Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 443 Confession

Chapter 443 Confession

In addition, there are also Jianlu's scouts who will gallop to the vicinity of Phoenix Castle to meet the woodcutter who pretends to be chopping firewood, and send the news to Phoenix Castle.

Finally, on this day, Jianlu made a movement.

In the lobby of the Geng Mansion, Obai was at the head of the table, and Geng Jimao could only stand on one side. They all looked at Chen Shaozong who was kneeling below.

Among them, Aobai looked down at him and said: "The date agreed with the Dongjiang Army is almost here, and you have seen the emperor's will. As long as this matter is completed, the Qing Dynasty will be ennobled. Think about your mother, if you want Let her live her life well, do it well, shall I?"

From the reports from the scouts lurking by the sea, the Ming army seems to have made preparations and assembled a large number of ships.Just waiting for news from here, they will go north along the Yalu River and officially launch an offensive.

"My lord, this villain is willing to go through fire and water for the Qing Dynasty, and I will never frown." Chen Shaozong kowtowed, then looked at Ao Bai and pleaded, "Now the villain is about to leave, if the Ming army finds out, I won't be able to come back Can you let the villain see my mother?"

Since the last incident, he has been under house arrest in the mansion and cannot contact anyone, including his mother.Taking advantage of this opportunity, he made a request for this meeting.

After hearing this, Aobai shook his head and said, "It's not that I don't want to agree, it's that the last time the Emperor's order stated that there will be a war here and your mother is not safe here, so someone has already been sent to Shengjing. Over there, your mother will definitely be able to eat and drink well, and just waiting for you to make achievements, she can also enjoy happiness!"

When Chen Shaozong heard this, he couldn't help but froze.He knew that Jianlu was threatening his mother so that he would not have any illusions.

This meant that he would never see his mother again!

Thinking of this, he was in a trance, and his mother's voice and smile were all in his mind.

Seeing him like this, Obai said patiently: "Don't worry, there is no news outside about Geng Zhongming's death. There won't be any danger when you go to meet the Ming army. Your mother is waiting in Shengjing." I'm following you!"

After hearing this, Chen Shaozong knew that he had no choice but to accept.Afterwards, he listened to some details that Oboi explained, and after some preparations, he finally got permission to go home, but there was no trace of his mother and no other accidents, so he had no choice but to start on the road.

In order to prevent the news from leaking, he still went on the road alone like the last few times, avoiding the main road and the crowd, and headed for the Yalu River.

After passing Zhenjiang Fort, he will soon reach the Yalu River. After Chen Shaozong confirmed several times and found that there was no tail behind him, he suddenly turned a corner and did not go to the Yalu River, but to a nearby mountain depression. go.Before long, he dug up a bundle in a hidden place.

Afterwards, he immediately moved to a safe place, and opened the bag.

I saw that in this package were two letters and an imperial decree.Although he was really illiterate, he knew his own name. Therefore, he found that there was a letter with his name written on it, which should be addressed to him.He knew the other letter with the word "Lu" on it. After all, it was Governor Lu's banner.He probably guessed that it was for Governor Lu.

Seeing this, Chen Shaozong couldn't help feeling miserable, and said to himself: "My lord, have you guessed something?"

That's right, Geng Zhongming buried this burden in advance, and only Chen Shaozong knew about it.Before returning to Phoenix Castle, he had told him that if anything happened to him and Chen Shaozong had the chance, he would come to this place to pick up the baggage.

Chen Shaozong didn't dare to stay here for a long time, and after hiding the burden close to his body, he returned to the Yalu River, found the Ming army's pick-up ship here, and then went down the river to Guanglu Island.

A few days later, on the Guanglu Island side, indeed, larger ships had gathered, and there were also teams of Ming troops on the island. One could see the atmosphere before the outbreak of the war.

Regarding these, Chen Shaozong was no longer in the same mood as the previous few times, and just hurried to meet the governor.Even on the way, he still urged to see the governor quickly.

At this time, Lu Xiangsheng was not in the barracks, he was in his Governor's Mansion, and he was also having a headache from unexpected events.He really didn't expect that the emperor would do this, which made him feel very stressed.

Hearing the report from his personal guard that Chen Shaozong had arrived at the door, and his expression was a little bit wrong and anxious, this surprised Lu Xiangsheng, so he had to put down what he was doing first and look at the situation on Chen Shaozong's side.

It should be about the same date as the appointment, let's rush over there!

After a while, Chen Shaozong hurried into the lobby, and saw Lu Xiangsheng sitting on the main seat working. Immediately, he was like a child who had been wronged and returned home, and he fell to his knees on the ground with grief from his heart. He called out: "Sir..."

His situation was beyond Lu Xiangsheng's expectation, so he put down what he was doing, looked up at him, and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong? Get up and talk!"

Chen Shaozong did not stand up as he said, but took out the package from his arms, offered it with both hands, and said in a sad voice: "My lord, the matter has been leaked, and Vice General Geng has been killed by Jianlu. Before returning to Phoenix Castle, it was buried by the Yalu River, and there was an explanation in advance, and if anything happened, I dug up this thing and brought it to the governor!"

Lu Xiangsheng was taken aback again when he heard this, this matter was completely unexpected!

Hearing what he said, then Geng Zhongming really wanted to return to Daming, but why, what the emperor told him, was that he obeyed the order of the slave chief, that he was falsely surrendering, and that he wanted to annihilate the Dongjiang Army?

Moreover, how could such a thing be leaked?If you really want to return to Daming, it must be top secret, the less people know the better, but now something happened before the agreed date?
Also, before he went back, he had already expected it, so he made preparations in advance.But why couldn't he avoid the result of being discovered by Jianlu and killed?

There were really too many doubts, so Lu Xiangsheng stood up suddenly, approached with strides, and helped Chen Shaozong up first.

During this support process, he carefully observed the changes in Chen Shaozong's expression at a close distance, and did not find any flaws, and he never faked his sadness!
He was full of doubts in his heart, and he didn't bother to ask. He took his seat back and unfolded his burden.

Two letters, one decree!
Lu Xiangsheng first picked up the imperial edict and read the contents.

Upon seeing this, he was immediately surprised again.

This is the secret decree given to Geng Zhongming by the slave chieftain and the puppet emperor, saying that Geng Zhongming is secretly doing business under the decree, and no one should interfere, and even obey his orders.

From this imperial decree, Lu Xiangsheng understood that the news from the emperor was correct, Geng Zhongming had indeed followed the order of the slave chief Huang Taiji to feign surrender.However, since this is the case, why was Geng Zhongming killed in the end?

To be honest, after Lu Xiangsheng read the imperial decree, he was confused even more. What's going on?

Thinking of this, he went to look at the two letters again, and found that one was for himself, and it said Lu Qinqi, Governor of Baoding, Ming Dynasty.The other one was for Chen Shaozong, but Chen Shaozong probably didn't read the seal.

When thinking of this, Lu Xiangsheng remembered that this Chen Shaozong was illiterate.

At this time, he didn't care about Chen Shaozong anymore, he checked the seal first, and then opened the letter Geng Zhongming gave him, and immediately read it quickly.

After seeing this, Lu Xiangsheng finally understood what was going on, and couldn't help feeling very emotional in his heart.

In this letter, Geng Zhongming explained what happened.He said that at the beginning he did this under the secret order of Huang Taiji, but later, he witnessed the firepower of the New Dongjiang Army, the governor loves soldiers like sons, the emperor is a blockbuster, and the Ming people and warriors will have a good life from now on However, Jianlu was bound to be wiped out by Daming, so he decided to make a fake show and return to Daming.

The letter also said that in fact, he and Kong Youde had regrets about the past, but he was a king with a different surname on Jianlu's side, so he was greedy for the title and remained silent. In addition, his son had completely enslaved Jianlu. Also worried.This time, he decided to persuade his son to abandon the dark and turn to the bright.If the son refused to agree, he was tied up.If the governor can see this letter, it means that something unexpected happened. He Geng Zhongming is very sorry, but he can't make meritorious service for Daming, and he has failed the expectations of the governor and the emperor!
This can be said to have guessed the beginning, but not the ending.I didn't expect the intermediate process to be so complicated!

When sighing with Geng Zhongming, he also had other emotions.

In this letter, Geng Zhongming did not hide anything. It was because of the strength of Daming that these people who had defected to Ming had the intention of returning to Daming.That is to say, no matter what the outside world is like, as long as Daming itself is strong, he will have enough deterrent power to coerce all directions!

But now, all of this is the result of the emperor's sudden success even if he didn't complain.Geng Zhongming praised Lu Xiangsheng in his letter, but he disagreed.Without the wise and mighty emperor, how would Lu Xiangsheng's achievements be possible?
It is the emperor's credit to bring these old generals back to Ming Dynasty!

Feeling these things, Lu Xiangsheng put down the letter in his hand, picked up another letter, and said to Chen Shaozong who had already stood up: "This letter is for you, I will read it to you?"

"Thank you, my lord!" Chen Shaozong replied quickly after hearing this, "The general is illiterate, so I can't read the letter myself!"

Therefore, Lu Xiangsheng opened the letter and read it to Chen Shaozong.

In this letter, Geng Zhongming first expressed his apology, saying that in the beginning, he actually used Chen Shaozong to do this without telling Huang Taiji's will.

Afterwards, he roughly explained that he finally decided to make a fake show, and he really wanted to defect to Daming.If you see this letter, something must have happened.If possible, help him take care of Geng Jimao, even if you imprison him, just don't let him accompany Jianlu to fight against Daming.

At the end, he mentioned some past events when he was still in the Dongjiang Army, about the two of them, and said that he missed Yun Yun very much.

Listening to the contents of this letter, even though Chen Shaozong is a gentleman in Liaodong, tears could not stop pouring out.He knelt down again, and said angrily: "My lord, Vice General Geng must have died on his unfilial son. At that time, that Geng Jimao came to find the general..."

He then recounted the situation that day, and when he heard Geng Zhongming yelling "Kill the prisoner and avenge him", he was even more indignant when he heard Geng Zhongming yelling "Kill the prisoner and avenge him" and temporarily dragged Jianlu to his back. , and even spoke rudely to Vice General Geng, gnashing his teeth even more when he didn't have a bit of his duty as a son.

After speaking, he looked up at Lu Xiangsheng, and demanded tearfully, "Jianlu is hiding in Geng's mansion, it must be Geng Jimao who lured wolves into his house; also, Deputy General Geng has always been cautious, so Marshal Mao was able to hand over the account books to Geng." The lieutenant general is in charge. If it wasn't for his unfilial son, lieutenant general Geng would definitely have no problems. This Geng Jimao, when he heard the news of the death of lieutenant Geng, he even scolded him for being old and stubborn, and death is not a pity. Your Excellency, this kind of beast should be thundered Chop, I implore the Governor General to uphold justice for Deputy General Geng and kill this bastard!"

For the Chinese, filial piety has been emphasized for thousands of years.During the feudal dynasty, it was even more important to rule the world with filial piety.There are not many people who can overwhelm the emperor, and filial piety is one of them.

According to Chen Shaozong's description, Geng Jimao violated a taboo among Chinese people. It can be said that there will definitely be no one who will not be angry about this.And Lu Xiangsheng is a disciple of Confucianism, so he values ​​these things even more.Therefore, when he heard this, he was of course very angry and said immediately: "If Vice General Geng knew about these things before writing this letter, I believe that he will never let you take care of this beast again!"

Speaking of this, he suddenly felt moved, and said to Chen Shaozong: "I promise you, I will send troops to attack Phoenix Castle and avenge Vice General Geng!"

After saying this, Lu Xiangsheng stared into Chen Shaozong's eyes, wanting to see his reaction?
If Chen Shaozong responded immediately, Lu Xiangsheng would suspect that all of this might be a trap set up by Jianlu, and the purpose was to lure the Dongjiang army into their trap.

But obviously, he was overthinking.Upon hearing this, Chen Shaozong immediately shook his head and said, "No, no, my lord governor, please don't go. Jianlu already knew that they must have ambushed heavy soldiers. They released the last general just to let the last general go. He will lead the Dongjiang army ashore. Your Excellency Governor, you must not go there!"

When he saw him talking, he even looked a little anxious, as if he was afraid that he would insist on going, Lu Xiangsheng couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, as long as he wasn't the kind of treacherous and evil person!
However, he still had some doubts in his heart, so he immediately asked Chen Shaozong: "I am very happy that you are devoted to the Ming Dynasty. But Jianlu is not a fool. Why did they believe you and let you go?"

(End of this chapter)

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