Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 456 Punish evil and promote good

Chapter 456 Punish evil and promote good

Chen Shaozong's mother didn't know she had arrived at first, she was sitting in the car, although Jianlu's attendants were also in place, but after all, she was old and tired from the journey, and when she was squinting, suddenly, she woke up suddenly: "My son?"

As for the son's voice, as a mother, it is engraved in his bones.Others may not be able to tell the difference in voice, but Chen Shaozong's mother heard it all at once.

After listening intently for a while, he heard the sound of "Mother" shouting among the rushing hoofbeats. Chen Shaozong's mother was confirmed. Immediately, she was pleasantly surprised. Are you really going to see her son?
She couldn't wait for the maid serving her in the car to open the curtain, so she took the lead and opened the curtain directly. She looked up and sure enough, she saw the son whom she had longed for and engraved in her bones, galloping towards her on horseback. , has arrived not far away.

"My son..." The old lady couldn't restrain her excitement any longer, and hurriedly shouted.

At the same time, there was only one carriage with a canopy in the team, and Chen Shaozong rushed to this carriage. He was overjoyed when he saw his mother appearing on the carriage. She looked safe and sound.

The galloping war horse was suddenly tightened by the reins, came to a sudden stop, raised its front hooves, and neighed in pain.Chen Shaozong on the horseback didn't care about it at all. Before the front hooves of the horse hit the ground, he rolled off the saddle and fell off the horse. He got up, rushed to the carriage, knelt down heavily, with teary eyes, raised his head, looked at his mother and said: "Mother, the child is not filial, and you have to suffer!"

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed heavily.

Seeing the old lady, her heart ached so badly that she didn't need the maid to help her. She quickly got out of the car and helped her son up, looked left and right, and said with a sob: "My son, mother thought I’ll never see you again, it’s fine, it’s fine, it’s fine!”

As he spoke, he stroked the mud off his son's forehead and patted the dust off his son's body.

At this time, Chen Shaozong couldn't speak anymore, so he simply stopped talking, just looked at his mother, with tears on his face, but kept giggling.

For him, he also thought that he would never see his mother again.Now that I can still see my mother safe and sound, I am naturally very happy.

The Jian prisoners around watched this scene silently, and a touch of emotion appeared on the faces of many of them.

Although they are Jianlu, they are also human beings with parents and brothers.The true feelings revealed by the reunion of mother and child can be clearly felt without words.

After seeing that her son was fine, the old lady came to her senses first. Along the way, she kept remembering this incident, so she quickly asked her son: "Where is the emperor? His kindness to my Chen family is as great as the ocean. Mother must go. Thank you for your grace!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Shaozong came to his senses and said quickly: "The Emperor is in Jinzhou City!"

While talking, he suddenly became elated, and hurriedly said to his mother: "Mother, the emperor praised you. The emperor said that you are an example for the people of Ming Dynasty. Those captives should be released again, but you are It must be rescued."

Hearing this, the old lady was also very excited.This is what the Emperor of Ming said, he was just doing his duty, but the emperor paid such a high price to save himself, what a virtue and what can he do!The ancestors of the Chen family are here, have you heard that?What an honor!It is the glory of the Chen family!
Chen Shaozong was excited when he suddenly heard a whining sound. He turned around and found that Geng Jimao was tied to a horse with something stuffed in his mouth and a look of begging in his eyes.

It's okay if he didn't see it, but when he saw it, he suddenly became furious, and immediately stepped forward, pointed at Geng Jimao's nose, the veins on his face popped out of anger, and shouted sharply: "The Geng family has such a bad thing like you!" A filial son! If you want to curry favor with Tartars, even sell your own father, Vice General Geng really deserves to die!"

"Woooooo..." Geng Jimao wanted to say something, but he could only whimper and couldn't say anything.

Chen Shaozong didn't pay any attention to him, just like a pig and a dog, it was too dirty to say a word, turned around, and soon found the coffin containing Geng Zhongming's body.He walked over, his expression became sad, and he looked at it for a while, but he didn't speak.

To be honest, he was also in a bit of a complicated mood.If Daming wasn't strong enough, then he was a pawn used by Geng Zhongming to lure the Dongjiang Army to the shore.Thanks to Daming being strong enough, Geng Zhongming realized that following Jianlu had no future, so he decided to make a fake show and arranged everything that followed.

If Geng Zhongming was still alive, he would definitely have to ask a few questions.But now, Geng Zhongming is dead, so everything is forgotten.

Not long after, Lu Xiangsheng, governor of Baoding, was ordered to hand over the hostages.Emperor Chongzhen himself was watching from the top of Jinzhou City.

Daishan and the [-] Jianlu, in fact, there are no more [-] Jianlu. When building the Jinzhou fortifications, dozens of them died.Deprived of all armor and armor, he just returned to Jianlu with all his clothes on.Daishan himself just got into the carriage that Chen Shaozong's mother had been riding in.

Chen Shaozong's mother, with the support of Chen Shaozong himself, walked to Jinzhou City.Accompanying him were Geng Jimao who was tied up and a coffin.

Nearly [-] soldiers of the Ming army looked at the scene in front of them. To be honest, their emotions were also very complicated.

When they looked at Chen Shaozong's mother, they admired them very much.This old mother understood righteousness well, and taught her son to recognize right from wrong, good from evil, and she even preferred to die herself than to give her life to Jianlu, and wanted her son to return to Daming.

When looking at the tied person, although most of them didn't recognize him, they already knew that this person was Geng Zhongming's son Geng Jimao.When his father wanted to return to Ming Dynasty, he betrayed his father, and even thought about destroying the Dongjiang army. As a Han, he was such a generation who forgot his ancestors and sacrificed his life for Jianlu.It's just a pity that his master can't keep him now and handed him over.

When the soldiers of the Ming army saw the coffin again, they felt sorry for Geng Zhongming and admired Geng Zhongming at the same time.No matter what, Geng Zhongming is a king with a different surname on Jianlu's side, but he still wants to return to Daming, and he wants to abandon the dark and turn to the bright, which shows that he still has loyalty in his heart.

Of course they don't know that the matter of Geng Zhongming abandoning the dark and turning to the bright is actually very tortuous.The things mentioned in his suicide note are the things that he finally decided to abandon the dark and turn to the bright after seeing the strength of Ming Dynasty. Emperor Chongzhen has ordered to seal it up, and only a few people know about it.No matter what, Geng Zhongming did die to return to Daming, so let him be more honorable.

All the soldiers of the Ming army looked at the three men who had exchanged the lives of Prince Jianluli and three thousand Jianlu soldiers. After a long while, they all turned their heads to look at the imperial chariot on the top of the city.

The emperor, who is above the ninth level, controls thousands of living beings.Logically speaking, it is unattainable.However, at this moment, they felt that the distance between themselves and the emperor was actually not far away.

The emperor is also a human being of flesh and blood, not someone who lives in a temple and can only be used to pay homage.

For his subjects, he will try his best to protect them, and for loyal people, he will save them no matter how much he pays.

The emperor really has to use his actual actions to set an example to his subjects, punish evil and promote good!
Throughout history, there have been many wise and powerful emperors, but it is rare to have an emperor like the current emperor, and most of them just pay lip service!

It is really a blessing for our generation and the people of Ming Dynasty to have such an emperor!
In the end, there was no need for people to deliberately guide them. After the exchange was completed, nearly [-] Ming troops knelt down to the stalwart emperor on the top of Jinzhou City, and shouted in unison: "My emperor, long live, long live, long live! !"

Daishan, who had already set foot on the return journey, couldn't help but sighed when he heard the high-spirited voice from behind, and was not at all happy that he had escaped and ascended to heaven.

After walking for a while, one of Yuetuo's confidants got into the car and saw that he was very depressed, so he said to him: "My lord, you still have to take care of yourself. You have to go to take care of the Shengjing matter." OK!"

Dai Shan was a little strange when he heard it, so he asked him: "The matter of Shengjing is up to the emperor. This king will go back this time, and he will ask the emperor for the crime of falling into Jinzhou..."

Knowing that Daishan didn't know yet, Yuetuo's confidant immediately whispered: "Your Majesty has passed away, and there is no decree to appoint a successor. Now the city of Shengjing is full of swords and swords, and everyone is watching the position of the emperor. What the master means is that the prince After returning home, if you can use your prestige to frighten them, maybe it will be the turn of the master of the Qing Dynasty to take the throne."

That's right, everyone is jealous of the emperor's position, even Yue Tuo is no exception.Now that he has rescued his father, his lineage is the two princes of the Qing Dynasty, and its weight is heavier than other lines.For the throne, it is also possible to fight for it.

At this time, Dai Shan listened, but he was not attracted by the issue of the throne. On the contrary, he was so surprised by Huang Taiji's death that he was stunned for a moment.

In the first half of his life, he had actually been intriguing with Huang Taiji, fighting for power and profit, but no matter how hard he tried, even if he united with Amin and others, he was finally defeated by Huang Taiji and could only obey Huang Taiji's orders.

In the second half of his life, he saw with his own eyes that after Huang Taiji took over the position of Xian Khan, the Jianzhou Jurchen became more and more powerful, and finally founding the country and proclaiming himself emperor, dominating Liaodong and the grasslands, and even winning North Korea as a minister and paying tribute.

Therefore, in the end, he accepted his fate and obeyed Huang Taiji, without any other thoughts.

However, at this moment, he suddenly heard that Huang Taiji was dead!Just when the Qing Dynasty was in such a difficult time, Huang Taiji died!

After a while, Daishan suddenly came back to his senses, and with agility rarely seen at his age, he grabbed the man by the collar and asked sharply: "The emperor is fine, why is it gone? What's the matter, Why is it so sudden?"

The man just thought that Daishan seemed to have become a lifeless old man, but suddenly he became a tiger again, and he was a little scared. After all, when Daishan was in power, he was still playing with mud.

He didn't dare to be negligent, and quickly replied: "The emperor was so angry that he vomited blood. The imperial doctor told him not to be angry, but he got angry again and vomited blood several times, and then...then..."

Hearing this, Daishan's mind immediately flashed the previous scene where Huang Taiji vomited blood.For some reason, the face of Emperor Chongzhen immediately appeared in his mind.

The Ming emperor was definitely involved in Huang Taiji's death!But, so what, he is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, what can he do?

Thinking of this, he remembered what he had just heard, saying that Shengjing was already at war for the throne.Immediately, he became anxious.

If it was a time of peace and prosperity, or if the Qing Dynasty did not have the current predicament, Daishan would not mind fighting for the throne.But at this moment, he deeply felt the threat of the Ming emperor, and personally participated in the Jianzhou Jurchen's step-by-step progress. He would never allow the Qing to fall apart due to internal strife.

Thinking about this, from the moment he surrendered at the top of Jinzhou City, he had been disheartened, like an old man with a graceful appearance. Suddenly, he was radiant with fighting spirit, as if he was a completely different person, and he immediately urged Go quickly and rush back to Shengjing immediately.

For this change in Daishan, Emperor Chongzhen was not omnipotent, and he hadn't thought of it before.Although afterwards he learned through the Grade A wiretapping seed on Daishan, firstly, it was not easy to catch up, and secondly, Emperor Chongzhen believed that even if Huang Taiji was still alive, he would not be able to beat him, not to mention that Huang Taiji was already dead.

Therefore, he didn't care about Daishan, and even had some vague expectations. How would Jianlu's history eventually turn out with the flapping of his butterfly wings?

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen was also busy. He received Chen Shaozong's mother, honored her, named her his wife, granted her a palace in the capital, and drove her back to the capital.

Chen Shaozong did not go back, but he strongly demanded to stay and kill the captives.According to him, he said that he was very familiar with Liaodong, and it would be more useful to stay in Liaodong than to go to the capital.His mother also supported him and told him to be loyal to the emperor and serve the country, in order to thank the emperor for his grace!
In this regard, Emperor Chongzhen did not hesitate.As for Geng Zhongming's body, he was buried outside Jinzhou City, on the land where he had fought.However, the spirit card will be taken to the capital and moved into the martyr's shrine in the capital to enjoy the incense of the Ming Dynasty and coexist with the country.

As for Geng Jimao, in response to the strong request of some Ming soldiers, he was first shackled to the public for three days, was spit on and scorned by others, and then was dealt with Ling Chi. When he breathed his last, he was sealed in a bronze statue and knelt in front of his father. Confession at the grave.As long as the Ming Dynasty exists, he will kneel here for a day, be despised by the people of the Ming Dynasty, and be used as a negative teaching material to educate their children.

 Today, I took my wife and children to the city for a meal, and I came back too late. Based on the time estimate, there should be no more changes.

(End of this chapter)

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