Chapter 468
"Don't be lazy, do you want to eat the whip?"

"Hurry up, are you deaf?"


In the field, Jianlu's supervisors, men, women and children, waved whips, hiding in the shade and yelling.In order to prevent these Han slaves from escaping, there will also be a team of Jianlu soldiers stationed here, just ignore these chores.

These Ming people in the fields were all men and women in their prime, older or younger, or in poor health. Either they were forced to death from overwork or starvation.

It is said that they are men and women in the prime of life, but in fact, the word "strong" has nothing to do with it. Only the word "year" can be regarded as the meaning of youth, and it can get a little bit of edge.Facing the scolding from Jianlu's supervisor, although they were angry in their hearts, they didn't dare to get angry. They could only use their remaining strength to speed up their work.

However, if you don't have enough to eat and don't wear warm clothes, how can you have much energy to use?After a while, their movements slowed down again.As a result, some were scolded again, some were whipped by Jianlu supervisors, and some were even beaten to the ground.

This kind of scene continued until the food was delivered from the village, and the supervisors went to the sheds by the field to eat and drink, so they could squat on the top of the field to rest for a while.How much they can eat depends on how much the Jianlu supervisors leave for them to eat.

Smelling the wafting fragrance and seeing them eating and drinking, the stomachs of these Ming people all started to growl.

Suddenly, a tall and thin man cursed in a low voice: "Damn it, I'll admit it when I'm caught. I'll run away tonight if I get a chance. Who's with me?"

"Little Four, don't talk nonsense!" The one next to him, who looked a little like him, hurriedly shouted, "Look at who else can escape in the future besides the one who escaped at the beginning? What is it when you catch it?" Come on, haven't you seen it?"

"Second brother, if this goes on, we're dead on the left and right!" Xiao Si replied angrily.

Another person beside him immediately echoed, "Liu Er, your brother is right. I also have the same idea. As long as I escape to the seaside, I will be able to survive!"

Liu Eryi heard them, looked at the two of them, and immediately said sternly: "You two-legged, can you run faster than their four-legged ones? Also, what about the food on the way? Since Jianlu started to prevent us from escaping , no one can really escape, either captured alive or dragged the corpse back to show the public..."

"But staying here will lead to death! Second brother!" Xiaosi couldn't help but retorted with a louder voice.

Jianlu, who was eating and drinking by the field, heard the commotion, turned his head and looked over, and cursed loudly, but did not come over.

After waiting for a while, seeing that Jianlu's attention was on eating and drinking again, Liu Ercai whispered: "Wait, there will be a chance. Two days ago, I heard them worrying privately, indicating that the army is getting stronger and stronger. The days are getting worse and worse. They also said that Jinzhou was lost, and even their Prince Li was captured. Fortunately, the Ming Emperor was so deceived by lard that he exchanged Prince Li for an old woman. "

"Really?" When Xiaosi and several people around him heard this, their eyes widened in surprise, and they asked in unison.

Naturally, it is impossible for their Han slaves to announce the war of Jianlu.But in this era, the transportation is inconvenient, people work at sunrise and rest at sunset, and are imprisoned in the shed by Jianlu. The possibility of knowing the outside situation is naturally very small.

Therefore, when the companions nearby heard this, they all asked for more detailed information.Their eyes were filled with the burning desire to know.

Liu Er only heard about it, and he had no way of knowing the details, which disappointed the people around him.Among them, his younger brother said suspiciously: "Brother, you didn't want to dissuade me, you made it up on purpose, right? Jianlu's Prince Li, is he the highest-status below Emperor Jianlu? Can he be caught by the emperor?" , can it be exchanged for an old woman?"

"That's right, the old woman can't be a relative of the emperor, right? Is it worth the emperor's gift from the prince in exchange for it? Let me tell you, Liu Er, if you want to make it up, make it up!"


Seeing that they didn't believe it, Liu Er became a little anxious, and whispered with a very serious expression: "I, Liu Er, swear to God, what I heard is indeed true."

Seeing him swearing so seriously, the people around were stunned.Liu Er immediately whispered to them again: "I have a hunch that as long as we persevere, the imperial army will come over one day! Jianlu is a rabbit's tail, and it won't grow any longer!"

After a while of silence, someone still shook his head and sighed: "How many years have passed, is it possible that the imperial army came to the hinterland of Liaodong?"

"That's right, Liu Er, don't let your imagination run wild. This is the hinterland of Eastern Liaodong. How could the imperial army come here!"

"It is estimated that if we die, we may not see the shadow of the imperial army!"

"That's right, Liu Er, war is a big deal, and you can't just talk about it casually. You think it's just drinking water and eating something. It's as simple as that. Let me tell you, my ancestors once Every general has military skills passed down from generation to generation, but it's a pity that the prodigal ancestor exchanged them for wine..."


Listening to what they said, they all didn't believe it, so Liu Er became a little anxious.In this way, Xiao Si might still want to escape, but if he did, it would be a dead word, so how should he convince them?
When he was in a hurry, he suddenly felt that something was wrong. After a little concentration, he felt a faint vibration and a faint voice, and he knew that there should be a cavalry army coming.

Others felt it too, but they didn't panic.Jianlu cavalry passing by, don't be too normal, what's the matter with shutting them down?
On the contrary, among those Jian prisoners who were eating and drinking, some of them had already finished eating, and they walked out of the shed, as if they wanted to greet them, to see which adult was leading the way?
The sound became louder and louder, and the movement became louder and louder. Finally, at the corner at the foot of the mountain not far away, a figure appeared up and down with the horse running.

Liu Er was also watching. Suddenly, he opened his eyes wide, with an incredulous expression on his face, pulled his younger brother, pointed with his finger, and stammered, "Wang... ...Master's Master Wang...the court officials have come to kill us!"

Some people have nothing to do with themselves, hang up high, what's so interesting about Jianlu's cavalry, they just lowered their heads and rubbed their stomachs, when they heard this, they quickly looked up, and suddenly, the mouth opened wide Yes, it's almost enough to stuff a goose egg!

I saw that the cavalry that had already appeared were all wearing red mandarin duck battle robes, so different, so dazzling, and so kind...

And when those Jianlu saw it, it was as if they had seen a ghost. At first they stayed there stupidly, and then they let go of their feet and ran away.

However, as Liu Er was worried about before, those with two legs cannot run with four legs. The Ming cavalry suddenly appeared and swept over. The blade flew across quickly, and it was all settled immediately.

The vanguard of the Daming Cavalry Army did not stop, but continued to rush forward, sweeping towards Zhuangzi in front and across the fields.

Liu Er and the others watched all this in astonishment, until a group of Ming troops came in front of them.

The leader is very young, but he is a general, and the guards around him are surrounded by guards, so majestic.

"Do you know how many Jianlu troops there are around here?"

Hearing Daming's official language with a Qin accent, for some reason, Liu Er and the others felt very cordial. For a moment, they all knelt down, but began to speak in a hurry.Such a reply, but people can't hear clearly, and finally the general smiled and said to them: "This general is Li Dingguo, the guerrilla general of the Dongjiang Army, don't worry, it's just you, let me listen to it, and I can add others later. "

The person he was referring to was Liu Er, so Liu Er immediately told what he knew with excitement.

Li Dingguo nodded when he heard this. Sure enough, there were no surprises. There were not many Jianlu cavalry troops in the hinterland of Liaodong. As long as he led the raid quickly, he could guarantee the safety of the army to the greatest extent.

Thinking of this, he continued to smile and said to Liu Er and the others: "Wait a while, you go to the Zhuangzi to pick up some useful things, and then run to the seaside, there will be colleagues from the navy to meet you. This general order is here body, just take a step ahead!"

After saying that, he was about to leave.

Seeing this, Liu Er hesitated for a moment, but still summoned up his courage and said, "General Li, can I ask you something?"

Li Dingguo didn't expect such a situation, so he pulled the rein, reined in the horse, turned around, and asked curiously: "What's the matter?"

The others were also curious, so they all looked at Liu Er, wondering what he wanted to ask?
"I heard that the emperor captured Jianlu's Prince Li alive, but he exchanged it for an old lady?"

When Liu Er said this before, no one believed it.To be honest, if he hadn't heard it with his own ears, he would not have believed it.At this time, he had the opportunity to confirm whether the news was true, so he mustered up the courage to ask.

In his view, if Prince Li of Jianlu was arrested as soon as he said he would be arrested, and he could be exchanged, it meant that Jianlu really couldn't defeat Daming, so that such a thing would happen.Otherwise, it was rare for Daming to win Jianlu once, and finally captured a Prince Li, it must be used as a treasure, how could it be exchanged!
When Li Dingguo heard that he was asking about this matter, his face immediately showed admiration, and he nodded solemnly: "It is true! Before the emperor personally led the army to force the surrender of Jinzhou Jianlu, and captured Prince Jianlu Li, it was for exchange. The body of Lieutenant General Geng who abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, and Chen Qianhu's old mother who understands righteousness. You will know these things after you go back."

After finishing speaking, he didn't stay here anymore, pulled the rein again, turned the horse's head around, and drove away with a sound of "drive".

Watching Li Dingguo go away, watching the Ming army take down Zhuangzi, and then leave quickly, Liu Er and the others finally came to their senses, and while cheering, they ran to the shed and ran to Zhuangzi.

They want to eat, they want to wear clothes, they want to run away, they want to escape from a future!
This situation has happened in many places in the hinterland of Liaodong.Anyway, Li Dingguo's [-] cavalry troops swept through every place like a violent storm, and the scene on Liu Er's side would happen.

As long as it is a prisoner, there will be no good end. All the fields and Zhuangzi will be destroyed, and the looted Ming people will be able to share food and clothing, and then all flee to the sea.

Jianlu's cavalry army just happened to be transferred away, and there were not many left in the place, or they were not elites. Facing the surprise attack by Li Dingguo's troops, there was no way to deal with it.Of course, the most important thing is that Li Dingguo's troops didn't stay in one place at all, so Jianlu, who didn't have an elite cavalry army, could only chase after the horse's ass to eat ashes.

When Li Dingguo's troops were turbulent in the hinterland of Liaodong, Azige also led the army to Xinjin.

The principle of bluffing and attracting the attention of the Ming army was followed.How did Azig exaggerate? Even his own people were deceived by him. He really thought that this time, the Qing Dynasty wanted to drive all the Ming troops in the Liaodong Peninsula into the sea and recapture Jinzhou and Lushun. .

However, what they didn't expect was that Azig fell ill as soon as he arrived in Xinjin, so that the army stopped in Xinjin and did not go to Jinzhou again, which made them very regretful.

The real situation, only very few people know.If Azig dared to lead the army to attack Jinzhou, he would definitely reveal his secrets. It turned out that he was just a false soldier.

Therefore, Azig was not sick at all, but spent his days hiding in the mansion, just waiting for the Qing Dynasty to make meritorious deeds on the grassland.

But it wasn't long before he pretended to be sick. Suddenly, a scout came to report urgently: "My lord, Lu Xiangsheng of the Ming Dynasty is leading the army to Xinjin!"

"What?" Azig was taken aback when he heard it, and quickly confirmed, "Lu Xiangsheng led the army and came to attack Xinjin on his own initiative?"

In his opinion, with such a bluff, Lu Xiangsheng should strengthen the defense on the Jinzhou side. How could he dare to take the initiative to lead the army instead of attacking Xinjin?This is not in line with common sense!
After confirming that Lu Xiangsheng really had to lead the army to take the initiative to make new gold, although Azig was not afraid, he was still a little puzzled, so he reported the situation to Shengjing and asked for reinforcements.

But he didn't know that Lu Xiangsheng's side was actually just bluffing.A large part of the grain and supplies from the Dongjiang Army has been transferred to the Yongwei Camp and the Panshi Camp.If he hadn't known that Azig had no intention of fighting at all, he would never have left Golden State.

As a result, it can be said that in the Liaodong mainland, within a similar period of time, wars were everywhere, and Jian captives from all over the country rushed to report to Shengjing to report the situation and ask for reinforcements.


On Shengjing's side, Daishan is indeed old. Before Jinzhou was captured and Huang Taiji passed away, after experiencing this series of events, his energy was even worse.Although I report to Chongzheng Hall every day, I mostly dozed off.

Bumbutai couldn't help being happy about this, because many things were handled by her queen mother, which was a rare thing in the Qing Dynasty.Never thought that a woman could be in power!Speaking of which, I really should thank that fat man!
(End of this chapter)

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