Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 437 A Memorable Chapter

Chapter 437 A Memorable Word
In the Forbidden City of the capital, Emperor Chongzhen held a memorial that had just been delivered in his hand. It was urgently delivered by the governor of Baoding, Lu Xiangsheng, by a fast boat.

This memorial is about Geng Zhongming taking the initiative to contact, expressing his heart of abandoning darkness and turning to light.

Of course, Lu Xiangsheng would not tell Chen Shaozong everything in the memorial, so he bullied him into not knowing how to read and only read out what he wanted him to know.What Chen Shaozong didn't know was that he reported another situation, that is, he learned from the news heard by Ye Bushou that Geng Zhongming was disgusted by Huang Taiji and found trouble to deprive him of the title of pseudo-king.

Lu Xiangsheng analyzed in the memorial that it was probably this matter that made Geng Zhongming make such a decision.In the past, Liu Xingzuo had abandoned the dark side and turned to the bright side, and Daming accepted it.With such examples, it is not surprising that Geng Zhongming would do this.

He suggested that, like Geng Zhongming, the imperial court could pardon them to attack Jianlu's strength, shake more Jianlu generals who surrendered, and also make Jianlu suspect each other, which would help Ming to restore Liaodong early.

At the end of the memorial, Lu Xiangsheng also elaborated on the causes and consequences of the Denglai mutiny.Although it was not stated explicitly, it somewhat meant that at least at the local level, the oppression of Liao generals such as Geng Zhongming and others was excessive.They were desperate and confused for a moment, so they made the wrong choice.

After reading this memorial, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly remembered a passage that later generations saw on the Internet:

If you think your motherland is not good, you can build it; if you think the government is not good, you can go to the civil service examination to become an official; If you think your compatriots are ignorant, start learning from you and change the people around you!

She has shortcomings, and we should correct them together instead of just criticizing, complaining, and running away.Thousand pointing fingers, head bowed as a willing ox.

Where you stand is your China; what you are, China will be like; what you are, China will be; if you are bright, China will not be dark!
He had always believed in this passage and was deeply impressed by it.

In the case of Geng Zhongming, it can also be said that the Ming Dynasty was not good. Is that the reason why you surrendered to the Qing Dynasty and brought firearms technology to the Qing Dynasty?It can be seen that after the Manchu Qing Dynasty became more powerful, it brought many heavy sufferings to its mother country!

In other words, the times are different. Today is still the period of the feudal dynasty, and one family has one family name. In this era, there is no concept of a nation.However, sometimes, the truth is interoperable.The word "forgetting one's ancestors" has been around for a long time.

I was lost for a while, recalling some things from later generations.After a long while, he came back to his senses, pondered for a moment, and then began to write a reply.

It roughly means that there is no limit to the sea of ​​suffering, so long as Geng Zhongming truly abandons darkness and turns to light, and can make great contributions, not only can he be pardoned for his previous crimes, but he can also be rewarded according to the degree of contribution.

Although the communication channel of the carrier pigeon is almost the same; however, the memorial and related content of the reply cannot be sent by the carrier pigeon.Therefore, it is still necessary to speed up the ship and send it to Guanglu Island.

According to what Lu Xiangsheng said in the memorial, if the Phoenix Castle and Zhenjiang Fort were really captured by Daming, the importance of this geographical location would definitely attract Jianlu's frenzied counterattack.

Therefore, Emperor Chongzhen gave instructions in his reply that he did not recommend using the limited strength of the Dongjiang Army to defend the two castles.If it is surrounded and attacked by Jianlu's superior troops, it is very likely to fall.The goal of the Dongjiang Army has never been to have a head-on conflict with Jianlu.

If you can really win Phoenix Castle and Zhenjiang Fort, it is better to take away all the population and supplies, and leave the empty city to Jianlu.If Jianlu valued this place, he would have to divide his troops to defend it, which would weaken Jianlu's strength in other places; if he didn't value this place, it would be fine to take it back later.

People are in the city, people are not in the city, people are the most important!
After sending the reply to Lu Xiangsheng, Emperor Chongzhen began to browse the seed feedback in the eavesdropping system.

There was nothing else, but the feedback message from the Class A eavesdropping seeds on Xilin Jueluo caught his attention.

This Xilinjueluo seemed to have had a conflict with Geng Zhongming's son over the slave girl at the inn. When he was humiliating Geng Zhongming's son, he had the following dialogue.

"Who are you? You dare to come and snatch women from me. It was okay in the past, but now, your fucking father has been deprived of his royal title. Who do you think you are!"

"Fart, that's a lie! As long as my father completes his errands, he will be the hereditary king from now on, and I will be the prince too!"

"You fucking lied to me. You didn't take a piss to take care of yourself. You still have a hereditary replacement. What can you do to be a hereditary replacement?"


From the subsequent words, Emperor Chongzhen probably inferred that Geng Zhongming's son seemed to know that he had spilled the beans, so he hesitated and was eventually severely humiliated by Xilin Jueluo.

If this conversation had been done before, he wouldn't have paid attention to it.However, he had just read the memorial sent by Lu Xiangsheng, and he happened to know that there was a high probability that Geng Zhongming wanted to return to Daming after the prince was taken away.With such a connection, you can smell the conspiracy without using your nose!
Huang Taiji defeated the Dongjiang Army and used such a sinister strategy!bad enough!
If it weren't for Geng Zhongming's son who is so muddy that he can't support the wall, maybe he doesn't know about it, and Lu Xiangsheng will probably believe it, maybe something will happen!

You grandma, Huang Taiji, are so shady!Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help cursing in his heart, and then began to think, since Huang Taiji planned to plot the Dongjiang Army, how should he take advantage of this matter and get a huge benefit?
With this in mind, Emperor Chongzhen even specially found a map of Liaodong, and started to think about it based on a series of things he had recently received about Liaodong.

How about taking this opportunity to eat this place?Emperor Chongzhen lined up the place on the map with his hand and said to himself.

Lan Tianbao next to him was a little curious, rolled his eyes, and glanced subconsciously, and recognized the place that the emperor had photographed, it was called Jinzhou.

That's right, Emperor Chongzhen just wanted to capture Jinzhou. In this way, Lushun would be safer.It can then be expanded to become the real bridgehead of Ming Dynasty in Liaodong.By the way, isn't the old slave chief Daishan sitting in Jinzhou? If you kill him, you will get rid of another one.

Or, Emperor Chongzhen stretched out his hand again and tapped another place on the map with his finger.

When Lan Tianbao heard it, he subconsciously looked at it again, and found that the place the emperor was pointing at was Gaizhou.

That's right, another alternative place that Emperor Chongzhen considered was Gaizhou on the coast.If the Ming Dynasty occupied Gaizhou, it would threaten Haizhou.Above Haizhou are Anshan Yibao and the important town of Liaoyang.

After thinking for a long time, Emperor Chongzhen did not make a decision immediately.He also wanted to wait for Huang Taiji to see what kind of move he would make, and then take corresponding measures here.

However, no matter what choice is made, the strength of the Dongjiang Army alone is not enough.Ning Jin's army was more than capable of defending the city, but was unable to attack.

From this point of view, it is still necessary to send out the three major battalions.

However, Emperor Chongzhen also had difficulties, that is, he could not send troops out on a large scale, because the accumulated food and grass were all used for disaster relief.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen made a calculation in his mind and made a decision.


On the Guanglu Island side, Lu Xiangsheng would not sit back and wait. Instead, he sent more troops to Liaodong to investigate Jianlu's activities.And he himself began to mobilize troops to prepare for the upcoming war.

On this day, he was busy. Suddenly, his bodyguard came to report that Chen Er wanted to see him and had a message.

When Lu Xiangsheng heard this, he was overjoyed immediately.Unexpectedly, carrier pigeons can be used.So, he immediately asked his personal guard to bring someone over.

"Your Excellency, the emperor's will!" Chen Er said as soon as he saw Lu Xiangsheng, and immediately offered a small scroll with both hands.

Lu Xiangsheng did not sit down, but immediately stepped forward and took the roll of paper himself. However, he did not rush to read it, but praised Chen Er and said: "I didn't expect that Fei Ge's letter could be used so quickly. You will be indispensable for future contributions." .”

When Chen Er heard this, he was filled with joy and quickly replied: "There are not enough carrier pigeons that carry messages over long distances now. Most of them are only used for short distances. Try your best!"

Lu Xiangsheng nodded, encouraged him a few more words, then returned to his seat, took out a thick book on the desk, unfolded the small roll of paper, and began to analyze the password.

That's right, the small rolls of paper are all numbers, or Arabic numerals, which are used for the words on the book.In this way, in case of any accident, if it is obtained by Jianlu, there is no way to know what is written in this roll of paper.

As for Arabic numerals, they are easy to understand and there is no difficulty.

Soon, Lu Xiangsheng translated the contents of this scroll.Knowing what the emperor meant, his expression suddenly became serious.Although he thought about whether Geng Zhongming's abandoning the dark and turning to the bright would be a fraud, in general, he thought it was true. For this reason, he also spoke good words for Geng Zhongming in the memorial.

Thanks to the emperor's spies from the Jinyiwei spying on the news, otherwise, Geng Zhongming did this in accordance with Huang Taiji's secret decree, and he might really be deceived.

Thinking of this, Lu Xiangsheng was very angry.But after all, he is not a simple general, and his brain is also one of the best.Thinking of the meaning of Emperor Chongzhen, and explaining that he had used all his tricks to create a fighter for Daming, his mood calmed down again.

After thinking for a long time, he sent an order to summon Zheng Zhilong, the commander-in-chief of the navy.

Speaking of which, in the war against Jianlu, even if Jianlu was powerful, it was rumored that Zheng Zhilong was the one with the least pressure.He is also the most leisurely, in the Dongjiang Army, he can be regarded as the kind who lays down and earns military merits.

Hearing Lu Xiangsheng's military order, he didn't dare to be negligent, and immediately came to ask for an audience.

This was a meeting alone, and there was no second person. Zheng Zhilong, who received the military order from Lu Xiangsheng, quickly received the military order and left Guanglu Island.

On the eighth day of September in the 15th year of Chongzhen, Chen Shaozong secretly arrived at Guanglu Island again and asked to see Lu Xiangsheng, the governor of Baoding in the Ming Dynasty. He presented a map of the Jianlu troops in Liaodong. However, it was also explained that the Jianlu troops had been rotating and reorganizing their armaments. Therefore, Geng Zhongming In the letter, it was stated that this was the most complete information he could find out, but in terms of its effectiveness, he couldn't guarantee it.

If not for Emperor Chongzhen's reminder, this military intelligence information must be consistent with at least what the Dongjiang Army had found out during the night.In this way, Lu Xiangsheng will probably put aside his doubts and choose to believe Geng Zhongming.

However, it is definitely different now.

However, Lu Xiangsheng remained calm and praised Geng Zhongming, and then said: "The reply from the capital has arrived. The emperor was overjoyed when he heard it. As long as Geng Zhongming has made great contributions, he will not be able to forgive his previous sins, but he can also be forgiven based on his merits." Get a reward. Bring this will to Geng Zhongming!"

After finishing speaking, he personally handed the imperial edict that had been sent by the Clippers into Chen Shaozong's hands.

Chen Shaozong was overjoyed when he heard this. He quickly knelt down and respectfully thanked the emperor for his great kindness, which gave them a chance to change their ways.

At this time, Lu Xiangsheng was also a little puzzled, he had been staring at Chen Shaozong, but he didn't find any flaws.

Chen Shaozong hid the imperial decree very carefully, and then asked Lu Xiangsheng for instructions: "My lord, I don't know what to do next. Vice General Geng said that the Jianlu side is mobilizing troops. He doesn't know when he may be transferred to Phoenix Castle." Or Zhenjiang Fort. If he is transferred away, all previous efforts will be wasted!"

When Lu Xiangsheng heard this, his attitude was calm, and he shook his head immediately and said: "This is a major military matter, which cannot be decided arbitrarily. You go back and tell Geng Zhongming to find a chance to come to Guanglu Island. I want to discuss the details of the war with him personally! "

Hearing this, Chen Shaozong was slightly disappointed, but he could understand it. After all, this was a very large military operation, and caution was not exaggerated.

Therefore, he immediately agreed, but still reminded: "My lord, as the commander of Phoenix Castle, if Vice General Geng does not show up for a long time, there may be problems. I don't know if Vice General Geng can come, so I can't guarantee !”

"As long as you have the heart, you can always find an opportunity and a reason." Lu Xiangsheng listened, and said lightly, "If you act carelessly and be known by Jianlu, I don't want to lose the brothers of the Dongjiang Army because of this, and I don't want him to be Geng Zhong. I understand that it takes a lot of effort and even hurts him!”

Having said it so clearly, Chen Shaozong didn't say anything more, bid farewell to Lu Xiangsheng, and immediately rushed back to Phoenix Castle.

But this time, he saw more Ming troops on Guanglu Island, all of which were troops mobilized by Lu Xiangsheng from various islands to prepare for the war.

After hurried back to Phoenix Castle, still in the study, with guards watching at the door and "foolproof", Chen Shaozong happily took out Emperor Chongzhen's imperial edict.

(End of this chapter)

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