the news in advance and retreated. What is better than other places is that an empty city of Jinzhou was left for the Qing Dynasty.As for what is blocked in Lushun, unless the Qing Dynasty has a navy capable of defeating the Ming navy, how can we talk about blocking the Ming army in Lushun?
Seeing the expressions of the two of them, Bumbutai felt strange, but she couldn't tell the difference after reading the victory report, so she couldn't help asking in surprise: "Such a great victory should be a good thing, why are you laughing?"

She could still hear the sneer of Daishan and Dorgon.After all, she is good at the intrigue between people and the intrigue and observation of words and demeanor.

Seeing her asking a question, Dorgon pointed out Yuetuo's tricky news, and Daishan also pointed out Duoduo's tricky news.

When Bumbutai heard this, he was dumbfounded.

Doesn't this mean that the coalition forces of the Qing and Mongolian ministries came with [-] riders, but in the end they mobilized their troops in vain, and did not achieve any results at all. The Ming army retreated by itself.

She looked at Dorgon and found that he was frowning tightly, as if he was thinking about some difficult problem, and originally wanted to ask him what to do next, seeing this situation, Bumbutai had no choice but to turn to look at Daishan. He frowned and asked, "Prince Li, what should we do with these three good news?"

Daishan listened, took a look at Dorgon, saw no movement from him, and was still thinking about something, so he bowed to Bumbutai and said, "According to the old minister, now our Qing Dynasty needs a confrontation with Ming Dynasty." The victory of the country. These three good news, no matter what, it is our Qing Dynasty that won it! Therefore, the veteran thought that it can be widely spread to boost the morale of our Qing army and people!"

Bumbutai nodded when he heard that, he is indeed a seasoned and prudent veteran who knows how to use these things to help Qing Dynasty get out of the predicament.

Therefore, she agreed: "This way of courting the prince is very in line with my palace's wishes! If so..."

Before she could finish her sentence, Dorgon seemed to have confirmed something, and the face that raised her head was very ugly. When Bumbutai saw it, she couldn't continue speaking after that.

I only heard Dorgon glance at the two of them, and said in a very bitter voice: "We are all fooled. The real intention of the Ming emperor is indeed to transfer the tiger away from the mountain, but it is not to transfer my Qing cavalry, but to transfer the troops of the tribes on the Mongolian grassland. cavalry!"

"What?" When Daishan heard it, his whole body seemed to be shocked, and he immediately stared at Dorgon and asked, "Is it impossible?"

But Bumbutai's mind was so confused that he couldn't tell the difference at all, so he could only shut up and look at Dorgon, waiting for his explanation.

"Let me ask you, is there any news about the Ming emperor since the war in Liaodong?" Dorgon stared at Daishan and asked sharply, "These three victory reports did not mention the Ming emperor or the Pyu to which the emperor belonged." Riding battalion! If it is really in Liaodong, will these three good news not be mentioned?"

Upon hearing this, Daishan fell silent.

At this time, he has already reacted.In fact, before that, I already felt something was wrong. I just hoped that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was in the Ming army from the follow-up source. After all, the Ming army from Gaizhou came from the sea, and there was a steady stream.

He was silent, but Dorgon was still eloquently proving his point of view, "The emperor of the Ming Dynasty would definitely not not participate in such an important war, but without him in Liaodong, there is only one possibility. On the grassland! And don't forget, that hussars battalion has already proved how powerful it is in the battle of Guihua City..."

After so long, the general situation of the battle of Guihua City, as the top few people in Jianlu, naturally understood.

When Daishan heard this, his face turned pale and his lips trembled a little. He was sure in his heart that what Dorgon said was right and he had been fooled.It's ridiculous that I still want to use my tricks, but I didn't expect that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was even more cunning, and took his own tricks into account.

"...Create a full-scale attack on Liaodong, and the Qing cavalry will naturally return quickly. At this time, the cavalry returning to aid is the best way. The cavalry of various Mongolian tribes will naturally be drawn by my Qing. "Dorgon said with a wry smile, "Hehehe, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is really calculating. This is to drive out all my allies of the Qing Dynasty first, and then deal with my Qing Dynasty last!"

"Impossible?" Bumbutai still couldn't believe it after hearing this, and said with a fluke mentality.

At this moment, the sound of hurried footsteps came from outside the hall.Although no voice was heard, several people in Chongzheng Hall subconsciously felt that there must be another bad news.Their faces, not to mention how ugly they are.

Sure enough, it was indeed bad news, and this bad news came from the grassland.It was the nearest Kulun tribe who slipped through the net, Feiqi, who came to report that the tribe had encountered a surprise attack by the cavalry of the Ming Dynasty.

After hearing the news, the Chongzheng Hall was very quiet, and the quietness made people feel frightened.

The emperor of the Ming Dynasty was indeed so cunning, he plotted against the allies of the Qing Dynasty on the grassland.

After a while, Bumbutai came back to his senses, his face was very ugly, his whole widow face looked like a female ghost, and he asked with a last glimmer of hope: "The emperor of Ming Dynasty should not be so powerful. Well, although my Qing Dynasty mobilized cavalry troops from various tribes in the grassland, didn’t they also have left-behind troops? He must be able to fight? The Kulun tribe was caught by surprise, and the tribe was also small, which allowed the Ming emperor to succeed. Surely it won’t be so easy for other tribes?”

Hearing this, Dai Shan also said very bitterly: "In the past, Li Chengliang's [-] elite Ding cavalry army guarded Liaodong for so many years. In the end, all the ministries united and set up an ambush to solve this cavalry army. Yes. The imperial forest army of the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is absolutely well-equipped, and its combat power was also proved in the battle of Guihua City. The remaining troops of the grassland tribes are not elite, no matter how large they are, they are definitely not the opponents of the Ming army! "

"..." Bumbutai opened his mouth wide upon hearing this, a little frightened.The elite cavalry of the Ming army are so powerful that they can sweep across the grassland?

At this time, Dorgon spoke up, and said with the attitude of wanting to grab the last straw: "Immediately pass down the military order and send the cavalry back to the grassland to help! For the current plan, I hope that the troops left behind in the grassland can Try to slow down the Ming army's offensive, or in other words, it will take more time for the Ming army to find the tribal camp. If there is no allies on the grassland, our Qing Dynasty will definitely be alone!"

Hearing this, Daishan sighed sadly, that's all he could do.

But at this time, Bumbutai suddenly said worriedly: "Then if the emperor of the Ming Dynasty still transfers the tiger away from the mountain, his real intention is to attack us, the Qing Dynasty?"

"..." Dorgon and Daishan looked at each other when they heard this, but they were speechless.

After a while, Dorgon replied: "The Kulun tribe has been attacked by the Ming army. The Ming emperor proved that he is on the grassland and will not move the tiger away from the mountain. And of course our Qing cavalry will no longer go to the grassland. , it is enough for the cavalry of each tribe to return to the grassland."

Hearing this, Bumbutai breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn't know soldiers, so her thoughts were not restrained, and she suddenly said to Dorgon: "Then if my Qing cavalry army also goes to the grassland, can the emperor of Ming Dynasty be taken away?" Was it caught?"

"..." Dorgon and Daishan looked at each other again when they heard this, but were still speechless.

This time, it was Daishan who answered him: "The emperor of the Ming Dynasty is so cunning, how could he put himself in danger? If the prediction is true, if the emperor of the Ming Dynasty is true to the Kulun tribe, he will return to the customs in time. Even if the Qing cavalry go out, it is useless. If the Ming emperor on the side of the Kulun tribe is actually a fake, then maybe the Ming emperor deliberately lured my Qing cavalry to go out. If that is the case, maybe Just like what the Empress Dowager said, it really must be plotting against me."

False and false, true and true, in fact, it is really unpredictable, so we can only use the most conservative way to take care of Liaodong first.

This is also the fear of being beaten by Emperor Chongzhen. If it was changed to before and heard that Emperor Chongzhen was in the grassland, then he would definitely send troops to try his luck.

Therefore, Shengjing sent messengers to pass the news to the tribal cavalry in various places, asking them to save their own tribes.


It was Wu Keshan who led the Horqin army to Liaodong, with nearly [-] cavalry under his command, galloping around outside Gaizhou city, trying to humiliate the Gaizhou Ming army and doing whatever they wanted, but the Ming army did not dare to leave the city at all.

This made Wu Keshan very happy. Looking at the head of Gaizhou City, his chin was raised high, and he said to Hauge: "Your Highness, this Ming army is actually nothing more than that! This is the same as the previous Ming army. It's no different, they will only defend the city!"

Hauge was not in such a good mood. After all, this used to be a city of the Qing Dynasty, but now it was occupied by the Ming army.Although what he sent to Shengjing was an urgent report of victory, he actually knew in his heart that it was not a victory at all.

Of course, if Gaizhou can be conquered and the Ming army in Gaizhou can be eliminated, it will definitely be a big victory.

However, after Hauge arrived, he tried to attack the city once, and was directly frightened by the artillery fire at the top of Gaizhou city.The number and power of this artillery are stronger than those of Jinzhou, so how can it be described as "difficult" if you want to take down Gaizhou!

Therefore, at this time, Hauge pretended not to hear what Wu Keshan said, and looked at the city of Gaizhou with a gloomy face. As far as his IQ was concerned, he was trying his best to see if there was any way to make him stand out among all the princes. , and made more contributions than other princes.

Wu Keshan didn't notice Hauge's mood, and still gave suggestions there: "Your Highness, let's surround ourselves like this. The Ming army in Gaizhou dare not come out, and sooner or later they will starve to death inside. Let's go, go hunting, I heard that there is a Siberian tiger on the nearby mountain!"

It is indeed a way to surround Gaizhou and run out of ammunition and food in the city.However, the most important thing is, don't besiege to the end, the city is still eating and drinking, and the people outside the city will starve to death!
When these Mongolian cavalry troops arrived in Liaodong, the food and supplies were naturally provided by the Qing Dynasty.With so many people, the Qing Dynasty has already been poor, okay!

When Huang Taiji was here before, they were not in charge of the family, so they didn't pay much attention to it.

Now that Huang Taiji is dead and the little kid is on the throne, Hauge still has some unreasonable thoughts in his heart, so when he usually thinks about things, he will sit in that position and think about it.In this way, he is worried!
Thinking of this, he couldn't be in the mood for hunting, let alone Gaizhou, where there are no Siberian tigers at all, and Wu Keshan just wanted to get him to go hunting together.

So Hauge was a little unhappy.Looking at Wu Keshan, he was in high spirits and seemed to have nothing to worry about.Comparing myself like this makes me even more unhappy.

But before he could speak, he saw a fast horse galloping towards him. It was Sheng Jing who came to announce what happened in the grassland.

Hearing this, Wu Keshan, who was thinking about going hunting just now, suddenly felt as if his ass was on fire, and immediately pulled his horse away, shouting back to Horqin Grassland.

I don't know why Haoge saw him flustered, but he felt a sense of joy in his heart, and he almost said "yes".

But Hauge is not a stupid pig after all, the word "good" can't be said, he just shouted from behind: "If you can capture the emperor of the Ming Dynasty and offer it to the Qing Dynasty, then you must be able to grant you any request, my king Wait!"

After saying this, he felt a little more at ease.

But when Wu Keshan heard this, he immediately turned his horse's head, rushed to Hauge, and said eagerly: "I don't care what happens in the future, Your Highness, this time, please set aside the grain and grass to help the grassland!"

As soon as he asked for food, Hauge's good mood immediately froze.

(End of this chapter)

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