Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 466 According to the Emperor

Chapter 466 According to the Emperor
Landing operations are far less difficult than later generations.At this time, the wooden boats had a shallow draft, so they just rushed directly to the beach.

If the enemy has a defense line on the beach and will counterattack the Ming army that has just landed, it will be more difficult.The artillery, archers, gunmen, etc. on the ship must cover and shoot.The shield bearers went to form a formation first and escort the infantry to land.

It's just a pity that in this era, there is no concept of landing operations, and there is no defense against landing operations.Even here in Liaodong, where the Ming army had maritime superiority and a large navy, Jianlu did not deploy troops along the coast.

It's not that Jianlu is unwilling to deploy, but that Jianlu has so many troops that he can't arrange them.If it is deployed here in Gaizhou, and then the Ming army lands from other places and the cavalry outflanks, the troops on the beach will be dumped, and they can only be cheap Ming army.

As a result, on the seaside near Gaizhou, countless naval transport ships of the Ming army rushed to the beach, and the infantry who had been waiting for a long time jumped off the ship one after another. Some immediately advanced to set up guard positions; Started to help those on the ship, and transported the equipment down.

It can be said that the seaside, which was originally quiet, suddenly became extremely noisy.

Huang Degong was on Zheng Zhilong's flagship, and he didn't rush to the beach. Standing on the bow and watching the noisy scene in front of him, he felt very high-spirited. After laughing for a while, he turned to Zheng Zhilong and said with a smile: "Old Zheng, what's the matter?" Thank you, but what about your boats? Do you want me to let them push you into the sea?"

Zheng Zhilong smiled after hearing this and replied: "No, when the tide comes back, you will naturally return to the sea. I envy you. You have military achievements to make, and you are right in front of your eyes!"

When Huang Degong heard this, he felt complacent and laughed again.

As a soldier, don't you just try to make a military exploit!
However, Cao Bianjiao, who was silent, smiled and said to Zheng Zhilong after hearing this: "No matter what, the battle this time was due to the lack of watermen. Of course, the watermen also share the credit. And..."

At this point, he paused and did not continue immediately.

Zheng Zhilong is a smart person, and he knew what was going on as soon as he heard it, so he took advantage of the situation and asked, "What else?"

Cao Bianjiao felt comfortable, so he gossiped to him: "I heard the emperor said that in the future, there will be times when your navy divisions will make contributions. At that time, I feel, don't talk about you, it is your son who is now in the capital, They can all be named marquises and generals!"

This matter was actually mentioned to Zheng Zhilong by Emperor Chongzhen before.It even revealed that even at the end of the sea, the flag of Ming Dynasty is flying.

After the Liaodong Jianlu are destroyed, it will probably be the beginning of the emperor's conquest of the sea, right?Zheng Zhilong thought about this more than once.

In the past, I heard how powerful the Liaodong Jianlu were.However, Zheng Zhilong has seen clearly during these years in the north.Liaodong Jianlu is indeed powerful, but when the emperor gets serious, so what if Jianlu is so powerful?It is estimated that in the past few years, as long as the emperor is willing, he can wipe out all these Jian captives!Then……

To be honest, Zheng Zhilong was really looking forward to it. Those western barbarians came all the way to Daming, so he couldn't go to see them and see the exotic customs?

His thoughts were a little far away, so much so that Cao Bianjiao and Huang Degong didn't come back to their senses when they were talking to him, so they had to raise their voices.

"Ah..." Zheng Zhilong was a little embarrassed when he came back to his senses, and immediately cupped his fists and said to the two chief soldiers, "Then I wish you two great success and take Gaizhou as soon as possible!"

Huang Degong laughed and said: "No problem, it's all like this, if you still can't win Gaizhou, I'll crash my head under the city of Gaizhou!"

Cao Bianjiao didn't say anything, just showed a confident smile, and together with Huang Degong, clasped their hands in fists, returned the salute, and then got off the boat.

After stepping on the beach, Huang Degong stepped on it hard, and said to Cao Bianjiao with a smile: "It's still so reassuring!"

Cao Bianjiao nodded, responded with a smile, then turned his head and looked around.

Ming army soldiers are everywhere, busy.The most important thing is to hoist the Panshi Camp's partial van from the boat.Seeing this, Cao Bianjiao couldn't help but sigh with emotion: "I really don't know how the emperor thought of it, but now that I'm here, it's really a lot easier."

After hearing this, Huang Degong turned around and saw that what he was talking about were sidecars, which were fixed with ropes on the ship and then unloaded from the ship through the pulleys. Suddenly, he couldn't help but sigh. : "I heard from the emperor that this comes from the knowledge of physics, do you understand?"

"Me?" Cao Bianjiao heard this, shook his head with a smile, and then replied, "My sons are already studying, so I'll forget about it. Before I came out last year, I warned them that if I don't see them get the first prize when I go back, Those who are waiting for results will be taken care of by family law!"

Hearing this, Huang Degong was not surprised at all, and said with a smile: "Haha, the hero sees the same thing, I also told my family that there are no first-class grades, and they are served by army sticks!"

In fact, he was originally determined to be a second class.Now that he heard that Cao Bianjiao's family had to be first-class, he didn't want to lose face, so he changed his name to first-class.

Just as they were talking, they suddenly heard a familiar voice nearby: "咴咴咴..."

Turning his head to look, he saw that many war horses had already disembarked.These war horses were exhausted on the boat, and as soon as they got down to the beach, they couldn't help but howl happily.Their owners, the cavalry officers and soldiers belonging to the Brave Guard Battalion and the Rock Battalion, comforted them with their hands and observed their condition to see if they could go to the battlefield immediately.

After a while, most of the war horses, carrying their masters on their backs, ran happily away into the distance.Without their obstruction, Cao and Huang saw artillery pieces being moved off the ship.

Smaller artillery, such as tiger squatting cannons, Francois machine guns, etc., were carried or carried down by the soldiers of the artillery battalion.The heavier General Cannon and the Hongyi Cannon are also fixed and loaded and unloaded with pulleys.

Further away, there are other Ming army soldiers, busy with other things, all transporting things from the ship.


After watching the grand occasion on the beach for a while, Huang Degong saw that his horse had been led by his personal guards, so he walked over a few steps, jumped up, reined in the reins, and said to Cao Bianjiao, "I'll go to see Gaizhou first." , I leave it to you here!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Cao Bianjiao's reply, he jumped out with a "drive" sound and hurried away.

Seeing him like this, Cao Bianjiao couldn't help shaking his head, but he didn't care, he just sat here and set up a camp first.

In this way, the Ming army was busy for almost a whole day, and more than 1 horses, including equipment and supplies, were all unloaded from the ship.

On the coast side, a combination of vans was used to form a wall, which was used as the fence of the camp.On the outskirts of the camp, there are Yebushou of the Ming army scattered around, serving as a warning for the camp.

After it got dark, although there were more than 1 people, there was no sound, only the sound of the waves, rhythmically ringing.

The ship that was originally stranded has returned to the sea after high tide and is parked at the shore camp.

At this time, only at the main camp of the camp, the two generals were still discussing matters.

"We can go to Gaizhou City tomorrow." After Cao Bianjiao explained the situation of the camp, he looked at Huang Degong, who had just returned after dark, and said, "How do you feel about Gaizhou?"

After hearing this, Huang Degong laughed and said, "What else can I do? I'm all terrified. I can see very clearly that the Tartars on the top of the city are all facing a big enemy, which is enough to show that they have a guilty conscience!"

Speaking of this, he paused and then added: "If you don't take it at night, you will let it go far away. As long as Jianlu can't make large-scale reinforcements, there is no danger on the Gaizhou side. We have enough time to take down Gaizhou! "

"Yes, when we attacked Gaizhou, what we were most afraid of was the large-scale rescue of the Jianlu cavalry army." Cao Bianjiao nodded after hearing this, "Fortunately, the emperor transferred all the Jianlu cavalry army away, otherwise, we would still come No."

After Huang Degong heard this, he also showed admiration and said to him: "Sometimes, I feel as if Jianlu is being commanded by the emperor, and he can do whatever he wants! This time, Jianlu actually behaved obediently. They transferred the cavalry away, haha, and even said they were going to conquer Sauron's tribe in the north. They thought they could deceive us, but in the end they could only deceive themselves!"

Cao Bianjiao shook his head when he heard this, and felt sorry for Jianlu in his heart. How could Jianlu win such a war?

After feeling emotional for a while, the two of them said nothing else, and began to discuss the specific battle for tomorrow again.

After dawn the next day, under the cover of the Panshi Battalion, the Ming army set out and finally appeared in the sight of Gaizhou Jianlu.

The chariot formation is in front, the infantry is behind, and the cavalry is flanking, just south of Gaizhou, rolling in with great momentum.

The Ming army was too small to besiege the city, so it completely gave up the other directions of Gaizhou, just over there.

Jianlu in Gaizhou City also sent out troops from several other gates, and lined up on the left and right sides of Gaizhou City.If the Ming army dared to attack Gaizhou City, the Jianlu troops on both sides would inevitably attack.And if the Ming army attacked the armies on both sides first, it would have to divide the troops.And Jianlu can fight against each other when he advances, and he can retreat into the city when he retreats.

Generally speaking, the attacking army must be larger than the defending army to be able to capture the city.But now, the generals of the Jianlu garrison made such arrangements to bully the invading Ming army, which was not as numerous as the garrison in the city.

However, neither Cao Bianjiao nor Huang Degong cared about it.Even Huang Degong was still in the mood to smile and said to Cao Bianjiao: "Just according to what the emperor said, let these Jianlu barbarians taste it, the advanced civilization is amazing!"

"I'm talking about Lao Huang, do you know what the emperor means by this advanced civilization?" Cao Bianjiao asked casually after hearing this.

Huang Degong was stunned for a moment after hearing this. After he came to his senses, he said shamelessly: "How do I know? That's what the emperor said anyway. I guess it should be the difference between firearms and swords and guns!"

Cao Bianjiao also understood this way, nodded and said: "Then let's start?"

So, under the command of the two chief soldiers, the Ming army began to move.

The sidecars of the Panshi Camp were connected end to end again, and they followed the combat method of the car camp to protect themselves. The artillery in the sidecars was set up door by door. Most of the heavy artillery such as the Hongyi cannon and the general cannon, The muzzles of the guns were aimed at the head of Gaizhou City.

Seeing the movement of the Ming army, the Jianlu on the top of the wall suddenly turned green.Is Ming Jun really crazy?So many heavy artillery?Just a rough estimate, there are hundreds of them.With so many cannons, once the cannons are fired, a layer of Gaizhou City will be cut off, right?
They didn't know that if the Ming army wanted to, more artillery could be transferred from Zheng Zhilong's warship at sea.It's just that the Ming army felt that these artillery pieces were enough.

"Quickly, block the south gate, block the south gate with soil!" Gaizhou defender gave up his plan to send troops from the south gate to cooperate with the troops on both sides to counterattack the Ming army, and immediately shouted loudly. Almost broke my voice.

At the same time, through the transmission of the command flag, the military order was also transmitted to the troops on both sides of Gaizhou City.

As a result, the armies on both sides of Jianlu also began to attack. As long as the Ming army dared to attack the city, the two armies would attack the Ming army from the flanks.

The Ming army turned a blind eye to their movements and was still busy with their own affairs.

With a sound of "boom", a Hongyi cannon was tested, and the shell passed over the top of the city and hit the city, raising a cloud of dust, as if it had smashed a roof.

Immediately, on the Ming army's side, an artillery battalion commander shouted loudly, asking the artillery to adjust the elevation angle.

The Jianlu on the top of the city, their legs were a little weak, turned their heads to look at the guard.Fortunately, the military order was passed down quickly, except for the observation post, the others could hide at the base of the wall under the city and stand by.

Logically speaking, in this case, the siege troops of the Ming army should attack the city to contain the defenders on the top of the city.However, this time, the siege troops did not attack, but just watched the artillery show.

The earth-shattering scene finally happened.

"Boom boom boom..."

The Hongyi Cannon and the General Cannon facing Gaizhou South City spit out smoke and iron bullets, and the entire front of the Ming army camp was immediately filled with gunpowder smoke.

"Clap clap clap..."

On the top of Gaizhou City, iron bullets hit it one after another, and in a blink of an eye, there were big holes, and even the battlements in many places were destroyed by the iron eggs, which was amazing.

It has to be said that the heavy artillery such as the Hongyi Cannon is actually not used to defend the city, but is best used to attack the city.

When the troops on both sides of Jianlu saw that the Ming army had started shelling the city of Gaizhou, they began to move.

I saw these Jianlu, pushing carts one after another, holding swords, guns, swords and halberds. Of course, archers were also indispensable. They hid behind the carts, slowly increased their speed, and attacked the Ming army.From a distance, it looks like many moving sections of city wall.

Their cavalry also began to move, restraining the cavalry on the side of the Ming army, preventing the cavalry from harassing and delaying the infantry's attack.

The Gaizhou War has officially begun.

 Thank you Feng Zingying for your reward!Well, there is also a recommendation ticket, which has always been the ticket king, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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