Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 426 Rectifying Internal Affairs

Chapter 426 Rectifying Internal Affairs
Yes, according to the factory owner, this matter is not only a matter of whether the people are willing to take out loans, but also has the problem of being obstructed by others. It is no wonder that now all provincial branches are unable to make loans.

Since it is necessary to follow the rules, how should this matter be handled?They knew that the emperor would definitely ask them soon, but it seemed that they couldn't think of a way in such a short time.

Sure enough, Emperor Chongzhen asked them again, how to deal with this matter?

When they heard this, they became a little anxious. If the emperor could not get a solution, would he re-approve Wang Chengen's request and give the factory guard the right to run amok?

Emperor Chongzhen glanced at them, and saw that they were all thinking hard, and they seemed to be a little worried, so he knew that everything was going according to his estimate.

These officials, no matter what, dare not allow the factory guards to have the power to break the rules, otherwise, the factory guards themselves have the responsibility to supervise all officials, and if they can break the rules, the consequences for them who are being supervised will be terrible. Absolutely disastrous.

Of course, Emperor Chongzhen also understood that if he really wanted to do that, it meant that the imperial power was no longer enough to deter the world.In fact, neither the power of civil servants nor the power of factory guards can get out of control. Once this happens, it will be disastrous for the stability of Ming Dynasty.

In the early days of the Apocalypse Period, the civil officials had too much power; in the middle and late stages, in order to deal with the civil officials, the factory guards were given too much power, all of which caused turmoil in the government.

Emperor Chongzhen guessed that it was almost done, so he looked as if he had just thought of a solution, and said to the officials: "I think about it, maybe I can loan out the money from the bank and use it for the people, so that the people can benefit from it! "

Hearing this, many people breathed a sigh of relief. If there is a way, the emperor will definitely not let the factory guards mess around, that would be the best.

Therefore, Xue Guoguan, the chief assistant, first responded: "Your Majesty is wise and powerful, and must have a good idea. Please also make it clear that your Majesty will listen carefully!"

"Yes, listen to Your Majesty, you must be right!"


The other courtiers also followed suit, and flattered the emperor by the way.

After hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen said: "My idea is that since private loans are difficult, the royal or local government should provide loans like royal textile factories, open factories according to local conditions, and hire local people to create wealth. Let the people have another income while farming, so that they can get rich faster!"

Upon hearing this, Xue Guoguan and the others couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

If this matter was said at the beginning, the civil servants would definitely think that this is a matter of competing with the people, which is inappropriate, inappropriate!
However, Emperor Chongzhen had already asked them to think of a trick first, and they couldn't figure it out.The admiral of the East Factory said that someone was causing trouble and wanted to kill chickens and monkeys, but after all, others were doing things within the rules that affected private loans. If the factory guards did something like this, the rules would be messed up. Looking back, they can also punish the civil servants in this way, and revisit the horror of the Apocalypse Years, which is something they are absolutely unwilling to do.

After a while, Chief Assistant Xue Guoguan asked their doubts on behalf of the civil servants: "Your Majesty, if this is the case, then the bank can collect the collateral, what should I do if the money is not paid, what should I do if I start the factory and lose money... "

Upon hearing this, Emperor Chongzhen immediately said without hesitation: "Of course, we must follow the bank's loan rules. Even the royal and local government are no exception. The same is true. You must be cautious when opening a factory. No matter how large a factory is, you will have to pay attention to it." Be careful, these things can be discussed carefully!"

In fact, what he said is still the model of state-owned enterprises.Under the background of great concentration of power, state-owned enterprises are the best engine for Ming Dynasty's economy to take off.

Yes, state-owned enterprises also have shortcomings, but nothing can be perfect!As long as the state-owned enterprises can help Daming's economy take off at this stage, that's enough.

Since the private sector does not have loans for whatever reason, the state-owned enterprises will do the job, and it will be easy to open factories and hire ordinary people to do it.

At this time, farmers basically have nothing to do once they finish farming. This labor is purely wasted.If they still have a place where they can make money, I believe they will be willing to do it.As a result, the common people will become rich, and the goods of Ming Dynasty will also increase.Don't those Xiyi want Daming's products very much, no problem, just give as much as they want!

After Emperor Chongzhen explained a little bit and compared the two things, these officials of course chose the thing that had the least impact on them.This is the skill of doing things, and only by doing this can the courtiers support this matter.

After all, Emperor Chongzhen was not a god-man, he was so energetic that he could do everything by himself.In such a large territory as Ming Dynasty, countless things happened every day, and officials had to assist him to handle things well.As for the officials who work below, whether they are attentive and responsible, these are the keys to whether a thing can be done well.

Emperor Chongzhen knew this very well, and because of this, although he had already thought of a solution, he still had to discuss it with these courtiers to make them think it was a good idea, so that things could be arranged smoothly.

For the specific details, Emperor Chongzhen discussed with them for a long time, and finally came up with a framework.In this matter, we will start with the southern provinces and set an example.

If the local government does this, they will start with tea, silk, raw silk, ceramics, etc., using the tax money retained in the local area as collateral to establish local state-owned enterprises; The gold flowers and silver collected are used as collateral for loans to engage in tea, silk, raw silk, ceramics and other businesses.

In this way, if the local government does not operate seriously and loses money, and does not pay the bank, the tax money retained in the local area will be gone, which will inevitably affect the local government itself, so they cannot help being careless.The same is true for the royal family. Gold flowers and silver are a major source of income for the palace, and once they are gone, it will be a loss.

Of course, just doing this is not enough.This kind of state-owned enterprise was only a royal textile factory dominated by the queen in the Ming Dynasty.At least locally, there is no similar experience. If state-owned enterprises in various places use their power to bully workers and viciously compete with their peers for profit, that is unbelievable.

Since it is a state-owned enterprise, the leaders of this state-owned enterprise can be managed by officials sent by the government, and at the same time be supervised by the local metropolitan procuratorate and factory guards.

This matter was finally decided under the leadership of Emperor Chongzhen.

Because of the martyr's shrine, Emperor Chongzhen first paid attention to economic matters.At this time, once the result was obtained, he immediately paid attention to the disaster prevention and relief situation in various provinces.At least in his impression, the natural disasters during the Little Ice Age in the late Ming Dynasty lasted until the Kangxi period of the Qing Dynasty, and then slowly ended.

Sure enough, just looking at it, he found that there was a new memorial, news about the severe drought and locust disaster in the south of the Yangtze River.

Because of Emperor Chongzhen's attention, local officials immediately reported the situation as soon as they found signs of a severe drought.Over in Nanjing, Sun Chuanting, Lu Jiude and others in charge immediately discussed and started disaster prevention and relief according to the strategy set by Emperor Chongzhen.

First, concentrate the people's power and dispatch guard troops to fight the drought; second, control food and distribute it according to rations; third, immediately mobilize food and other materials from other places to support disaster-stricken areas such as Suzhou Prefecture.At this time, Emperor Chongzhen saw for the first time that among the relief supplies, there were a large number of sweet potatoes shipped from Zhejiang and Fujian.

Sweet potatoes, on Daming's side, were first planted in Fujian and produced a large amount of them.The governor of Fujian at that time was overjoyed and immediately promoted it with all his strength, but due to various factors, it failed in the end.

In the past few years, Emperor Chongzhen, who came from across the country, has personally stepped forward to promote it, especially using the output of cash crops such as sweet potatoes as one of the indicators for local officials to evaluate political performance, which greatly reduces the difficulty of promotion.Naturally, provinces such as Fujian and Zhejiang, which have already started to grow sweet potatoes, produce much more than other provinces, of course.

Seeing that sweet potatoes began to appear in the list of relief supplies, Emperor Chongzhen finally smiled, and the years of hard work were not in vain.Materials such as sweet potatoes will be popularized earlier than in the original history, and they will be well known to the people, saving more lives of the people and helping them survive the famine.

The famine this time was recorded in the original history. In the spring of 15 years, there was a severe drought in Taicang Prefecture. There were 110 coins for a bucket of rice.Yihui Temple and Longfu Temple gathered more than a thousand hungry people, who died every day without stalks, and taxes and food were urgent.The winter rice was four taels per stone, starved to death, and corpses rolled in the river.Hundreds of children abandoned at the city gates and alleys formed a group, or were lured away by someone, or those who were regarded as dead were abandoned in clusters, gathered and burned, or dug and buried.For those who survived, the elm bark was peeled to make cakes, and the chaff to make porridge. Looking at the village, the bark was peeled off, which was a famine that had not been experienced in decades.

When there is severe drought, there will often be plagues of locusts,

It is also recorded in history that there was a severe drought in the capital of Huzhou, and locusts covered the sky. Wherever they gathered, the seedlings and reeds stood up. Guanyin powder.The place on the left side of Hanshan Mountain is called Liangcun, where hundreds of gangsters gathered to rebel, luckily they were wiped out in a few days. However, the plague followed, but instead of exempting them from money and food, the government imposed severe punishments on them.However, the price of rice in Wu County, Suzhou Prefecture is as high as three taels of silver per stone, and two taels of silver per stone.The people are struggling to eat, wandering and fleeing, the old and childish abandon the roadside, the urban and rural houses are dumped in mid-empty, and the dead bodies are lying on the pillow.

Such a tragedy in the world, on this plane, under the national policy of disaster prevention and disaster prevention vigorously by Emperor Chongzhen, the local government worked together and acted as soon as there were signs.When the disaster broke out, the people had relief food to survive, and it did not cause large-scale starvation and other vicious incidents. This made the people who had experienced previous disasters feel even more grateful to the government, the imperial court, and Emperor Chongzhen.

It can be said that every time a natural disaster is defeated, the prestige of the government, the imperial court and Emperor Chongzhen among the people is even higher.It is becoming more and more difficult for those local officials and gentry to influence the people, control the people, and do things that are not conducive to the court as before.

From the experience of this disaster, we can also know that natural disasters are not terrible, as long as the government and the people work together to tide over the disaster, man will definitely win the day!In the late Ming Dynasty, the reason why natural disasters became unmanageable was because the government was no longer capable of disaster relief.

Emperor Chongzhen was very satisfied with the rescue and treatment of the disaster in the Suzhou area, so he issued an order to commend the relevant people.Sun Chuanting, Lu Jiude and others were also promoted.Among them, Sun Chuanting was named a Bachelor of Dongge University, that is, he became a cabinet minister, but he continued to serve as his official post in Nanjing.And Lu Jiude, who was also appointed as the eunuch of Bingbi, the supervisor of ceremonies, also continued to perform his duties as the eunuch of Nanjing.

For Zhang Pu who was still on business in the south of the Yangtze River, Emperor Chongzhen also replied to his memorial, commending his courage to correct his mistakes and daring to break his oath, and made it public in the residence newspaper, calling on officials from all over the world to learn from Zhang Pu , have the courage to admit your mistakes, be a famous official who is honest and honest, and live forever!
At the same time, he also personally wrote an article, which was used to criticize the bad manners of dealing with people in the officialdom.And ordered the Metropolitan Procuratorate to evaluate the exchanges between officials, come up with specific regulations, and put an end to hotbeds of corruption.

These things have little to do with the common people of Ming Dynasty.However, it caused a great shock to the officialdom of Ming Dynasty.

In particular, the Metropolitan Procuratorate gave specific measures, which were reported to Emperor Chongzhen for approval and promulgated to the world. For example, officials are not allowed to treat guests to dinner, not to visit brothels, invite prostitutes to accompany drinks, and not to collect any money worth more than ten taels of silver under any excuse. something and so on.All these things have a great impact on the daily life of officials. As a result, the business of brothels and restaurants, places where people eat, drink and have fun, has plummeted.

If this matter was in the past, even if it could be promulgated throughout the country, it would probably be nothing more than a dead letter.

However, the prestige of Emperor Chongzhen is not the same as before.

The increase in prestige brought about by Lien Chan and Lian Jie, the increase in prestige brought about by disaster relief and prevention, the ability to observe and judge people's hearts, and even the ability to infer some myths have greatly deterred the officialdom.Moreover, the ferocity and strength he has shown since he personally took charge of the army made the officials of the Ming Dynasty dare not do such things as obsequious.

The matter of Zhang Pu triggered the rectification of the officialdom of the Ming Dynasty, which was in full swing; at the same time, Emperor Chongzhen's rectification of the factory guards was also carried out again.On the one hand, Wang Chengen, the admiral of the East Factory, and Li Ruolian, the commander of Jinyiwei, were ordered to conduct self-examination of their subordinates. Those who made meritorious deeds were promoted, and those who had done so were punished and allowed to report.Among them, Jiang Dong, who was next to Zhang Pu, also became famous following the Zhang Pu incident.Emperor Chongzhen specially promoted him to be in charge of the East Factory, and he was with him to be responsible for the internal supervision of the East Factory.

(End of this chapter)

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