Chapter 473
However, the more brutal it is, the more Dorgon likes it.If people from this tribe can be captured and used by the Qing Dynasty, they will also have an advantage when fighting the Ming Dynasty in the future. In other words, this is a very good source of troops.

Thinking of this, Dorgon sent an order to gather people and go north to investigate to see if they could catch people from this tribe.

But at this time, a messenger galloped over, and Shengjing's imperial edict arrived.

When Dorgon heard that, the Ming Dynasty actually invaded the Qing Dynasty on a large scale, which made him feel strange.

Although he lost a battle, he knew it in his heart.The overall strength of the Qing Dynasty has not been fundamentally damaged, not to mention that there are allies of various tribes in the eastern Mongolian steppe.If the war of annihilation of the country is really won, the Qing allied forces will have at least 20 troops, and a considerable part of them will be elite troops that have fought wars for many years.

How many troops did the Ming Dynasty have to dispatch to win this war?It would be impossible if there were too few troops to invade Liaodong. If there were too many, what would happen to the logistics?What about food supplies?
In the previous Battle of Sarhu, why did the Ming army attack with five groups of troops? It was because one group of troops could not gather too many people and had to go separately.And if you want to wipe out the 20 Ming army of the Qing Dynasty, the number must be at least equivalent, maybe 20.Liaodong is so barren, how can the Ming army send so many troops?

Although he was skeptical, the imperial decree had arrived, so it wouldn't be false.So, he quickly asked about the details of Liaodong.

After this questioning, he found out that after he left, it was Hong Chengchou, governor of Jiliao of the Ming Dynasty, who started to do things. It was agreed on a strategy to do whatever they can, and wanted to wipe out the Ming army on the grassland.Unexpectedly, when the Qing Dynasty pulled out all the cavalry troops and threw them into the grassland, the Ming army invaded Liaodong on a large scale.

Conspiracy, this is definitely a conspiracy!As soon as Dorgon heard it, he heard a strong taste of conspiracy.

From the beginning to the end, the Ming Dynasty was probably plotting against Liaodong.This is a trick to lure the tiger away from the mountain. Why can't they see through it? They still want to use the trick. The Qing Dynasty will die in their hands sooner or later!

At this time, Dorgon, as a bystander, found that he could see very clearly. For this reason, he came to the conclusion of turning the tiger away from the mountain.At the same time, he was very worried that if the Ming Dynasty wanted to implement the strategy of diverting the tiger away from the mountain, it must know when the tiger would leave.Now it seems that someone must have leaked the secret.

Who is this person, we must find out!Dorgon had a bad premonition in his heart.This person might be one of the few people at the top of the Qing Dynasty!Otherwise, if this matter is so cautious, if the Ming army hadn't been tipped off by someone, it would be absolutely impossible for the Ming army to be so timely, right?Impossible, just a coincidence!

Thinking this way, he kept this matter in his heart, and led the troops back to rescue first, and then he won the Ming army.


Emperor Chongzhen was in Shanhaiguan, sipping tea and watching the various messages fed back from the wiretapping system.There were news from Daishan, Dorgon, and Azig, as well as news from middle and low-level Jianlu such as Turge, Yingerdai, and Xilinjueluo.It can be said that Emperor Chongzhen basically knew all about Jianlu's military operations.

On this day, he saw from the eavesdropping system that Jianlu on the grassland and Mongolian cavalry had entered Liaodong. More than 3 of them rushed directly to Haizhou, trying to cut off the retreat of the allied forces of the Yongwei Battalion and the Panshi Battalion. The other [-] cavalry troops were divided into multiple groups, and rushed towards Li Dingguo's cavalry troops in the hinterland of Liaodong in a semi-encirclement manner; there were about [-] cavalry troops that rushed directly to Jinzhou.

Jianlu's move this time was really generous.With so many cavalry troops, if they really had a decisive battle with Jianlu this time, they would definitely suffer a lot.You know, the mobility of the cavalry determines that in field battles, they often take the initiative. If you can’t fight, you will retreat. If you can’t catch up, if you can fight, you can’t escape. .

It is also because Jianlu has a large number of cavalry troops and has these allies of the Mongolian tribes, so the Guan Ning army basically can only rely on the defense of the strong city, and this is also the reason.

Emperor Chongzhen looked at these news and said with a sneer in his heart: "You guys continue to be busy, it's time for me to play, first cut off those Mongolian accomplices!"

As for the news that there are no eavesdropping seeds on the grassland to steal the enemy's news, it doesn't matter much.There are so many Mongolian cavalry troops entering the customs, how many guards can they leave in the tribe.The Hussar Battalion and the Jingying Cavalry had a total of more than 5000 cavalry. Who could stop them?
Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen ordered the cavalry to assemble.However, what he didn't expect was that the imperial conquest and leaving the capital, the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty did not persuade and stop him, but in this Shanhaiguan, Hong Chengchou came out to stop him.

Just listen to Hong Chengchou playing to Emperor Chongzhen: "Your Majesty, the purpose of this expedition to the grassland is a quick word. Before Jianlu and the Mongolian cavalry return to the grassland to help them, they must destroy their lair. In this way, the cavalry may be rare. There is a time to rest. I think that it is better to let the generals from all walks of life go out to fight, and His Majesty will surely hear the news of victory when he sits in Shanhaiguan."

Upon hearing this, all the chief soldiers and supervisors in the hall came to their senses, and immediately began to persuade them.You know, this time is different from the last battle of Guihua City.When the pure cavalry army went to battle, it was time to rush. Last time, the hussar battalion traveled day and night, and Emperor Chongzhen was not much tired.

"Your Majesty, it is enough for the last general to wait for others to fight, and they will definitely destroy those Tartar camps!"

"The main force of the Tartar cavalry has arrived in Liaodong, Your Majesty just wait for the good news from the last general and others!"

"Your Majesty's dragon body is important. If you get tired, the servants and others will be to blame for forgetting their deaths!"


Seeing them admonishing them one after another, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help but shook his head, and stretched out his hands to make them quiet.

When Hong Chengchou saw it, he understood that Emperor Chongzhen still insisted, so he couldn't help but gritted his teeth. The hall was quiet just now, and he rushed to play before Emperor Chongzhen could speak: "Your Majesty, I have requested an order. Let my ministers lead the army to conquer the grassland!"

Everyone can imagine how tiring this expedition to the grassland will be.Therefore, Hong Chengchou never thought about going there himself.

Although it is true that he is a civil servant who leads troops, he is still a civil servant. If he wants to march day and night like a military commander and travel thousands of miles, to be honest, he really can't do it.But at this time, the emperor insisted on going, so as a subject, he naturally had to share his worries for the emperor, and he had to go if he didn't go.

Those generals met, but did not speak.No matter what, conquering the grassland is indeed very bitter.Governor Hong is a civil servant, so it would be inappropriate to agree with him to go.But since he mentioned it, the emperor should be relieved that the army has a governor in command, and he can just sit in Shanhaiguan.

And those supervising troops have no scruples.In their eyes, the emperor is their heaven, and other people are nothing.Therefore, they joined in one after another.

"Your Majesty, Governor Hong is justified, and it is enough for him to lead!"

"My servant thinks that Governor Hong leads the army and has rich experience in the battlefield, so it is indeed possible. This servant also agrees!"


Hearing that they were all talking, Emperor Chongzhen still shook his head, stretched out his hand to signal them to be quiet, and then asked lightly: "Who can grasp the opportunity of battle better than me, when to attack, and when to retreat?"

Upon hearing this, everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded.

It's not because the emperor's identity is there, and he dare not fight with the emperor.But the battles in the past have proved that the emperor's ability to control fighters is absolutely the best in the world.Even Hong Chengchou himself had to admit this.

But even so, Hong Chengchou still opened his mouth and said: "But your majesty's dragon body..."

This time, before he could finish speaking, Emperor Chongzhen interrupted and said solemnly: "I know my body well. Conquering the grasslands, I will definitely be tired, but the soldiers I brought out from the capital wanted to I want to bring all the soldiers back. Although I can enter the Martyrs’ Shrine after the battle, I think even more that my Ming soldiers can go back alive and reunite with their families alive. Share the glory brought by the battle with the family..."

Hearing this, everyone in the hall, especially those military generals, and the captain of Jin Yiwei, etc., were all in awe, with respect and emotion gushing from the bottom of their hearts.

It is said that those in high positions regard ordinary people as ants and the lives of ordinary soldiers as numbers, so they don't care too much at all.

However, today's emperor not only attaches great importance to disaster prevention and relief, puts the people first, even on the battlefield, in order to let the Ming Wufu survive the battlefield, he would rather tire himself. How many such emperors have there since ancient times?

A scholar dies for his confidant!For some reason, at this moment, these people in the lobby, especially these generals, thought of these words in their minds!
"...Therefore, I have made up my mind, and you don't need to say any more!" Emperor Chongzhen said firmly when he came to this point.

This time, all the generals did not try to persuade, but clasped their fists in unison and said in unison: "The last general obeys the order!"

Seeing this scene, Hong Chengchou knew that at this moment, the emperor really wanted these generals to die, and these generals would never frown.It's not the kind of verbal talk about going up the mountain of swords and down into the sea of ​​fire.

The reason why Emperor Chongzhen rejected Hong Chengchou's suggestion was only because he was worried.There is a reason for the existence of the wiretapping system. Only when he leads the army in person can he grasp the dynamics of the [-] or [-] cavalry in the pass in real time, know when they will return to the grassland, what route they will take, etc., so as to ensure the safe return of the cavalry of Daming. .

At this time, seeing the words and deeds of these generals, he knew that he had gained an unexpected harvest, and he was very happy in his heart.

If one had just crossed over, even if Emperor Chongzhen wanted to, he would be powerless.But it has been five years since he traveled here. During this period, he has not been obsessed with the harem. Instead, he usually pays attention to physical exercise, combines work and rest, and often leads troops on expeditions, and his nutrition can keep up. This body is definitely top-notch.

Tired for sure, but he felt he could persevere.That being the case, he himself is the best candidate for the commander-in-chief of the grassland this time.

After the military discussion was over, all the chief soldiers and supervisors went back to prepare, and they were scheduled to go out early the next morning.

Needless to say, after the general soldiers go back, they will naturally tell their subordinates about the military discussion.Therefore, the officers and men of the Hussars Battalion and the Jingying Cavalry Army all knew the emperor's intentions, knowing that the emperor himself worked tirelessly to bring them all back to the capital safely, and they were immediately touched.

It can be said that if anyone in this cavalry army wants to rebel or plot against Emperor Chongzhen, believe it or not, as long as there is a hint of this intention, everyone will fight him first!
Not only them, including the former garrison at Shanhaiguan, they also heard the emperor's attitude towards them warriors at the military meeting, and they were also proud of having such a good emperor.

When Emperor Chongzhen led the army on the next day and appeared in front of the whole army, the cry of "Long live my emperor, long live, long live" was louder than ever before!
Emperor Chongzhen understood why and was very happy that the morale of the army was so high. Immediately, more than 5000 cavalry troops strode out of the Great Wall and rushed to the boundless grassland.

Among the tribes of eastern Mongolia, those closest to Liaodong belong to the Kulun and Horqin tribes.Among them, the Horqin tribe is closer to the northeast, and the Kulun tribe is closer to Ningjin.

Therefore, after Emperor Chongzhen led the army to the grassland, he immediately galloped to the approximate location of the Kulun tribe.According to the information collected before, as well as the direction of the river, etc., there are approximate nomadic locations of these tribes.Thanks to Jianlu's division of territory for them, it is strictly forbidden for them to cross the border, so it is easier to find.

Compared with the Horqin and Aohan tribes, the Kulun tribe is not large in scale.Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen made further deployments. He led more than [-] cavalry in the Beijing camp to encircle and suppress the camp of the Kulun tribe, while the cavalry soldiers of the tens of thousands of hussar battalions continued to travel north day and night to attack the Horqin herdsmen. land.

It is undeniable that the soldiers of the Hussar Battalion will be more tired. After they finish their raid, they will make a big circle and attack the pastures of the Naiman tribe from the east and south within the agreed date, and finally merge together. At the place, attack the Aohan tribe in the southwest of the Naman tribe.

Of course, in this war, attacking these four tribes is already the limit, and there are other tribes, we can only forget it first.

With the will of Emperor Chongzhen, the iron hooves of the Ming Dynasty were stamped on the grassland, the dragon flag rolled up, the horse neighed, and the sword energy was like frost...

The few troops left behind by each tribe may still be able to deal with Jin Guofeng's exhausted division.However, when the elite Hussar Battalion and Jingying Cavalry were caught by surprise and swept across the grassland like a violent storm, they had no resistance at all.

In fact, most of the remaining troops of various ethnic groups were defending in the north against the Jin Guofeng tribe who had fled to the north. For other directions, they didn't even think that there would be enemies.Therefore, under the strategizing of Emperor Chongzhen, it was very easy to fight.

Every time a camp is set up, all the young and strong will take their heads, and the heads will be stacked to form a Jingguan, and the words "blood debts and blood repayments" will be written, which is no nonsense.

 Not today.I'll write it later, and I'll only have [-] words if I combine it with tomorrow morning's.

(End of this chapter)

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