Chongzhen Wiretapping System

Chapter 423 Rui Xue's Prosperous Year

Chapter 423 Rui Xue's Prosperous Year

So there are all sorts of suggestions.

Some people shouted to the leader with red eyes: "Patriarch, blood debt is paid in blood, we will go to the gate and avenge our clan!"

"Are you crazy? You think you can't die fast enough!" Someone immediately retorted, "The Ming Kingdom is no longer the Ming Kingdom it used to be. Don't you have any idea why all your people are dying?"

"That's right, patriarch, don't provoke the Ming country anymore. Look, they are all chasing after the clan to take revenge. Will they suffer revenge from the Ming country again in the future?" More people also echoed, They were afraid and did not dare to take revenge on Daming.

This kind of thinking is actually natural, because the grassland people believe in the law of the jungle, and the strong are king!The tribes on the grassland also annexed and exterminated each other, but they would kill adult men and leave women and children behind to become members of their own tribe.

Soon, this topic was thrown away by them: "Patriarch, quickly find a way, otherwise, even we will starve to death!"

"That's right, Patriarch, judging by the weather, it seems that it will snow soon. If we don't think about it, we will die!" Others followed suit and reminded.

Facing the desperate situation, different tribes finally made different choices.

Some tribes decided to return to Huacheng, but they still wanted to protect Jianlu’s thighs so that they could get through this winter at least; To attack and rob other tribes of cattle, sheep and food.In the past, they might have had some scruples, either because other tribes were powerful, or because they were afraid of reprisals, but at this time, they didn't care anymore.

In such a situation, the situation on the grassland that was temporarily relatively peaceful due to the submission of various ministries to the Qing Dynasty no longer existed. The turmoil on the grassland began at the end of the 14th year of Chongzhen.

When several cavalry troops of the Chahar tribe and the Urad tribe hurried back to Huacheng with hope, heavy snow had already begun to fall.But they didn't see their living masters, only two tombs and the thousands of neatly lined corpses of their masters.

This scene shocked them again.Unexpectedly, in just a few days, the Qing army suffered a disastrous defeat. Counting the dead bodies, it turned out that the entire army was almost wiped out.

"Blood debt must be paid with blood, this is my promise!" These ten words were engraved on the tombstone before the Ming army left. They were painted in red, which was particularly eye-catching and dazzling. It was a chance that these words would still exist. The Mongolian tribe hugging Jianlu's thigh felt chills in their hearts.

Even the mighty Qing army ended up like this. There is no doubt about the strength of the Ming country. There is also an emperor who will take revenge. Whoever wants to provoke the Ming country again will really be impatient!
Thinking of this, these Mongolian tribal troops took away some corpses as their rations, and then joined in the looting of surrounding Mongolian tribes.


Zheng Chongjian, the governor of the three sides, was unaware of the situation on the grassland. He had been worried since the emperor led the army out of the customs.

In the vast grassland, what will happen to the emperor's battle?
The Central Plains Dynasty attacked the enemies on the grassland. Even at the time when it was the most powerful, Chengzu Wuzheng on the grassland only defeated the Mongol Tartars.The emperor's expedition this time is at most the same as Chengzu's, right?After all, the grassland is the territory of the Tartars and their world.

The combined forces of Jianlu and Mongolian Tartars amounted to more than 2 elite cavalry.And the emperor's troops, plus all the cavalry troops in the border towns, totaled about [-], and the strength of the cavalry troops was about the same as that of the enemy.As for the battalion and infantry, when they arrived on the grassland, they could only be used for defense and could not attack at all.

Thinking of this, Zheng Chongjian was looking forward to the emperor's triumphant return soon. He believed that with the emperor's brilliance and martial arts, nothing would happen.

He waited and waited, the more he waited, the more worried he became, and he broke his fingers with his hands every day, why hasn't the emperor triumphed yet?
The capital also sent a messenger to ask the emperor if he could return to the capital for the New Year this year?But the emperor is still attacking the enemy on the grassland, it is obviously impossible to rush back to the capital for the New Year!
On this day, Zheng Chongjian was dealing with military affairs in the mansion, when suddenly, he heard a guard shouting outside: "It's snowing!"

Hearing this, he was shocked immediately, is it snowing?What about the emperor?
Thinking of this, he immediately rushed out to check the situation.

Sure enough, in the gloomy sky, there were already snowflakes, but fortunately, they were not big and sparse.However, Zheng Chongjian's mood did not improve. Based on his experience, he could see that this was just the beginning, and the snow might get heavier and heavier later on.

Over the years either there has been no snow all winter, and if there has been snow, it has been great.It is difficult for people and horses to travel, and even many houses will be crushed by the heavy snow.

"Hasn't the emperor triumphant yet?" Zheng Chongjian was worried, and immediately shouted at the guards.

"My lord, there is no news!" His personal guard also looked worried when he replied.

The emperor's expedition to the grassland this time can almost be said to have taken away all the cavalry troops in the border town. If something happened, a beacon would be ignited at the border of Daming. Without the cavalry, they could only stick to it and be beaten.What's more, if even the emperor had an accident, there would be big problems on Daming's side.

Although they all had confidence in the emperor, it was unexpected that it snowed suddenly.The emperor is wise and mighty, but he can't match the power of God!

If they fail to return to the pass in time and are trapped on the grassland by heavy snow, it will be a problem just to eat.

Zheng Chongjian became even more worried when he thought about this.Because he knew that when Emperor Chongzhen left the customs, he did not take much food and supplies with him.Although the emperor sent the border town cavalry to sweep up the camps of the Urad and Chahar tribes, they could capture some cattle, horses and sheep to replenish, and the emperor also had this idea.However, he also has no idea how much supplies he can bring to the army.

Zheng Chongjian was worried, and wanted to send people to the grassland to check, but he had nothing to send, and the soldiers who were familiar with the grassland were all taken away by the emperor.If you send people who are not familiar with you to the grassland, if there are fewer people going, you might get lost and never come back.

As a result, Zheng Chongjian became even more worried.

At the beginning, he was not worried that the emperor would lose the battle, but suddenly it snowed in the sky, which must have had a great impact on the battle situation. No matter how wise and powerful the emperor is, it must not be counted as such, right?
I just hope that the emperor is still the same emperor, and if the situation is not good, he will quickly withdraw.Enemies on the prairie will be attacked next year.Besides, didn't the emperor use a trick to make the enemies on the grassland nervous?This heavy snowfall will further exacerbate the enemy's food shortage. When we go to conquer next year, many of the enemies may have starved to death, and the difficulty of the expedition will be reduced a lot.

Just like that, Zheng Chongjian thought and hoped, and every day passed, he became more and more worried.It wasn't just him, the soldiers of the Ming army who stayed behind in the important town of Yulin were all worried as they watched the snowflakes fall.Especially when I saw that the snow was getting thicker and the backs of my shoes were gone, I was even more worried.

What if the emperor is trapped on the grassland?What should I do if the relatives and friends who accompanied me on the expedition are gone?Although they are just small soldiers, they also have too many worries!
On this day, according to the usual practice, Zheng Chongjian immediately put on his clothes to look at the thickness of the snow after getting up, and then went to the top of the city worriedly.

But when he was about to reach the top of the city, suddenly, he heard a Ming army soldier shouting from the top of the city: "Look, it seems to be back, the emperor seems to be back..."

Afterwards, more guards at the top of the city also shouted: "The emperor is back, and he saw the army. The red one must be the army back!"


Hearing these shouts, Zheng Chongjian was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed, and quickly stepped up to the top of the city.Unexpectedly, under the excitement, his feet slipped, and thanks to the support of the guards around him, otherwise he would definitely fall down, which would be too damaging to the official prestige.

But at this time, he didn't care about these things, he didn't remember the lesson, he still walked fast, rushing to the top of the city, he had to see it with his own eyes to be at ease.

Soon, Zheng Chongjian went to the top of the city, and when he saw the guards on the top of the city, they were all cheering, and the excitement and joy on his face was immediately transmitted to him. Then, he quickly raised his head and looked in the direction of the grassland.

In the distance, there is indeed a long red dragon coming straight from the depths of the grassland to the important town of Yulin.Looking at the long line and the unhurried marching speed, Zheng Chongjian felt relieved: It looks like it's all right, it's good to be back, it's good to be back!This snow is really not the right time, and it will be the same when we go to crusade next year.

When the good news spread to the city, all officials, big and small, flocked to the top of the city to watch. When they got closer, Zheng Chongjian led the officials and soldiers in the city, and opened the gate to welcome them out of the city.

Before leaving the city, he sternly reminded: "This battle was affected by heavy snow. It is a blessing to come back safely. We must not mention the situation of the battle, lest the emperor be unhappy. The Chinese New Year is coming soon. The most important thing is that everyone Let’s have fun together!”

Calculating from the time, he felt that the war must not end so quickly. He probably saw heavy snowfall on the road, and the emperor turned around.

Of course, the people below would not dare to violate Zheng Chongjian's words. In fact, anyone who has no discernment will definitely not get into trouble with the emperor!

The army was getting closer and closer, and the emperor did not send a messenger to inform in advance, so he just marched back normally.

When they got close, they saw Yujia at the front of the team. When they saw the figure of the emperor, they all let go of their last trace of worry, the emperor is fine!
Until this time, from the front of the team, there was a captain of the Imperial Guards, riding a horse and speeding up, he came to Zheng Chongjian and the others, and announced loudly: "In the battle of Guihua City, the enemy's entire army was wiped out, and the slave chief and puppet Prince Zheng Aixinjue was captured alive. Luojier Harang, captured alive the slave chief and the puppet Chingdoluo Wuwei County King Aisin Gioro Azige..."

Zheng Chongjian and the others were all stunned by his shouting.The emperor is really triumphant?And it really has to be done, to wipe out Jianlu?Even the slave chiefs couldn't escape?

Annihilating the enemy on the grassland is even more powerful than Cheng Zu!

That is to say, after this battle, there will be peace for a very long time at the border between Qin and Jin!
It's really hard to imagine, but the facts are all there. After listening to the briefing on the battle situation, seeing the emperor approaching, Zheng Chongjian and the team behind him all bowed in the snow to meet him. Can't hide it.

Zheng Chongjian's first sentence was to play: "I really don't worry about it for nothing. Your Majesty's martial arts, the ancient Sun Wu, is not as good as your Majesty's eventuality!"

He didn't dare to say that the emperor was more powerful than Cheng Zu, although in fact he thought so, so he had no choice but to use Sun Wu as the background board.

Emperor Chongzhen let them die with a smile, and then said to him: "I promised the people in Jin before that they would not suffer from military disasters, and I did it; I also avenged the people in the Northwest. Next, everyone Have a great year together!"

After finishing speaking, he looked up at everything in white, and laughed again: "Auspicious snow heralds a good year, I hope there will be fewer natural disasters next year! Enter the customs!"

It was the end of the new year soon, and of course Emperor Chongzhen couldn't rush back to the capital. For the first time in his life, he spent the New Year outside.

The great victory of the emperor's personal conquest of the grassland, after the army returned to the important town of Yulin, the news of the victory spread in all directions.All the people, officials, and soldiers who heard about it were extremely surprised.

Then, the emperor issued several imperial edicts.

Exemption of taxes for five years in the northwestern area of ​​the Ming Dynasty that suffered from military disasters, and the head of Jierhalang was also passed on there. At the same time, it was notified that the bones of the people who were plundered by the Jian captives outside the customs had been collected, and thousands of Jian captives were sacrificed in blood.

The second imperial decree is that there are still a lot of beef and mutton brought from the grassland. Emperor Chongzhen distributed beef and mutton to the people here in Yan'an Mansion, so that they can have a meal of meat during the New Year.

Here in Yan'an Mansion, although some people received the New Year's meat distributed by the emperor after the New Year's Eve, they were also very excited. This is something that has never happened before!

It can be said that after Emperor Chongzhen won this victory, wiped out all the Jianlu in Guihua City, and severely punished the Urad and Chahar tribes, it can be said that outside the Qin and Jin Dynasties, there will be no Ming Dynasty. The enemy, the people in these two places can really live and work in peace and contentment, and now they still have the meat rewarded by the emperor to eat.

The good news one after another made the people in Qin and Jin Dynasties live this new year much happier than any previous year!
Seeing all this, Emperor Chongzhen felt relieved, feeling that his efforts were not in vain.

As soon as the year is over, rewards will be given for meritorious deeds, and Emperor Chongzhen has fulfilled his promise.According to the level of military merit, border officers and soldiers were selected to enter the Beijing camp.In addition, Emperor Chongzhen also told Zheng Chongjian to look at the fertile land of Hetao to see if any Mongolian tribes would come to occupy it, and the news should be reported in time.

The reason why this place was not brought under the jurisdiction of Ming Dynasty was that the troops were not strong enough to ensure safety, and the second was that it was used as a bait to continue to lure the Mongolian tribes to come here.

(End of this chapter)

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