Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 452 Stimulation

Chapter 452 Stimulation
The emperor of the Ming Dynasty personally led the army to take down Jinzhou City, and wanted to exchange the lives of Prince Li and [-] Qing soldiers in exchange for the old woman to go back and reunite with her son?

This... is this possible?Absolutely impossible!

Subconsciously, almost everyone present, including the mediocre gate guards and maids, as well as Fan Wencheng, who claims to be both civil and military, all thought the same way.

How noble is the emperor of the Ming Dynasty? A figure above nine heavens would come to Liaodong in person for an old woman?And in exchange for the lives of Prince Li and three thousand soldiers of the Qing Dynasty?
Who is she?Queen Mother?
For a moment, they all thought that the old lady's identity was a very noble existence!

However, reality is reality, and they quickly came to their senses that this old woman had been here for many days, and everyone knew that she was just the mother of a lieutenant general under King Huaishun, and she came from a humble background. People from the original Dongjiang army surrendered to the Qing Dynasty.This kind of person, even the gatekeeper and the maids don't pay much attention to him. How could he let such a noble person as the emperor of Ming Dynasty come to Liaodong to fight in person, and pay such a high price for her to go back?
To be honest, everyone is really incomprehensible.

Even the old lady herself couldn't understand it.

However, at this time she didn't care so much, she just confirmed to Yue Tuo immediately: "You mean my son is with Daming, can I go back and reunite with my son?"

Normally, Yue Tuo wouldn't take a serious look at someone with the status of the old lady.But at this time, in order to ensure the smooth exchange of hostages, he had a very correct attitude, nodded repeatedly and said: "Yes, yes, yes, your old man will soon return to Jinzhou to be with your son Chen Shaozong gone."

With Yue Tuo's identity, of course it is impossible to purposely lie.Even if the old lady does not go out on weekdays, she understands this truth.

After confirming the news, she was finally so excited that she couldn't restrain her emotions.

She was already prepared to die, and she just wanted to give her family an explanation after she died, so she persisted.Suddenly, there is no need to die, but he can go back to Daming and reunite with his son. This is a person who is about to starve to death. The food is down.

How could the old woman be willing to die if she could not die, could be reunited with her son, and could watch her family bloom again, and the day when the house would be filled with children and grandchildren?

It was only at this time that she came back to her senses. She couldn't help but knelt down on the ground in excitement and cried out: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live, long live!"

Watching this scene, the courtyard was silent and everyone was in a daze.

They all know that the emperor that this old woman speaks of is not the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, but the emperor of the Ming Dynasty!

To be honest, many people looked at her with envy and hatred in their eyes!
What kind of virtue and ability is it, to let the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, an emperor who is far more noble than the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, miss him so much, this is really dead and smiling!

Fan Wencheng, the most knowledgeable among these people, still felt that this matter was unbelievable after he came to his senses. He didn't care about the pain on his face, so he immediately asked Yue Tuo: "Your Highness, be careful that this is a trick of the Ming Kingdom. , don't fall for it!"

This matter, when he thought about it, was really too weird, and he couldn't believe it!
However, Yue Tuo believed it, because at the request of the Ming Emperor, not only would the old woman be returned, but also the Qing side would hand over Geng Zhongming's body and Geng Jimao who betrayed Lao Tzu.From these things, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty wanted to stand up for those courtiers who were loyal to the Ming Dynasty.In his opinion, Prince Li and three thousand soldiers of the Qing Dynasty were no match for this.

To be honest, he actually admired the emperor of Ming country very much in his heart, and even more envied the people of Ming country to have such a good emperor!If it was Huang Taiji, he believed that Huang Taiji would never be able to do such a courageous and responsible thing!

At this time, Yue Tuo heard that Fan Wencheng questioned this matter again. If this guy jumps up and down to obstruct this matter, his father may not come back.

Thinking of this, he immediately became angry again, waved his hand out, and slapped him again.

But this time, Fan Wencheng was face to face, watching Yue Tuo, seeing him make a move, subconsciously dodged.After all, he claims to be a man of both civil and military skills. If he couldn't avoid it, he would have burped on the battlefield long ago.

However, Yue Tuo was on fire. Seeing that he dared to hide, he immediately shouted: "You are so brave, how dare you hide from me?"

While talking, he took a step forward and was slapped again.

Below the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, there are several princes, and Yue Tuo is one of them. It can be said that his power is very great.

When Fan Wencheng heard Yue Tuo's angry shout, he didn't dare to hide anymore, lest he further anger Yue Tuo.

So, with a "snap", I got a solid slap in the face.That handsome face was hit on the left and right sides, and it was swollen!If you don't take good care of your injuries for a few days, you won't be able to go out.

After Yue Tuo slapped his face, he felt better, and pointed at Fan Wencheng's nose and cursed: "This matter is related to the lives of Prince Li and three thousand soldiers of the Qing army. If you dare to speak nonsense, don't worry about it." Where are you hiding, this king will kill you dog slave, did you hear me?"

Fan Wencheng was also woken up by the beating. He understood that Yue Tuo would definitely do such a thing to protect his father.Therefore, he covered his face, nodded quickly and said: "Your servant will remember, don't worry Your Highness, this servant will remember..."

When Yue Tuo saw him, he stopped caring about him, pointed to the crowd of court ladies and shouted: "I have heard everything clearly, and I will take care of you before sending the old lady back to the Ming Dynasty. If you want to make the old lady dissatisfied at all Yes, turn around and let this king know, it doesn’t matter if you kill him!”

Hearing this, the group of maids were frightened, knelt down hastily, and agreed repeatedly.

After Yue Tuo finished his explanation, he turned his head to look at the old woman again, immediately changed his face, and said with a flattering smile: "The wronged old lady has to stay here for a while, after Daqing is ready, You can go back and reunite with Chen Shaozong!"

After arranging these things, Yue Tuo left in a hurry with his personal guards.After all, something happened to Huang Taiji, and the old man was spitting out mouthfuls of blood. It seemed that something was wrong, so he had to rush back to check the situation.

The two guards at the door watched him leave, then turned to look into the yard. They looked at each other, both full of envy!
After they were off duty, they would have to talk to their mother-in-law about such twists and turns when they got back. It was really surprising!


In the palace, Huang Taiji vomited blood again, and the news that he vomited a lot of blood quickly spread.Immediately, Huang Taiji's harem became a chaotic mess.

All the concubines hurried over to see Huang Taiji.In just a short while, a large group of women headed by Queen Zhezhe had already gathered at the gate of the palace.Among them, of course, Hai Lanzhu, who is also in poor health, and Bumbutai, who is fearful.

The eunuch in the palace announced loudly at the gate of the palace: "The emperor is worried about state affairs, and he is depressed. The imperial doctor diagnosed that he can no longer be angry, and needs to rest in peace. Ladies and gentlemen, please go back!"

The people in these palaces are very fine in small details.At this time, as soon as they heard that all the concubines had disappeared, they knew that Huang Taiji's condition was definitely very serious.

In this case, who would just leave?
Zhezhe was the queen of the palace, so he begged the eunuch to let her go in and have a look, otherwise, he couldn't feel at ease.

This request is considered reasonable.The chief eunuch hesitated for a moment, then went in to ask for instructions, and then came out and took Zhezhe in.

On the dragon bed, Huang Taiji was lying flat. Although the blood from the corner of his mouth had been wiped off, his complexion was extremely bad. Anyone could tell at a glance that his health was definitely not recovering.Suddenly, Zhe Zhe was afraid.

"I can't die yet." Huang Taiji was unhappy when he saw it. He tried hard not to be angry and said, "Look at my harem, then... then..."

He remembered what Bumbutai had said, and he felt angry immediately. He wanted to tell the queen to punish Bumbutai severely, but before he even opened his mouth, he felt out of breath, and couldn't say it out twice.

The imperial doctor at the side was in a hurry again when he saw it, and it took a while before Huang Taiji calmed down slowly.

Huang Taiji knew that his physical condition was very bad, so he didn't dare to mention it again.Anyway, after he recovers, he will have plenty of time to deal with that bitch.

Thinking of this, he raised his finger very tiredly, signaling the queen to go out, and didn't want to talk anymore.

Seeing this, the queen didn't dare to bother her anymore, she could also see that Huang Taiji's body couldn't stand any stimulation.Therefore, he turned around and left the hall.

At this moment, I heard Huang Taiji's weak voice instructing the eunuch beside him: "Concubine Chuanchen, come in!"

Hearing this, Zhezhe is also a woman, even though she has never had a son, so she has not been caught up in the intrigue in the palace, but she still feels jealous for no reason.

My eldest niece is really the emperor's favorite!
Thinking of this, she sighed in her heart, she didn't say anything, and went out as usual.

The old lady was listening and hesitated for a while.Huang Taiji's health is extremely poor, in fact he is not suitable for meeting people, he should rest at ease.But he also knew that Huang Taiji loved Concubine Chen very much, and since he had made an order, if he didn't implement it, it might make Huang Taiji angry.

In desperation, he had no choice but to go out of the palace to announce the decree.

Outside the palace gate, when Zhe Zhe came out, the other concubines naturally lowered their voices and asked about the emperor's physical condition.

When Zhezhe saw him, he waved his hand to tell them to be calm, and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty's health is very poor, so you can't be disturbed at all. Sisters, please go back!"

When Bumbutai in the crowd heard this, her eyes rolled a few times. She heard a lot from what the queen said.Then, she immediately looked at her sister beside her.

So, she immediately whispered to Hai Lanzhu: "Sister, for Fulin's sake, please..."

At this moment, Hai Lanzhu was in a state of disarray. Hearing her whisper, she turned her head and glanced at her. Seeing her miserable face, she immediately remembered what she had said in her own palace.

At that time, she was very surprised that her younger sister and Fulin, both older and younger, came to beg her, so she hurriedly asked about the situation.

Bumbutai didn't say anything at first, but after she questioned him, he did.Before talking about it, she thought that her sister was very favored by the emperor, and when she gave birth to a child, the emperor pardoned the world, and she was also very happy for her sister.It's just that I didn't expect to die young, and it's a pity every time I think about it.Seeing my sister misses me a lot, I couldn't help but sigh.Who knew that the emperor knew about this matter, and the emperor blamed her, saying that she deliberately made her sister miss the prince, and seeing the emperor's ruthless appearance, it seemed that she was going to punish her severely.

Bumbutai just asked her, if she was punished by the emperor, she would admit it, and it was an unintentional mistake for her to say nothing.I just hope that my sister can take care of Fulin, who is also the emperor's blood, so don't blame him.

After thinking about these things in her mind, Hai Lanzhu shook her sister's hand, and tried to comfort her in a low voice: "The emperor is very talkative, don't worry, the emperor will not blame you."

When Bumbutai heard this, he couldn't help being very jealous. The emperor is very talkative. That's for you. When did the other concubines become so talkative?

As she was thinking, the eunuch came out and Xuan Hai Lanzhu had an audience.

When Bumbutai heard this, he quickly pulled Hai Lanzhu's sleeve, and looked at Hai Lanzhu with eyes that seemed to be able to speak.

Hai Lanzhu knew what she wanted to say, so she just nodded and hurried into the palace.

Seeing Huang Taiji's miserable state, Hai Lanzhu burst into tears first.Seeing this scene, Huang Taiji felt relieved, and said with a smile: "My concubine, don't be sad, I will be fine after taking care of my body!"

Hai Lanzhu still had tears in her eyes. Hearing this, she nodded vigorously and said to Huang Taiji, "Your Majesty must take care of your health. The Qing Dynasty cannot live without His Majesty, and the concubine cannot live without His Majesty!"

"Hehe, don't worry, I know!" Huang Taiji became more energetic after hearing this, and even thought about leaning on the cushion before talking to Hai Lanzhu.

The imperial doctor who was waiting at the side felt relieved when he saw it.It seems that Concubine Chen is really the Emperor's darling, and with Concubine Chen taking care of her, the Emperor will be able to forget her troubles, and the body of the dragon will heal faster.

Caressing Hai Lanzhu's hand, Huang Taiji said with a smile: "When my body recovers, we must continue to work hard. Remember, Aifei's body must also be in good condition!"

Hearing this, Hai Lanzhu immediately remembered the matter of her younger sister, so she said to Huang Taiji: "Your Majesty, my younger sister is a straightforward person, and she doesn't think so much. She just sees her concubine and misses her dead son." , I said a few words in passing, all of which were unintentional. I don’t care about it, so your Majesty doesn’t need to..."

As she was talking, she suddenly noticed that Huang Taiji, who was still smiling just now, froze and blushed a few times, and suddenly, a mouthful of old blood spurted out.

(End of this chapter)

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