Chapter 42

This is not how smart he is, but that he meets the two conditions of money, food and military power. In fact, there is only one in the world, that is, the Yumajian.

Since Cao Huachun said that he didn't want to beat the snake to death, he used a two-pronged approach, which happened to be related to the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and violated two taboos of the emperor. It would be strange if he couldn't be beaten to death with a stick!

In this way, the Dongchang internally set the goal, and at the same time as taking out the money, there was also the motivation to bite people.The more you take out, the more motivated you are to bite.Especially when Cao Huachun emphasized that nights are long and dreams are full of dreams, most people in Dongchang began to make every effort to take revenge.

At the same time, Emperor Chongzhen, who was not in Dongchang, was also enjoying the text live broadcast.Although he couldn't see the scene, he was able to roughly guess what was going on in the East Factory through reading between the lines, and he was very satisfied with this.

It seems that cutting off people's money is like killing their parents is true.Today's Dongchang is like a bloody chicken. If you bite someone, there will be no perfunctory situation.Very good, very good!
Appreciating the result, after a while, Emperor Chongzhen suddenly sighed.If the strength is strong enough, such as Taizu Chengzu, then he would use this kind of curve to save the country and use tricks to do this, and he would have passed all the way with the power of the emperor.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen combined the memories of the two generations to reorganize the imperial horse prison that he was going to deal with next.

During the Hongwu period, the Imperial Horse Supervisor existed, which can be described as having a long history.After several changes, the Yuma Supervisor commanded the left and right guards of Tengxiang, and the left and right guards of Wuxiang. They did not belong to the upper twelve guards under the jurisdiction of the commander of the pro-army, but their status was obviously higher than that of the upper twelve guards. Gengfan Shangzhi" served as the guard, with a number of about [-], which can be said to be the forbidden soldiers among the forbidden soldiers.

Later, the Emperor Ming transferred the elite of the Four Guards and organized them into the Warrior Battalion and the Four Guards Battalion, which were still under the command of the Imperial Horse Supervisor.At this time, under the name of Yumajian, it is actually in charge of the Four Guards and the Second Battalion.

The army led by Yumajian was once very famous in the Ming Dynasty.The first time was when Mongolia also led the army to attack the capital after the Tumu Fortress Change, and it was the main force in the defense of the capital.Without this army, the history of Ming Dynasty would have been rewritten.

The second time, it was not so glorious. Before and after the restoration of Ming Yingzong, the army led by the Yumajian became the main force of the mutiny several times.It can be said that if the emperor had not mastered this imperial army, he would not have been able to sleep soundly.

In the Chongzhen Dynasty, the state affairs were corrupted to this point, and the original Chongzhen Emperor was a monarch who was determined to rejuvenate the Ming Dynasty. Just as the people of later generations thought, he first thought about rectifying the army.He has been doing this since he took the throne.

In the first year of Chongzhen's reign, he summoned noble generals to ask for plans to rectify the capital camp.

Generally speaking, the nobles are a group that shares weal and woe with the Ming Dynasty, and the ancestors of Dadu have made countless military exploits, so they have been passed down like this, and they always have some ability to lead the army. For this reason, Emperor Chongzhen appointed Li Shouqi, the uncle of Xiangcheng, as the governor of Jingying.In order to control the imperial army, many eunuchs from the Yumajian were sent to supervise the army.However, all efforts turned out to be disappointing.

Therefore, the original Emperor Chongzhen transferred elites from the Four Guards and Two Battalions under the name of Yuma Jian to form the Yongwei Battalion, and the initial formation of Chongzhen was completed in five years.But there was no effect until Emperor Chongzhen mobilized outstanding generals from various places, such as Sun Yingyuan, Huang Degong, Zhou Yuji and others. Commander, sent to all parts of the country to suppress the thieves and rebellion, and fought south and north, invincible.Zhang Xianzhong and other rogues chose to surrender because of the pressure from the Yongwei Battalion.

The original Emperor Chongzhen felt that the Yongwei Camp seemed to be okay, so he set up a training camp, but it turned out to be a pile of shit, as bad as the Beijing Camp.

Thinking back on these things, Emperor Chongzhen naturally knew that his predecessor hadn't figured out why some troops were strong and some were weak?Because he can't tell, which ones have real talents and real learning?Which ones only know how to flatter horses, and which ones only know how to make money?And this is because of the dereliction of duty of the factory guard.

In addition, the supervisors in the army all over the country of Ming Dynasty were basically sent by the Imperial Horse Supervisor.It can be said that when it comes to military power, the yamen of Yumajian is considered very important in Daming.It is also because of this that if you want to rectify the Ming army, if you don't straighten out the Yumajian and completely control the Yumajian, then it is nonsense!
Also, in addition to this military power, Yumajian also has financial power.

The tax collection of pastures, Huangzhuang, Huangdian, and various banknote customs all over the country, as well as tax supervisors in various places, are generally also collected by eunuchs sent from the Yumajian.

To sum up, the Imperial Horse Supervisor has mastered the imperial guards in the palace, the position of supervisor of the national army, and some financial power. Such a yamen, under normal circumstances, would not pose any threat to the emperor.Even if it is to punish some of them, there will be no problem.But once the emperor wants to move the interests of this yamen, such as the corruption of the Yumajian group, then nothing may happen.Just like in Tianshun years, there will always be mutinies.

At this time, Emperor Chongzhen did not have a trustworthy force in his hands.In fact, in this period, it can basically be said that all yamen are corrupt, what can he do?Only by using interests to sow dissension and let them fight each other, can he reap the benefits of the fisherman.

Thinking of this, Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help shaking his head, it's not easy to be an emperor!Especially the emperor at the end of the dynasty!But it doesn't matter, I have patience and come step by step!

Regarding how to change the history of the late Ming Dynasty, many people in later generations regret Wei Zhongxian's death. This is actually a naive expression!Wei Zhongxian absolutely cannot stay!Emperor Chongzhen couldn't help shaking his head as he thought about it.

It's just Wei Zhongxian, if you want to use it, just cultivate one yourself.Not to mention others, just Cao Huachun, who can train and guide him to follow the path of Wei Zhongxian, give him power, and let him come forward to fight with all kinds of gods.What I am doing now is not like this!

As soon as Emperor Chongzhen thought of this, he heard a "ding", and the system reminded Cao Huachun that the task was completed: the host did not shout at Cao Huachun, but instead used benefits to induce Cao Huachun to rectify the government, thus tearing apart the dark officialdom in the late Ming Dynasty. If a crack is opened, after evaluation, it can be excellent, and a Grade A wiretapping seed will be rewarded.

Before Emperor Chongzhen had time to be happy, the system immediately gave a new task: In the last days of the dynasty, the emperor who has never sat down to rest the world, it is time to pick up the sword and gun, step on the horse, and continue to roam for the Ming Dynasty and the Eastern Dragon. Fight for nine days!Depending on the host's familiarity with the military, it will be evaluated every once in a while. If the performance is excellent, good, and qualified within the time period, a grade A, B, and C eavesdropping seed will be rewarded respectively; if the performance is poor within the time period, no Punishment (the subjugation of the country is waiting to be hanged, so that I can do it myself).

 Thanks songshy for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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