Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 429 Just Want to Be Quiet

Chapter 429 Just Want to Be Quiet

There was a flurry of activity in the hall, and after a while, Huang Taiji finally woke up, but he didn't become lively like the previous few times, but rather weak.

He waved his fat hand, pushed away the person who was supporting him, and didn't let the imperial doctor who heard the sound come to see him. He just leaned on the dragon chair, pointed at Ying Erdai, and said sharply: "Please tell us all the details of the battle." Tell me everything clearly!"

In the Battle of Tashan, he knew that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty came suddenly and surrounded Tashan with five or six times the force. With the elite of the Ming army, Dorgon led the breakout. Thinking about it afterwards, it was actually the right choice.It's just that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty knew about the plan to break out of the encirclement in the middle of the night, and thus set up an ambush, which led to the annihilation of the entire army.

Huang Taiji had nothing to say about this battle after thinking about it. He could only say that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was too cunning, and this kind of thing had never happened before. It was indeed difficult to prevent such a sudden occurrence.

In the battle of Guihua City this time, the grassland stretched as far as the eye could see, and there was absolutely no possibility of a sudden attack by the Ming army.In this way, how could it be blocked by the Ming army in Guihua City and finally wiped out by the whole army?
To be honest, Huang Taiji was very curious.He believes that Jierhalang is definitely not an incompetent person, let alone a careless person!
So, Yingerdai took him to Guihua City, just in time to bump into Jierhalang's army who plundered the northwest of the Ming Kingdom, and returned with a big victory.

Xilin Jueluo, who had come back before, had already reported these things.But Huang Taiji still listened very carefully, and heard some details that Xilinjueluo didn't mention, so he frowned.

Yingerdai continued, saying that the emperor of the Ming Dynasty always maintained a posture of attacking, and even later, he went out of the border, completely attacking, but in fact it was Mingxiu plank road that secretly guarded Chencang and took the Chahar tribe The camps of the Urad and Urad tribes were all attacked, causing these Mongolian tribes to leave before the battle, which greatly reduced the strength of the Qing side...

When Huang Taiji heard this, his brows were tightly furrowed, his eyes became fierce, but he still didn't speak, and continued to listen to Ying Erdai's story.

"...When the cavalry troops from the Urad and Chahar tribes had just left, the Ming army suddenly dispatched. The hussar battalion under the Ming emperor's command was equipped with war horses, with three riders per person, traveling day and night, before our army scouted the horses and returned. , arrived at Guihua City, directly blocked the door, and then..."

Yingerdai continued to talk about the battle situation in Guihua City. Although he didn't hear the military orders issued by Jierhalang, he also saw the specific battle situation outside the city, so he could almost explain it clearly.

Of course, when he talked about things about him later, his statement was of course different from the facts: "So the slaves stole the horses of the Ming army and rushed to Guihua City. The control of the city gate can also use the cavalry to attack the camp of the Ming army and secure the victory in one fell swoop. But when the slaves arrived, our Qing army had already collapsed. And then another batch of reinforcements from the Ming Dynasty arrived, the slaves Seeing that the defeat has been decided, we had no choice but to rush back to Liaodong to report. In this way, under the massive search by the Ming army, the slaves almost couldn't make it back."

After Ying Erdai finished speaking, there was already sweat on his forehead, but he couldn't tell it as he lay on the ground.

After hearing what he had said, Huang Taiji suddenly sat up from the dragon chair, slapped the imperial case vigorously, and made a "snap" sound. At the same time, his face was a little ferocious, and he shouted sharply: "Why did the emperor of the Ming Dynasty predict the enemy first? He never Where did he get the news? This was the case in the battle of Tashan, and it is the case in the battle of Guihua City now! Where did he get the news from?"

He is indeed powerful, and he accurately grasped the most critical node as soon as he opened his mouth.

Whether it was the Ming army's focus on the food and grass problem of the Qing coalition forces, or the looting of the population and supplies escorted by Jierhalang back to Liaodong, or the sneak attack on the Mongolian camps of the Urad and Chahar tribes, and After the Allied forces left, they rushed suddenly, all of which were based on accurate information.

However, although Huang Taiji realized this, no one could answer his question.

Inside the Chongzheng Hall, it was very quiet, only the sound of Huang Taiji's breathing getting heavier and heavier could be heard, which made many people worry whether he would vomit blood again with anger.

Fan Wencheng, who had been silently shrunk to one side, finally decided to seize this opportunity and show himself well in order to restore his previous status in the emperor's heart after considering it in his mind: "Your Majesty, this slave may have an idea, you can try to find out Who should be in Ming Dynasty?"

Upon hearing this, Huang Taiji immediately stared at him, with a fierce look in his eyes, and shouted sharply: "Say!"

Others are also a little curious, what will Fan Wencheng do if he has no clue?
Fan Wencheng was stunned by Huang Taiji's stare, and quickly replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, the news about the Battle of Tashan has been leaked; now the battle for Guihua City has also been leaked. Therefore, this slave thought, if we can verify the battle of Tashan Those who survived the battle and participated in the battle of Guihua City in the end may be able to find this spy. Unless the Battle of Tashan and the Battle of Guihua City are different spies, this method must be effective."

If it is said that the Qing army is full of detailed works of the Ming Dynasty, Huang Taiji thinks it is impossible.Therefore, as soon as he thought about Fan Wencheng's statement, he felt that it was okay. Just as he was about to nod his head, Duoduo scolded Fan Wencheng angrily: "You Han dog, don't you just use this to get rid of your suspicions?" Waiting for a way to divert your majesty's attention? In my Qing army, only you Han dogs are the only ones who can be the secret work of the Ming country! If you can surrender to my Qing Dynasty, maybe the emperor of the Ming country will give you some benefits, and you will betray The Qing Dynasty has returned to the Ming Dynasty!"

In the past, including Huang Taiji, it was this way of thinking to investigate the traitor.No one will believe in the character of those who have forgotten their ancestors, including Jianlu.This is also true, Fan Wencheng was also obviously alienated by Huang Taiji, and even Kong Youde and Geng Zhongming were transferred to the hinterland of Liaodong, away from the Ming army, and instead of leading troops, they went to farm.

Not only them, but all those famous generals who surrendered to the Qing Dynasty were all more or less suspicious by Jianlu.It's just that Huang Taiji didn't want to affect the morale of the army, so he didn't make it clear.However, the distrust of the Han people brought about by this is slowly spreading from top to bottom.

Although Fan Wencheng was afraid of Duduo, he still had the courage to retort when faced with such accusations: "Prince Yu, please don't get me. I, Fan Wencheng, dare to swear by my ancestor Wen Zhenggong. I, Fan Wencheng, will be loyal to the Qing Dynasty." , there is absolutely no second intention!”

"Hahaha..." Duoduo couldn't help laughing when he heard this, pointing at Fan Wencheng who was about to say that he was a generation who had forgotten his ancestors, and he was too embarrassed to swear on his ancestors.

But at this moment, Huang Taiji's face was gloomy, and he opened his mouth and said: "Fan Qing is right, I will leave this matter to Qing, and I will verify it. Among the defenders of Tashan, who survived?" , and it is in the Naturalized Army. No matter who it is or what clan it is from, as long as you find it, report your name to me!"

Although Dorgon's entire army was wiped out in the Battle of Tashan, there are always some who slipped through the net, but it is still difficult to investigate this.

Upon hearing this, Fan Wencheng immediately bowed to receive the order and said: "Your servant complies with the order, and must submit the list to His Majesty as soon as possible!"

"Hmph!" Seeing that Huang Taiji had already issued an order, Duoduo shouted coldly, and did not challenge Huang Taiji's authority again.

Of course Huang Taiji knew about Duduo's bad temper, so he ignored him, but turned to Yingerdai who was lying on the ground and said: "You confirm that Jierhalang and Azig have both died for their country Is it?"

"The slave didn't see it." Ying Erdai replied quickly after hearing this, "According to the situation at the time, the slave thought that it was difficult for the two Highnesses to escape the pursuit of the Ming army."

After hearing this, Huang Taiji couldn't help but feel a special pain in his head.

In the last defeat at Tashan, more than 1 Qing soldiers had been lost; now in the battle of Guihua City, more than 1 Qing soldiers have been lost, and even the county king and prince have not been spared. Such a defeat , It was a very serious blow to the morale of the army and the people of the Qing Dynasty; this kind of defeat, even if you want to hide it, is impossible.

The successive defeats of the Qing Dynasty will definitely lead to the decline of Qing's prestige. What will the allies think?Huang Taiji knew with his toes that they would never obey Daqing's words in the future, and they would have concerns about their own will.

And in China, there will inevitably be more Han slaves fleeing.Even if there is no escape, they will definitely be ready to move, and will never obediently obey the arrangements of the Qing Dynasty.

Huang Taiji actually understood very well in his heart that as long as he could win a big battle with these problems, then all problems would not be problems.

But the crux of the problem is, how did the Qing Dynasty win a big battle?
Most of the terrain in Liaodong is separated from the Ming Dynasty by the sea. In this regard, the Qing Dynasty is helpless.On the land road, there are the natural dangers of Shanhaiguan, and there are strong cities such as Jinzhou and Ningyuan in front of it. The Qing Dynasty tried many times, but they all failed.

If you want to attack the Ming country and win a big battle, there is only one way, and that is to detour through the Mongolian grasslands, and choose the weak ones to break through the long border of the Ming country.

However, even if this is the only way, it is impossible now.

It doesn't mean that the Dongjiang Army is there. If the main force of the Qing Dynasty wants to detour through the Mongolian grasslands to send troops to the Ming Dynasty, the Dongjiang Army will definitely invade the hinterland of Liaodong.With the elite of the Dongjiang Army, if there are not enough troops left, the consequences will be disastrous.

Not to mention, the spies within the Qing Dynasty have not been found out. If the news of the detour to Mongolia is revealed to the Ming Dynasty, they will accidentally fall into the ambush arranged by the Ming Dynasty emperor, let alone plunder. , It may be a disaster for the Qing Dynasty.

At this time, Huang Taiji suddenly missed Fan Yongzheng and those Shanxi merchants very much!Compared with the present, when I think of the past, I didn't expect to miss it so much!
Huang Taiji didn't have a clue as to how to deal with the battle of Guihua City, so he ordered everyone involved to keep their mouths shut, and not to disclose it to the outside world without his permission.

After these people retreated, he began to have a headache about this problem.

The Battle of Guihua City must be announced, but he has to think carefully about how to announce it so that the impact of this matter can be minimized.

As night fell, Huang Taiji was still huddled in the Chongzheng Hall, and no one was seen. Even the concubines in the harem who heard that the emperor vomited blood came to visit, especially his favorite Hai Lanzhu, who also came to visit, but he refused: "Everyone Concubine Ai, don't worry, my body is fine, please leave now, I just want to be quiet, yes, I really just want to be quiet, there is nothing else, let's go!"

He said so, but none of the harem concubines believed it.It's Huang Taiji's behavior, it's too abnormal!Now, it has reached the point where even Hai Lanzhu is gone.

Also, he had vomited blood several times before, but today he vomited blood again. It must be that the government has encountered very difficult and annoying things.Whether it was worry about the fate of the Qing Dynasty or Huang Taiji's own health, his concubine waited outside and did not disperse.

In the Chongzheng Hall, Huang Taiji considered for a long time, but he still couldn't think of a way to deal with Ming.Finally, he sighed and said to himself: "It seems that the only thing we can do is to publicize the great victory over North Korea. Alas, now we can only bully and bully North Korea!"

Thinking like this, he seemed to have aged a lot and finally left the Chongzheng Hall.

When Hai Lanzhu saw it, she immediately went up to her and asked her body worriedly.

"Hehe, I'm fine, I'm fine!" Huang Taiji hid his worries in his heart, looked kindly and pleasant to Hai Lanzhu, and just nodded lightly to the others, then hugged Hai Lanzhu and left.

This situation made Huang Taiji's queen and other concubines look jealous.However, they looked at each other, hid this in their hearts, and dispersed.

What Huang Taiji didn't expect was that before he had time to announce the battle situation in Guihua City, there was a commotion on the streets of Shengjing. If he was angry, he immediately asked what was going on.

In fact, although he did not announce the defeat of Guihua City, after all, some people already knew about it.Although they did not dare to disobey Huang Taiji's will, after returning home, their expressions changed, which would naturally attract the attention of those close to them. This is often the result when they are questioned.

"Don't tell anyone that the emperor made a decree not to spread it to the outside world. On the other side of Guihua City, the Qing army was wiped out, even Jierhalang and Azig were wiped out."

"Ah, such a big thing happened, don't worry, I will never tell anyone else."

This kind of dialogue has been repeated several times, and people who say it are repeatedly urged, and people who listen to it are repeatedly reassured, but more and more people know it.And this number is increasing with the passage of time.

Although it's only been a few days, some people in Shengjing city already know about it.Then, when they went to the street, they accidentally made a noise, and immediately made a noise.

(End of this chapter)

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